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Installing Part I: Prerequisites, EULA, and CLI

This document describes the first part of the installation process for Tanzu Application Platform:


The following are required to install Tanzu Application Platform:

Tanzu Network and Container Image Registry Requirements

Installation requires:

  • A Tanzu Network account to download Tanzu Application Platform packages

  • A container image registry, such as Harbor or Docker Hub with at least 10 GB of available storage for application images, base images, and runtime dependencies

  • Registry credentials with push and write access made available to Tanzu Application Platform to store images

  • Registry credentials for components that pull and read public images from Docker Hub to avoid rate limiting

  • Network access to

  • Network access to your chosen container image registry

  • Latest version of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge


    • Tanzu Application Platform GUI currently does not support Safari browser.

Kubernetes Cluster Requirements

Installation requires:

  • Kubernetes cluster v1.19 or later on one of the following Kubernetes providers:

    • Azure Kubernetes Service
    • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
    • Google Kubernetes Engine
    • kind
      • Supported only on Linux operating system.
      • Minimum requirements: 8 CPUs for i9 or equivalent, 12 CPUs for i7 or equivalent, 8 GB RAM (12+ GB recommended), and 120 GB disk space.
      • If you are using Cloud Native Runtimes, see Configure Your Local Kind Cluster.
    • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE Autopilot clusters do not have required features enabled)
    • minikube
      • Minimum requirements for VM: 8 CPUs for i9 or equivalent, 12 CPUs for i7 or equivalent, 8 GB RAM (12+ GB recommended), and 120 GB disk space.
      • VMware recommends at least 16 GB of total host memory.
      • On Mac OS only hyperkit driver is supported. Docker driver is not supported.
    • Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v1.4
    • Tanzu Community Edition x.x
      • Please visit the Tanzu Community Edition installation page to follow installation instructions. Tanzu Community Edition

    To deploy all Tanzu Application Platform packages, your cluster must have at least 8 GB of RAM across all nodes available to Tanzu Application Platform. At least 8 CPUs for i9 or equivalent, or 12 CPUs for i7 or equivalent must be available to Tanzu Application Platform components. VMware recommends that at least 16 GB of RAM is available to build and deploy applications, including for kind and minikube.

    Your cluster must support the creation of Services of type LoadBalancer to install Cloud Native Runtimes package. The exception is provider: local installation, which removes container replication and uses NodePort Services for HTTP ingress. For information about services of type LoadBalancer, see the Kubernetes documentation and your cloud provider documentation. For information about Tanzu Kubernetes Grid support for Service type LoadBalancer, see Install VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer on a vSphere Distributed Switch.

    Your cluster must also have at least 70 GB of disk per node.

  • Pod Security Policies must be configured so that Tanzu Application Platform controller pods can run as root.

Tools and CLI Requirements

Installation requires:

  • kapp Carvel command line tool v0.37.0 or later

  • The Kubernetes CLI, kubectl, v1.19, v1.20 or v1.21, installed and authenticated with administrator rights for your target cluster. See Install Tools in the Kubernetes documentation.

  • To set the Kubernetes cluster context:

    1. List the existing contexts by running:

      kubectl config get-contexts

      For example:

      $ kubectl config get-contexts
      CURRENT   NAME                                CLUSTER           AUTHINFO                                NAMESPACE
              aks-repo-trial                      aks-repo-trial    clusterUser_aks-rg-01_aks-repo-trial
      *       aks-tap-cluster                     aks-tap-cluster   clusterUser_aks-rg-01_aks-tap-cluster
              tkg-mgmt-vc-admin@tkg-mgmt-vc       tkg-mgmt-vc       tkg-mgmt-vc-admin
              tkg-vc-antrea-admin@tkg-vc-antrea   tkg-vc-antrea     tkg-vc-antrea-admin
    2. Set the context to the cluster that you want to use for the Tanzu Application Platform packages install. For example set the context to the aks-tap-cluster context by running:

      kubectl config use-context aks-tap-cluster

      For example:

      $ kubectl config use-context aks-tap-cluster
      Switched to context "aks-tap-cluster".
  • kapp-controller v0.29.0 or later:


    • If you are using Tanzu Kubernetes Grid v1.4, see Install kapp-controller.

    • If you are using Tanzu Community Edition , see Install kapp-controller.

