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System.Text.Json.Nodes.JsonValue is almost unusable #64472

AdamMil opened this issue Jan 28, 2022 · 2 comments

System.Text.Json.Nodes.JsonValue is almost unusable #64472

AdamMil opened this issue Jan 28, 2022 · 2 comments
api-suggestion Early API idea and discussion, it is NOT ready for implementation area-System.Text.Json untriaged New issue has not been triaged by the area owner


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AdamMil commented Jan 28, 2022

Background and motivation

As far as I can see, there's almost no way to do common and necessary operations on JsonValues. I'll give four examples:

  1. I got a JsonValue from somewhere. I know the value is supposed to be an int and I want to extract it.

    But (int)value or value.TryGetValue<int>() may not work, depending on how it was created or parsed. Even though JsonValue.Create(5) and JsonValue.Create(5L) and JsonValue.Create(5.0) represent the exact same JSON value, (int)value will only work on one of them. If a value is representable as an int, I should be able to do (int)value. But for now I can't, so let's say I want to write my own code to get the type and value. That brings us to...

  2. I want to get the type and value of a JsonValue.

    Unfortunately, there's no public property on a JsonValue to tell you what the type or value is! In practice, you can only get the JSON type and value by serializing the JsonValue into JSON and then examining the JSON string. That's ugly and inefficient, but moreover it's not sufficient to understand a JsonValue. As mentioned above, JsonValue.Create(5) and JsonValue.Create(5L) represent the exact same JSON value and have identical serializations but one is actually a JsonValue<int> and the other is actually a JsonValue<long>, and the cast operators require you to know the exact internal type.

    But there's no feasible way to get that internal type. You can't type-check against JsonValue<int>, for example, because JsonValue<T> is an internal type. Even if you had the internal type, it's not clear what the JSON type is. JsonValue<Guid> has a JSON type of string. JsonValue<Foo> could be anything. You're back to looking at the JSON string yourself.

    The only way to get the internal type with the public API is to enumerate all types in all loaded assemblies (including all possible generic type arguments), and make sure to use a breadth-first search because it's an infinite type space, and then use reflection (!) with every type to invoke the JsonValue.TryGetValue<T>() method. That's crazy, so you're left with using reflection on private members to extract the internal type and value.

    Okay, you can forego JsonValue entirely and just parse the JSON string yourself to get the type and value. But then what's the point of JsonValue?

  3. I want to copy a JsonValue from one place to another.

    This kind of thing should work: o1["a"] = o2["a"]; but it fails with InvalidOperationException because the JsonValue already has a parent. Frankly, I don't think it's valuable to have a Parent reference (especially without a corresponding property name or array index). JsonValues are immutable and should be able to be copied around without being cloned.

    But for now we have to clone it, meaning I need to create a new JsonValue with the same type and value. But there's no easy way to get the type and value, as described above. And if you can get the type and value, then you have to use reflection again to invoke the correct JsonValue.Create method. (There is no Create override that takes a Type rather than a generic type parameter.) Also, JsonValue.Create<int>(5) is not the same as JsonValue.Create(5) - one creates a JsonValueNotTrimmable<int> and the other creates a JsonValueTrimmable<int>, which is another distinction that must be replicated. Properly cloning a JsonValue so we can copy a property value is just too hard.

  4. I want to compare JsonValues for equality.

    There doesn't seem to be a good way to do this. If I extract the type and value as above, it doesn't directly help me. As mentioned, there's no obvious connection between the JsonValue<T> type and the JSON value. JsonValue<Guid> is a JSON string, but Guid is not a string. Furthermore, a JsonValue might be a JsonValue<JsonElement> or even a JsonValue<Foo>, which could be anything, and how can I compare Foos? Two Foos might be different but have identical JSON serializations.

    So right now you have to compare the serialized representations, which is inefficient and far from easy. JsonValue.Create(1.0).ToJsonString() is "1" but JsonValue.Parse("1.0").ToJsonString() is "1.0", so it's not a simple string comparison. Effectively you have to render them into JSON and then do all your own JSON parsing and comparison with JSON semantics.

