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File metadata and controls

231 lines (169 loc) · 6.47 KB

Advanced Usage

See the Primer Spec README for the main usage instructions. This page contains further instructions for more advanced workflows.


Previewing locally

If you'd like to preview your site on your computer (or if you aren't using GitHub Pages), do the following:

  1. Follow steps 2 and 3 from the main usage instructions.

  2. Create a file named Gemfile in your project root directory. Add this to the file:

    source ''
    gem 'jekyll-seo-tag'
    gem 'jekyll-remote-theme'
    gem 'jekyll-github-metadata'
    # Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
    gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]
    # Performance-booster for watching directories on Windows
    gem 'wdm', '~> 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?
  3. (Optional) Create a .gitignore file in your site directory with the following contents:

    # This .gitignore file is for locally-rendered Jekyll sites.
    # Locally rendered website
    # Other Jekyll files
  4. Ensure that you are using a version of Ruby later than 2.1.0. If you're on a Mac, you may need to run brew install ruby first. You must also install bundler.

    $ ruby --version
    ruby 2.6.1p33 (2019-01-30 revision 66950) [x86_64-darwin18]
    $ gem install bundler
  5. Install the dependencies.

    $ pwd
    $ bundle install
  6. Run the Jekyll server to build the site and watch for changes. By default, the site is served at

    $ pwd
    $ bundle exec jekyll serve

At this point, the HTML files with Primer Spec styling are available in the _site directory. (You may move them to a remote webserver if you wish.)

Customizing Jekyll

Primer Spec will respect the following variables, if set in your site's _config.yml:

title: [The title of your site]
description: [A short description of your site's purpose]

Additionally, you may choose to set the following optional variables:

google_analytics: [Your Google Analytics tracking ID]

Hiding sections from the sidebar

To prevent a heading from appearing in the sidebar, add the class primer-spec-toc-ignore to a header element.

In Markdown files, this can be achieved by inserting {: .primer-spec-toc-ignore } under the heading. For instance:

### This heading appears in the sidebar

Spam spam spam.

### This heading does NOT appear in the sidebar

{: .primer-spec-toc-ignore }

Spam spam spam.

In HTML files, this can be achieved by adding a class attribute to the heading element. For instance:

<h3>This heading appears in the sidebar</h3>

<p>Spam spam spam.</p>

<h3 class="primer-spec-toc-ignore">
  This heading does NOT appear in the sidebar

<p>Spam spam spam.</p>


Primer Spec supports displaying Mathematical expressions using LaTeX syntax and rendering. To enable LaTeX typesetting features, update the top of each MarkDown file with the latex option:

layout: spec
latex: true

LaTeX can be rendered inline or as separate blocks. Here is an example of a MarkDown file with LaTeX typesetting:

layout: spec
latex: true

LaTeX can be inlined ($$ \forall x \in R $$) or as a separate math block.

-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac} \over 2a

Using without Jekyll

We recommend using Primer Spec with Jekyll because:

  • You can store your content as Markdown. Jekyll converts Markdown files to HTML automatically.
  • Jekyll applies much of the scaffolding needed for Primer Spec.

However, with some work, it is possible to add Primer Spec styling to a plain HTML page:

  1. Make sure that all sections of your web page are marked by header tags (like h1, h2, etc.).

  2. Place all your main content within a div with ID primer-spec-plugin-main-content and a dummy onClick event handler:

    <div id="primer-spec-plugin-main-content" onClick="return true;">
      <!-- Your main content goes here. -->
  3. Add the following lines at the top of your file, just after the opening head tag. Replace <version> with the appropriate version in the assets/ directory.

    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
  4. Add the following lines at the bottom of the file, just before the closing body tag. Again, replace <version> with the appropriate version in the assets/ directory.


Your final HTML file will probably look something like this:

    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

    <title>My long project spec</title>
    <div id="primer-spec-plugin-main-content" onClick="return true;">
      <!-- Main content goes in here. For example: -->
      <h1 class="primer-spec-toc-ignore">My long project spec</h1>
      <h3>Installing Python</h3>

That's it! The page should now display with Primer Spec styling.