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About me

I'm a postdoctoral researcher supported by SUSTech Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship. My main research field is experimental AMO, trying to manipulate photons & collective atomic coherence in a single-quantum-level.


Ph.D. in Physics, 2019-2023, Southern University of Science and Technology
M.S. in Optics, 2014-2017, Shanxi University
B.S. in Physics, 2010-2014, Hebei Normal University


[1] J. Wang, L. Dong, X. Wang, Z. Zhou, Y. Zuo, G. A. Siviloglou, and J. F. Chen, Light-induced fictitious magnetic fields for quantum storage in cold atomic ensembles, arXiv:2406.08251.
Abstract: In this work, we have demonstrated that optically generated fictitious magnetic fields can be utilized to extend the lifetime of quantum memories in cold atomic ensembles. All the degrees of freedom of an AC Stark shift such as polarization, spatial profile, and temporal waveform can be readily controlled in a precise manner. Temporal fluctuations over several experimental cycles, and spatial inhomogeneities along a cold atomic gas have been compensated by an optical beam. The advantage of the use of fictitious magnetic fields for quantum storage stems from the speed and spatial precision that these fields can be synthesized. Our simple and versatile technique can find widespread application in coherent pulse and single-photon storage in any atomic species.
[2] J. Wang, Y. Zuo, X. Wang, D. N. Christodoulides, G. A. Siviloglou, and J. F. Chen, Spatiotemporal single-photon Airy bullets, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 143601 (2024). [Editors's Suggestion] [Featured in Physics]
Abstract: Uninhibited control of the complex spatiotemporal quantum wavefunction of a single photon has so far remained elusive even though it can dramatically increase the encoding flexibility and thus the information capacity of a photonic quantum link. By fusing temporal waveform generation in an atomic ensemble and spatial single-photon shaping, we hereby demonstrate for the first time complete spatiotemporal control of a propagation invariant (2+1)D Airy single-photon optical bullet. These correlated photons are not only self-accelerating and impervious to spreading as their classical counterparts, but can be concealed and revealed in the presence of strong classical stray light.
[3] X. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Zuo, L. Dong, G. A. Siviloglou, and J. Chen, Thermometry Utilizing Stored Short-Wavelength Spin Waves in Cold Atomic Ensembles, Chinese Phys. B 32, 074206 (2023).
Abstract: Temperature, as a measure of thermal motion, is a significant parameter characterizing a cold atomic ensemble optical quantum memory. In a cold gas, storage lifetime strongly depends on its temperature and is associated with the spin wave decoherence. Here we experimentally demonstrate a new spin wave thermometry method relying on this direct dependence. The short-wavelength spin waves resulting from the counter-propagating configuration of the control and the probe laser beams make this thermometry highly suitable for probing in situ the atomic motion in elongated clouds as the ones used in quantum memories. Our technique is realized with comparable precision for memories that rely on electromagnetically induced transparency as well as far-detuned Raman storage.
[4] X. Wang, J. Wang, Z. Ren, R. Wen, C.-L. Zou, G. A. Siviloglou, and J. F. Chen, Quantum Interference between Photons and Single Quanta of Stored Atomic Coherence, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 083605 (2022).
Abstract: Essential for building quantum networks over remote independent nodes, the indistinguishability of photons has been extensively studied by observing the coincidence dip in the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer. However, indistinguishability is not limited to the same type of bosons. For the first time, we hereby observe quantum interference between flying photons and a single quantum of stored atomic coherence (magnon) in an atom-light beam splitter interface. We demonstrate that the Hermiticity of this interface determines the type of quantum interference between photons and magnons. Consequently, not only the bunching behavior that characterizes bosons is observed, but counterintuitively, fermionlike antibunching as well. The hybrid nature of the demonstrated magnon-photon quantum interface can be applied to versatile quantum memory platforms, and can lead to fundamentally different photon distributions from those occurring in boson sampling.

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