    • Install kapp-controller by running:

      kapp deploy -y -a kc -f

      Where KC-VERSION is the kapp-controller version being installed.

      Select v0.29.0+ kapp-controller version for Azure Kubernetes Service, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, Google Kubernetes Engine, kind, and minikube from the Releases page.

      For example:

      kapp deploy -y -a kc -f
    • Verify kapp-controller is running by running:

      kubectl get pods -A | grep kapp-controller

      Pod status should be Running.

    • (Optional) Verify installed kapp-controller version:

      1. Get kapp-controller deployment and namespace by running:

        kubectl get deployments -A | grep kapp-controller

        For example:

        kubectl get deployments -A | grep kapp-controller
        NAMESPACE                NAME                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
        kapp-controller          kapp-controller                  1/1     1            1           25h   
      2. Get kapp controller version by running:

        kubectl get deployment KC-DEPLOYMENT -n KC-NAMESPACE -o yaml | grep

        Where KC-DEPLOYMENT and KC-NAMESPACE are kapp-controller deployment name and kapp-controller namespace name respectively from the output of step 1.

        For example:

        kubectl get deployment kapp-controller -n kapp-controller  -o yaml | grep v0.29.0 '{"apiVersion":"apps/v1","kind":"Deployment","metadata":{"annotations":{"":"v0.29.0","":"-
  • secretgen-controller:

    • Install secretgen-controller by running:

      kapp deploy -y -a sg -f

      Where SG-VERSION is the secretgen-controller version being installed. Select v0.6.0+ secretgen-controller version from the Releases page.

      For example:

      kapp deploy -y -a sg -f
    • Verify secretgen-controller is running by running:

      kubectl get pods -A | grep secretgen-controller

      Pod status should be Running.

    • (Optional) Verify the secretgen-controller version you installed:

      1. Get secretgen-controller deployment and namespace by running:

        kubectl get deployments -A | grep secretgen-controller

        For example:

        kubectl get deployments -A | grep secretgen-controller
        NAMESPACE                NAME                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
        secretgen-controller     secretgen-controller             1/1     1            1           22d   
      2. Get secretgen-controller version by running:

        kubectl get deployment SG-DEPLOYMENT -n SG-NAMESPACE -o yaml | grep

        Where SG-DEPLOYMENT and SG-NAMESPACE are secretgen-controller deployment name and secretgen-controller namespace name respectively from the output of step 1.

        For example:

        kubectl get deployment secretgen-controller -n secretgen-controller -oyaml | grep v0.6.0

Accept the EULAs

Before you can install packages, you have to accept the End User License Agreements (EULAs).

To accept EULAs:

  1. Sign in to Tanzu Network.

  2. For each of the following components, accept or confirm that you have accepted the EULA:

Install or Update the Tanzu CLI and Plugins

Choose the install scenario that is right for you:

Instructions for a Clean Install of Tanzu CLI

Follow the procedure for your OS:

Linux: Install the Tanzu CLI

To install the Tanzu CLI on a Linux operating system:

  1. Create a local directory called tanzu.

    mkdir $HOME/tanzu
  2. Sign in to Tanzu Network.

  3. Navigate to Tanzu Application Platform on Tanzu Network.

  4. Click on the tanzu-cli-0.8.0 folder.

  5. Download tanzu-framework-bundle-linux and unpack the TAR file into the tanzu directory:

    tar -xvf tanzu-framework-linux-amd64.tar -C $HOME/tanzu
  6. Install the Tanzu CLI from the tanzu directory by running:

    cd $HOME/tanzu
    sudo install cli/core/v0.8.0/tanzu-core-linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/tanzu
  7. Confirm the installation of the Tanzu CLI by running:

    tanzu version

    Expect version: v0.8.0

  8. Proceed to Instructions for a clean install of Tanzu CLI Plugins.

MacOS: Install the Tanzu CLI

To install the Tanzu CLI on a Mac operating system:

  1. Create a local directory called tanzu.

    mkdir $HOME/tanzu
  2. Sign in to Tanzu Network.

