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Label terminology

Chris Selzo edited this page Oct 21, 2018 · 3 revisions

Label terminology

(This is broadly based on the k8s label document)

Labels are made up of key/value pairs.

For querying, a label_selector is used.

Label Keys

Label keys are made up of an (optional) prefix, and name. If a prefix is present, it is separated from the name by a /.

  • without a prefix: release
  • with a prefix:

Label key prefix

  • Length restriction: 0-253 characters
  • Character restriction: DNS subdomain format (series of subdomain labels separated by .)
  • Valid examples:
    • beeblebrox
    • (literally empty)
  • Invalid examples:
    • .fun
    • dope.
    • @#$(@(

Label key name

  • Length restriction: 1-63 characters
  • Character restriction: alphanumeric with -, _, and . allowed. Must begin and end with alphanumeric.
  • Valid examples:
    • release_v1_duh
    • Production-cluster
  • Invalid examples:
    • 1Direction
    • yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooThisIsLikeTooLongBrah
    • Datacenter-US-1
    • Something~Or

Label Values

  • Length restriction: 0-63 characters
  • Character restriction: alphanumeric with -, _, and . allowed. Must begin and end with alphanumeric.
  • Valid examples:
    • environment_v7_ultra
    • (literally empty)
    • Current-version
    • state.county.wa.king
  • Invalid examples:
    • 98Degrees
    • heyyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooWayTooLongMaah'
    • Legend~~Of&&The##Forbidden@@Characters

Label Selectors

Each label_selector consists of one or more requirements, separated by a comma. Typically, this has a syntax like "key operation value-set". The one exception is the exists requirement, which takes the form "key" or "!key".

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