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Mastering Python through Projects

This is a repository of professional projects that can be used as ideas to further your Python skills and master this versatile scripting language. The repository will cover a wide range of projects like scripting Python projects (text-based), Web Development (Flask), Data Science (Pandas, Numpy, SciPy), GUI - graphical user interface (Tkinter), APIs (Requests), Games (Turtle, Pygame), Web Scrapping (BeautifulSoup, Selenium), Automating Tasks with Python, and many more.


This is a Python scrypting project - a text-based Morse converter. Morse code is a way of encoding text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes, and named after Samuel Morse, one of the inventors of the telegraph. You can read more here.
This programme was developed based on the OOP (object-oriented programming) methodology. The user will be faced with three options:

  • 'encode': after choosing this option, the user will have to provide a text that will be encoded to morse code (the end result),
  • 'decode': after choosing this option, the user will have to provide a morse code text that will be decoded (the decoded message will be outputed),
  • 'q' - quitting the program.


This is a one-page Portfolio Website, a unique way to showcase my work and let others know about myself. It is ready to be published and launched on Heroku ( This way, it can be easily shared via a link with anyone who is interested in my work. The Portfolio Website was developed using the Python framework Flask, CSS, HTML, and Java Script with AJAX (fetch). The styling was done with the help of additional Bootstrap templates (, Bootstrap, and CSS. Additionally, the website is fully mobile responsive with an adaptive navigation bar, and it has a functional, dynamic contact form, which means that after submitting it, it won't reload the entire page. This functionality is achieved by sending a Java Script AJAX request (fetch) to the Flask server in order to send the data from the form and later validate it on the server side. If successful, the server will send an email that will consist of the data from the contact form. The server will return json data to the website whether or not the process was successful, which will be rendered with JS as a short message below the contact form. In modern browsers, there is no need to use "AJAX" methods like XMLHttpRequest() or jQuery; the modern, built-in JavaScript solution to make these requests from a page is with the use of fetch. All projects listed on the website have a detailed view in a modal that will appear after selecting one of the projects.


This is a text-based version of the popular Tic-Tac-Toe game. It is playable from the command line, and it has to be played by two players. The user gets to choose whether to play against another human player or a computer player (and the user can choose if player 1 or player 2 should be the computer player). The algorithm for the computer player is implemented by checking which fields are empty and choosing a random one. This way, the computer player always leaves some room for the human player to outsmart him. In the game, two players take turns and place an "X" or "O" in a three-by-three grid. The player who succeeds first in placing three of the same marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner. There are in total nine moves the players can make, and if, by placing the last mark on the grid, no one wins, it will be a draw (out of moves). The first game is always started by Player 1 (X), but they always take turns, so when the second game begins, it could be either Player 1 (X) or Player 2 (O), depending on who ended the previous game. The program was developed using the Object Oriented methodology.
Can you beat the computer player??
Have fun playing! 


This is a desktop application that makes it possible to add watermarks to uploaded pictures. Watermark is a pattern that appears as various shades of lightness or darkness to help identify the picture. This app was developed using Python and Tkinter for creating a graphical user interface. It will make it possible to add a logo to any image you want. It's basically like an image editing software like Photoshop for adding the watermark, or like an online service like 


This desktop application was developed using Python 3.11 and Tkinter for creating a graphical user interface. The main purpose of this application is to assess the typing speed of the user. The average typing speed is 40 words per minute. But with practice, you can speed up to 100 words per minute. It is similar to the online typing-speed-test app: How does it work? The user is given some sample text as words, and the user has to start typing them down one by one. The timer starts counting down from 60 seconds when the user starts typing the first word. When the timer hits 0, it stops, the user input will be disabled, and the user can check how many words per second (WPS) and how many characters per second (CPS) was it possible for the user to type in a minute. Each time the user hits the space bar or the enter key, the app will compare the input word with the sample word that was supposed to be typed. If the user typed the word correctly, it will be highlighted in green, and if the user typed the word incorrectly, it will be highlighted in red. The current word to be typed will have a green tag around it. The user can restart the program by pressing the Restart button at any time.


This is a recreation of the famous game Breakout, which was a hit game originally coded up by Steve Wozniak before he and Jobs started Apple. You can read more about the original game here: It was developed using Python 3.11 and Turtle graphics. The main aim of the game is to use the ball and paddle to break down the wall. The user will start with three lives, and every time the ball misses the paddle, the user will lose one. If the player runs out of lives, the game is over. The aim is to make sure the ball bounces off the paddle and breaks as many blocks as possible. If all the blocks are broken, The whole layout will be reloaded, but your score will keep going. Try to achieve the highest score! 


