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1021 lines (817 loc) · 75.5 KB

File metadata and controls

1021 lines (817 loc) · 75.5 KB


All notable changes are documented in this file using the Keep a CHANGELOG principles.

1.17.0 - 2019-07-11


  • Added #585: yoi, [oi, and ]oi, toggle, switch on, and switch off 'ignorecase' (Unimpaired plugin)
  • Added #585: yoh, [oh, and ]oh, toggle, switch on, and switch off 'hlsearch' (Unimpaired plugin)
  • Added #599: yo{char} (previously co[char}) toggle option (Unimpaired plugin)
  • Added #585: Support for set {option} in neovintageousrc file
  • Added #596: :set {option}! toggle option
  • Added #611: :set {option}? show option
  • Added #611: :set no{option} switch option off
  • Added #585: :set belloff
  • Added #585: :set menu
  • Added #585: :set minimap
  • Added #585: :set number
  • Added #585: :set sidebar
  • Added #585: :set spell
  • Added #585: :set statusbar
  • Added #585: :set wrap
  • Added #585: :set wrapscan
  • Added #607: vai (text-object) an indentation level and line above (indent object plugin)
  • Added #607: vii (text-object) inner indentation level (no line above) (indent object plugin)
  • Added #607: vaI (text-object) an indentation level and lines above/below (indent object plugin)
  • Added #607: viI (text-object) inner indentation level (no lines above/below) (indent object plugin)
  • Added #607: Allow plugins to be fully disabled by boolean setting enable_{plugin_name}
  • Added #599: [s move to prev misspelled word after the cursor ('wrapscan' applies)
  • Added #599: ]s move to next misspelled word after the cursor ('wrapscan' applies)
  • Added #599: :spellundo {word} remove {word} from good word spell checking
  • Added #599: :spellgood {word} add {word} as a good word to spell checking
  • Added #599: z= for the word under/after the cursor suggest correctly spelled words
  • Added #599: zug undo zg, remove the word from the entry in spell checking dictionary
  • Added #599: zg add word under the cursor as a good word to spell checking dictionary
  • Added #604: :set wrapscan to disable wrapping on *, #, n, N (searches)
  • Added #604: :set wrapscan to disable wrapping on ]c and [c (jump to diffs)
  • Added #404: <Del> delete [count] characters under and after the cursor (alias of x)
  • Added #404: Support for function keys 13-20 in mappings e.g. <f13>, <C-f16>, <C-S-f20>
  • Added #593: Highlight all occurrences on incremental searches
  • Added #589: :set incsearch to highlight the pattern matches as it was typed so far
  • Added #589: :set winaltkeys to enable <A-...> mappings
  • Added #579: <A-...> ALT keys (alias of <M-...>)
  • Added #580: [count]gqgq (alias of gqq)
  • Added #580: [count]gqq format the current line with a count format that many lines


  • Deprecated #404: vintageous_belloff setting; use set belloff in neovintageousrc file
  • Deprecated #404: vintageous_hlsearch setting; use set hlsearch in neovintageousrc file
  • Deprecated #404: vintageous_ignorecase setting; use set ignorecase in neovintageousrc file
  • Deprecated #404: vintageous_incsearch setting; use set incsearch in neovintageousrc file
  • Deprecated #404: vintageous_magic setting; use set magic in neovintageousrc file
  • Deprecated #404: vintageous_modeline setting; use set modeline in neovintageousrc file
  • Deprecated #404: vintageous_modelines setting; use set modelines in neovintageousrc file
  • Deprecated #404: vintageous_winaltkeys setting; use set winaltkeys in neovintageousrc file
  • Deprecated #404: vintageous_wrapscan setting; use set wrapscan in neovintageousrc file


  • Fixed #617: Some magic mode searches should be literal
  • Fixed #613: Goto matching bracket % inherits strange behaviour from vim
  • Fixed #243: Braces in strings mess up brace matching with %
  • Fixed #612: Mapped searches are not repeatable by n or N
  • Fixed #373: vii does not select the whole indented line
  • Fixed #606: ]<Space> and [<Space> cursor position on blank lines
  • Fixed #605: ]c and [c are off-by-one for blank lines
  • Fixed #598: Text object registers should be linewise
  • Fixed #597: di( and other text objects ignore indention
  • Fixed #591: ? (search forward) in visual modes is inconsistent
  • Fixed #590: / (search backward) in visual modes is inconsistent
  • Fixed #588: Visual mode incremental search highlighting is inconsistent

1.16.6 - 2019-07-09

  • Fixed #618: Character , (comma) not supported as string in ex command

1.16.5 - 2019-07-09

  • Fixed #616: Can't use characters like : and # in ex commands

1.16.4 - 2019-07-03

  • Fixed #609: <C-e> and <C-y> are not working in visual line mode
  • Fixed #610: invalid malformed mapping

1.16.3 - 2019-06-18

  • Fixed #579: error 'A-j' is not a known key
  • Fixed #587: :wall should only save dirty views

1.16.2 - 2019-06-14

  • Fixed #583: :move has inconsistent cursor behaviour
  • Fixed #584: :copy to EOF adds too many newlines

1.16.1 - 2019-06-13

  • Fixed #581: Pasting complete line is invading new line
  • Fixed #582: u (undo) after :sort u command needs to be pressed twice to fully undo

1.16.0 - 2019-06-05


  • Added #48: gp just like p, but leave the cursor just after the new text
  • Added #48: gP just like P, but leave the cursor just after the new text
  • Added #339: [p and [P like P, but adjust the indent to current line
  • Added #339: ]p and ]P like p, but adjust the indent to current line
  • Added #578: Support trailing sequences in command mappings
  • Added #577: <C-Down> (alias of j and <down>) can now be mapped
  • Added #576: <C-Up> (alias of k and <up>) can now be mapped
  • Added #574: J go to last child (sidebar)
  • Added #574: p go to parent (sidebar)
  • Added #574: p go to root (sidebar)
  • Added #574: q close (sidebar)
  • Added #575: x delete characters under cursor in multi cursor mode


