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File metadata and controls

275 lines (199 loc) · 13.3 KB

Developer's Guide

In most cases you will have to run scripts to automatically update existing files in this repository after a change to apply all these dependencies and pass the CI.

For example, to update the readme of one detectors module you will have to:

  • edit its corresponding yaml configuration file
  • generate the markdown readme file from the jinja template

The CI will always try to regenerate code from current configurations so if one of them is no longer "sync" it will trigger an error.

The environment used by the CI should be used by the developer to take advantage of a common automation processes producing the same consistent result and allow us to apply global rules and templates homogeneous to all modules.

🔗 Contents


First of all you have to setup your environment to have every required dependencies available to run useful commands detailed below.

You should get a ready environment where you can run make commands or directly use the underlying scripts or even some tools available in the container like doctoc or j2.


This documentation tries to be exhaustive and describe each:

  • atomic make targets (which use helper scripts to automate)
  • check done by the CI which should be success
  • common type of change possible on this repository

It allows to understand and link what type of change requires what make target to pass the corresponding CI check.

Most of contributions are related to detectors change type and do no require to fully understand and know all possible targets, scripts and check.

The essential things to know are:

  • that lot of the files are auto generated and checked by the CI so you have to respect this
  • to never edit a *-gen* file or the in modules, update its underlying yaml configuration files in conf/ directory of the module.
  • as soon as you make any change on a module, run make update-module command to update every generated files

Bootstrap a new module

A common contribution which cover most of detectors related changes is the creation of a new module of detectors.

# First, enter in the docker based environment as seen in requirements above

# Set required input information as environment variables
SOURCE_TYPE="smart-agent" # or "internal", "integration", "organization", "otel-collector"
MODULE_NAME="my-new-module" # use dash separated word to name your module
MODULE_DIR="${SOURCE_TYPE}_${MODULE_NAME}" # the directory is source+name underscore separated

# Init a new module creating ready directory to welcome detectors
make init-module ${MODULE_DIR} # same as "make init-module ${SOURCE_TYPE} ${MODULE_NAME}"

# Create a new detector using the heartbeat sample configuration and updating module and metric
cp scripts/templates/examples/heartbeat-simple.yaml modules/${MODULE_DIR}/conf/00-heartbeat.yaml
sed -i "s/^\(module:\).*$/\1 ${MODULE_NAME}/" modules/${MODULE_DIR}/conf/00-heartbeat.yaml
sed -i "s/^\([[:space:]]*metric:\).*$/\1 \"${METRIC_NAME}\"/" modules/${MODULE_DIR}/conf/00-heartbeat.yaml

# Full update the module (doc, terraform code, add/remove/change detectors...)
make update-module ${MODULE_DIR}

Congratulations, you just created a working and minimal module!

Now you can edit the yaml configuration files available in its conf directory and run again make update-module command every time you want update the underlying code and documentation before to push your changes.

For more information about the templates and their generator please check the dedicated readme. You can find a full list of options for the detector template from the values.yaml which is similar to an helm chart.

The rest of this documentation will cover accurately for each kind of change you want apply the related command(s) to use in this development environment but the update-module should cover any kind of changes.


You have seen above the update-module and init-module make targets which should be enough in most of the cases.

For a full list of available make targets please see environment documentation. The most used commands for developer are dev, init-module, update-module and clean.


  • make update-module *system* to full update only matching modules like smart-agent_system-common
  • make update-module to full update all modules
  • make update-module-doc *system* to only update the doc of the modules matching *system* pattern

Change types

There are different automation tasks to perform depending on the change done in this repository.


Label: documentation

Check: Documentation

  • Table of contents of all readmes are automatically committed from the CI but you can run make update-toc. It uses doctoc under the hood so you can also run doctoc --github --title ':link: **Contents**' --maxlevel 3 on a specific module.

  • To update readme(s) of detectors modules you have to edit its underlying configuration available in conf/readme.yaml of the module directory. Then you must run make update-module-doc to regenerate readmes. It uses the module script under the hood so you also use it to update only one module provided as parameter.


