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Connor Christian edited this page Nov 11, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the BMBuddy wiki!

Here you will see the progression of changes made to the BMBuddy application. Here are descriptions of every wiki page:

Web Design

On this wiki page you will see all updates relating to the BMBuddy website.


On this wiki page you will see all updates relating to the database implementation.

Data Retrieval

On this wiki page you will see all updates relating to the various scrapers and API's implemented. This includes the development of the tools that will gather the product information as well as communicate with the database to update and gather data.

Project Timeline

  • 10/29 - 11/4:
    • Create git repo
    • Design basic UI
    • Begin hosting website
  • 11/5 - 11/11:
    • Create MySQL database
    • Create a Buycott scraper
    • Populate database with grocery data
    • Implement product lookup utilizing database, Buycott scraper, and Walmart API
    • Populate database with houses/users
  • 11/12 - 11/18:
    • Implement login ability for each house/admin users
    • Implement lists (wishlist, shopping list, purchased list)
    • Finish UI on hosted site
  • 11/19 - 11/25:
    • Finish advanced feature
  • 11/26 - 12/2:
    • Final touches and debugging
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