  • Fixed #93: p is inconsistent
  • Fixed #93: multi line paste works badly
  • Fixed #573: P in visual line mode characterwise should preserve trailing newline
  • Fixed #572: P in visual line mode should leave cursor at start of selection

1.15.1 - 2019-05-24

  • Fixed #440: Use setting 'vintageous_clear_auto_indent_on_esc' to preserve leading whitespace on <Esc>
  • Fixed #569: Repeated object select in visual mode doesn't work consistently

1.15.0 - 2019-05-22


  • Added #277: Configure Insert Mode by default
  • Added #49: <S-Tab> in ex mode go to previous match auto-complete (alias of <C-p>)
  • Added #73: <PageUp> scroll window [count] pages Backwards (upwards) (alias of <C-b>)
  • Added #73: <PageDown> scroll window [count] pages Forwards (downwards) (alias of <C-f>)
  • Added #565: P put multiple cursor text before the cursor
  • Added #222: P put text before cursor in visual line mode
  • Added #552: y yank selection in multiple cursor mode
  • Added #553: [count]P put the text before the cursor [count] times
  • Added #559: i text object selection in visual line mode e.g. ip, iw, i'
  • Added #562: a text object selection in visual line mode e.g. ap, aw, a'
  • Added #560: i text object selection in visual block mode e.g. ip, iw, i'
  • Added #561: a text object selection in visual block mode e.g. ap, aw, a'
  • Added #563: ga print the ASCII value in visual modes
  • Added #551: <C-h> [count] characters to the left (alias of h, <left>, and <BS>)
  • Added #551: g<up> display lines upward (alias of gk)
  • Added #551: g<down> display lines downward (alias of gj)
  • Added #551: <tab> go to newer cursor position in jump list (alias of <C-i>)


  • Fixed #567: some ctrl keys are not controlled by 'vintageous_use_ctrl_keys'
  • Fixed #554: dl should not advance to first non-blank
  • Fixed #555: cl should include trailing whitespace
  • Fixed #556: d$ on a blank line should not delete the line
  • Fixed #557: c$ should include whitespace
  • Fixed #558: d| should not move to first non-blank
  • Fixed #528: Command-line input has dark background in adaptive light theme

1.14.2 - 2019-05-16

  • Fixed #550: backslash is converted to <bslash> when sent to command line by a mapping
  • Fixed #549: Upward paragraph motion in visual mode not working

1.14.1 - 2019-05-14

  • Fixed #548: Visual selection should not be cleared when Sublime loses focus
  • Fixed #547: vnoremap doesn't work for super keys in visual mode

1.14.0 - 2019-05-14


  • Added #546: Support for mapping super+]
  • Added #545: Support for mapping super+[

1.13.0 - 2019-05-14


  • Added #534: gn search forward for the last used search pattern
  • Added #535: gN like gn but searches backward, like with N
  • Added #382: cgn change gn search forward for the last used search pattern
  • Added #536: cgN change gN like gn but searches backward, like with N
  • Added #251: option vintageous_multi_cursor_exit_from_visual_mode (quit or enter normal mode)
  • Added #251: <C-n> and gh from Visual mode now includes the next match
  • Added #251: <C-n> start multiple cursor
  • Added #543: d delete text in multiple cursor mode
  • Added #542: Esc in Visual block mode now leaves cursor on first non-blank
  • Added #540: = in Visual block mode
  • Added #541: < in Visual block mode
  • Added #539: = now leaves cursor on first non-blank
  • Added #538: >> in multiple cursor mode
  • Added #537: == in multiple cursor mode
  • Added #533: == now leaves cursor on first non-blank


  • Fixed #544: I command has been broken in the last update (regression)
  • Fixed #251: i in multiple cursor mode should clear visual selection

1.12.0 - 2019-05-09


  • Added #251: <C-n> in multiple cursor mode (add next match)
  • Added #251: <C-p> in multiple cursor mode (remove current match)
  • Added #251: <C-x> in multiple cursor mode (skip next match)
  • Added #251: c in multiple cursor mode
  • Added #251: I in multiple cursor mode
  • Added #251: s in multiple cursor mode
  • Added #251: v in multiple cursor mode (go to Normal mode)
  • Added #493: :sil[ent] {command} command
  • Added #513: :g[lobal]/{pattern}/d[elete] command
  • Added #518: :his[tory] command
  • Added #519: :noh[lsearch] command
  • Added #527: [count]g_
  • Added #527: cge change backward to the end of word [count]
  • Added #527: cgE change backward to the end of WORD [count]
  • Added #527: dge delete backward to the end of word [count]
  • Added #527: dgE delete backward to the end of WORD [count]
  • Added #512: v in Visual block mode (converts to Visual mode)
  • Added #511: V in Visual block mode (converts to Visual line mode)
  • Added #510: $ in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: 0 in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: ^ in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: _ in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: b in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: B in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: e in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: E in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: g_ in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: ge in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: gE in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: w in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: W in Visual block mode
  • Added #510: | in Visual block mode
  • Added #490: [( in Visual line mode
  • Added #490: [{ in Visual line mode
  • Added #490: ]) in Visual line mode
  • Added #490: ]} in Visual line mode
  • Added #491: $ in Visual line mode
  • Added #492: ( in Visual line mode
  • Added #492: ) in Visual line mode
  • Added #499: <CR> in Visual line mode
  • Added #500: - in Visual line mode
  • Added #527: _ in Visual line mode
  • Added #527: e in Visual line mode
  • Added #527: g_ in Visual line mode
  • Added #502: Visual bells are now configurable including styles "view", "views", and "blink"
  • Added #502: Visual bells color scheme is now configurable including "light" and "dark" schemes
  • Added #284: Support % (current file name) in ! shell commands