This is a fully-fledged website that is mobile-responsive. It lists cafes where users can explore some interesting facts about them; it will show how work- or study-friendly they are based on such factors as WiFi access, toilet access, electrical sockets, the option of taking calls, seating, and coffee price. This website stores the data in a SQLite database in two tables. One table will include all of the cafes, while the other will include all of the users. There is a one-to-many relationship between a user (the creator of the cafe on the website) and a cafe. There are two different users: one is authenticated (logged in), and the other is anonymous (not logged in). Only authenticated users will be able to delete and add cafes to the website's database. The Cafe Wifi website was developed using the Python framework Flask, JavaScript, and HTML, and the styling was done with CSS and Bootstrap 5.2.
The main features are:

  • RESTful website: Authenticated users will be able to add new cafes and delete existing cafes from the database (via Flask HTTP requests and forms WTF and AJAX JavaScript) on the Cafe Wifi website. Only authenticated users will have those rights. Unauthenticated users will only be able to browse the website.
  • User authentication for the website and assigning different permissions based on their status. There will be 2 groups that are distinguished: logged-in users and anonymous users (not logged in).
  • passwords that have been hashed and salted are saved in the database.
  • all cafe and user data will be stored in a SQLite database and managed using Flask-SQLAlchemy.
  • use of Gravatar images to provide an avatar image for website users.
  • making use of relational databases (one-to-many relationships).
  • message flashing using Flask Flash to give feedback to the user. They will be visible only for one session.
  • a multi-page website with an interactive side bar.
  • fully mobile responsive with an adaptive side bar.
  • customised error handling-403-page Forbidden.
  • customised error handling-404-page not found.
  • customised error handling-405 Method Not Allowed.


This is a fully functional to-do list website. where the user needs to create an account and login in order to use it. After that, each account will be allowed to create to-do lists where various tasks can be added and, upon completion, marked as done and crossed out. This website makes it possible to keep track of your to-do tasks. To-do lists offer a way to increase productivity by stopping you from forgetting things, helping you prioritize tasks, managing tasks effectively, using your time wisely, and improving time management as well as workflow. This website was built with Python, Flask, SQLite database (a one-to-many relationship), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap 5.2.
The main features are:

  • RESTful website: Authenticated users will be able to add / update / delete - ToDo lists and tasks from the database (via Flask HTTP requests and forms WTF and AJAX JavaScript) on the ToDo List website. Only authenticated users will have those rights.
  • a AJAX PATCH request (with JavaScript).
  • User authentication for the website and assigning different permissions based on their status. There will be 2 groups that are distinguished: logged-in users and anonymous users (not logged in).
  • passwords that have been hashed and salted are saved in the database.
  • all data will be stored in a SQLite database and managed using Flask-SQLAlchemy.
  • making use of relational databases (one-to-many relationships) and cascade deletion.
  • message flashing using Flask Flash to give feedback to the user. They will be visible only for one session.
  • a multi-page website with an interactive nav bar.
  • fully mobile responsive with an adaptive nav bar.
  • customised error handling-401-Unauthorized.
  • customised error handling-403-page Forbidden.
  • customised error handling-404-page not found.
  • customised error handling-405 Method Not Allowed.


This desktop application was developed using Python 3.11 and Tkinter to create a graphical user interface. For most writers, a big problem is the writing block. Where you can't think of what to write and you can't write anything. One of the most interesting solutions to this is a web app called The Most Dangerous Writing App, an online text editor where, if you stop writing, all your progress will be lost. A timer will count down, and when the website detects the user has not written anything in the last 5 seconds, it will delete all the text they've written so far. This desktop app has similar functionality to the popular The time remaining will be indicated with a progress bar at the top. Every time the user presses a button, the time will be reset. When there are only 1.5 seconds left, the background will change to red to indicate that it is almost out of time. After the time is up, the text gets erased, and the restart button will be enabled. Pressing it will restart the app to its starting condition. The restart button can only be pressed when the time is up! In the start condition, the input text box will have a placeholder, "Start typing..." If the user clicks in the box, the placeholder will disappear, and if the user presses any keyboard key, the timer will start. Have fun writing your next big novel!


This is an API-driven Python script that can take a PDF file and convert it into speech. If you are too tired to read, why not just have the pdf converted into an audio file like an MP3, which you can listen to on your way to work. This script effectively creates a free audiobook. This program was developed using Python 3.11, object oriented programming concepts, and an API ( to convert the text file into audio. After running the program, the user must enter the name of the pdf file to be converted to an audiobook or press 'q' to exit. In the next step, the programme will look for that file in the 'pdf/' folder, and if it exists, it will first extract the text from the PDF file and then convert it into an audio file and save it in the same folder. This program has two main classes: one, that is responsible for extracting text from PDFs, and another that is responsible for the text -> audio conversion. This division makes it possible for customization that the user can easily implement. As in text extraction, the user can extract only a specific page rather than the entire file by specifying a parameter. And the API manager class gives the user the option to choose such parameters as language, speed of the voice, and format of the audio file. The OOP methodology gives the option of being easily extended by new parameters.