API Proposal

  1. I got a JsonValue from somewhere. I know the value is supposed to be an int and I want to extract it.

  2. I want to get the type and value of a JsonValue.

    For # 1, it is simply a matter of making (int)value convert any valid JSON number into an int - as long it fits within the range of an int, and ditto for all the other numeric types. This can be assisted with a helper class, JsonNumber, which is based on the following observations.

    • JSON numbers have the format [N]W[.F][E] where N is the optional negative flag ('-'), W is one or more digits representing the whole part of the number, F is one or more digits representing the fractional part, and E is the exponent. Effectively, this is a representation of arbitrary-precision numbers that have a finite decimal expansion.
    • JSON numbers can be normalized into the form [N]W.F by effectively shifting the decimal point E places, where W has no leading zeros and F has no trailing zeros. (As a result, 11, 11.0 and 1.10e1 all normalize to W="11", F="".)
    • This normalization does not require allocating memory or taking substrings, and can easily be done while interpreting the JSON string.
    • You can efficiently compute the lengths of W and F, |W| and |F|.
    • A JSON number is an integer if F is empty (i.e. |F| == 0).
    • A JSON number is zero if both W and F are empty.
    • Two JSON numbers are equal if both are zero or if both have the same N, W, and F.
    • Number A has greater magnitude than number B if |A.W| > |B.W| || |A.W| == |B.W| && (A.W > B.W || A.W == B.W && A.F > B.F) where W > W or F > F is effectively a string comparison of the digits.
    • You can compare two numbers by checking their magnitudes and signs.
    • A JSON number fits in a 32-bit integer if |W| < 10 or if |W| == 10 and W <= [2,1,4,7,4,8,3,6,4,N?8:7]. Etc.
    /// <summary>Represents a JSON number, which is an arbitrary-precision number 
    public readonly struct JsonNumber : IEquatable<JsonNumber>, maybe IComparable<JsonNumber>, IConvertible...
        // these construct from .NET values
        public JsonNumber(int value);
        public JsonNumber(uint value);
        public JsonNumber(long value);
        public JsonNumber(ulong value);
        public JsonNumber(float value);
        public JsonNumber(double value);
        public JsonNumber(decimal value);
        // maybe BigInteger, Rational (if one existed), etc.
        // these construct from JSON number strings. strings are normalized into .NET types if they fit
        // in an int, uint, long, ulong, or decimal, but not float or double (because of floating-point
        // imprecision). this normalization could be done lazily, stealing one bit from 'v' to
        // hold a flag indicating whether normalization has been performed
        public JsonNumber(string s);
        public JsonNumber(string s, int index, int length);
        public JsonNumber(byte[] utf8Bytes, int index, int length);
        public JsonNumber(ReadOnlySpan<byte> utf8Bytes);
        public JsonNumber(ReadOnlySpan<char> chars);
        public JsonNumber(JsonElement el); // maybe, if you're really interested in sharing storage
        // maybe some properties like IsInteger, plus IsInt32 etc. to give us some information about the
        // range. or just implement IComparable<JsonNumber> and we can do our own comparisons
        public override Equals(object other) => other is JsonNumber n && Equals(n);
        public bool Equals(JsonNumber other);
        public override int GetHashCode();
        public override string ToString() => ToString(null); // renders to JSON
        // ditto, with control of exponent usage. or maybe just a bool noExponent
        public string ToString(string format);
        public static bool operator ==(JsonNumber a, JsonNumber b);
        public static bool operator !=(JsonNumber a, JsonNumber b);
        public static implicit operator JsonNumber(byte v) => new JsonNumber(v);
        public static implicit operator JsonNumber(sbyte v) => new JsonNumber(v);
        // these succeed as long as the value is within the range of the type (considering only the whole
        // portion if casting to an integer)
        public static explicit operator byte(JsonNumber v);
        public static explicit operator sbyte(JsonNumber v);
        // my recommended internal representation:
        // * if o == null, then the value fits in an int32 stored in v.
        // * if o is string or byte[] (or JsonElement?), it's a JSON number and v holds the pre-parsed value
        //   of E (the exponent).
        // * otherwise, o is a .NET numeric type (uint, long, ulong, decimal, float, or double) and v tells
        //   us which one (e.g. v is a TypeCode, or maybe some other enum if we decide to support
        //   BigInteger, etc.)
        readonly object o;
        readonly int v;

