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张帅磊 edited this page Jul 9, 2021 · 5 revisions

Acquire Asset Config

  • Request description: acquire asset config

  • Request type: GET

  • Signature required: No

  • Request Url:

  • Request parameter:

    name type required description
    coin_type String No Coin type, e.g. BCH. If no coin_type is entered, the asset config of all the supported coins/tokens will be returned. If coin_type is provided, the asset config of the specific coin/token will be sent back instead.
  • Return value description:

    name type description
    asset String coin type
    chain String chain name
    can_deposit bool coin type deposit status
    can_withdraw bool coin type withdraw status
    deposit_least_amount String deposit least amount
    withdraw_least_amount String withdraw least amount
    withdraw_tx_fee String withdraw tx fee
  • Example:

# Request
# Response
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "ADA": {
            "asset": "ADA",
            "chain": "ADA",
            "can_deposit": true,
            "can_withdraw": true,
            "deposit_least_amount": "140",
            "withdraw_least_amount": "140",
            "withdraw_tx_fee": "73"
        "BCH": {
            "asset": "BCH",
            "chain": "BCH",
            "can_deposit": true,
            "can_withdraw": true,
            "deposit_least_amount": "140",
            "withdraw_least_amount": "140",
            "withdraw_tx_fee": "73"
    "message": "Ok"

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