  • Changed #531: q{a-zA-Z} now records macros per window
  • Changed #516: Search occurrences default style is now set to "fill"
  • Changed #510: Visual block mode now works closer to the way Vim block mode works


  • Fixed #530: c does not work with multiple selections
  • Fixed #526: Status line should show current register when recording
  • Fixed #532: Window commands don't execute in macros @{a-z}
  • Fixed #527: _ inconsistencies in Visual mode
  • Fixed #527: _ inconsistencies for c operator
  • Fixed #527: _ inconsistencies for d operator
  • Fixed #527: M operations should be linewise
  • Fixed #527: L operations should be linewise
  • Fixed #527: H operations should be linewise
  • Fixed #525: I in reverse Visual mode should enter Insert mode at start of line
  • Fixed #524: g_ should not include trailing white-space
  • Fixed #523: g_ in Visual mode is off-by-one
  • Fixed #522: B in Visual mode is off-by-one
  • Fixed #521: [count]d| off-by-one
  • Fixed #453: :%g/^$/d doesn't work
  • Fixed #520: Entering Visual block from Visual doesn't update status line
  • Fixed #517: gq in reverse Visual line mode includes too many lines
  • Fixed #515: 0 in Visual mode off-by-one
  • Fixed #18: Visual block do no span across empty lines
  • Fixed #509: :global should allow various separators and disallow others
  • Fixed #506: gqip should leave cursor on first non blank
  • Fixed #505: dE should only delete to end of big word
  • Fixed #504: e in Visual mode doesn't work
  • Fixed #508: zH, zL, zM, zR, and some other z{a-z} commands don't work
  • Fixed #234: <C-e> and <C-y> in Normal mode cursor in wrapped lines
  • Fixed #498: <CR> in Visual mode should include first character of line
  • Fixed #497: d( should include first character of paragraph
  • Fixed #496: ( in Visual mode is inconsistent
  • Fixed #495: # in Visual mode doesn't work after first jump
  • Fixed #494: * in Visual line mode should include first character of match

1.11.3 - 2019-04-04

  • Fixed #501: Default mapleader does not appear to be working
  • Fixed #489: gg in Visual mode is inconsistent

1.11.2 - 2019-04-02

  • Fixed #488: gx doesn't work on some markdown links
  • Fixed #487: { in Visual mode is off-by-one
  • Fixed #486: } in Visual mode is off-by-one
  • Fixed #485: '{a-z} should jump to the first non-blank character in the line
  • Fixed #484: ]} in Visual mode is off-by-one
  • Fixed #483: '{a-z} in Visual mode is inconsistent
  • Fixed #482: | at start of line moves to previous line

1.11.1 - 2019-03-27

  • Fixed #481: M in Visual mode is inconsistent
  • Fixed #480: L in Visual mode is inconsistent
  • Fixed #479: H in Visual mode is inconsistent
  • Fixed #478: :sort should scroll cursor into view

1.11.0 - 2019-03-26


  • Added #379: [{ and ]} VISUAL mode
  • Added #379: [( and ]) VISUAL mode
  • Added #434: Support mapping digits e.g. <leader>0
  • Added #196: z. Redraw, line at center of window and put cursor at first non-blank
  • Added #454: Support advanced ex command mapping
  • Added #99: Support marks in line ranges
  • Added #464: Support :[sp]lit [file] completions
  • Added #265: Support <S-Space> (shift+space) key
  • Added #433: Support case-insensitive key mappings
  • Added #460: Add toggle SUPER keys (enable/disable) command
  • Added #459: Add toggle CTRL keys (enable/disable) command


  • Implemented #475: Deprecate neovintageous_toggle_side_bar command; use the neovintageous {'action': 'toggle_side_bar'} instead
  • Implemented #475: Deprecate neovintageous_reload_my_rc_file command; use the neovintageous {'action': 'reload_rc_file'} instead
  • Implemented #475: Deprecate neovintageous_open_my_rc_file command; use the neovintageous {'action': 'open_rc_file'} instead


  • Fixed #477: } VISUAL line off-by-one
  • Fixed #476: de should delete leading whitespace
  • Fixed #134: ( and ) not jumping correctly
  • Fixed #364: Loss of clipboard copy and paste functionality in insert mode
  • Fixed #98: Unable to map double quotes
  • Fixed #474: ]}, ]), [{, and [( are inconsistent in NORMAL mode
  • Fixed #473: gq on reverse selection is off-by-one
  • Fixed #469: Unable to set mapleader to <Space>
  • Fixed #468: d{backtick}{a-z} should work the same as d{singlequote}{a-z}
  • Fixed #467: VISUAL mode operator pending command should stay in VISUAL mode
  • Fixed #465: Repeating (.) when nothing to repeat, should invoke bell
  • Fixed #223: Search does not work when cursor is on the word that is being searched
  • Fixed #466: x, y, and z registers
  • Fixed #462: [count]G and [count]gg EOF off-by-one
  • Fixed #458: d} at EOL causes visual bell

1.10.0 - 2019-03-05


  • Added #448: User command mappings should allow float arguments e.g. nnoremap <leader>. :ToggleZoomPane fraction=0.98<CR>
  • Added #445: :sort [i][u] sort lines with case-insensitive and unique options
  • Added #71: gf edit the file under cursor (mnemonic: "goto file")
  • Added #31: zl, zL, zh, zH scroll horizontally
  • Added #442: :s/{search}/{replacement}/c can now be cancelled


  • Removed #441: Non-standard :cdd command (use :cd %:h instead)


