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2.2 Frequent Pattern Mining - Association Rules

Association Rules in Action


Originally stated in the context of Market Basket Analysis

  • Data: set of items bought by costumers, (transactions)
  • Find unexpected associations between sets of items using frequency of sets of items
  • discovered sets of items: frequent items or frequent patterns

Actionable Knowledge

Shop Layout

Possible actions from rule {A1, A4} → {A6}

  • Sell the A1, A4, A6 together (pack)
  • Place article A6 next to articles A1, A4
  • Offer a discount coupon for A6 in articles A1, A4
  • Place a competitor of A6 next to A1, A4 (brand protection)



  • Client puts article A in basket
  • Shop knows rule A → B
  • Rule has enough confidence (> 20%)
  • Shop tells client he may be interested in B
  • Client decides whether to buy B or not


  • rules are discovered from business records
  • discovery (mining) can be made offline
  • use of rules can be made online

Text Mining

Each document is treated as a "bag" of terms and keywords

  • Goal: identify co-occurring terms and keywords


  • Rules obtained from the patient's records
  • We record the observations for each visit
  • A set of observations may fire a rule
  • Not necessarily causal

Web Usage Analysis

Usage patterns:

  • Most visited pages
  • Frequent page sets
  • Pages associated to users
  • Seasonal effects
  • Cross-preferences

Association Rules Basic Concepts

  • Support: measures the importance of a set
  • Confidence: measures the strength of the rule

Mining Association Rules


  • dataset of transactions $D$
  • minimal support $minsup$
  • minimal confidence $minconf$ Obtain:
  • all association rules $X \to Y (s = Sup, c = Conf)$ such that $Sup \ge minsup$ and $Conf \ge minconf$

Apriori Algorithm

  1. Frequent itemset generation: itemsets with $support \ge minsup$
  2. Rule Generation: generate all confident association rules from the frequent itemsets
  • Problem: There is a very large number of candidate frequent itemsets
  • Downward Closure Property
    • every subset of a frequent itemset must also be frequent
    • thus every superset of an infrequent itemset is also infrequent
  • Apriori Pruning Principle: if an itemset is below the minimal support, discard all its supersets

Step 1 - Identifying Frequent Itemsets

  • Candidate generation (Self-Join step): generates new candidates k-itemsets based on the frequent (k-1)-itemsets in the previous iteration
  • Candidate pruning (Prune step): eliminates some candidate k-itemsets using the support-based pruning strategy

Step 2 - Rule Generation

  • generate all non-empty subsets $s$ of each frequent itemset $I$
  • for each subset $s$ compute the confidence of the rule $(I - s) \to s$
  • select the rules whose confidence is higher than $minconf$
  • Note: moving items from the antecedent to the consequent never changes support and never increases confidence.

Number of DB scans is n if the size of the largest frequent set is n or n-1.

Complexity Factors

  • Nr. of items
  • Nr. of transactions
  • Minimal support
  • Average size of transactions
  • Nr. of frequent sets
  • Average size of a frequent size
  • Nr. of DB scans

Compact Representation of Itemsets

  • The number of frequent itemsets produced from a transaction can be very large
  • It is useful to identify a small representative set of itemsets from which all other frequent itemsets can be derived
  • 2 such representations:
    • Maximal:
      • Maximal frequent itemset: frequent itemset for which none of its supersets is frequent
      • Can derive all frequent itemsets by computing all non-empty intersections
    • Closed:
      • Closed frequent itemset: frequent itemset that has no frequent supersets with the same support.
      • Preserve the knowledge about the support values of all frequent itemsets

Reduce Rules

  • Change parameters
  • Restrict items
  • Summarize techniques
  • Filter rules


Minimum difference between its confidence and the confidence of its immediate simplifications

Interesting Rule

  • Unexpected: surprising to the user
  • Useful: actionable
  • Subjective measures: based on user's belief in the data
  • Objective measures: based on facts, statistics and structures, independent of the domain considered
  • Typically $A \to B$ is interesting if A and B are not statistically independent


Ratio between confidence of the rule and the support of the itemset appearing in the consequent

  • lift = 1; A and B are independent
  • lift < 1; A and B are negatively correlated
  • lift > 1; A and B are positively correlated


Ratio between:

  • the expected frequency that A occurs without B, if A and B were independent

  • the observed frequency that the rule makes of incorrect predictions

  • High Conviction: the consequent depends strongly on the antecedent

Improving Apriori

  • Challenges of Frequent Pattern Mining
    • Multiple scans of transaction database
    • Huge number of candidates
    • Tedious workload of support counting for candidates
  • Ideas:
    • Reduce number of transaction database scans
    • Shrink number of candidates (bottleneck of Apriori)
    • Facilitate support counting of candidates
  • Methods to improve Apriori's efficiency
    • Partitioning
    • Sampling
    • Dynamic Itemset Counting
    • Frequent Pattern Projection and Growth (FP-Growth)