    The only fly in the ointment is floating-point types. The floating point value 1.1f actually equals 1.10000002384185791015625, but users would be unhappy if JsonNumber(1.1f) != 1.1f or if JsonNumber(1.1f).ToString() == "1.10000002384185791015625". It should, however, be the case that JsonNumber("1.10000002384185791015625") == 1.1f. I think the answer is to say that comparisons with and storage of floating-point types specifically will be fuzzy. What this means is that:

    • When a JsonNumber is initialized from a floating-point type, we store that exact floating point value.
    • When comparing a JsonNumber N to a floating-point value (including a JsonNumber initialized from a floating-point value), N is first converted to that floating-point type. If the JsonNumber is internally holding a string, this requires parsing the string, which is expensive, but that's life. This preserves expected behavior: JsonNumber(1.1f) == 1.1f and JsonNumber(1.1f) != 1.1 (just as 1.1f == 1.1f and 1.1f != 1.1), but JsonNumber("1.1") == 1.1f and ==1.1 (just as float.Parse("1.1") == 1.1f and double.Parse("1.1") == 1.1).

    Given a JsonNumber struct, we can define JsonValue as:

    public enum JsonValueType { Boolean, Number, String }
    public abstract class JsonNode : IEquatable<JsonNode> { ... }
    public sealed class JsonValue : JsonNode, IEquatable<JsonValue>
        public JsonValueType Type { get; private set; }
        public object Value { get; } // returns bool, string, or JsonNumber
        public bool AsBoolean(); // throws if Type != Boolean
        public JsonNumber AsNumber(); // throws if Type != Number
        public string AsString(); // etc
        public override Equals(object other) => other is JsonValue v && Equals(v);
        public bool Equals(JsonValue other);
        public override int GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator ==(JsonNumber a, JsonNumber b);
        public static bool operator !=(JsonNumber a, JsonNumber b);
        public static implicit byte(JsonValue v) => (byte)AsNumber();
        public static implicit sbyte(JsonValue v) => (sbyte)AsNumber();
        // all your existing Create signatures stay the same
        public static JsonValue Create(...);
        // maybe one from object. it could be anything that seriarlizes to a JSON scalar.
        // use your JSON serializer magic
        public static JsonValue Create(object o);
        // possible internal storage:
        // if Type == Boolean, you could theoretically store it in n.v (after making n.v internal)
        // if Type == String, you could theoretically store it in n.o
        // that said, this is a class, not a struct, so we don't have to be so tight on space
        readonly JsonNumber n;

    Now we can 1) extract a type if we know what it is (regardless of how it's internally stored), and 2) find the type and the value. Notably, JsonValue does not store Guids or Foos. There should be no JsonValue<Guid> because JSON doesn't have a Guid type. There should be no JsonValue<T> at all. JSON only has four types, null, Boolean, number, and string (or three nullable types, to look at it another way), and all values are resolved to those basic JSON types at the time of construction. For backwards compatibility, we'll keep the convention that null JSON values are simply null JsonValues. (And this way, it'd actually be reliable. With your current code, you can have non-null JsonValues that represent the null value, via Create<T>() if T serializes to "null".)

  3. I want to copy a JsonValue from one place to another.

    I see no way to do this except by removing the Parent property. It doesn't seem all that useful to me, anyway - there is no corresponding property name or array index - and this lets us easily copy JsonNodes from one place to another without restriction. If the user creates a cycle, that's his problem. But in case we can't remove the Parent property, having JsonValue defined as above lets us easily implement a Clone() operation.

    public JsonValue Clone() =>
        Type == JsonValueType.String ? JsonValue.Create(AsString(), Options) :
        Type == JsonValueType.Number ? JsonValue.Create(n, Options) :
            JsonValue.Create(AsBoolean(), Options);
  4. I want to compare JsonValues for equality.

