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Bikeshed Numeric Traits

JensNockert edited this page Feb 20, 2013 · 40 revisions

This page is intended to describe the design rationale for Rusts numeric traits, right now it is at bikeshed level but progress is tracked in bug #4819 and when there is more consensus, we'll move it into the documentation/implement it.


  1. We cannot provide a default implementations for methods due to bugs in rustc I think, something to do with structs and trait inheritance &c.
  2. We cannot inherit generic traits due to bugs in rustc.
  3. We cannot split this out to a libmath because of rusts treatment of #[lang] items.

Base Traits

These traits are useful for all numeric types, and some are useful to all types (Eq). They form the base of the trait structure, and influence all others.


Eq provides support for the == and != operators, and should be implemented by all numeric types.

trait Eq {
  fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
  fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;

Ord (Ordered)

Ord provides support for the ordering <, <=, > and >= operators, and should be implemented by all numeric types that are at least partially ordered.

trait Ord: Eq {
  fn lt(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
  fn le(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
  fn ge(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
  fn gt(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;

  fn min(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
  fn max(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
  fn clamp(&self, mn: &Self, mx: &Self) -> Self;

min, max and clamp could be factored out of this trait if we want to use it for non-numeric types where they do not make sense, but since they can have default implementations and what they do is very intuitive the extra API pressure for those (few) types would be minimal.


Abs should always take a type parameter Result that is a type that represents a real number but does not necessarily have to implement the Real trait (but really should implement at least Ord).

  1. For non-complex numbers, Result should be the type Self.
  2. For complex numbers, Result should be the type used internally to represent the real and imaginary parts. For example, a struct Complex { real: float, imag: float } type would use the Result parameter float.
trait Abs<Result> {
  fn abs(&self) -> Result; // NOTE: Overflows as normal operations, abs(INT_MIN) = INT_MIN.

  fn abs_min(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
  fn abs_max(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;

abs_min and abs_max are from IEEE754-2008 and can be useful when sorting, an example could be that we calculate eigenvalues, and since we want to show only the most influential ones, we sort them by magnitude.

There is some risk for overflow, and it isn't obvious how it should be handled, but I propose we follow current semantics and overflow instead of saturate. I would love to add another trait at a later date with saturating arithmetic, which is awesomely useful, but I think most people could be even more surprised by some operations saturating and some overflowing.


Signed should be implemented by all signed (real) types.

trait Signed: Neg<Self> {
  fn sign(&self) -> Self;

Since we have copysign, this should probably return { -1, 0, +1} even for floats, but arguments could allow for it to have copysign semanticts, since floating-point technically doesn't have zeroes in the sense that integer types do.

Additive and Multiplicative

These traits signal something more than just the sum of their subtraits, they imply that the basic numeric operators are implemented in a sane way and follow basic mathematical laws to approximately the same degree as the built-in types.

trait Additive<RHS,Result>: Add<RHS,Result> Sub<RHS,Result> { }
trait Multiplicative<RHS,Result>: Mul<RHS,Result> Div<RHS,Result> One { }

Quasigroups &c.

Here a quasigroup is a structure resembling a group where the 'division' operation always makes sense. It is a good enough approximation of what properties the trait represents.

It means that it is Additive or Multiplicative with itself, and has an identity element.

trait AdditiveQuasigroup: Additive<Self,Self> Zero { }
trait MultiplicativeQuasigroup: Multiplicative<Self,Self> One { }

A better name could be searched for, since it doesn't mean exactly the same thing as it does in algebra but neither does ordered.

Also, neg / recip could be added here, but I am slightly worried about when someone actually would want to use them and not unary - / T::One / x. The NativeMath module (if added) should contain optimized low-accuracy versions of these operations that can be useful for graphics and so on, but I would be slightly worried if one needed to implement them to add a new type.


The fifth basic floating-point operation, square root. This should be correctly rounded for types where that makes sense, and for types where it doesn't, it should provide the answer that makes sense in the domain it tries to solve.

trait Sqrt {
  fn sqrt(&self) -> Self;

The rsqrt operation is of great importance for computer graphics applications and should therefore also be considered for inclusion in this trait.

FusedMultiplyAdd (FMA, FMAC &c.)

While this is trivially implementable for integers since Rust doesn't signal on overflow, this trait is meant to be implemented only by types where it is important (f32 and f64). On systems without support for IEEE 754-2008 in hardware (most x86 systems), this should be implemented in software but that can unfortunatly be slightly slow.

Going forward all major platforms Rust runs on (ARM, MIPS, x86 and x86-64) is going to support this operation, and most other platforms either already supports it in hardware, or is adding it already due to its almost magical powers for implementing fast floating-point division, square-root and its amazing powers to increase accuracy in almost every common numerical task.

trait FusedMultiplyAdd {
  fn fma(&self, a: Self, b: Self) -> Self;
  fn fms(&self, a: Self, b: Self) -> Self;

Could maybe be factored into FusedMultiplyAdd<RHS1,RHS2,Result>?

Num (Number)

This is the trait we've all been waiting for, unfortunately it isn't really that amazing. It is just the sum of a few other traits, but that also means that it is quite generic.

The major properties of a number in Rust is that they support all arithmetic operators, they have identity operators relating to them and that you can compare instances.

trait Num: Eq AdditiveQuasigroup MultiplicativeQuasigroup { }


A Real is just a Num, but in addition is ordered, has a square root and an absolute value that returns the same type, which are quite common requirements.

trait Real: Num Ord Sqrt Abs<Self> { }

All integer, floating-point and fixed-point types can trivially implement this. Sqrt isn't currently implemented by integer types, but it is useful for some algorithms, so I wouldn't mind adding one.

Other ideas

Method wrappers

Using specific method implementations for numeric functions is extremely useful, as it enables us to tailor the methods to the specific type (for example using LLVM intrinsics or libm functions) whilst also being able to provide generic default methods to reduce code duplication (for example with Ord::abs and Ord::clamp). The downside is the for some mathematical functions the dot syntax is less readable than the functional equivalent. For example abs(x) or min(x, y) is more readable than x.abs() or x.min(y). One solution is to create a series of inlined generic method wrappers to allow the user to choose which form to use depending on the situation:

mod num {
    #[inline(always)] fn abs<T:Abs>(x: T) -> T { x.abs() }
    #[inline(always)] fn min<T:Abs>(x: T, y: T) -> T { x.min(y) }
    #[inline(always)] fn sqrt<T:Sqrt>(x: T) -> T { x.sqrt() }

Sometimes the user might want to be more specific with type information, so it would be useful to include specific wrappers for each of rust's primitive numeric types:

mod float {
    #[inline(always)] fn abs(x: float) -> float { x.abs() }
    #[inline(always)] fn min(x: float, y: float) -> float { x.min(y) }
    #[inline(always)] fn sqrt(x: float) -> float { x.sqrt() }

mod f64 {
    #[inline(always)] fn abs(x: f64) -> f64 { x.abs() }
    #[inline(always)] fn min(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 { x.min(y) }
    #[inline(always)] fn sqrt(x: f64) -> f64 { x.sqrt() }

The type-specific intent would be obvious when calling these functions, for example float::abs(-0.5) or f64::min(2.0, 7.5).


LLVM Intrinsics

LLVM provides various intrinsic functions that could be used in the numeric trait implementations.

Small details

rename modulo into rem in traits and docs

Rusts % operator mimics C and C++ in that it's not modulo but remainder, however the documentation and naming convention claims for it to be modulo.

See Also

Diagram of Haskell's numeric type heirachy

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