From cc65d5214c0c3a8fc643090c335aed5feeed296f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: digitalsleuth Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2022 20:56:25 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Fixing ignore --- winfor-cli.ps1 | 382 ------------------------------------------ winfor-cli.ps1.sha256 | 1 - 2 files changed, 383 deletions(-) delete mode 100755 winfor-cli.ps1 delete mode 100755 winfor-cli.ps1.sha256 diff --git a/winfor-cli.ps1 b/winfor-cli.ps1 deleted file mode 100755 index dc11db6..0000000 --- a/winfor-cli.ps1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,382 +0,0 @@ - <# - .SYNOPSIS - This script is used to install the Windows Forensic (Win-FOR) toolset into a Windows VM or Windows machine - - .DESCRIPTION - The Windows Forensic (Win-FOR) environment comes with a multitude of tools for use in conducting digital forensics using a Windows - Operating System. Many useful tools for malware analysis, reverse engineering, and advanced digital forensics are designed - to run in Windows. Instead of creating a list for manual download, this installer, as well as the SaltStack state files - which are part of the package, will allow for an easy, automated install. - Additionally, the Win-FOR states allow for the automated installation of the Windows Subsystem for Linux v2, and comes with - the REMnux and SIFT toolsets, making Win-FOR a one-stop shop for forensics! - .NOTES - Version : 4.0 - Author : Corey Forman ( - Prerequisites : Windows 10 1909 or later - : Set-ExecutionPolicy must allow for script execution - .PARAMETER Install - Used to initiate the install of the Win-FOR environment. - Can be used in conjunction with -User and -Mode to customize the build process - .PARAMETER User - Choose the desired username to configure the installation for. - If not selected, the currently logged in user will be selected. - .PARAMETER Mode - There are two modes to choose from for the installation of the Win-FOR Environment: - addon: Install all of the tools, but don't do any customization. Leaves your config the way it is - dedicated: Assumes that you want the full meal-deal, and will install all packages, customize the layout, and provide - additional reference documents - If neither option is selected, the addon mode will be selected. - .PARAMETER Update - Identifies the current version of the environment and re-installs all states from that version - .PARAMETER Upgrade - Identifies the latest version of Win-FOR and will install that version - .PARAMETER Version - Print the current version of the installed Win-FOR environment - .PARAMETER XUser - The Username for the X-Ways portal - Required to download and install X-Ways - .PARAMETER XPass - The Password for the X-Ways portal - Required to download and install X-Ways - "QUOTES REQUIRED" - .PARAMETER IncludeWsl - When selected, will install the Windows Subsystem for Linux v2, and will install the SIFT and REMnux toolsets. - This option assumes you also want the full Win-FOR suite, and will install that first, then WSL last - .PARAMETER WslOnly - If you wish to install only WSLv2 with SIFT and REMnux either separately (due to bandwidth / system limitations) - or you only want that particular feature and nothing else, this option will do just that. It will not install the Win-FOR - states. - .Example - winfor -Install -User forensics -Mode dedicated -IncludeWsl -XUser forensics -XPass "password123" - winfor -Install - winfor -WslOnly - winfor -Version - winfor -Update - winfor -Upgrade - #> - -param ( - [string]$User = "", - [string]$Mode = "", - [string]$XUser = "", - [string]$XPass = "", - [switch]$Install, - [switch]$Update, - [switch]$Upgrade, - [switch]$Version, - [switch]$IncludeWsl, - [switch]$WslOnly, - [switch]$Help -) -[string]$installerVersion = 'v4.0' -[string]$saltstackVersion = '3005.1-3' -[string]$saltstackFile = 'Salt-Minion-' + $saltstackVersion + '-Py3-AMD64-Setup.exe' -[string]$saltstackHash = "9899DE61DF2782BCA8A896EB814BF2EA0E92C0B18BF91F7C747B60EBF1EBF72D" -[string]$saltstackUrl = "" -[string]$saltstackSource = $saltstackUrl + $saltstackFile -[string]$gitVersion = '2.38.1' -[string]$gitFile = 'Git-' + $gitVersion + '-64-bit.exe' -[string]$gitHash = "f3fe05e65cd7e9a9126784d4ad57fdf979d30d5987fe849af4348dbe3e284df6" -[string]$gitUrl = "" + $gitVersion + ".windows.1/" + $gitFile -[string]$versionFile = "C:\ProgramData\Salt Project\Salt\srv\salt\winfor-version" - -function Compare-Hash($FileName, $HashName) { - $fileHash = (Get-FileHash $FileName -Algorithm SHA256).Hash - if ($fileHash -eq $HashName) { - Write-Host "[+] Hash values match" -ForegroundColor Green - return $True - } else { - Write-Host "[!] Hash values do not match" -ForegroundColor Red - return $False - } -} - -function Test-Saltstack { - $InstalledSalt = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*','HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -clike 'Salt Minion*' } | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion) - if (($null -eq $InstalledSalt.DisplayName) -or ($null -ne $InstalledSalt.DisplayName -and $InstalledSalt.DisplayVersion -ne $saltstackVersion)) { - return $False - } elseif ($InstalledSalt.DisplayName -clike 'Salt Minion*' -and $InstalledSalt.DisplayVersion -eq $saltstackVersion) { - return $True - } -} - -function Get-Saltstack { - if (-Not (Test-Path C:\Windows\Temp\$saltstackFile)) { - [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 - Write-Host "[-] Downloading SaltStack v$saltstackVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Start-BitsTransfer -Source $saltstackSource -Destination "C:\Windows\Temp\$saltstackFile" -Dynamic - Write-Host "[-] Verifying Download" -ForegroundColor Yellow - $SaltHashMatch = Compare-Hash -FileName C:\Windows\Temp\$saltstackFile -HashName $saltstackHash - if (-Not ($SaltHashMatch)) { - Write-Host "[!] Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red - exit - } else { - Write-Host "[-] Installing SaltStack v$saltstackVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Install-Saltstack - } - } else { - Write-Host "[-] Found existing SaltStack installer - validating hash before installing" -ForegroundColor Yellow - $SaltHashMatch = Compare-Hash -FileName C:\Windows\Temp\$saltstackFile -HashName $saltstackHash - if (-Not ($SaltHashMatch)) { - Write-Host "[!] Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red - exit - } else { - Write-Host "[-] Installing SaltStack v$saltstackVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Install-Saltstack - } - } -} - -function Install-Saltstack { - Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "C:\Windows\Temp\$saltstackFile" -ArgumentList '/S /master=localhost /minion-name=WIN-FOR' -PassThru | Out-Null - if ($?) { - Write-Host "[+] SaltStack installed successfully" -ForegroundColor Green - } else { - Write-Host "[!] Installation of SaltStack failed. Please re-run the installer to try again" -ForegroundColor Red - exit - } -} - -function Test-Git { - $InstalledGit = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*','HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -clike 'Git*' } | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion) - if (($null -eq $InstalledGit.DisplayName) -or ($null -ne $InstalledGit.DisplayName -and $InstalledGit.DisplayVersion -ne $gitVersion)) { - return $False - } elseif ($InstalledGit.DisplayName -clike 'Git*' -and $InstalledGit.DisplayVersion -clike "$gitVersion*") { - return $True - } -} - -function Get-Git { - if (-Not (Test-Path C:\Windows\Temp\$gitFile)) { - [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 - Write-Host "[-] Downloading Git v$gitVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Start-BitsTransfer -Source $gitUrl -Destination "C:\Windows\Temp\$gitFile" -Dynamic - Write-Host "[-] Verifying Download" -ForegroundColor Yellow - $GitHashMatch = Compare-Hash -FileName C:\Windows\Temp\$gitFile -HashName $gitHash - if (-Not ($GitHashMatch)) { - Write-Host "[!] Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red - exit - } else { - Write-Host "[-] Installing Git v$gitVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Install-Git - } - } else { - Write-Host "[-] Found existing Git installer - validating hash before installing" -ForegroundColor Yellow - $GitHashMatch = Compare-Hash -FileName C:\Windows\Temp\$gitFile -HashName $gitHash - if (-Not ($GitHashMatch)) { - Write-Host "[!] Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red - exit - } else { - Write-Host "[-] Installing Git v$gitVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Install-Git - } - } -} - -function Install-Git { - Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "C:\Windows\Temp\$gitFile" -ArgumentList '/VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SP- /NOCANCEL /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES' -PassThru | Out-Null - if ($?) { - Write-Host "[+] Git installed successfully" -ForegroundColor Green - } else { - Write-Host "[!] Installation of Git failed. Please re-run the installer to try again" -ForegroundColor Red - exit - } -} -function Get-WinFORRelease($installVersion) { - $zipFolder = 'winfor-salt-' + $installVersion.Split("v")[-1] - Write-Host "[-] Downloading and unpacking $installVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Start-BitsTransfer -Source$ -Destination C:\Windows\Temp -Dynamic - Start-BitsTransfer -Source$installVersion/winfor-salt-$ -Destination C:\Windows\Temp -Dynamic - $releaseHash = (Get-Content C:\Windows\Temp\winfor-salt-$" ")[0] - Write-Host "[-] Validating hash for release file" -ForegroundColor Yellow - $StateHashMatch = Compare-Hash -FileName C:\Windows\Temp\$ -HashName $releaseHash - if (-Not ($StateHashMatch)) { - Write-host "[!] Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red - exit - } else { - Expand-Archive -Path C:\Windows\Temp\$ -Destination 'C:\ProgramData\Salt Project\Salt\srv\' -Force - } - if (Test-Path "C:\ProgramData\Salt Project\Salt\srv\salt") { - Remove-Item -Force "C:\ProgramData\Salt Project\Salt\srv\salt" -Recurse - } - Move-Item "C:\ProgramData\Salt Project\Salt\srv\$zipFolder" 'C:\ProgramData\Salt Project\Salt\srv\salt' -Force -} - -function Install-WinFOR { - $apiUri = "" - $latestVersion = ((((Invoke-WebRequest $apiUri -UseBasicParsing).Content) | ConvertFrom-Json).zipball_url).Split('/')[-1] - $installVersion = $latestVersion - $runningUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) - if (-Not $runningUser.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { - Write-Host "[!] Not running as Administrator, please re-run this script as Administrator" -ForegroundColor Red - exit 1 - } - if ($User -eq "") { - $User = [System.Environment]::UserName - } - if ($Mode -eq "") { - $Mode = "addon" - } - if (($Mode -ne 'addon') -and ($Mode -ne 'dedicated')) { - Write-Host "[!] The only valid modes are 'addon' or 'dedicated'." -ForegroundColor Red - exit 1 - } - if ($Update) { - if(-Not (Test-Path $versionFile)) { - $winforVersion = 'not installed' - Write-Host "[!] Win-FOR is not installed. Try running the installer again before choosing the update option." -ForegroundColor Red - exit - } else { - $winforVersion = (Get-Content $versionFile) - } - $installVersion = $winforVersion - } elseif ($Upgrade) { - if(-Not (Test-Path $versionFile)) { - $winforVersion = 'not installed' - Write-Host "[!] Win-FOR is not installed. Try running the installer again before choosing the upgrade option." -ForegroundColor Red - exit - } else { - $installVersion = $latestVersion - } - } - $saltStatus = Test-Saltstack - if ($saltStatus -eq $False) { - Write-Host "[-] SaltStack not installed" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Get-Saltstack - } elseif ($saltStatus -eq $True) { - Write-Host "[+] SaltStack v$saltstackVersion already installed" -ForegroundColor Green - } - $gitStatus = Test-Git - if ($gitStatus -eq $False) { - Write-Host "[-] Git not installed" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Get-Git - } elseif ($gitStatus -eq $True) { - Write-Host "[+] Git v$gitVersion already installed" -ForegroundColor Green - } - Write-Host "[-] Refreshing environment variables" -ForegroundColor Yellow - $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") - $logFile = "C:\winfor-saltstack-$installVersion.log" - Get-WinFORRelease $installVersion - if (($XUser -ne "") -and ($XPass -ne "")) { - $AuthToken = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($XUser + ":" + $XPass)) - ((Get-Content 'C:\ProgramData\Salt Project\Salt\srv\salt\winfor\standalones\x-ways.sls') -replace ' = "TOKENPLACEHOLDER"', (" = "+ '"' + $AuthToken + '"')) | Set-Content 'C:\ProgramData\Salt Project\Salt\srv\salt\winfor\standalones\x-ways.sls' - } - Write-Host "[+] The Win-FOR installer command is running, configuring for user $User - this will take a while... please be patient" -ForegroundColor Green - Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Salt Project\Salt\salt-call.bat" -ArgumentList ("-l debug --local --retcode-passthrough --state-output=mixed state.sls winfor.$Mode pillar=`"{'winfor_user': '$User'}`" --log-file-level=debug --log-file=`"$logFile`" --out-file=`"$logFile`" --out-file-append") | Out-Null - if (-Not (Test-Path $logFile)) { - $results=$failures=$errors=$null - } else { - $results = (Select-String -Path $logFile -Pattern 'Succeeded:' -Context 1 | ForEach-Object{"[!] " + $_.Line; "[!] " + $_.Context.PostContext} | Out-String).Trim() - $failures = (Select-String -Path $logFile -Pattern 'Succeeded:' -Context 1 | ForEach-Object{$_.Context.PostContext}).split(':')[1].Trim() - $errors = (Select-String -Path $logFile -Pattern ' ID:' -Context 0,6 | ForEach-Object{$_.Line; $_.Context.DisplayPostContext + "`r-------------"}) - } - $errorLogFile = "C:\winfor-errors-$installVersion.log" - if ($failures -ne 0 -and $null -ne $failures) { - $errors | Out-File $errorLogFile -Append - Write-Host $results -ForegroundColor Yellow - Write-Host "[!] To determine the cause of the failures, review the log file $logFile and search for lines containing [ERROR ] or review $errorLogFile for a less verbose listing." -ForegroundColor Yellow - Write-Host "[!] In order to ensure all configuration changes are successful, it is recommended to reboot before first use." -ForegroundColor Yellow - } else { - Write-Host $results -ForegroundColor Green - Write-Host "[!] In order to ensure all configuration changes are successful, it is recommended to reboot before first use." -ForegroundColor Green - } - if ($IncludeWsl) { - if ($results) { - $results | Out-File "C:\winfor-results-$installVersion.log" -Append - } - Invoke-WSLInstaller - } -} - -function Invoke-WSLInstaller { - if ($User -eq "") { - $User = [System.Environment]::UserName - } - $runningUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) - if (-not $runningUser.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { - Write-Host "[!] Not running as administrator, please re-run this script as Administrator" -ForegroundColor Red - exit 1 - } - ### UAC and Defender settings based on - ### Required for unattended WSL setup - Write-Output "[-] Lowering UAC level..." - Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin" -Type DWord -Value 0 - Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "PromptOnSecureDesktop" -Type DWord -Value 0 - If (!(Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender")) { - New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" -Force | Out-Null - } - Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" -Name "DisableAntiSpyware" -Type DWord -Value 1 - If ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -eq 14393) { - Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "WindowsDefender" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue - } ElseIf ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -ge 15063) { - Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "SecurityHealth" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue - } - Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "C:\standalone\wsl" - $wslLogFile = "C:\winfor-wsl.log" - $wslErrorLog = "C:\winfor-wsl-errors.log" - if (-Not (Test-Path "C:\ProgramData\Salt Project\Salt\srv\salt\winfor")) { - $apiUri = "" - $latestVersion = ((((Invoke-WebRequest $apiUri -UseBasicParsing).Content) | ConvertFrom-Json).zipball_url).Split('/')[-1] - $installVersion = $latestVersion - Get-WinFORRelease $installVersion - } - Write-Host "[+] Preparing for WSLv2 Installation" -ForegroundColor Green - Write-Host "[-] This will process will automatically reboot the system and continue on the next login" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Salt Project\Salt\salt-call.bat" -ArgumentList ("-l debug --local --retcode-passthrough --state-output=mixed state.sls winfor.repos pillar=`"{'winfor_user': '$User'}`" --log-file-level=debug --log-file=`"$wslLogFile`" --out-file=`"$wslLogFile`" --out-file-append") | Out-Null - Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Salt Project\Salt\salt-call.bat" -ArgumentList ("-l debug --local --retcode-passthrough --state-output=mixed state.sls winfor.wsl pillar=`"{'winfor_user': '$User'}`" --log-file-level=debug --log-file=`"$wslLogFile`" --out-file=`"$wslLogFile`" --out-file-append") | Out-Null - ### If the above is successful, the following lines have no effect, as a reboot will have occurred. - ### However, if they are not successful, the following will log the errors in a separate file for examination. - $wslErrors = (Select-String -Path $wslLogFile -Pattern ' ID:' -Context 0,6 | ForEach-Object{$_.Line; $_.Context.DisplayPostContext + "`r-------------"}) - if ($wslErrors -ne 0 -and $null -ne $wslErrors) { - $wslErrors | Out-File $wslErrorLog -Append - } -} - -function Show-WinFORHelp { - Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow @" -Windows Forensics Environment (Win-FOR) Installer $installerVersion -Usage: - -Install Installs the Win-FOR environment - -User Choose the desired username for which to configure the installation - -Mode There are two modes to choose from for the installation: - addon: Install all of the tools, but don't do any customization - dedicated: Assumes you want the full meal-deal, will install all packages and customization - -Update Identifies the current version of Win-FOR and re-installs all states from that version - -Upgrade Identifies the latest version of Win-FOR and will install that version - -Version Displays the current version of Win-FOR (if installed) then exits - -XUser The Username for the X-Ways portal - Required to download and install X-Ways - -XPass The Password for the X-Ways portal - Required to download and install X-Ways - USE QUOTES - -IncludeWsl Will install the Windows Subsystem for Linux v2 with SIFT and REMnux toolsets - This option assumes you also want the full Win-FOR suite, install that first, then WSL - -WslOnly If you wish to only install WSLv2 with SIFT and REMnux separately, without the tools -"@ -} - -function Get-WinFORVersion { - if(-Not (Test-Path $versionFile)) { - $winforVersion = 'not installed' - } else { - $winforVersion = (Get-Content $versionFile) - } - Write-Host "Win-FOR is $winforVersion" -ForegroundColor Green - exit -} - -if ($WslOnly) { - $saltStatus = Test-Saltstack - $gitStatus = Test-Git - if ($saltStatus -ne $True) { - Write-Host "[-] SaltStack not installed" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Get-Saltstack - } - if ($gitStatus -ne $True) { - Write-Host "[-] Git not installed" -ForegroundColor Yellow - Get-Git - } - Invoke-WSLInstaller -} elseif ($Help -and $PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 1) { - Show-WinFORHelp -} elseif ($Version -and $PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 1) { - Get-WinFORVersion -} elseif ($PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0) { - Show-WinFORHelp -} elseif ($Install -or $Update -or $Upgrade) { - Install-WinFOR -} diff --git a/winfor-cli.ps1.sha256 b/winfor-cli.ps1.sha256 deleted file mode 100755 index 0c9d892..0000000 --- a/winfor-cli.ps1.sha256 +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -a22ca74b4747814c513f11303a59d72ec83c443a56c9fd6dcb2b28b0cb1d348a winfor-cli.ps1