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This document contains information for anyone wishing to contribute to the project.

If you would like to contribute, you will follow these steps:


To work on the package, you need Python 3.6 or later and Node 8.

How to set up a local build

The repo includes a simple test application that can be run locally to develop the pattern library itself. First, clone the repo:

$ git clone [repo url]
$ cd django-pattern-library

Run a local build without docker

We use Poetry to manage Python dependencies, so make sure you've got it installed.

Then you can install the dependencies and run the test app:

$ poetry install  # installs the library and its dependencies in editable mode
$ poetry run 'django-admin runserver --settings=tests.settings --pythonpath=.'  # runs the test app using the Django development server

Run a local build with docker

First ensure you have Docker Compose installed and running - see

Install the front-end tooling in the docker container:

$ docker-compose run frontend npm ci

Start the dev server and run the front-end tooling in watch mode:

$ docker-compose up

Once the server is started, the pattern library will be available at http://localhost:8000/pattern-library/.

Making changes

To make changes you need to edit the files under the pattern_library folder. You'll be able to see your changes reflected on the localhost.

Front-end tooling

If you want to make changes to the front-end assets (located in the pattern_library/static/pattern_library/src folder), you'll need to enusre the tooling is set up in order to build the assets.

If you are using docker you will already have the tooling set up and running in watch mode. Otherwise read on to get the tooling set up.

Node version 8 is required for this. If you're using nvm to manage node on your machine there's a .nvmrc that means you can run nvm use to activate the correct version of node.

To install dependencies and build the assets, run the following commands:

$ npm install
$ npm run build

If you want to run the tooling in watch mode while making updates, you can use npm run start

Running the tests

To run the python tests, use the script in the root of the repo:

$ poetry run ./

To run the tests using different Python versions (currently 3.6 and 3.7, which you'll need to have installed on your machine), use tox. You'll need to install tox first, please see the documentation here:

Writing tests

There is a simple test pattern library app in the tests/ folder. The tests modules themselves and are tests/tests.

Code review

Create a pull request with your changes so that it can be code reviewed by a core developer. Ensure that you give a summary with the purpose of the change and any steps that the reviewer needs to take to test your work. Please provide unit tests for your work, if possible!

Releasing a new version

On the master branch:

  1. Bump the release number in pyproject.toml

  2. Update the change log found at - see for guidelines

  3. Commit and tag the release:

    $ git tag -a v0.1.14 -m "Release version v0.1.14"
    $ git push --tags
  4. Check that your working copy is clean by running git clean -dxn -e __pycache__. Any files returned by this command should be removed before continuing to prevent them being included in the build.

  5. Install the locked versions of the node dependencies and run the production build.

    You can either do this directly on your local machine:

    $ npm ci
    $ npm run build

    Or, via the docker container:

    $ docker-compose run frontend npm ci
    $ docker-compose run frontend npm run-script build
  6. Package the new version using poetry build

  7. Test the newly-built package by installing it an existing project using django-pattern-library and verifying everything is as you expect it to be.

  8. Upload the latest version to PyPI (requires credentials): poetry publish