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Releases: avafinger/bananapi-zero-ubuntu-base-minimal

Mainline Kernel 5.6.0-rc4 BananaPi M2 Zero - Ubuntu 19.10 - EOAN

04 Mar 21:07
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Kernel 5.6.0-rc4

Mainline Kernel with lima support.


As usual, make a backup of your work or use a spare SD card to test the new kernel.

sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.6.0-rc4+_1.0-40.deb

Mainline Kernel 5.6.0-rc3 BananaPi M2 Zero - Ubuntu 19.10 - EOAN

29 Feb 19:19
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Mainline Kernel 5.6.0-rc3

Kernel 5.6.0-rc3 for testing on BPI M2Z with lima support


  • make a backup of your SD card or use a spare card to test this kernel

  • Install with:

      sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.6.0-rc3+_1.0-39.deb

Not all modules are enabled

Install - Fix the symlink before reboot

Attention for this FIX

Before you do a reboot, you must fix the symlink:

    cd /boot
    sudo ln -sf zImage_5.6.0-rc3+ zImage
    sudo ln -sf bpi-m2-zero-v4.dtb_5.6.0-rc3+ bpi-m2-zero.dtb

Only then you can reboot

Mainline Kernel 5.3.18 BananaPi M2 Zero - Ubuntu 19.10 - EOAN

09 Feb 14:21
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Kernel 5.3.18 (gbm / fbdev / server) - EOAN

This is Kernel 5.3.18 for the BPI-M2Z with Ubuntu 19.10 (EOAN) only

  • GBM (or Wayland)

  • Server

  • fbdev

glitch (if you have old u-boot)

login prompt may not appear on the monitor

1 - turn the monitor OFF and then ON if you don't see the login prompt.
2 - Just type: ubuntu [ENTER] and ubuntu [ENTER]
3 - Press ENTER key several times until it appears
4 - Alternatively use ssh

u-boot 2019.07

Update to new u-boot with:

    sudo dd if=./u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin conv=notrunc bs=1k seek=8 of=/dev/sdX 

where X is the device letter for the SD CARD (b,c,d...)

Mainline Kernel 5.3.11-fbdev BananaPi M2 Zero - Ubuntu 19.10

16 Nov 13:51
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Linux Image Kernel 5.3.11-fbdev

8GB OS Image with Ubuntu 19.10 and Kernel 5.3.11-fbdev for the BananaPi M2 Zero

  • mali-fbdev


Unzip the file bpi-m2z-8GB-sd-ubuntu_eoan_kernel_fbdev_5.3.11.img.7z and burn it to SD CARD.
Use etcher or Win32DiskImager to write to the SD card.

It is an 8GB Image and you need to expand it if you burn using sd card > 8GB.

If you don't see the login prompt, hit ENTER until you see it.

Mainline Kernel 5.3.7-server BananaPi M2 Zero - Ubuntu 16.04

27 Oct 19:59
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Kernel 5.3.7 Server

Kernel 5.3.7-server for Ubuntu Xenial (16.04)


sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.3.7-server-xenial_1.0-33.deb

Mainline Kernel 5.3.7-server BananaPi M2 Zero - Ubuntu 19.10

25 Oct 22:38
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Mainline Server Ubuntu 19.10

Kernel 5.3.7 optimized for server usage.


    sudo dpkg -i  linux-image-5.3.7-server_1.0-33_fix.deb

Mainline Kernel 5.3.7 BananaPi M2 Zero - Ubuntu 19.10

21 Oct 12:24
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Ubuntu 19.10 (EOAN) - fbdev

This is an 8GB sd card Image with Ubuntu 19.10 targeting mali fbdev experience.

  • Use 7z to unzip the file and burn the sd_8GB.img to a sd card
    MD5: 514db7ca81c5b1ec7cccb4b1f98c4ad5 sd_8GB.img

  • mali blobs for fbdev (see bootlin for more info)

  • use Etcher or win32diskimager to burn the sd card (and use a known and good sd card, you have been warned)


  • This is 8GB img, you need to expand the rootfs partition if you burn this to a 16GB or 32GB sd card

  • If you get a blank-screen, hit ENTER 4x (four times) and then use the credentials: ubuntu / ubuntu

  • Tested fbdev with sources provided in ~/mali/
    run in shell:
    sudo su
    cd mali/yagears-fbdev/
    export KEYBOARD=/dev/input/event0
    ./yagears-fbdev -b egl-fbdev -e glesv2

    Use the keyboard to change view.