  • Fixed #452: Jump to diff commands, ]c and [c, gets stuck on lines with multiple changes
  • Fixed #451: {Visual}e in reverse selection should move to end of word
  • Fixed #450: k in SELECT mode should enter NORMAL mode if last selection
  • Fixed #449: v_W causes error when end of selection is at BOF
  • Fixed #447: :h ctrl-w_o should open help for CTRL-W_o
  • Fixed #446: Many ex commands incorrectly accept an invalid trailing character
  • Fixed #443: :cd %:h displays incorrect status message
  • Fixed #20: :e# edits literal file
  • Fixed #444: vi[ and vi] should not select empty target line

1.9.0 - 2019-02-21


  • Added #437: Builtin support for jump to diff ]c and [c in >=3189 (GitGutter is required for older versions)
  • Added #430: Folding commands zc, zo, zM, and zR
  • Added #432: cs{target}{replacement} target aliases b, B, r, and a
  • Added #431: ys{motion}{replacement} replacement aliases b, B, r, and a
  • Added #418: Surround Line yss{replacement}
  • Added #429: Support <bslash> in vintageousrc
  • Added #428: Support <bar> in vintageousrc
  • Added #424: [count]o and [count]O


  • Fixed #439: Repeat last :substitute doesn't work
  • Fixed #438: {Visual}[count]G and {Visual}[count]gg should extend to first non blank
  • Fixed #366: Folding with zc enters VISUAL mode
  • Fixed #380: <Esc> directly after O or o should erase leading whitespace
  • Fixed #247: Unable to map <C-w>> in vintageousrc
  • Fixed #427: {Visual}gv should select previous selection
  • Fixed #423: :w cannot find file and save, but :Save and <Ctrl-s> work
  • Fixed #425: Reloading vintageousrc should unload existing mappings
  • Fixed #422: {Visual}y should highlight the selection (HighlightedYank)

1.8.0 - 2019-01-23


  • Fixed #242: CTRL-d and CTRL-u should keep horizontal position when scrolling


  • Removed: Setting vintageous_visualbell; use vintageous_belloff set to all to disable visual bells


  • Fixed #421: Direct shell command exec in project
  • Fixed #416: H and L should move to highest/lowest line without scrolling (UX)
  • Fixed #417: CTRL-d and CTRL-u count should be used as the number of lines to scroll
  • Fixed #362: SHIFT+H SHIFT+M SHIFT+L in VISUAL LINE mode does not work
  • Fixed #413: CTRL-d and CTRL-u should put cursor on first non blank
  • Fixed #414: H, M, and L, should put cursor on first non blank
  • Fixed #415: CTRL-d and CTRL-u VISUAL mode bugs
  • Fixed #363: Searching for regex characters like ( and [ doesn't work
  • Fixed #420: :help {subject} should scroll subject into view
  • Fixed #410: J should strip leading comment tokens from joined lines enhancement
  • Fixed #412: j and k VISUAL in mode causes window to scroll two lines when next line is empty (UX)
  • Fixed #411: j and k in VISUAL mode causes a jump to other end of visual selection (UX)

1.7.5 - 2019-01-17

  • Fixed #406: V_d should put cursor on first non blank
  • Fixed #407: yi{motion} should put cursor on first non blank at start of motion
  • Fixed #403: yi( and other block-like motions should create linewise registers
  • Fixed #409: ga doesn't work properly when cursor is on a NEWLINE, or TAB, or at EOF
  • Fixed #405: v_J should enter NORMAL mode

1.7.4 - 2019-01-10

  • Fixed #402: >G should not include line above cursor
  • Fixed #401: gcG should not include line above cursor
  • Fixed #400: @@ no longer works (regression)
  • Fixed #399: > VISUAL BLOCK indent should put cursor on first non blank
  • Fixed #398: gUU should put cursor on first non blank
  • Fixed #397: v_g~ should put cursor at start of selection
  • Fixed #394: V at EOF causes error bell
  • Fixed #396: gg should move to first non blank character
  • Fixed #395: G should move to first non blank character
  • Fixed #395: G should reset xpos to 0
  • Fixed #393: v_gg should reset xpos to 0

1.7.3 - 2019-01-09

  • Fixed: Lots of yank, paste, register issues
  • Fixed #292: Visual mode block insert and append partially working
  • Fixed #358: Y should copy all complete lines touched by the VISUAL selection
  • Fixed #392: V_gg start and end cursor is backwards
  • Fixed #224: P Pasting text ending with newline pastes to wrong line
  • Fixed #2: YP not working correctly
  • Fixed #391: c{motion} should fill the numbered registers
  • Fixed #390: cc should fill the numbered registers
  • Fixed #389: dd on last line leaves cursor at EOF

1.7.2 - 2019-01-04

  • Fixed #23: :set autoindent
  • Fixed #35: :set ic and :set noic has no effect
  • Fixed #368: Disabling vintageous_hlsearch appears to have no effect
  • Fixed #388: Executing register while recording causes recursion error
  • Fixed #94: Executing a register with a count, [count]@q{register} doesn't work

1.7.1 - 2018-12-24

  • Fixed #377: Add backtick mark jumps to jumplist

1.7.0 - 2018-09-02


  • Added #360: Add search highlighting configuration; see :h nv-search-highlighting
  • Added #359: Add HighlightedYank plugin; see :h highlightedyank


  • Changed: Renamed scope nv_search_inc to neovintageous_search_inc
  • Changed: Renamed scope nv_search_cur to neovintageous_search_cur
  • Changed: Renamed scope nv_search_occ to neovintageous_search_occ


  • Removed: vintageous_visualyank setting, use the new HighlightedYank plugin instead; see :h highlightedyank
  • Removed: highlighted.yank scope, use the new HighlightedYank plugin instead; see :h highlightedyank


  • Fixed #367: gx doesn't work for urls containing dashes

1.6.3 - 2018-05-31

  • Fixed #340: [{, [(, ]}, and ]) don't work
  • Fixed #260: Black hole register "_ doesn't work for some commands
  • Fixed #199: D does not behave correctly in VISUAL mode

