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128 lines (66 loc) · 4.8 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (66 loc) · 4.8 KB




This application is deployed in the following places:

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...


The following requirements are necessary for running the application yourself or contributing to it.

i. Software requirements (for running locally)

  • Installation of R Studio 2024.04.2+764 "Chocolate Cosmos" or higher

  • Installation of R 4.4.1 or higher

  • Installation of RTools44 or higher

ii. Programming skills required (for editing or troubleshooting)

iii. Access requirements


How to use


Running the app locally

  1. Clone or download the repo.

  2. Open the R project in R Studio.

  3. Run renv::restore() to install dependencies.

  4. Run shiny::runApp() to run the app locally.

Folder structure

All R code outside of the core global.R, server.R, and ui.R files is stored in the R/ folder. There is a R/helper_functions.R file for common custom functions, and scripts for the different UI panels in the R/ui_panels/ folder.



Package control is handled using renv. As in the steps above, you will need to run renv::restore() if this is your first time using the project.

Whenever you add new packages, make sure to use renv::snapshot() to record them in the renv.lock file.


Automated tests have been created using shinytest2 that test the app loads and also give other examples of ways you can use tests. You should edit the tests as you add new features into the app and continue to add and maintain the tests over time.

GitHub Actions provide CI by running the automated tests and checks for code styling on every pull request into the main branch. The yaml files for these workflows can be found in the .github/workflows folder.

You should run shinytest2::test_app() regularly to check that the tests are passing against the code you are working on.


The app is deployed to Department for Education's subscription using GitHub actions. The yaml file for this can be found in the .github/workflows folder. Maintenance of this is provided by the explore education statistics platforms team.


In general all .r files will have a usable outline, so make use of that for navigation if in RStudio: Ctrl-Shift-O.

Code styling

The function styler::style_dir() will tidy code according to tidyverse styling using the styler package. Run this regularly as only tidied code will be allowed to be committed. This function also helps to test the running of the code and for basic syntax errors such as missing commas and brackets.

You should also run lintr::lint_dir() regularly as lintr will check all pull requests for the styling of the code, it does not style the code for you like styler, but is slightly stricter and checks for long lines, variables not using snake case, commented out code and undefined objects amongst other things.

How to contribute


Flagging issues

If you spot any issues with the application, please flag it in the "Issues" tab of this repository, and label as a bug. Include as much detail as possible to help the developers diagnose the issue and prepare a suitable remedy.

Making suggestions

You can also use the "Issues" tab in GitHub to suggest new features, changes or additions. Include as much detail on why you're making the suggestion and any thinking towards a solution that you have already done.