    This also becomes easy to support if JsonValue is defined as above:

    public bool Equals(JsonValue other) =>
        other != null && Type == other.Type &&
        (Type == JsonValueType.String ? AsString() == other.AsString() :
         Type == JsonValueType.Number ? n == other.n :
             AsBoolean() == other.AsBoolean());

API Usage

See use cases in the Background and Motivation section.

Alternative Designs

For greater backwards compatibility, just add JsonNumber, JsonValue.Type, JsonValue.AsBoolean(), JsonValue.AsNumber(), and JsonValue.AsString() and leave everything else the same. (int)JsonValue.Create(5L) will still fail, but (int)JsonValue.Create(5L).AsNumber() will succeed.


  • Some people may depend on the Parent property (but we could leave it if cloning is implemented).
  • Some people may already have reflection-based workarounds that would be broken by removing JsonValue<T> etc. People shouldn't rely on those, though.
  • It's technically a breaking change to make (int)JsonValue.Create(5L) succeed instead of fail, but I doubt people would mind. Probably ditto for .TryGetValue() succeeding where it currently fails.
  • I don't understand the motivation for the JsonValueTrimmable and JsonValueNotTrimmable distinction. As I see it, JSON has no such distinction. All JSON values boil down to one of four types whose syntax is clearly defined. But maybe I'm missing something important.
@AdamMil AdamMil added the api-suggestion Early API idea and discussion, it is NOT ready for implementation label Jan 28, 2022
@dotnet-issue-labeler dotnet-issue-labeler bot added area-System.Text.Json untriaged New issue has not been triaged by the area owner labels Jan 28, 2022
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ghost commented Jan 28, 2022

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Issue Details

Background and motivation

As far as I can see, there's almost no way to do common and necessary operations on JsonValues. I'll give four examples:

  1. I got a JsonValue from somewhere. I know the value is supposed to be an int and I want to extract it.

    But (int)value or value.TryGetValue<int>() may not work, depending on how it was created or parsed. Even though JsonValue.Create(5) and JsonValue.Create(5L) and JsonValue.Create(5.0) represent the exact same JSON value, (int)value will only work on one of them. If a value is representable as an int, I should be able to do (int)value. But for now I can't, so let's say I want to write my own code to get the type and value. That brings us to...

  2. I want to get the type and value of a JsonValue.

    Unfortunately, there's no public property on a JsonValue to tell you what the type or value is! In practice, you can only get the JSON type and value by serializing the JsonValue into JSON and then examining the JSON string. That's ugly and inefficient, but moreover it's not sufficient to understand a JsonValue. As mentioned above, JsonValue.Create(5) and JsonValue.Create(5L) represent the exact same JSON value and have identical serializations but one is actually a JsonValue<int> and the other is actually a JsonValue<long>, and the cast operators require you to know the exact internal type.

    But there's no feasible way to get that internal type. You can't type-check against JsonValue<int>, for example, because JsonValue<T> is an internal type. Even if you had the internal type, it's not clear what the JSON type is. JsonValue<Guid> has a JSON type of string. JsonValue<Foo> could be anything.

    The only way to get the internal type with the public API is to enumerate all types in all loaded assemblies (including all possible generic type arguments), and make sure to use a breadth-first search because it's an infinite type space, and then use reflection (!) with every type to invoke the JsonValue.TryGetValue<T>() method. That's crazy, so you're left with using reflection on private members to extract the internal type and value.

    Okay, you can forego JsonValue entirely and just parse the JSON string yourself to get the type and value. But then what's the point of JsonValue?

  3. I want to copy a JsonValue from one place to another.

    This kind of thing should work: o1["a"] = o2["a"]; but it fails with InvalidOperationException because the JsonValue already has a parent. Frankly, I don't think it's valuable to have a Parent reference. JsonValues are immutable and should be able to be copied around without being cloned.