First thing before you boot

  • edit /etc/network/interfaces and update your Wifi network AP info like:
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-ssid "your AP"
    wpa-psk "your ASCII passwd like 1234567890"

If you don't have a linux box to edit the file, boot first-time without Wifi and edit it with:

    sudo jed /etc/network/interfaces

and change accordingly , save the changes and then reboot with:

    sudo reboot

Mainline Kernel 5.3.5 BananaPi M2 Zero

08 Oct 22:17
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Ubuntu 19.10 - Eoan Ermine with Kernel 5.3.5

This is the Ubuntu 19.10 OS Image for the BananaPi M2 Zero with Mainline stable kernel 5.3.5.


  • Minimum Image, small footprint
  • Mainline Kernel 5.3.5 (stable kernel)
  • HDMI
  • hdmi-sound
  • Cedrus
  • Mali
  • BT
  • Wlan0
  • eth0
  • i2c
  • DVFS


              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            494          49         378           3          66         433
Swap:             0           0           0

user: ubuntu
pwd: ubuntu

The Image is the bare minimum and must be extended to suit your needs.


  • Add additional groups and udev rules to be able to run user programs to access the Hardware without root
  • Install BT / Bluez packages
  • Install and configure ALSA and pulse
  • Install ZRAM
  • Install OpenGL ES and mali blobs (GBM)
  • Install Language package
  • Install and configure Keyboard layout
  • Install tools for development
  • It is an 8GB Image, requires a minimum of 8GB card (use a good brand and true 8GB free space)
    If you install it in > 8GB sd card you need to resize the sd card to take advantage of bigger size or you end with
    8GB in a 16GB or 32GB sd card.


  • Download the 7z file and decompress it. (310.5 MBytes)
  • Use etcher or win32diskimager to burn the 8GB Image to sd card

First thing you should do before you boot

  • Edit /etc/network/interfaces and change the portion with your SID and PSK

      allow-hotplug wlan0
      iface wlan0 inet dhcp
          wpa-ssid "your SID"
          wpa-psk "put here your ASCII password"
  • do after login

     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  • Install the package needed

Mainline Kernel 5.3.4 BananaPi M2 Zero

06 Oct 20:41
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Stable Kernel 5.3.4 BananaPi M2 Zero

This is the mainline stable kernel 5.3.4 for the BananaPi M2 Zero

  • HDMI
  • eth0
  • wlan0
  • BT (with some issues)
  • DVFS
  • cedrus


Make sure you have 20 MB free of space in /boot

sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.3.4_1.0-32.deb

Mainline Kernel 5.3.1 BananaPi M2 Zero

25 Sep 00:31
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Mainline Kernel 5.3.1 BananaPi M2 Zero

This is the Mainline stable kernel 5.3.1 for BananaPi M2 Zero with the following working:

  • HDMI
  • sound
  • Bluetooth
  • cedrus
  • wifi
  • eth

The instructions below are for the Kernel 5.3.1 upgrade from a previous kernel, if you already have kernel 5.3.1 running you must downgrade before you proceed.


  • make a backup of your SD CARD

  • Update the firmware for the Bluetooth to work

      sudo tar -xvpzf firmware-v3.tar.gz -C /lib/firmware --numeric-ow
  • Update the Kernel

      sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.3.1_1.0-31.deb

Before you update

If you already have the kernel 5.3.1 running that had HDMI and BT broken you must downgrade before you run dpkg -i or it will display you are already at 5.3.1.

  • find the available kernels

      cd /boot
      ls -la zImage
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Set 24 14:25 zImage -> zImage_5.3.1
      -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 5539040 Jun 19 11:19 zImage_4.20.17
      -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 5684040 Ago  7 14:37 zImage_5.2.7
      -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 5736640 Ago  7 21:10 zImage_5.3.0-rc3
      -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 5736456 Ago 19 15:49 zImage_5.3.0-rc5
      -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 5749256 Set  1 14:28 zImage_5.3.0-rc6-m2z
      -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 5749816 Set  3 09:09 zImage_5.3.0-rc7-m2z
  • choose the previous working kernel and type

      sudo ln -sf zImage_5.3.0-rc7-m2z zImage
      sudo ln -sf bpi-m2-zero-v4.dtb_5.3.0-rc7-m2z bpi-m2-zero.dtb
  • reboot to the downgraded kernel

      sudo reboot
  • upgrade to Kernel 5.3.1 as described above
    remove the 5.3.1 kernel if necessary to re-install the fix