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Methodology for planning

"Voodoo programming: The use by guess or cookbook of an obscure or hairy system, feature, or algorithm that one does not truly understand. The implication is that the technique may not work, and if it does, one will never know why. Almost synonymous with black magic, except that black magic typically is not documented and nobody understands it." The Jargon File

"black magic: A technique that works, though nobody really understands why." The Jargon File

6.1 Defining a problem to solve

Now let's proceed to an explanation (rather small) of macro-analysis. To be covered are some practical examples for each phase.

One of the key parts in the design of a software is to understand what we want to solve and consequently develop. For such wishes:

"Amiga write a program that emulates a calculator. The program will display an addition, subtraction, multiplication, a division, square root.

We must first understand "what we want" from our program, its purpose. In our case there are many kinds of Calculators: simple calculators, scientific calculators, evolutionary calculators, and so on. In the example shown we develop a calculator with basic functions. But what are the functions based on for a calculator? To obtain answers to the latter, the application must be documented. The stage of documentation is essential to define everything that the software will have to offer and therefore it must take some time to find information about the problem solve, in the jargon necessary to understand the "domain", ie the environment surrounding the issue. In our case, apparently simple, we documented the performance of an addition, subtraction, multiplication and a square root of one or more numbers within the calculator. At this point we have identified the things necessary, at this stage, about the "simple calculator. Having acquired a certain cultural background on the problem to solve, we proceed to define the so-called "requirements", ie functionality that the software will have to offer.

Some requirements are "cast":

"The program will perform an addition, subtraction, a multiplication, division, square root.

Some are "explicit"

"The program should be able to enter negative numbers, the user can enter numbers with the comma, should have the ability to clear the display from previous operations, should be able to handle the division by zero and finally the program needs a graphic interface.

Other requirements are implicit:

"The program will run on the various incarnations Amiga. The interface graphics should look like a real calculator. The program will allow viewing and manipulation of TOT digits.

We have thus defined the "Problem".

The definition of requirements will lead to further work, documentation from the developer, who will then search for information about the requirements explicit and implicit. All information obtained from this research will then be used in subsequent phases of macro-analysis.

6.2 Analysis and specification requirements

Requirements analysis is the most important step during the development of software, at this stage are formalized features identified during the definition of the problem. More precisely, formalize two families of requirements

  • Functional requirements: they represent what the software must do;
  • Non-functional requirements: they are constraints, constraints which software must undergo;

Among the non-functional requirements we can distinguish:

  • Requirements process: they include the timing of delivery of software, standards to be met, the operating systems on which the software should be executed, the languages to be used for encoding;

  • Product requirements: they include fees for the software that should be expected. Those fees have reliability, portability, usability and many others;

  • External requirements are the constraints of legal order and economic development;

Anyway it is good to assign to each requirement its own priorities. The priority of the requirement is given according to their degree of importance with respect to the completeness of the project. Specifically, the requirements are classified according to three priorities:

  1. MUST: are requirements whose failure would jeopardize implementation functioning of the entire software;
  2. Should: have implemented requirements that would give greater completeness of the software. Their failure to implement would not affect any basic functionality of the software. However, the requirements SHOULD could be implemented at a later time without loss of much time and without modifying the source code;
  3. MAY: requirements whose implementation is optional and you can do without a first phase of software development. However, the addition of these functionality at a later time may change parts significantly in the software, having to spend so much time for their implementation;

Now we apply these theories to our example. The Problem was:

"On the Amiga write a program that emulates a calculator. "The program will perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root "." the program should be ability to enter negative numbers, the ability to enter numbers with the comma, the ability to clear the display by previous operations I / O. The software should be able to manage division by zero and as a last thing, the program will require a graphical interface. The program will display and TOT manipulating figures. The program will run on different Amiga incarnations. The graphical interface should look like a real calculator.

Those requirements, combined with the documentation that we obtained during our research today:

Functional Requirements

MUST: The program will allow the inclusion of these numbers by user. The numbers appear in a special area display (display);

MUST: The program should perform the arithmetic operation of addition. Given two real numbers a and b, the operation "+", will give us, if it is computable from 'processor, a third number c = a + b;

MUST: The program should perform the arithmetic subtraction. Given two real numbers a and b, the operation "-" will give us, if be calculated the generation, third number c = ab;

MUST: The program should perform the arithmetic multiplication. Given two real numbers a and b, the operation "x", will give us, if it is calculated by the 'processor, a third number c = axb;

MUST: The program should perform the arithmetic operation of division. Given two real numbers a and b, the operation "/", will give us, if it is computable the generated, third number c = a / b. The program will also manage the division by zero in an appropriate manner;