1.6.2 - 2018-05-23

  • Fixed #47: Inserts text behind cursor when plugin is accessed via the command palette
  • Fixed #355: Fix a typo in the name of a Wrap Plus setting used to detect it
  • Fixed #291: Append multi line is off by one char

1.6.1 - 2018-05-20

  • Fixed #64: 0 selects incorrect regions in visual mode

1.6.0 - 2018-05-19


  • Added #353: Color scheme support for current match highlighting in /, ?, *, and #
  • Added #312: Map commands with arguments e.g. nnoremap ,f :ShowOverlay overlay=goto text=@<CR>
  • Added #345: Map commands without executing immediately (no trailing <CR>) e.g nnoremap ,r :reg
  • Added #346: Map commands with ranges and counts
  • Added #344: Add buffer commands :bf[irst], :br[ewind], :bp[revious], :bN[ex]t, :bn[ext], and :bl[ast]
  • Added #343: Add Unimpaired commands [b, ]b, [B, ]B, ]t, [t, ]T, and [T
  • Added #327: Redo command (<C-r>) should invoke a UI bell if there are no more redo commands
  • Added #70: Add show whitespace command :set list
  • Added #334: Add tab command :tabN[ext]
  • Added #330: Add tab command :tabc[lose]


  • Fixed #173: vi{ selects extra blank chars
  • Fixed #161: vit vat work incorrect inside self closing tags
  • Fixed #180: % doesn't work in VISUAL LINE mode
  • Fixed #354: :help ctrl-w opens wrong help file section
  • Fixed #352: % should jump to the next item in this line after the cursor
  • Fixed #263: x should not delete empty lines
  • Fixed #350: Multi-select k doesn't work with a count
  • Fixed #314: gj and gk do not work in visual line mode
  • Fixed #341: Multi-select should scroll viewport to end of selection
  • Fixed #273: Sort Lines command sorts whole file
  • Fixed #338: gv after visual line should be linewise
  • Fixed #349: > and < should leave cursor on first non whitespace character
  • Fixed #348: gv doesn't remember which visual mode was last used
  • Fixed #347: gv doesn't work in visual mode
  • Fixed #336: * and # should center match on screen if not visible
  • Fixed #328: Entering normal mode should not put cursor on EOL character
  • Fixed #324: Entering Normal mode from Visual Block mode creates multiple selection
  • Fixed #329: Redo command should not leave cursor on EOL character
  • Fixed #209: Jumping to mark in visual mode does not work
  • Fixed #335: Help subjects should be case sensitive e.g. help L should open help for L not l
  • Fixed #333: :ou (:ounmap alias) doesn't work
  • Fixed #332: :no (:noremap alias) doesn't work
  • Fixed #331: :files doesn't work
  • Fixed #325: :sunmap doesn't work, prints message E492: Not an editor command
  • Fixed #324: Entering Normal mode from Visual Block mode creates multiple selection
  • Fixed #323: :g!/222/p is bailing out with error: 'str' object has no attribute 'consume'
  • Fixed #153: Cursor gets stuck after a few edit operations
  • Fixed #322: :print doesn't work
  • Fixed #320: :move KeyError: 'next_sel' when address is the same as current line
  • Fixed #321: Entering cmdline-mode from Visual Block mode doesn't work
  • Fixed #319: :cd should change the current directory to the home directory
  • Fixed #150: Remove lines with regular expression
  • Fixed #148: :$ does not go to last line
  • Fixed #87: Double front slash doesn't escape properly


  • Removed: Deprecated SublimeLinter APIs

1.5.3 - 2018-03-24


  • Fixed #36 * and # jump history doesn't work
  • Fixed #51: Can't map umlauts
  • Fixed #144: Can't repeat macros
  • Fixed #170: < text object not finding the opening bracket correctly

1.5.2 - 2018-03-03


  • Fixed: :registers should display ^J to indicate newlines
  • Fixed: :registers should truncate long lines
  • Fixed: Add missing delete surround punctuation marks ;:@#~*\\/ e.g. ds@, ds*, etc.
  • Fixed #307: Change surround tag cst<{tagname}>
  • Fixed #307: Change surround tag cstt{tagname}> ("t" an alias for "<")
  • Fixed #307: Change surround tag cst{replacement}
  • Fixed #307: Change surround tag cs{target}<{tagname}>
  • Fixed #307: Change surround tag cs{target}t{tagname}> ("t" is alias for "<")
  • Fixed #136: Saving to named register with D doesn't work
  • Fixed #306: Triple-clicking doesn't select a line

1.5.1 - 2018-02-20


  • Fixed #305: Surround multiple selections leave cursor in wrong position
  • Fixed: Edge-case infinite loop when special key is set with no default value
  • Fixed #304: :s/$/foo/gc causes infinite loop
  • Fixed #210: :%s/$/,/ not working as expected
  • Fixed: :shell error

1.5.0 - 2018-02-06


  • Added: :edit {file} command
  • Added #288: Command-line editing commands: <C-b>, <C-e>, <C-h>, <C-n>, <C-p>, <C-u>, and <C-w>
  • Added #279: CTRL-c and CTRL-[ should exit Command-line mode
  • Added #12: Command-line search history with / and ? (current session only)
  • Added: Selections are now cleared when leaving a the current view (UX)
  • Added: NeovintageousToggleSideBar command
  • Added #286: Support for super-keys <D-...> (known as command-keys on OSX, and window-keys on Windows) (disabled by default)
  • Added: highlighted.yank scope to highlighted yank regions to allow color scheme customisation
  • Added: Switching windows using windowing commands no longer suddenly scrolls view (UX)
  • Added: :sunm[ap] command
  • Added: :help {subject} command now uses basic heuristics to find a relevant help topic if a subject is not found
  • Added: Support for 'vintageous_modelines' option (defaults to 5)
  • Added #254: :sp[lit] [file] command
  • Added: Unimpaired status bar toggle coe (also toggle on [oe, and toggle off ]oe)
  • Added: Unimpaired menu toggle coa (also toggle on [oa, and toggle off ]oa)
  • Added: Support for the new SublimeLinter API using the Unimpaired goto to error commands ]l and [l
  • Added: Support for the new GitGutter API using the Unimpaired goto change commands ]c and [c
  • Added: vintageousrc (documentation)
  • Added: Default vim options (documentation)


  • Removed: Recursive mappings commands :map, :nmap, :omap, :smap, :vmap. Use the non recursive commands instead.

