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Travis branch License: MIT

Mobula network is a decentralized, self-healing layer 2 encrypted virtual network.

The whole system is built of production quality components. The layer 2 switching is provided by Open vSwitch[1], the network encryption is based on WireGuard[2], and the internal routing is processed by Linux networking subsystem.


  • Deployer: The computer which runs this script to deploy Mobula network on hosts
    • It is usually your personal computer
  • Host: The computer which will run with Mobula network
    • They are usually your servers
  • Local DNS Server: The DNS server maintained by Mobula to resolve private FQDNs

Installation Prerequisites

On Deployer

  • Packages:
    • git
    • virtualenv
    • wireguard

On Hosts

  • Supported OS:
    • CentOS 7
    • Ubuntu 18.04
    • Debian 9
  • Python 2 or 3 (/usr/bin/python must be in ${PATH})
  • Make sure deployer can ssh in as the root user
  • Assign a valid FQDN(can be a private domain) and make sure it matches your configuration file hosts.yml.


On Deployer

Get Mobula and change the current working directory

git clone ${mobula repository}
cd mobula

Initialize the python environment

virtualenv -p=python3 .env
. .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

The Mobula Network Design

In order to understand how to configure Mobula, you need to know the design of Mobula network.

First, given the ${Host ID} of a host, we define the following variables:

  • x.z: ${Host ID / 256}.${Host ID % 256}
  • y.z: ${Host ID / 256 + 128}.${Host ID % 256}.

There are 3 virtual networks in Mobula:

  • Access network
  • Intrawire network
  • Extrawire network

Each host has 3 virtual interfaces:

  • veth_fac0
    • Can reach access network
    • Assigned IP: 10.31.z.y/16
    • Reachable subnet:
  • mo-dir-hs
    • Can reach intrawire network and extrawire network
    • Assigned IP: 10.30.x.y/32
    • Reachable subnet:
  • veth_${host external interface}
    • Host's external interface(bridged to the orignal external interface)


Suppose there are 3 hosts(Host 1, Host 2, and Host 3), the network topology looks like the following graph. The gateways of Host 1 and Host 2 are not drawn on the graph, but they are similar to the gateway of Host 3.

|                                                                   |
| Public, External Network <-----+         +----------------------+ |
|                                |         |                      | |
| +-------------------+          |         |   +---------------+  | |
| |                   |          |         |   |Host ID 3      |  | |
| |  Your SSH Client  +----------+         |   |               |  | |
| |                   |          |         |   | +-----------+ |  | |
| +-------------------+          +---------------> Gateway   | |  | |
|                                          |   | | | |  | |
| +----------------------------------------+   | |           | |  | |
| |Access Network                 | | Firewall  | |  | |
| |                                            | | Dnsmasq   | |  | |
| |              ^                    ^        | | WireGuard | |  | |
| |              |                    |        | |           | |  | |
| |  +---------------+    +---------------+    | +-----^-----+ |  | |
| |  |Host ID 1  |   |    |Host ID 2  |   |    |       |       |  | |
| |  |           |   |    |           |   |    |       |       |  | |
| |  | +---------+-+ |    | +---------+-+ |    | +-----v-----+ |  | |
| |  | |           | |    | |           | |    | |           | |  | |
| |  | | veth_fac0 | |    | | veth_fac0 | |  <---+ veth_fac0 | |  | |
| |  | || |    | || |    | || |  | |
| |  | +-----------+ |    | +-----------+ |    | +-----------+ |  | |
| |  |               |    |               |    |               |  | |
| +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |  |               |    |               |    |               |  | |
| |  | +-----------+ |    | +-----------+ |    | +-----------+ |  | |
| |  | |           | |    | |           | |    | |           | |  | |
| |  | | mo-dir-hs <--------> mo-dir-hs <--------> mo-dir-hs | |  | |
| |  | | | |    | | | |    | | | |  | |
| |  | +-----^-----+ |    | +-----------+ |    | +-----^--^--+ |  | |
| |  |       |       |    |               |    |       |  |    |  | |
| |  +---------------+    +---------------+    +---------------+  | |
| |          |                                         |  |       | |
| |          +-----------------------------------------+  |       | |
| |                                                       |       | |
| |                                       +-----------------------+ |
| |                                       |               |         |
| |                                       |    +----------+-------+ |
| |Intrawire Network         |    | Extrawire Client | |
| |Extrawire Network       |    |  | |
| +---------------------------------------+    +------------------+ |
|                                                                   |

Access network

The main layer 2 virtual network. All layer 2 protocols(ARP, VLAN, ...) can go through this network. Each host also has a gateway on 10.31.x.y, which provide the external network access and the DNS resolution(by local DNS server). For example, you should set 10.31.x.y as the default gateway on a host so as to reach the external Internet.

Except for the host's IP addresses 10.31.x.y and 10.31.z.y, any other IP addresses in can be used on access network. For example, you can bridge your VM network to veth_fac0 and assign an unused IP 10.31.?.?/16, then your VM can access all hosts and their gateways through access network.

Intrawire network

The point-to-point virtual network between hosts. It only does layer 3 routing but provides better network throughput and lower overhead. High bandwith traffic that is only between hosts(Network storage, VM migration, ...) should communicate with intrawire network IPs and go through this network.

Extrawire network

The maintenance virtual network for network administrstors. By setting up the VPN and connect to extrawire network, network administrators can access intrawire and access networks from their computers.


There are 3 config files must be created and configured before deploying:

  • hosts.yml
  • extra_hosts.yml
  • extra_wires.yml


This file describes the hosts and the settings of access network. Example can be found at hosts.yml.example.

    ${Host external IP, which can access Internet}:
      host_id: ${Host ID, which must be in the range [1, 32767]}
      hostname: '${Host FQDN in access network, which can be a private domain}'


This file describes the extra FQDNs in access network, which will be registered to local DNS servers. Example can be found at extra_hosts.yml.example.

  ${access network IP 1}: '${FQDN 1}'
  ${access network IP 2}: '${FQDN 2}'


The file describes the external WireGuard clients which can connect to access network. Example can be found at extra_wires.yml.example.

  ${extrawire IP 1, which must be in the subnet}/32: 'WireGuard public key 1'

Each time you deploy Mobula, it will generate a new WireGuard key pair for each host. If you need public keys of the hosts to configure the external WireGuard clients, they can be found in wireguard_pubkeys.yml after your deployment.


On Deployer

Normal Deploying

It will install Mobula on the new hosts and update configuration on existed hosts. During installation, the new hosts will be rebooted. If the "Normal Deploying" failed, after you fixed the problems, you should perform the "Force Deploying" to overwrite the previous interrupted installation.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml ./deploy.yml

Force Deploying

Reinstall Mobula and reboot all hosts.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml ./deploy.yml -e 'reinstall=1'

Note: Every time you change the configuration or add/remove hosts, you can directly rerun the deploying commands to update your Mobula network

On Host

After installation, the IP address of veth_fac0 is left blank. You should set the access network IP 10.31.z.y/16 on it and add the default gateway 10.31.x.y with the network configuration tool on your host.


  1. Open vSwitch.
  2. WireGuard.


Mobula: Mesh Obfuscated Local Area Network







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