Label: detectors

Check: Detectors

  • To update an existing detector located in a file so you have, as for readme, to edit the right configuration file located conf/[0-9][0-9]-*.yaml in its module directory. Then you will have to run make update-module-detectors to regenerate the code. It uses the module under the hood so you can also use it to update only one module provided as parameter.

  • To update an existing detector not located in a file so you can directly edit the terraform code in its tf file.

  • To add a new detector to an existing module you can use the j2 based generator adding a new yaml configuration file in the module directory conf/ with the prefix [0-9][0-9]- like conf/00-my_first_detector.yaml then run make update-module because this change should affect all tf files (outputs included) and the module documentation.

  • In some cases you do not want use the generator or it does not provide all capabilities you need. So you can implement it manually in another file than reusing and improving the code generated by the generator. You can also create it from scratch but you must follow our templating model (you can follow an existing detector). In this case no need to update the tf code but you still need to update the documentation of the module make update-module-doc.

  • To remove an existing detector, first think if lower severity, changing thresholds or functions could not improve it enough. If it is still not relevant or generate too many alerts in some scenarios but remain useful in others may be disabling it by default is a good idea. Finally, if the detector simply does not make sens so you can remove it. If it is located in file so simply git rm conf/42-the_detector.yaml and run make update-module. Else, you have to manually remove the resource code in detectors-?.tf file and all its related variables in

  • To add a new module you should use make init-module source_module where source is one of known sources (internal, organization, smart-agent, otel-collector, integration) and module is the name of your module like mysql or nginx. It will create a new directory [source]_[module] in /modules directory. The you can add new detector (see above) inside. For integration sources, we prefix its name in module like aws-alb or gcp-cloud-sql and it is often needed to remove the to not use the default filtering convention which is often not possible (i.e. aws integration prefix all dimensions with aws_tag_ the env becomes aws_tag_env.


Label: templating

Check: Generator

If you evolution on our templating model or the modules structure you will have to update existing documentation in markdown files of this repository starting by this one but also any relevant wiki pages.

You will also have to apply the evolution on the full existing code base so if you want to add a feature implemented everywhere.

Every single and tiny change in these templating rules must be spread to the entire repository on all modules and their detectors. This could be difficult to automate, source of mistakes and have undesired side effects.

If you want to implement a special feature for a specific module this is detectors change type you can go ahead.

But for feature common to all modules you will also probably need to update the j2 based generator to support this new "rule".

Also in some cases it is recommended to add a new checks / job to the CI if relevant.


The CI is broken down into 3 workflows. Each one run different jobs and all of them will failed for any error meet (i.e. change detected). All are required and must pass to merge.


The Detectors workflow is dedicated to test terraform code related to detectors in modules. It contains different jobs:

  • deployment: terraform fmt, validate and apply all detectors from all modules bootstrapping an example stack and importing all modules. It consists of make init-stack && terraform apply examples/stack.

  • compliance: check and lint the terraform code. It consists of make module-check which use tflint tool to check common terraform errors that validate does not find like unused declarations.

  • outputs: regenerates the detectors terraform outputs listing all resources in the modules to ensure outputs are up to date. It consists of make update-module-outputs.

  • gen: regenerates the detectors terraform resources and variables from their preset yaml configuration using the jinja based generator to ensure the configuration and code are "sync". It consists of make update-module-detectors.


The Documentation workflow is dedicated to update table of contents and check that generated documentation. It contains different jobs:

  • toc: runs DocToc to generate table of contents on all readmes in the repository. It consists of make update-toc but this job automatically push commits over your changes to update toc so it is not required to run this command manually.

  • spellcheck: runs PySpelling to find any typos in markdown files.

  • dead-links: uses markdown-link-check to find any broken links in markdown files.


The Generator workflow is dedicated to test the j2 based detectors generator which help the developer to create new detectors.

This generator is also used in the gen job of the Detectors workflow to regenerate all pre-configured detectors code.

There is only one job test which:

  • create a new "fake" module using make init-module in /modules directory.
  • generate detectors resources and variables thanks to the generator using all available example configurations from /scripts/templates/examples directory.
  • import the "fake" module into the ready example stack next to the existing static import.
  • deploy the /examples/stack to validate full process of creating a new module and generating detectors.