    The recursive mappings were removed because they were not implemented as recursive mappings, and removing them now in preference of the non-recursive may prevent some potential problems in the future if the recursive mapping commands are ever implemented.

    Here is a table of the recursive, which have been removed, and the non recursive mapping commands that you can use instead:

    Recursive command Non recursive command
    map noremap
    nmap nnoremap
    omap onoremap
    smap snoremap
    vmap vnoremap
  • Removed: Unused vintageous_enable_cmdline_mode setting


  • Fixed: Visual ex mode commands should enter normal mode after operation
  • Fixed: Ex mode shell command error (Windows)
  • Fixed: Unmap commands don't unmap visual mappings
  • Fixed: Can't unmap mappings with special keys e.g. <leader>
  • Fixed: Running tests shouldn't resets user vintageousrc mappings
  • Fixed #156: SHIFT-v then CTRL-b doesn't work
  • Fixed: Help views should be read only
  • Fixed: Unknown registers raise an exception
  • Fixed: gc{motion} leaves cursor at wrong place
  • Fixed: gcc leaves cursor at wrong place
  • Fixed: Repeat searches (n/N) should scroll and show surrounds
  • Fixed: Goto next/prev change cursor position after motion (Unimpaired)
  • Fixed #285: Page down CTRL-f does not work correctly in Visual Line mode
  • Fixed #296: de leaves cursor at wrong place
  • Fixed #295: df{char} leaves cursor at wrong place
  • Fixed: df$ leaves cursor at wrong place
  • Fixed: gq cursor position after operation
  • Fixed: Mapping command status messages
  • Fixed: Error message typos and grammar
  • Fixed #254: :vs[plit] [file] raises a TypeError

1.4.4 - 2018-01-07

  • Fixed: Error trying to Open My Rc File first time
  • Fixed: Help files shouldn't display rulers or indent guides
  • Fixed: CTRL-a and CTRL-x doesn't work in column one or between lines
  • Fixed: Update to latest vimdocs
  • Fixed: :map doesn't work in visual block or visual line mode
  • Fixed: Remove unused setting
  • Fixed: Settings should be erased when cleaning up views
  • Fixed: gx in quoted urls
  • Fixed: gg and G jump history forwards CTRL-i and backwards CTRL-o
  • Fixed #298: gd can't jump back with CTRL-o
  • Fixed #241: Leaving Insert mode still shows as being in Insert mode
  • Fixed #129: Failing tests when ST hasn't got focus

1.4.3 - 2017-12-22


  • Fixed #297: An occurred trying load NeoVintageous

1.4.2 - 2017-12-19


  • Fixed #238: Simply search & replace not working for me
  • Fixed #111: Bad command
  • Fixed: "Traling characters" Status message typo
  • Fixed: :s[ubstitute] No previous substitute error message is incorrect
  • Fixed: #226: Mouse does not reset cursor column
  • Fixed: C-w _ (set current group height as high as possible) doesn't always work correctly
  • Fixed: C-w | (set current group width as wide as possible) doesn't always work correctly
  • Fixed: C-w = (resize all groups equally) doesn't always work correctly
  • Fixed: gJ
  • Fixed: gx should ignore trailing full stops
  • Fixed: gx doesn't work on markdown links
  • Fixed: vintageousrc mapping should not accept unescaped pipe characters
  • Fixed: Help syntax fixes
  • Fixed: Unimpaired toggles (documentation)

1.4.1 - 2017-11-09


  • Fixed #245: ZZ and ZQ are broken again
  • Fixed #290: Commands that start with underscore should not be mappable
  • Fixed #289: :help {subject} should goto :{subject} if {subject} not found

1.4.0 - 2017-11-06


  • Added: ds(, ds{, ds[, and ds< now also trims contained whitespace (Surround plugin)
  • Added: dsb alias for ds) delete surrounding () (Surround plugin)
  • Added: dsB alias for ds} delete surrounding {} (Surround plugin)
  • Added: dsr alias for ds] delete surrounding [] (Surround plugin)
  • Added: dsa alias for ds> delete surrounding <> (Surround plugin)
  • Added: ds< delete surrounding <> (Surround plugin)
  • Added: ds> delete surrounding <> (Surround plugin)
  • Added: dst delete surrounding pair of HTML or XML tags (Surround plugin)
  • Added: ds followed by a target that is not one of the punctuation pairs, ()[]{}<>, are now only searched for on the current line (Surround plugin)
  • Added: ds{target} cursor position is now moves to the start of first target (Surround plugin)
  • Added: cs{target} followed by one of ])} now inserts an inner whitespace character (Surround plugin)
  • Added: cs>{replacement} now replaces surround tag characters <> with replacement (Surround plugin)
  • Added: cs{target} folowed by > now replaces target with replacement surroundings <> (Surround plugin)
  • Added: cs{target}{replacement} cursor position is now moves to the start of first target (Surround plugin)
  • Added: :h[elp] {subject} like ":help", additionally jump to the tag {subject}
  • Added: :h[elp] open a view and display the help file
  • Added: gx open url under cursor in browser
  • Added: Support for :UserCommand<CR> .vintageousrc mappings
  • Added: Support for :excommand<CR> .vintageousrc mappings
  • Added: :snoremap command
  • Added: :smap command
  • Added: cot toggle sidebar command (Unimpaired plugin)
  • Added: [ot toggle sidebar on command (Unimpaired plugin)
  • Added: ]ot toggle sidebar off command (Unimpaired plugin)
  • Added: com toggle minimap command (Unimpaired plugin)
  • Added: [om toggle minimap on command (Unimpaired plugin)
  • Added: ]om toggle minimap off command (Unimpaired plugin)
  • Added: Documentation command
  • Added: Edit Settings command
  • Added: How to map jk to Esc (documentation)