  3. Navigate to Tanzu Application Platform on Tanzu Network.

  4. Click on the tanzu-cli-0.8.0 folder.

  5. Download tanzu-framework-bundle-mac and unpack the TAR file into the tanzu directory:

    tar -xvf tanzu-framework-darwin-amd64.tar -C $HOME/tanzu
  6. Install the Tanzu CLI from the tanzu directory by running:

    cd $HOME/tanzu
    sudo install cli/core/v0.8.0/tanzu-core-darwin_amd64 /usr/local/bin/tanzu
  7. Confirm the installation of the Tanzu CLI by running:

    tanzu version

    Expect version: v0.8.0

    If you see the following warning when running tanzu version on macOS:

    "tanzu" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified

    To resolve this error, do the following:

    1. Click Cancel in the macOS prompt window.

    2. Open the Security & Privacy control panel from System Preferences.

    3. Click General.

    4. Click Allow Anyway next to the warning message for the tanzu binary.

    5. Enter your system username and password in the macOS prompt window to confirm the changes.

    6. Execute the tanzu version command in the terminal window again.

    7. Click Open in the macOS prompt window.

    After completing the steps above, there should be no more security issues while running Tanzu CLI commands.

  8. Proceed to Instructions for a clean install of Tanzu CLI Plugins.

Windows: Install the Tanzu CLI

To install the Tanzu CLI on a Windows operating system:

  1. Create a local directory called tanzu-bundle.

  2. Sign in to Tanzu Network.

  3. Navigate to Tanzu Application Platform on Tanzu Network.

  4. Click on the tanzu-cli-0.8.0 folder.

  5. Download tanzu-framework-bundle-windows and unpack the TAR files into the tanzu-bundle directory.

  6. Create a new Program Files\tanzu folder.

  7. In the unpacked CLI folder tanzu-bundle, locate and copy the core/v0.8.0/tanzu-core-windows_amd64.exe into the new Program Files\tanzu folder.

  8. Rename tanzu-core-windows_amd64.exe to tanzu.exe.

  9. Right-click the tanzu folder, select Properties > Security, and make sure that your user account has the Full Control permission.

  10. Use Windows Search to search for env.

  11. Select Edit the system environment variables, and click Environment Variables.

  12. Select the Path row under System variables, and click Edit.

  13. Click New to add a new row, and enter the path to the Tanzu CLI.

  14. Confirm the installation of the Tanzu CLI by running in a terminal window:

    tanzu version

    Expect version: v0.8.0

  15. Proceed to Instructions for a clean install of Tanzu CLI Plugins

Instructions for a clean install of Tanzu CLI Plugins

  1. Run the following command from the tanzu directory:

    tanzu plugin install --local cli all
  2. Check plugin installation status:

    tanzu plugin list

    Expect to see the following:

     tanzu plugin list
     NAME                LATEST VERSION  DESCRIPTION                                                        REPOSITORY  VERSION      STATUS
     accelerator                         Manage accelerators in a Kubernetes cluster                                    v0.4.1       installed
     apps                                Applications on Kubernetes                                                     v0.2.0       installed
     cluster             v0.8.0          Kubernetes cluster operations                                      core        v0.8.0       installed
     kubernetes-release  v0.8.0          Kubernetes release operations                                      core        v0.8.0       installed
     login               v0.8.0          Login to the platform                                              core        v0.8.0       installed
     management-cluster  v0.8.0          Kubernetes management cluster operations                           core        v0.8.0       installed
     package             v0.8.0          Tanzu package management                                           core        v0.8.0       installed
     pinniped-auth       v0.8.0          Pinniped authentication operations (usually not directly invoked)  core        v0.8.0       installed
     secret              v0.8.0          Tanzu secret management                                            core        v0.8.0       installed
  3. You may now proceed with installing Tanzu Application Platform. For more information, see Installing Part II: Profiles.

    Note regarding the output from tanzu plugin list: The package, secret, accelerator and apps plugins are required to install or interact with the Tanzu Application Platform. The additional plugins you see in the list can be ignored (you will not need to use them to interact with Tanzu Application Platform).

    The Tanzu Application Platform beta product requires cluster-admin privileges. Running commands associated with the additional plugins can have unintended side-effects. VMware recommends against running cluster, kubernetes-release, login, management-cluster and pinniped-auth commands.

Instructions for updating Tanzu CLI that was installed for a previous Tanzu Application Platform release

If you'd like to the update the Tanzu CLI core and plugins you installed previously for Tanzu Application Platform Beta 2:

  1. Create a directory named tanzu by running:

    mkdir $HOME/tanzu
  2. Sign in to Tanzu Network.