This is a website where the user can upload an image, and it will be processed on the backend side. The most common colors in that image will be extracted from it and listed under the picture with their hex values. This will make it easy to copy the colors if you want to use them in your project. A good example of this functionality can be found on this website: Because the website is static, no images are saved on the server; instead, after submitting the form, the file (picture) that the user chose to upload is stored in an in-memory bytes buffer using the buffered I/O implementation. This makes it possible to render images in the HTML without saving them on the server. The form can be submitted with the button RUN. The website was built with the Python web framework - Flask, and the image processing was done with NumPy and Pillow. The styling was done with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap 5.3. This project is a great example of how to connect a data science task like image processing with a web framework like Flask. Other features:

  • customized error messages were implemented to improve the user experience.
  • customised error handling-401-Unauthorized.
  • customised error handling-403-page Forbidden.
  • customised error handling-404-page not found.
  • customised error handling-405 Method Not Allowed
  • mobile responsive with an adaptive nav bar
  • using Jinja2 templating
  • image processing using NumPy for identifying the most common colors in the picture
  • the use of pillow librarary for image reading
  • Buffered I/O implementation using an in-memory bytes buffer
  • Directly displaying flask images to HTML without saving them as files on the server
  • FileField validation (format and size)


This is a web scraping program, that will scrape the nutrition data of the given food and later save the data into a csv file. The website that will be scanned is , this will be used as our reference. The user will have to type which food he wants the data for, like: carrots, apples, beef, or so on. Each food item will be typed individually, and the user will have the option to quit the program at any time by typing "q". After the program receives this instruction, all the nutrition data scraped that the user requested will be stored in output/food_nutrition_out.csv . The console will also display messages while extracting and saving data to inform the user of what is happening or whether an error occurred during this process. This program uses Python's BeautifulSoup library to scrape data. It was developed according to object-oriented methodology, and it could be easily incorporated into any project or scaled up with more functions.


This is a bot that will play the famous Google Dinosaur game that you can find here: After starting the program, the boat will launch the above mentioned website, and it will start playing the game, by instructing the dinosaur to jump whenever it detects an obstacle on the screen. This program will look at the pixels on the screen to determine if it can find a match with one of the obstacle pictures located in the template folder. If it can, it will return the coordinates, and this is how the bot will now know when to hit the up arrow key, which will result in the dinosaur jumping over the obstacle. The program was developed with Selenium to get access to the website as well as to interact with it, like sending commands or using JavaScript code to retrieve the current speed of the dinosaur. For finding the dinosaur on the website, the pyautogui library was used since this process has to be done only once, because technically the dinosaur is not moving on the screen, but to increase the speed of detecting the obstacles, OpenCv was implemented. It was developed according to object-oriented methodology.


Space Invaders ( is a 2D video game in which the player fights aliens that are falling from above. The user controls the space ship by moving it left and right, and it can shoot rockets, which can destroy the alien space ships if they hit them. Every second, the aliens will move closer to your ship. Once the aliens touch your ship, it's game over. If you destroy all alien ships, you will move to the next level, where the alien ships move faster. Each time you reach a new level, you will get more points for destroying the alien ships. For a better user experience, the score, high score, remaining lives, and current level will be constantly visible on the main screen. The highest score will be saved into a json data file called game_stats.json; this way, even after closing and playing again, the high score will be saved. The objects, like the alien space ships or the player space ship, are rendered from pictures located in the folder images. The game was developed using Python 3.11.0 , Pygame package and according to object-oriented methodology. 


Full-stack web application build with React.js and Flask. This is a free dictionary website powered by the public Owlbot Dictionary API ( The user can type a word, and this word will be searched for in an English dictionary. The results will be retrieved from the API and presented to the user. This website has a backend that was developed with the Python 3.11 library Flask. The backend is responsible for communicating with the third party API and retrieving the data in an easy-to-use way. The front end was developed with React.js to build an interactive user interface. On top of that, the Material-UI and  Material-icons packages were installed and used various predesigned React components. If the word cannot be found, relevant information pointing to a "Not Found" error will be displayed. Otherwise, the user will get a list of card elements, including emoji, pictures, definitions, examples of use, and the type of word to search for. This is a perfect example of a full-stack web application combining Flask (Python) and React.js (JavaScript) to build scalable and easy-to-maintain websites.