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Using Emailizr with FormBuilder

Get FormBuilder here.

  1. Copy Templates
  • copy FormBuilderBundle/Resources/views/email/email.html.twig to templates/bundles/FormBuilderBundle/email/email.html.twig
  • add your inky data, for example:
{% apply spaceless %}
{{ emailizr_style_collector.add('@YourBundle/public/css/style.css') }}
{% emailizr_inline_style %}
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>
    {% block headStyles %}
        <style type="text/css">
            {% autoescape false %}
                {{ emailizr_inline_style(emailizr_style_collector) }}
            {% endautoescape %}
    {% endblock %}
{% apply inky_to_html %}

    {% if editmode %}

        <div class="alert alert-info">
            <strong>Admin:</strong> {{ ''|trans({},'admin')|format('<code>%Text(firstname);</code>') }}

        {% if document.getProperty('mail_disable_default_mail_body') != true %}
            <div class="alert alert-info"><strong>Admin:</strong> {{ ''|trans({},'admin') }}</div>
        {% else %}
            <div class="alert alert-info"><strong>Admin:</strong> {{ ''|trans({},'admin')|format('<code>%Text(firstname);</code>') }}</div>
        {% endif %}

    {% endif %}

            <columns small="12" large="12">
                {{ pimcore_wysiwyg('text', {width: '500'}) }}

    {% if document.getProperty('mail_disable_default_mail_body') != true %}

                <columns small="12" large="12">
                    {% if editmode != true %}
                    {% else %}
                        <p class="formbuilder-placeholder-body">{{ ''|trans({},'admin') }}</p>
                    {% endif %}

    {% endif %}
{% endapply %}
{% end_emailizr_inline_style %}
{% endapply %}
  • copy FormBuilder/Resources/views/email/form-data.html.twig to templates/bundles/FormBuilderBundle/email/form-data.html.twig
  • add your inky data, for example:
{% apply spaceless %}

    {{ emailizr_style_collector.add('@YourBundle/public/css/style.css') }}

    {% emailizr_inline_style %}

        {% apply inky_to_html %}


                {% for field in fields|default([]) %}
                    {% set value = field.value %}

                    {% if value is iterable %}
                        {% set value = value|join(', ') %}
                    {% endif %}

                    {% if value is not empty %}

                            <columns small="12" large="6">
                                <strong>{{ field.email_label|default(field.label)|raw }}:</strong>
                            <columns small="12" large="6">
                                {{ value }}

                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}

        {% endapply %}

    {% end_emailizr_inline_style %}

{% endapply %}
  1. Optional: Using context service to modifiy mail parameter

Since you already have parsed all email templates via twig, everything should be fine. It's possible, however, to modify the formdata via the content service:

2.1. Set an Event Listener

        autowire: true
        public: false
            - { name: kernel.event_subscriber }

2.2 Submit Values to Emailizr Parser


namespace App\EventListener;

use EmailizrBundle\Service\ContentService;
use FormBuilderBundle\Event\OutputWorkflow\ChannelSubjectGuardEvent;use FormBuilderBundle\FormBuilderEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class FormBuilderMailListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
    protected ContentService $contentService;

    public function __construct(ContentService $contentService)
        $this->contentService = $contentService;

    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            FormBuilderEvents::OUTPUT_WORKFLOW_GUARD_SUBJECT_PRE_DISPATCH => ['onMailPreSubmit'],

    public function onMailPreSubmit(ChannelSubjectGuardEvent $event)
        $mail = $event->getSubject();
        if(!$mail instanceof \Pimcore\Mail) {
        $cssFile = PIMCORE_WEB_ROOT . '/static/css/email.css';
        foreach ($mail->getParams() as $key => $value) {
            $fragment = $this->contentService->checkContent($value, $cssFile, false, true, true);
            $mail->setParam($key, $fragment);