  3. Navigate to Tanzu Application Platform on Tanzu Network.

  4. Click the tanzu-cli-0.8.0 directory.

  5. Download the CLI bundle corresponding with your operating system. For example, if your client operating system is Linux, download the tanzu-framework-linux-amd64.tar bundle.

  6. Unpack the TAR file in the tanzu directory by running:

    tar -xvf tanzu-framework-linux-amd64.tar -C $HOME/tanzu
  7. Navigate to the tanzu directory by running:

    cd $HOME/tanzu
  8. Delete the imagepullsecret plugin (it will be replaced by a new secret plugin):

    tanzu plugin delete imagepullsecret
  9. Run the following command from the tanzu directory to update core cli and the previously installed plugins:

    tanzu update --local ./cli

    Expect to see a user prompt - submit "y"

  10. Manually install the new secret plugin

    tanzu plugin install secret --local ./cli   
  11. Check installation status for Tanzu CLI Core

    tanzu version

    Expect version: v0.8.0

  12. Check installation status for Tanzu CLI Core

    tanzu plugin list

    Expect to see the following:

    NAME                LATEST VERSION  DESCRIPTION                                                        REPOSITORY  VERSION  STATUS
    accelerator                         Manage accelerators in a Kubernetes cluster                                    v0.4.1   installed
    apps                                Applications on Kubernetes                                                     v0.2.0   installed
    cluster             v0.9.0          Kubernetes cluster operations                                      core        v0.8.0   upgrade available
    kubernetes-release  v0.9.0          Kubernetes release operations                                      core        v0.8.0   upgrade available
    login               v0.9.0          Login to the platform                                              core        v0.8.0   upgrade available
    management-cluster  v0.9.0          Kubernetes management cluster operations                           core        v0.8.0   upgrade available
    package             v0.9.0          Tanzu package management                                           core        v0.8.0   upgrade available
    pinniped-auth       v0.9.0          Pinniped authentication operations (usually not directly invoked)  core        v0.8.0   upgrade available
    secret              v0.9.0          Tanzu secret management                                            core        v0.8.0   upgrade available
  13. You may now proceed with installing Tanzu Application Platform via Installing Part II: Profiles.

Instructions for updating Tanzu CLI that was previously installed for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid and Tanzu Community Edition

If you'd like to maintain the Tanzu CLI core and plugins you installed previously for interacting with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid or Tanzu Community Edition, you only need to update/add the Tanzu Application Platform specific plugins as follows:

  1. Create a directory named tanzu by running:

    mkdir $HOME/tanzu
  2. Sign in to Tanzu Network.

  3. Navigate to Tanzu Application Platform on Tanzu Network.

  4. Click the tanzu-cli-0.8.0 directory.

  5. Download the CLI bundle corresponding to your operating system. For example, if your client operating system is Linux, download the tanzu-framework-linux-amd64.tar bundle.

  6. Unpack the TAR file in the tanzu directory by running:

    tar -xvf tanzu-framework-linux-amd64.tar -C $HOME/tanzu
  7. Navigate to the tanzu directory by running:

    cd $HOME/tanzu
  8. Check to see if the imagepullsecret and package plugins are already installed:

    tanzu plugin list

    If either is present present, delete them by running:

    tanzu plugin delete imagepullsecret


    tanzu plugin delete package
  9. Install the secret plugin by running:

    tanzu plugin install secret --local ./cli
  10. Install the accelerator plugin by running:

    tanzu plugin install accelerator --local ./cli
  11. Install the apps plugin by running:

    tanzu plugin install apps --local ./cli
  12. Install the updated package plugin by running:

    tanzu plugin install package --local ./cli
  13. Verify the Tanzu Application Platform plugins present:

    tanzu plugin list

    Expect the following to be included in the list:

    NAME                LATEST VERSION  DESCRIPTION                                                        REPOSITORY  VERSION  STATUS
    accelerator                         Manage accelerators in a Kubernetes cluster                                    v0.4.1   installed
    apps                                Applications on Kubernetes                                                     v0.2.0   installed
    package             v0.9.0          Tanzu package management                                           core        v0.8.0   upgrade available
    secret              v0.9.0          Tanzu secret management                                            core        v0.8.0   upgrade available
  14. You may now proceed with installing Tanzu Application Platform on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid or Tanzu Community Edition. For more information, see:

Now you are ready to proceed to Installing Part II: Profiles