    But for now we have to clone it, meaning I need to create a new JsonValue with the same type and value. But there's no easy way to get the type and value, as described above. And if you can get the type and value, then you have to use reflection again to invoke the correct JsonValue.Create method. (There is no Create override that takes a Type rather than a generic type parameter.) Also, JsonValue.Create<int>(5) is not the same as JsonValue.Create(5) - one creates a JsonValueNotTrimmable<int> and the other creates a JsonValueTrimmable<int>, which is another distinction that must be replicated. Properly cloning a JsonValue so we can copy a property value is just too hard.

  4. I want to compare JsonValues for equality.

    There doesn't seem to be a good way to do this. If I extract the type and value as above, it doesn't directly help me. As mentioned, there's no obvious connection between the JsonValue<T> type and the JSON value. JsonValue<Guid> is a JSON string, but Guid is not a string. Furthermore, a JsonValue might be a JsonValue<JsonElement> or even a JsonValue<Foo>, which could be anything, and how can I compare Foos? Two Foos might be different but have identical JSON serializations.

    So right now you have to compare the serialized representations, which is inefficient and far from easy. JsonValue.Create(1.0).ToJsonString() is "1" but JsonValue.Parse("1.0").ToJsonString() is "1.0", so it's not a simple string comparison. Effectively you have to render them into JSON and then do all your own JSON parsing and comparison with JSON semantics.

API Proposal

  1. I got a JsonValue from somewhere. I know the value is supposed to be an int and I want to extract it.

  2. I want to get the type and value of a JsonValue.

    For # 1, it is simply a matter of making (int)value convert any valid JSON number into an int - as long it fits within the range of an int, and ditto for all the other numeric types. This can be assisted with a helper class, JsonNumber, which is based on the following observations.

    • JSON numbers have the format [N]W[.F][E] where N is the optional negative flag ('-'), W is one or more digits representing the whole part of the number, F is one or more digits representing the fractional part, and E is the exponent. Effectively, this is a representation of arbitrary-precision numbers that have a finite decimal expansion.
    • JSON numbers can be normalized into the form [N]W.F by effectively shifting the decimal point E places, where W has no leading zeros and F has no trailing zeros. (As a result, 11, 11.0 and 1.10e1 all normalize to W="11", F="".)
    • This normalization does not require allocating memory or taking substrings, and can easily be done while interpreting the JSON string.
    • You can efficiently compute the lengths of W and F, |W| and |F|.
    • A JSON number is an integer if F is empty (i.e. |F| == 0).
    • A JSON number is zero if both W and F are empty.
    • Two JSON numbers are equal if both are zero or if both have the same N, W, and F.
    • Number A has greater magnitude than number B if |A.W| > |B.W| || |A.W| == |B.W| && (A.W > B.W || A.W == B.W && A.F > B.F) where W > W or F > F is effectively a string comparison of the digits.
    • You can compare two numbers by checking their magnitudes and signs.
    • A JSON number fits in a 32-bit integer if |W| < 10 or if |W| == 10 and W <= [2,1,4,7,4,8,3,6,4,N?8:7]. Etc.
    /// <summary>Represents a JSON number, which is an arbitrary-precision number 
    public readonly struct JsonNumber : IEquatable<JsonNumber>, maybe IComparable<JsonNumber>, IConvertible...
        // these construct from .NET values
        public JsonNumber(int value);
        public JsonNumber(uint value);
        public JsonNumber(long value);
        public JsonNumber(ulong value);
        public JsonNumber(float value);
        public JsonNumber(double value);
        public JsonNumber(decimal value);
        // maybe BigInteger, Rational (if one existed), etc.
        // these construct from JSON number strings. strings are normalized into .NET types if they fit
        // in an int, uint, long, ulong, or decimal, but not float or double (because of floating-point
        // imprecision). this normalization could be done lazily, stealing one bit from 'v' to
        // hold a flag indicating whether normalization has been performed
        public JsonNumber(string s);
        public JsonNumber(string s, int index, int length);
        public JsonNumber(byte[] utf8Bytes, int index, int length);
        public JsonNumber(ReadOnlySpan<byte> utf8Bytes);
        public JsonNumber(ReadOnlySpan<char> chars);
        public JsonNumber(JsonElement el); // maybe, if you're really interested in sharing storage
        // maybe some properties like IsInteger, plus IsInt32 etc. to give us some information about the range.
        // or just implement IComparable<JsonNumber> and we can do our own comparisons
        public override Equals(object other) => other is JsonNumber n && Equals(n);
        public bool Equals(JsonNumber other);
        public override int GetHashCode();
        public override string ToString() => ToString(null); // renders to JSON
        // ditto, with control of exponent usage. or maybe just a bool noExponent
        public string ToString(string format);
        public static bool operator ==(JsonNumber a, JsonNumber b);
        public static bool operator !=(JsonNumber a, JsonNumber b);
        public static implicit operator JsonNumber(byte v) => new JsonNumber(v);
        public static implicit operator JsonNumber(sbyte v) => new JsonNumber(v);
        // these succeed as long as the value is within the range of the type (considering only the whole
        // portion if casting to an integer)
        public static explicit operator byte(JsonNumber v);
        public static explicit operator sbyte(JsonNumber v);
        // my recommended internal representation:
        // * if o == null, then the value fits in an int32 stored in v.
        // * if o is string or byte[] (or JsonElement?), it's a JSON number and v holds the pre-parsed value of
        //   E (the exponent).
        // * otherwise, o is a .NET numeric type (uint, long, ulong, decimal, float, or double) and v tells
        //   us which one (e.g. v is a TypeCode, or maybe some other enum if we decide to support
        //   BigInteger, etc.)
        readonly object o;
        readonly int v;

