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2.1 Descriptive Modelling

Descriptive Analytics


Describe/summarize or finding structure on what we have observed:

  • Data summarization and visualization can be seen as simple forms of descriptive analytics
  • However, most frequently descriptive modeling is associated with clustering

Similarity Measures

  • Notion of similarity is strongly related with the notion of distance between observations
  • Can be measured as the opposite of the distance
  • Proximity refers to a similarity or dissimilarity

Similarity Measure

  • Numerical measure of how alike 2 data objects are
  • Higher when objects are more alike
  • Often falls in the range [0,1]

Dissimilarity Measure

  • Numerical measure of how different 2 data objects are
  • Lower when objects are more alike
  • Minimum dissimilarity is often 0
  • Upper limit varies

Dissimilarity measure can be expressed by a distance metric. Distance metrics d have some well-known properties

Euclidean Distance

![[Pasted image 20220208212925.png]]

Manhattan Distance

![[Pasted image 20220208212943.png]]

Minkowski Distance

![[Pasted image 20220208213059.png]]

More examples:

  • Canberra distance
  • Jaccard Coefficients
  • Cosine similarity


  • different scales of variables
  • different importance of variables
  • different types of data

Heterogeneous Distance Functions

![[Pasted image 20220208214025.png]]

General Coefficient of Similarity

![[Pasted image 20220208214049.png]]



  • Obtain the "natural" grouping of a set of data
    • Key issue: notion of similarity
    • Observations on the same group are supposed to share some properties
    • Most methods use the information on the distances among observations in a data set to decide on the natural grouping of the cases
  • Provide some abstraction of the found groups, gain novel insights of data


  • Biology - group genes that have similar functionality
  • Business and Marketing - group stocks with similar price fluctuations
  • Web Mining - find communities in social networks

Main Types of Methods

  • Partitional: divide the observations in k partitions according to some criterion
  • Hierarchical: generate a hierarchy of groups, from 1 to n groups, where n is the number of lines in the data set
    • Agglomerative: generate a hierarchy from bottom to top (from n to 1 group)
    • Divisive: create a hierarchy in a top down way (from 1 to n groups)

Clustering Partitional Methods

Partition the given set of data into k groups by either minimizing/maximizing a pre-specified criterion.

  • Key Issues:
    • The user needs to select the number of groups
    • The number of possible divisions of n cases into k groups can grow fast
  • Properties
    • Cluster compactness: how similar are cases within the same cluster
    • Cluster separation: how far is the cluster from the other clusters
    • Goal: minimize intra-cluster distance and maximize inter-cluster distances
    • Clustering solution assigns all the objects to a cluster
      • hard clustering: an object belongs to a single cluster
      • fuzzy clustering: each object has a probability associated to belong to each cluster

![[Pasted image 20220208215719.png]] can also be the median of its data objects


Partition-based method that obtains k groups of a data set


  • Initialize the center of the k groups to a set of randomly chosen observations

  • Repeat:

    • Allocate each observation to the group whose center is nearest
    • Re-calculate the center of each group
  • Until the groups are stable

  • Uses the squared Euclidean distance as criterion

  • Maximizes inter-cluster dissimilarity


  • Fast algorithm that scales well
  • Stochastic approach that frequently works well (tens to identify local minima)


  • Does not ensure an optimal clustering
  • We may obtain different solutions with different starting points
  • The initial guess of k for the number of clusters, maybe away from the real optimal value of k

Clustering Validation

  • Is the found group structure random?
  • What is the "correct" number of groups?
  • How to evaluate the result of a clustering algorithm when we do not have information on the number of groups exists?
  • How to compare alternative solutions?

Types of Evaluation Measures

  • Supervised: compare the obtained clustering (grouping) with the external information that we have available
  • Unsupervised: try to measure the quality of the clustering without any information on the "ideal" structure of the data
    • Cohesion coefficients: determine how compacts/cohesive are the members of a group
    • Separation coefficients: determine how different are the members of different groups ![[Pasted image 20220208220605.png]]

Silhouette Coefficient

  • Popular coefficient that incorporates both the notions of cohesion and separation
  • The coefficient takes values between -1 and 1

Best Number of Clusters

  • An inappropriate choice of k can result in a clustering with poor performance
  • Ideally you should have some priori knowledge on the real structure of the data
    • If no a priori value is known, start with sqrt(n/2) as a rule of thumbs, where n is the number of attributes

