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Frequenz Python SDK Release Notes



  • The frequenz.sdk.microgrid.*_pool methods has been renamed to new_*_pool, to make it explicit that they create new instances of the pool classes.

    • battery_pool -> new_battery_pool
    • ev_charger_pool -> new_ev_charger_pool
    • pv_pool -> new_pv_pool
  • The following component metric streams have been renamed to clarify that they stream per-phase values:

    • frequenz.sdk.microgrid.
      • voltage -> voltage_per_phase
      • grid.current -> grid.current_per_phase
      • ev_charger_pool.current -> ev_charger_pool.current_per_phase
  • Passing a request_timeout in calls to *_pool.propose_power is no longer supported. It may be specified at application startup, through the new optional api_power_request_timeout parameter in the microgrid.initialize() method.

  • Power distribution results are no longer available through the power_status streams in the *Pools. They can now be accessed as a stream from a separate property power_distribution_results, which is available from all the *Pools.

  • The ConfigManagingActor now uses as the output sender type. This change indicates that the broadcasted configuration is intended to be read-only.

  • The ConfigManagingActor has moved from to frequenz.sdk.config.

  • The following core actors are no longer part of the public API:

    • PowerDistributingActor
    • ComponentMetricsResamplingActor
    • DataSourcingActor
  • The following two types which are used for communicating with the data sourcing and resampling actors are also no longer part of the public API:

    • ComponentMetricId
    • ComponentMetricRequest
  • The ChannelRegistry is no longer part of the public API.

  • The Result types for the power distribution results are now exposed through the frequenz.sdk.microgrid.battery_pool module.

New Features

  • Classes Bounds and SystemBounds now implement the __contains__ method, allowing the use of the in operator to check whether a value falls within the bounds or not.


  • The resampler now shows an error message where it is easier to identify the component and metric when it can't find relevant data for the current resampling window.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a typing issue that occurs in some cases when composing formulas with constants.
  • Fixed a bug where sending tasks in the data sourcing actor might have not been properly awaited.
  • Updated the logical meter documentation to reflect the latest changes.
  • Fixed a bug in the code examples in the getting-started tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug in ConfigManagingActor that was not properly comparing the event path to the config file path when the config file is a relative path.
  • Re-expose ComponentMetricId to the docs.
  • Fixed typing ambiguities when building composite formulas on streaming data.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the PowerDistributor to exit if power requests to PV inverters or EV chargers timeout.
  • Fix handling of cancelled tasks in the data sourcing and resampling actor.
  • Fix PV power distribution excluding inverters that haven't sent any data since startup.
  • Prevent stacking of power requests to avoid delays in processing when the power requests frequency exceeds the processing time.