  • Changed: ds< no longer deletes surrounding tag; use dst instead (Surround plugin)
  • Changed: ds> no longer deletes surrounding tag; use dst instead (Surround plugin)
  • Changed: Modeline vintageous_modeline is disabled by default
  • Changed: "Open Changelog" command caption changed to "Changelog"


  • Removed: vintageous_surround_spaces setting
  • Removed: Unimplemented tabopen ex command
  • Removed: Deprecated neovintageous_toggle_use_ctrl_keys command
  • Removed: Deprecated neovintageous_reset command
  • Removed: Deprecated neovintageous_exit_from_command_mode command
  • Removed: Deprecated toggle_mode command


  • Fixed #213: No command accepts characters in a keybinding
  • Fixed #167: Allow .vintageousrc to map any keybinds
  • Fixed #152: f<key> doesn't jump to <key> if there is a mapping for <key>
  • Fixed #97: Mapping commands
  • Fixed #81: ct<leader> or cf<leader> doesn't work; need ct<leader><leader>
  • Fixed #282: Surround doesn't work as expected on first symbol
  • Fixed: Several .vintageousrc syntax highlighting bugs
  • Fixed: Lots of Command-line mode syntax highlighting bugs

1.3.1 - 2017-07-31

  • Fixed #281: aW text objects error if cursor starts at whitespace
  • Fixed #123: text object a< or i< doesn't work!
  • Fixed #280: daW / etc sometimes hang forever in LaTeX syntax
  • Fixed: Handle upgrades and loading errors gracefully

1.3.0 - 2017-07-21


  • Added #271: ctrl+w q should close window if closing the last view

  • Added #269: :close ex command

  • Added: .vintageousrc <leader> special string can be used more than once in a mapping e.g. nnoremap <leader><leader> ggvG

  • Added: .vintageousrc <leader> special string can be used anywhere in mapping e.g. nnoremap g<leader> ggvG

  • Added: .vintageousrc noremap, nnoremap, vnoremap, and onoremap commands

  • Added: .vintageousrc syntax highlighting

  • Added: ctrl+n and ctrl+p auto-complete navigation

    Command Description
    ctrl+n or ctrl+j down
    ctrl+p or ctrl+k up
  • Added: ctrl+n and ctrl+p overlay navigation

    Command Description Notes
    ctrl+n down e.g. ctrl+p and ctrl+shift+p invoke overlays
    ctrl+p up e.g. ctrl+p and ctrl+shift+p invoke overlays
  • Added: Port of unimpaired.vim go to error commands

    Command Description Documentation Dependencies
    [l Jump to [count] next error. unimpaired.vim Linter
    ]l Jump to [count] previous error.. unimpaired.vim Linter
  • Added: Port of unimpaired.vim option toggling commands

    On Off Toggle Description Documentation
    [oc ]oc coc 'cursorline' unimpaired.vim
    [ol ]ol col 'list' unimpaired.vim
    [on ]on con 'number' unimpaired.vim
    [os ]os cos 'spell' unimpaired.vim
    [ow ]ow cow 'wrap' unimpaired.vim
  • Added: Port of abolish.vim coercion commands

    Command Description Documentation
    crm Coerce word under cursor to MixedCase. abolish.vim
    crc Coerce word under cursor to camelCase. abolish.vim
    crs Coerce word under cursor to snake_case. abolish.vim
    cr_ Coerce word under cursor to snake_case. abolish.vim
    cru Coerce word under cursor to SNAKE_UPPERCASE. abolish.vim
    crU Coerce word under cursor to SNAKE_UPPERCASE. abolish.vim
    cr- Coerce word under cursor to dash-case. abolish.vim
    crk Coerce word under cursor to kebab-case. abolish.vim
    cr. Coerce word under cursor to abolish.vim
    cr<Space> Coerce word under cursor to space case. abolish.vim
    crt Coerce word under cursor to Title Case. abolish.vim
  • Added: How to map jj to Esc (documentation)

  • Added: How to disable arrow keys (documentation)

  • Added: Commentary plugin usage (documentation)

  • Added: Surround plugin usage (documentation)


  • Fixed: Command-line syntax :quit highlighting
  • Fixed: Edge-case plugin conflict issues
  • Fixed: Edge-case Unimpaired plugin issue adding blanks
  • Fixed: Edge-case issue invalidating ex mode completions

1.2.0 - 2017-06-21


  • Added #252: The package is now available in Package Control

  • Added: Git diff commands

    Command Description Documentation Dependencies Notes
    [c Jump backwards to the previous start of a change. diff Git Gutter Disable wrapping: set git_gutter_next_prev_change_wrap to false (Preferences > Settings)
    ]c Jump forwards to the next start of a change. diff Git Gutter Disable wrapping: set git_gutter_next_prev_change_wrap to false (Preferences > Settings)
  • Added: Port of unimpaired.vim is provided by default. The implementation may not be complete. Please open issues about missing features. Below is a table of what is currently available.