For several possible numbers of clusters, k:

  • Calculate the average silhouette coefficient value and choose the k that yields to the highest value
Elbow Methods

For several possible numbers of clusters, k:

  • Calculate the within-cluster SSE, also called distortion, and choose the k so that adding another cluster doesn't yield to a much smaller SSE

Other Clustering Partitional Methods

PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids)
  • Searches for the k representative objects (the medoids) among the cases in the given data set
  • As with k-means each observation is allocated to the nearest medoid
  • Is more robust to the presence of outliers because it uses original objects as centroids instead of averages that may be subject to the effects of outliers
  • Moreover, it uses a more robust measure of the clustering quality: L1 - norm, which is bases on absolute error instead of the squared error used in k-means
CLARA (Clustering Large Applications)
  • The PAM algorithm has several advantages in terms of robustness when compared to k-means
  • However, these advantages come at the price of additional computational complexity that may be too much for very large data sets
  • CLARA tries to solve these efficiency problems
    • it does that by using sampling


  • Repeat n times the following
    • Draw a random sample of size m
    • Apply PAM to this random sample to obtain k centroids
    • Allocate the full set of observations to one of these centroids
    • Calculate sum of dissimilarities of the resulting clustering (as in PAM)
  • Return as result of the clustering of the n repetitions that got lowest sum of dissimilarities
Common problems
  • clusters are of different sizes, densities and with non-globular shape
  • data contains outliers/noise
DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)
  • The density of a single observation is estimated by the number of observations that are within a certain radius
  • Based on this idea observations are classified as:
    • core points: if the number of observations within its radius are above a certain threshold
    • border points: if the number of observations within their radius does not reach the threshold, but they are within the radius of a core point
    • noise points: they do not have enough observations within their radius, nor are they sufficiently close to any core point

![[Pasted image 20220208222806.png]]


  • Classify each observation in one of the three possible alternatives
  • Eliminate the noise points from the formation of the groups
  • All core points that are within a certain distance of each other are allocated to the same group
  • Each border point is allocated to the group of the nearest core point

Note: this method does not require the user to specify the number of groups. But, you need to specify the radius (ε) and the minimum number of points (MinPts)


  • Can handle clusters with different shapes and sizes
  • Resistant to noise


  • Varying densities
  • High-dimensional data

Hierarchical Clustering


  • Obtain a hierarchy of groups, where each level represents a possible solution with x groups. It is up to user to select the solution he wants
  • A dendogram can be used for visualization

Agglomerative Methods


  • Start with as many groups as there are cases
  • On each upper level a pair of groups is merged into a single group
  • The chosen pair is formed by the groups that are more similar

Divisive Methods

Top-down (much less used)

  • Start with a single group
  • On each level select a group to be split in 2
  • The selected group is the one with smallest uniformity

Proximity measures

  • Single link
  • Complete link
  • Average link ![[Pasted image 20220208223554.png]]

Agglomerative Methods

  • Compute the proximity matrix
  • Let each data point be a cluster
  • Repeat
    • Merge the 2 closest clusters
    • Update the proximity matrix
  • Until only single cluster remains
  • can handle non-eliptical shapes
  • uses a local merge citerion
  • distant parts of the cluster and the clusters' overall structure are not taken into account
  • biases towards globular clusters
  • uses a non-local merge citerion
  • chooses the pair of clusters whose merge has the smallest diameter
  • the similarity of 2 clusters is the similarity of their most dissimilar members
  • sensitive to noise/outliers
  • it is a compromise between single and complete link

Divisive Methods

  • Compute the proximity matrix
  • Start with a single cluster that contains all data points
  • Repeat
    • choose the cluster with the largest diameter
    • select the data point with largest average dissimilarity to the other members in that cluster
    • re-allocate the data points to either the cluster of this selected point or the "old" cluster (represented by its center), depending on which one is nearest
  • Until each data point constitutes a cluster


Compare clustering methods w.r.t

  • complexity and scalability
  • similarity measures that can be employed
  • robustness to noise
  • it is able to find clusters on sub-spaces
  • different runs lead to different results
  • it is incremental
  • ability do handle different types of data
  • dependency on the order of data points
  • find the number of clusters or needs it as input
  • number of parameters necessary
  • required domain knowledge
  • shape of clusters that is able to find
  • interpretability