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Importing Titan Bio4j

Source files for the import

The XML/TXT files from the different data sources used for this specific import were downloaded on the date 12/03/2014 and can be retrieved from the following requester pays bucket:

  • s3://

Steps for importing Titan Bio4j

If you are not using AWS please go directly to the Step 3.

  1. Launch a new AWS EC2 instance

Preferably hi1.4xlarge or similar.

  1. Format and mount the ephemeral storage devices
$ mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb
$ mkdir -p /mnt/sources
$ mount /dev/sdb /mnt/sources

$ mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdc
$ mkdir -p /mnt/bio4jtitan
$ mount /dev/sdc /mnt/bio4jtitan
  1. Download and install official Java 8 JDK

If you you can use yum for that:

yum -y remove java-1.7.0-openjdk
yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk

Otherwise, here's the link to the official website for downloading Java JDK 8.

  1. Download bio4j-titan jars and configuration files

You need the executable jar for the current release and some xml and properties files. For bio4j-titan 0.4.0 these are

  • bio4j-titan-0.4.0-fat.jar
    The jar that you will need to run
  • executionsBio4jTitan.xml
    This file contains the mapping between raw data and the corresponding modules; it can be changed in order to import only a subset of the available data.
  • uniprotData.xml
    This file will only be used in the case where you want to import Uniprot module. (Set the boolean flags included in the XML file to true/false depending on your choice of data you want to import from Uniprot)
  • property files
    All the .properties files under this folder; you will need the ones corresponding to the modules you want to import.

For the xml and properties files, you can just clone the bio4j/bio4j-titan repo and checkout the 0.4.0 tag.

  1. Get the raw input data

Download and execute (from /mnt/sources/) the following bash script:

It will download and decompress all the raw data needed to build a full Bio4j distribution (Swissprot, TrEMBL, GO, etc..). Once the script has finished, make sure that the final file names coincide with those specified in your XML file executionsBio4jTitan.xml.

Since we are only interested in some of the data sources, it wouldn't make much sense to download the ones we were not going to include. We can avoid that simply removing the lines we don't need from this shell script.

  1. (Optional) Customize data to be imported

Bio4j is divided in modules and so is the importing process, that way you don't have to import the whole thing in the case where you are interested only in some of the data sources ( Gene Ontology, NCBI taxonomy tree, etc). However you must be coherent when importing a set modules, that's to say, for example it's not possible to import the Uniref clusters without previously importing Uniprot KB - otherwise there wouldn't be proteins to link to in the clusters!

In order to customize the modules that will be imported you have to modify the file executionsBio4jTitan.xml. Let's imagine that we want a database including only the Gene Ontology, NCBI taxonomy tree and Uniprot KB (only Swiss-prot entries). The corresponding executionsBio4jTitan.xml file should look like this:

  1. Launch importing process

For example:

java -d64 -Xmx40G -jar bio4j-titan-0.4.0-fat.jar executionsBio4jTitan.xml &

Different log files will be created at the jar folder level.

How long will it take?

All these tests were performed on a hi1.4xlarge instance using 40GB of memory for the Java process. The only configuration value that was changed was "autotype" = "none"

Module Time
Gene Ontology 1m 14s
Enzyme DB 3s
NCBI Taxonomy 8m 13s
Uniprot (SwissProt) 2h 22m 22s
Uniprot (TrEMBL) -
UniRef 10h 37m 21s
Protein Interactions (SwissProt) 8m 53s
Protein Interactions (TrEMBL) 17h 20m

SwissProt/TrEMBL times for combined modules

Time spent by the following programs when using SwissProt or TrEMBL XML as source file:

SwissProt TrEMBL
UniprotGo 2h 20m 35s 2d 12h
UniprotEnzymeDB 6m 28s 12h 40m
UniprotNCBITaxonomy 6m 32s 1d 8h 40m
Total time 2h 33m 35s 4d 1h 20m