    The only fly in the ointment is floating-point types. The floating point value 1.1f actually equals 1.10000002384185791015625, but users would be unhappy if JsonNumber(1.1f) != 1.1f or if JsonNumber(1.1f).ToString() == "1.10000002384185791015625". It should, however, be the case that JsonNumber("1.10000002384185791015625") == 1.1f. I think the answer is to say that comparisons with and storage of floating-point types specifically will be fuzzy. What this means is that:

    • When a JsonNumber is initialized from a floating-point type, we store that exact floating point value.
    • When comparing a JsonNumber N to a floating-point value (including a JsonNumber initialized from a floating-point value), N is first converted to that floating-point type. If the JsonNumber is internally holding a string, this requires parsing the string, which is expensive, but that's life. This preserves expected behavior: JsonNumber(1.1f) == 1.1f and JsonNumber(1.1f) != 1.1 (just as 1.1f == 1.1f and 1.1f != 1.1), but JsonNumber("1.1") == 1.1f and ==1.1 (just as float.Parse("1.1") == 1.1f and double.Parse("1.1") == 1.1).

    Given a JsonNumber struct, we can define JsonValue as:

    public enum JsonValueType { Boolean, Number, String }
    public abstract class JsonNode : IEquatable<JsonNode> { ... }
    public sealed class JsonValue : JsonNode, IEquatable<JsonValue>
        public JsonValueType Type { get; private set; }
        public object Value { get; } // returns bool, string, or JsonNumber
        public bool AsBoolean(); // throws if Type != Boolean
        public JsonNumber AsNumber(); // throws if Type != Number
        public string AsString(); // etc
        public override Equals(object other) => other is JsonValue v && Equals(v);
        public bool Equals(JsonValue other);
        public override int GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator ==(JsonNumber a, JsonNumber b);
        public static bool operator !=(JsonNumber a, JsonNumber b);
        public static implicit byte(JsonValue v) => (byte)AsNumber();
        public static implicit sbyte(JsonValue v) => (sbyte)AsNumber();
        // all your existing Create signatures stay the same
        public static JsonValue Create(...);
        // maybe one from object. it could be anything that seriarlizes to a JSON scalar.
        // use your JSON serializer magic
        public static JsonValue Create(object o);
        // possible internal storage:
        // if Type == Boolean, you could theoretically store it in n.v (after making n.v internal)
        // if Type == String, you could theoretically store it in n.o
        // that said, this is a class, not a struct, so we don't have to be so tight on space
        readonly JsonNumber n;

    Now we can 1) extract a type if we know what it is (regardless of how it's internally stored), and 2) find the type and the value. Notably, JsonValue does not store Guids or Foos. There should be no JsonValue<Guid> because JSON doesn't have a Guid type. There should be no JsonValue<T> at all. JSON only has four types, null, Boolean, number, and string (or three nullable types, to look at it another way), and all values are resolved to those basic JSON types at the time of construction. For backwards compatibility, we'll keep the convention that null JSON values are simply null JsonValues. (And this way, it'd actually be reliable. With your current code, you can have non-null JsonValues that represent the null value, via Create<T>() if T serializes to "null".)