    Command Description Documentation Dependencies Notes
    [<Space> Add [count] blank lines before the cursor. unimpaired.vim
    ]<Space> Add [count] blank lines after the cursor. unimpaired.vim
    [e Exchange the current line with [count] lines above it. unimpaired.vim
    ]e Exchange the current line with [count] lines below it. unimpaired.vim
  • Added #275: Commands in the .vintageousrc file don't need to be prefixed with : (colon)

  • Added #187: Switching to specific tab with [count] gt

  • Added: [count] to ctrl+e and ctrl+y (scroll lines)

  • Added: Coveralls code coverage reporting

  • Added: Surround plugin usage (documentation)

  • Added: .vintageousrc usage (documentation)

  • Added: Modeline usage (documentation)

  • Added: Multiple cursor usage (documentation)

  • Added: Sidebar and Overlay navigation usage (documentation)

1.1.2 - 2017-06-05


  • Fixed: gt command should wrap around from the last tab to the first tab
  • Fixed: Command-line mode history edge-case error when no history available
  • Fixed: Command-line mode history not working (regression)
  • Fixed #192: Closing last tab shouldn’t close sublime window with project (documentation)
  • Fixed #122: Tab doesn't work in visual mode (Shift+Tab does) (documentation)

1.1.1 - 2017-05-31


  • Fixed: #266 :nmap doesn't work in .vintageousrc file
  • Fixed: :omap doesn't work in .vintageousrc file
  • Fixed: :vmap doesn't work in .vintageousrc file
  • Fixed: :set prints debug messages to console even when debugging is disabled
  • Fixed #268: :set doesn't work in some cases e.g. :set hlsearch
  • Fixed: :file (ctrl+g) file name should be quoted
  • Fixed: Readme link to Linux and OSX cleaner script is broken
  • Fixed #267: Settings – User .vintageousrc menu item is broken
  • Fixed #169: How to map this using Vintageous? (documentation)

1.1.0 - 2017-05-28


  • Added: ToggleNeoVintageous; A command to toggle NeoVintageous

  • Added: Reload My .vintageousrc File command

  • Added #63: / search does not highlight well

  • Added: New commands

    Key Context Description
    j Sidebar down
    k Sidebar up
    h Sidebar close node / go to parent node
    l Sidebar open node
    ctrl+j Overlay down
    ctrl+k Overlay up
    ctrl+[ Normal Same as Esc (#249)


  • Fixed: Error when reloading and upgrading NeoVintageous and NeoVintageous plugins
  • Fixed #119: Loosing user settings when toggling ctrl keys
  • Fixed #84: More detail or examples for mapping
  • Fixed #34: Small note regarding wiki OSX note
  • Fixed #162: Use sublime.packages_path()
  • Fixed #246: Error when toggling vintageous
  • Fixed: :!{cmd} error (Windows)
  • Fixed: :!! error (Windows)
  • Fixed: :new error
  • Fixed: :edit error
  • Fixed: :exit error
  • Fixed: :wq! error
  • Fixed: :wq error

1.0.1 - 2017-04-28


  • Fixed: gq error
  • Fixed: error using registers
  • Fixed: error when searching
  • Fixed: running last ex command !! not working

1.0.0 - 2017-04-22


  • Added: New commands

    Command Description Documentation Dependencies Notes
    ctrl+] Jump to the definition of the keyword under the cursor tagsearch
    ctrl-w h Move cursor to view left of current one windows
    ctrl-w j Move cursor to view below current one windows
    ctrl-w k Move cursor to view above current one windows
    ctrl-w l Move cursor to view right of current one windows
    ctrl-w b Move cursor to bottom-right view windows
    ctrl-w t Move cursor to top-left view windows
    ctrl-w H Move the current window to be at the very top windows Only works in 2-col or 2-row layouts
    ctrl-w = Make all views (almost) equally high and wide windows
    ctrl-w _ Set current view height as high as possible windows
    ctrl-w | Set current view width as wide as possible windows
    ctrl-w o Make the current view the only one on the screen windows
    ctrl-w c Close current view windows
    ctrl-w x Exchange current view with next one windows
    ctrl-w s Split current window in two windows Origami
    ctrl-w v Split current window in two (vertically) windows Origami
    ctrl-w J Move the current window to be at the very bottom windows Only works in 2-col or 2-row layouts
    ctrl-w K Move the current view to be at the far left windows Only works in 2-col or 2-row layouts
    ctrl-w L Move the current window to be at the far right windows Only works in 2-col or 2-row layouts
    ctrl-w n Create new view below current one windows
    ga Print the ascii value of the character under the cursor in dec, hex and oct various
    ctrl+c Exit select mode
    ctrl+[ Exit select mode
  • Added: Port of surround.vim is provided by default. It is based on the Vintageous_Plugin_Surround plugin by @guillermooo

  • Added: vi_search.comment scope on search matches for better control of highlighting

  • Added: vintageous_visualyank setting to disable visual bells when yanking text

  • Added #1077: Support for Sublime Wrap Plus

  • Added: Command-line mode syntax uses new syntax format

  • Added: Open README and Open CHANGELOG command palette commands

  • Added: Package Control menus for opening README, CHANGELOG, and LICENSE


  • Removed: Settings

    Setting Description Notes
    vintageous_test_runner_keymaps Enable test runner keymaps Tests are now run using UnitTesting
    vintageous_log_level No longer used for logging
    vintageous_verbose No longer used for logging


  • Fixed: Double loading and unnecessary loading, unloading, and loading of modules on start
  • Fixed: Logging messages printed multiple times
  • Fixed: CTRL-W_H and CTRL-W-L windowing commands
  • Fixed: Error raised trying to scroll in a transient view
  • Fixed: Esc closes console even if already in normal mode and have a multiple selection
  • Fixed: Console automatically closes on start
  • Fixed: Wrong file permissions
  • Fixed: c_ and d_ cause errors
  • Fixed #1042: Interactive commands not working after mapped commands
  • Fixed #1074: New text objects
  • Fixed: Command-line mode syntax should not be listed in syntax menus