MUST: The program will perform the operation square root. Since a real number a, the operation or the square root "sqrt", will, generate a third calculation, third number c = SQRT (a);

MUST: The program must explicitly allow you to add figures less than 1 to a positive number that has been typed by the use of symbol ",";

MAY: The program must explicitly allow you to change the sign of a number you enter, more precisely you can choose two signs and that is "+" for positive numbers (typical case), or "-" by the numbers negative. This program is another way to manipulate positive numbers as negative numbers;

Should: The program should explicitly allow the user to clear the display from previous operations I / O;

Non-functional requirements

Requirements Process

MUST: The program will be implemented using C language, using the API MUI / Zune for the GUI;

MUST: The program allows viewing and manipulation 14 (limit of the calculator included in AmigaOS) figures.

Product requirements

MUST: The program will be implemented using the SDI headers to ensure its portability among different Amiga incarnations (AmigaOS3.x, AmigaOS4, MorphOS, AROS);

MUST: The graphical interface should have the appearance and usability of a real calculator

6.2.1 Levels of requirements definition

To formalize clearly all the requirements of a software achieved, you can define two levels of definition:

  1. In the first level requirements are expressed in colloquial language and through diagrams (UML);
  2. In the second level are specified by the arguments expressed in the first level using technical languages;

From these two levels is obtained a document called Document Specifying Requirements (DSR), or even Specify Require Software (SRS), in which requirements are expressed clearly, correctly and without contradictions or ambiguities.

6.2.2 Use Cases in colloquial language

Use cases illustrate the possible situations of use of software. Each use case typically focuses on one of the requirements functional, deepening and detailing the different interactions that the software would have with the user in that particular situation. Each use case contains one or more scenarios. A scenario is an alternative ways to interact with a feature of the software it lists what could happen and can write each scenario at the model "storyboard", essentially a list of steps, expressed in language colloquial, carried by the user and answers provided by the software. For use cases it is usually the following rule:

Functional requirement of priority MUST -> Use Case;

In our simple example [file use_Case.txt attached to this chapter] will convert even the functional requirements SHOULD and MAY into use cases, usually this is not done because the requirements analysis focuses more on the functional requirements of priority MUST.

6.2.3 UML and use cases

With regard to the UML, namely, Unified Modeling Language, it should be a good source of documentation:

Now to summarize the basic concepts. After expressing in a formal way and the requirements of our ambiguous software, we describe these requirements through graphics. This graphical representation is obtained through the UML. The end result will be known as a "use case diagram." This diagram should always be intuitive to understand, therefore, not be too complicated. Diagram use case is used by designers to get a better clear that which is the project to be developed. A case diagram you can use intuitively to represent the functionality of software and how these may depend on each other. Such a vision could lead to discussions that will come to the best possible solutions and corrections to the requirements set out so far.

First of all our software in UML is represented graphically by a rectangle, which "borders" so-called use cases.

To switch from functional requirements to use cases are procedures that we will now describe.

UML allows us to graphically represent each use case by an ellipse;

In the diagrams of use cases is a key figure the 'actor': an entity external to the software that performs a specific active role; UML graphically represents an actor with a little man stylized;

In our case, very simple, we have:

Our example defines the use cases within the system "Calculator", our actor is the user. Given that the system gives the user a chance to interact with its features so many times as they choose, only in this case can you tell that this interaction with a single line that is connected to the "subsystems", which bring together some features. We grouped in our case features "Main" and "Support". The arrow labeled "uses" indicates that the Use Case "Viewing Issue Type" is used by all the cases with the arrow pointing in our case.

6.3 Design

Having clear, detailed and unambiguous plans so all the requirements in the previous step you can switch to the design of the software.

The design phase is the bridge between requirements analysis and encoding the same source code of our software. The result of this phase is the "document design specification", or DSP, which describes how to implement the requirements of the previous phase. The objective of the project is to produce software that respects qualities such as modifiability, understandability and reusability. The tendency of software engineers is increasingly to design a system that addresses the achievement of requirements set by a breakdown in independent parts, in other words a modularized system. There are several modularization techniques, in our example we will use the TOP-DOWN philosophy, in which the initial problem is decomposed into subproblems treated as independently as possible. Each subproblem is solved within a module. Each form must be seen from outside as a "black box" accessible only through the services it will provide. A module is essentially composed of two parts:

  • An interface is visible outside the module, which represents services provided by the module to other modules;

  • The implementation, hidden outside, which represents the implementation details of the module. Inside deployment are algorithms, data structures and policies of use and resources with which the module is able to provide their services;

In programming languages the concept of a module is identified with the function, although the object-oriented languages offers the most powerful tools to make a modularization of the system.