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198 lines (158 loc) · 3.88 KB

14 Better concepts less code in Angular

File metadata and controls

198 lines (158 loc) · 3.88 KB

Better concepts less code in Angular 2



  • tabs
  • tab-title & tab-content


Selects elements that match a css selector (== Transclusion concept of Angular 1). Notation: <ng-content select="child element of the component template" />


    selector: 'app',
    template: `
            <tab-title />
            <tab-content />
            <tab-title />
            <tab-content />
class App{  }

    selector: 'tabs',
    template: `
            <ng-content select="tab-title" />

        <ng-content select="tab-content" />

And the resulting code:

        <tab-title />
        <tab-title />
    <tab-content />

Get childrens

import {QueryList} from 'angular2/angular2';
class Tabs{
    @ContentChildren(TabTitle) // this allows us to get instances of children "TabTitle" components
    tabTitles: QueryList;



    selector: 'tab-title'
class TabTitle{

That way the Tabs component can get ahold of its children components.

Content children

    selector: 'app',
    template: `
            <comp-a />
class App { ... }

comp-a is a content child: defined by the component's user. Content children are selectable with ng-content.

    selector: 'my-widget',
    template: `
        <comp-b />
class MyWidget { ... }

comp-b is a view child; it is a child that lives in the view of the component.

When angular instanciates a component, it takes a component, clones it and the result of instanciating the template is called a View.


QueryList is not an array but is similar to one. QueryList is iterable thus it can be used in a for .. of loop.

It also has an observable property called changes which can be subscribed to in order to be notified whenever the content changes.

Get children components

  • @ContentChildren: get children that a user would put in a component when he uses it
  • @ContentChild
  • @ViewChildren: children placed in the template by the component's developer
  • @ViewChild


Allow to reference a chunk of UI

    selector: 'conf-talks',
    template: `
            <template ng-for [ng-for-of]="talks" [ng-for-template]="itemTemplate" />
class ConfTalks{
    @Input() talks;
    @ContentChild(TemplateRef) itemTemplate;


In the example above, we get the template reference using @ContentChild(TemplateRef) and we use template ng-for to render it multiple times.


  • Component Element
    • OnChanges
    • OnInit
    • DoCheck
    • OnDestroy
  • Content Children
    • AfterContentInit
    • AfterContentChecked
  • View Children
    • AfterViewInit
    • AfterViewChecked
  • ...

Form and input

    selector: 'cont-talks',
    template: `
            Speaker: <input ng-control="speaker" minlength="3">
class ConfTalks{

    @Input() set talks {
        this._talks = talks;
        this.filteredTalks = talks;

    @ViewChild(NgForm) form; // will be populated after the View has been created (i.e., after the template has been loaded)

        let changes = this.form.control.valueChanges; // observable
            .filter(_ => this.form.valid) // only emit values when the input is valid
            .throttle(500) // only emit values after 500ms of inactivity
            .subscribe(value => this.filterTalks(value)); // subscribe


        this.filteredTalks  = this._talks.filter(
            t => t.speaker.indexOf(filter.speaker) > -1);