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Kepler Architecture

Authors: Wayne Chang, Charles Cunningham

Date: May 24th, 2021

Major Subsystems

Kepler has these major subsystems:

  • Orbit Manifest: Provides Root Authority, Discoverability, and Base Policy
  • Access Control: Modular Key-Based Authentication, Capabilities-Based Permissioning
  • Hosts: Logical Units Serving Requests
  • Geometry: Mappings across Orbits inspired by FreeBSD's GEOM.

Orbit Manifest

Orbits are data overlays that are managed by keypairs. It is defined by an Orbit Manifest.

The Orbit Manifest is a digital document that describes all the important aspects about the the Orbit, namely:

  • The latest stable content state (e.g., via Merkle root hash).
  • The base access control list.
  • The list of hosts from which clients list, fetch, and update content.
  • The revocation strategy and validity status for capabilities.
  • The data consistency strategies for content and policy.
  • The supported authentication methods.

The Orbit Manifest can live:

  • A smart contract on a censorship-resistant blockchain (e.g,. Tezos, Ethereum, Solana, etc.)
  • A smart contract on a private blockchain (e.g., Fabric, Corda)
  • An updatable document with high availability, such as Ceramic documents, Textile instances or KERI Transaction Event Logs.
  • Permissioned DHT-like with update capabilities such as ipfs-log or DHT Mutable Items.
  • A centralized storage provider: website, S3, GitHub pages.
  • Any of the options above but also encrypted.

Ultimately, the storage medium for the Orbit Manifest will depend on requirements for discoverability, performance, permissioning, and resilience. For example, many smart contract languges allow Orbit Manifest permissioning to be enforced at the blockchain VM level.

Orbit Identifiers and Orbit Manifest Resolution

Orbit Identifiers allow users to resolve an Orbit Manifest. They are URIs (RFC3986) with parameters that differ depending on the Orbit Method. Orbit Identifiers are the Orbit Method type identifier followed by query parameters and fragments defined in the Orbit Method type specification.

For example, Orbit Identifiers from the Tezos Orbit Method:


To go from an Orbit Identifier to an Kepler URI, the identifier is first optionally hashed into a multiformats representation. This is desirable to add privacy (especially if there is a nonce-like field) or keep a constant Kepler URI size. It is then prefixed with kepler://.

Examples of Kepler URIs:


The Orbit Identifier is used in conjunction with an Orbit Method type specification to resolve to a current Orbit Manifest. It is possible that defaults or overrides are encoded into the Orbit Identifer, depending on the Orbit Method type.

Orbit Roles

The keyholder(s) known as the Orbit Commander(s) may determine virtually all aspects of the Orbit directly and indirectly by modifying the Orbit Manifest and issuing or revoking capabilities, including:

  • The list of public key-derived identifiers allowed to act as Orbit Commanders, Host Managers, Readers, Writers, Read Delegators, and Write Delegators.
  • The data consistency strategy for content updates.
  • The data consistency strategy for policy updates.
  • The revocation strategy for capabilities.
  • The supported authentication methods.

Host Managers may determine within the Orbit Manifest:

  • A list of public key-derived identifiers mapped to one or more addresses, such as IPv4, IPv6, and .onion, which are then used by clients to resolve kepler:// URIs.

Writers may determine within the Orbit Manifest:

  • The value of the Orbit Manifest field containing the latest Merkle root of the Orbit's contents, which indicates the current valid state (if supported by the content consistency strategy).

Write Delegators may:

  • Issue Write-scoped authorization capabilities via cryptographic signing.
  • Determine within the Orbit Manifest the validity and revocation status of any Write Delegator issued capabilities such as through a revocation list, cryptographic accumulator, or OCSP-like protocol.

Readers are recognized by all Hosts to have:

  • The implicit capability to list all of the Orbit's contents.
  • The implicit capability to fetch all of the Orbit's contents.

Read Delegators may:

  • Issue Read-scoped authorization capabilities via cryptographic signing.
  • Determine within the Orbit Manifest the validity and revocation status of any Read Delegator issued capabilities such as through a revocation list, cryptographic accumulator, or OCSP-like protocol.

Access Control


Other than the implicit permissions defined in the Orbit Manifest (such as Readers' implicit ability to read from Hosts), permissioning is handled via capabilities. Capabilities are scoped to constraints such as the action (read/write/list), domain (contents/policy), and validity status (revocation list/expiration).

Verification Methods for Capability Invocation

An Orbit's supported cryptographic verification methods are defined by the Orbit Commander, and they must all be key-based. Capability invocation is authenticated by the use of these verification methods. For example, it is possible to support cryptocurrency wallets with signing capabilities, such as ad hoc defined specifications such as EIP-712, or arbitrarily padded signing with other ecosystem wallets. It is also possible to authenticate with a ZCAP wrapped in a Verifiable Presentation. Support for a specific signing scheme is a matter of implementing an authentication method module for it, which consists of mapping signatures over structured data to Kepler capabilities, and then instructing the hosts to accept it.

For example, this authentication method implements support for signing via Tezos wallets, which prefixes all signed data with "Tezos Signed Message:".


Hosts are where users of the Orbit can go to get service.

Each Host uses a cryptographic keypair to serve as their core identifier and authenticator. A Host may consist of one or many machines, IP addresses, or other form of distribution. The keypair is used to demarcate a logical separation useful to the Orbit, such as ownership, SLA, or region.

Ultimately, Kepler will support a variety of storage systems, namely IPFS, but also AWS S3, GCP Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, Network File Systems, and even user-friendly REST API-supporting services such as Dropbox or Different use cases have different backend requirements.

The storage medium will typically matter less to the system, which focuses on interfaces which only requires upon reading, writing, and listing of content objects against a generic storage backend. However, people care a lot more about the storage medium where data are held, such as to comply with regulations (GDPR/CCPA/MyData/HIPAA/PCI/etc.), reduce network latency through regional guarantees, and achieve high performance by specifying disk types.


Orbits can be arranged in a geometry, or series of relationships. For example,

  • Orbit3 <- Orbit1{R} `Geometry.CopyOnWrite` Orbit2{RW}: Orbit3 is constructed with the read-only Orbit1 and read/write-capable Orbit2. When a user writes to Orbit3, the changes are actually captured in Orbit2, but to them, it looks as if they have modified Orbit1.
  • Orbit6 <- Geometry.Compose [Orbit4, Orbit5]: Orbit6 is a read-only amalgamation of Orbit4 and Orbit5.
  • Orbit8 <- Orbit6@fe728f `Geometry.CopyOnWrite` Orbit7{RW}: Orbit8 is a copy-on-write of a specific version of Orbit6. When Orbit6's underlying Orbits change, it does not affect Orbit8 because it was versioned.
  • Orbit11 <- Orbit9 `Geometry.Metadata` Orbit10: Orbit11 is Orbit9 augmented with one-to-one metadata stored in Orbit10. The Orbit Commander may want to add the further requirement that Orbit9 and Orbit10 share the same set of Hosts to ensure performance.
  • Orbit14 <- Orbit12 `Geometry.StreamBuffer[4MB]` Orbit13: Orbit14 is Orbit12, an Orbit with support for streaming content objects, buffered per stream with a fixed size limit using Orbit13. This allows for replay of bytestreams up to the size limit.