  3. I want to copy a JsonValue from one place to another.

    I see no way to do this except by removing the Parent property. It doesn't seem all that useful to me, anyway - there is no corresponding property name or array index - and this lets us easily copy JsonNodes from one place to another without restriction. If the user creates a cycle, that's his problem. But in case we can't remove the Parent property, having JsonValue defined as above lets us easily implement a Clone() operation.

    public JsonValue Clone() =>
        Type == JsonValueType.String ? JsonValue.Create(AsString(), Options) :
        Type == JsonValueType.Number ? JsonValue.Create(n, Options) :
            JsonValue.Create(AsBoolean(), Options);
  4. I want to compare JsonValues for equality.

    This also becomes easy to support if JsonValue is defined as above:

    public bool Equals(JsonValue other) =>
        other != null && Type == other.Type &&
        (Type == JsonValueType.String ? AsString() == other.AsString() :
         Type == JsonValueType.Number ? n == other.n :
             AsBoolean() == other.AsBoolean());

API Usage

See use cases in the Background and Motivation section.

Alternative Designs

For greater backwards compatibility, just add JsonNumber, JsonValue.Type, JsonValue.AsBoolean(), JsonValue.AsNumber(), and JsonValue.AsString() and leave everything else the same. (int)JsonValue.Create(5L) will still fail, but (int)JsonValue.Create(5L).AsNumber() will succeed.


  • Some people may depend on the Parent property (but it's okay to leave it if cloning is possible).
  • Some people may already have reflection-based workarounds that would be broken by removing JsonValue etc. People shouldn't rely on those, though.
  • It's technically a breaking change to make (int)JsonValue.Create(5L) succeed instead of fail, but I doubt people would mind. Probably ditto for .TryGetValue() succeeding where it currently fails.
  • I don't understand the motivation for the JsonValueTrimmable and JsonValueNotTrimmable distinction. As I see it, JSON has no such distinction. All JSON values boil down to one of four types whose syntax is clearly defined. But maybe I'm missing something important.
Author: AdamMil
Assignees: -

api-suggestion, area-System.Text.Json, untriaged

Milestone: -

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Hi @AdamMil, thank you for your feedback.

JsonValue.Create(5) and JsonValue.Create(5L) and JsonValue.Create(5.0) represent the exact same JSON value, (int)value will only work on one of them. If a value is representable as an int, I should be able to do (int)value. But for now I can't, so let's say I want to write my own code to get the type and value.

That's a known issue with JsonValue, instances are capable of encapsulating arbitrary .NET objects and as such coercing a node to a type of equivalent JSON representation is not possible using the GetValue method. To my knowledge the only way to achieve what you are trying to do is force a conversion to a JsonValue that uses JsonElement as its internal representation:


@steveharter might be aware of a more efficient way to do this.

This kind of thing should work: o1["a"] = o2["a"]; but it fails with InvalidOperationException because the JsonValue already has a parent.

That's good feedback. I would recommend sharing it in #56592 which tracks improvements to JsonNode in .NET 7.

I want to compare JsonValues for equality.

Related to #62585 (comment). Defining equality in DOM types comes with its own set of problems, which is why both JsonElement and JsonNode avoid defining equality semantics altogether. We might consider adding equality comparison to JsonElement in the future (since byte-by-byte equality comparison is possible), however JsonNode is tricky in general (particularly given that the tree, as mentioned above, can contain arbitrary .NET objects).

Closing in favor of #56592.

@ghost ghost locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Mar 5, 2022
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