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AWS Lambda instrumentation

This spec specifies the instrumentation of applications / services running on AWS Lambda.

An AWS Lambda application needs to implement a handler method that is called whenever that Lambda function is invoked. A handler method receives (at least) two objects with useful information:

  • event: Depending on the trigger type of the Lambda function this object contains different, trigger-specific data. For some trigger types this object may be empty/null.
  • context: This object provides generic (trigger agnostic) meta information about the Lambda function.

In our instrumentation we use these objects to derive useful meta and context information.

Generic Lambda Instrumentation

In general, to instrument Lambda functions, we create transactions that wrap the execution of that handler method. In cases where we cannot assume any type or information in the event object (e.g. if the trigger type is undefined), we ignore trigger-specific information and simply wrap the handler method with a transaction, while using the context object to derive some necessary fields.

Field Value Description Source e.g. MyFunctionName The name of the Lambda function. AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME or context.functionName AWS Lambda Constant value for the framework name. - e.g. AWS_Lambda_java8  The lambda runtime. AWS_EXECUTION_ENV e.g. arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function The ARN of the function without alias suffix. context.invokedFunctionArn, remove the 8th ARN segment if the ARN contains an alias suffix. arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function:someAlias will become arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function.
service.version e.g. ${LATEST} The lambda function version AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION or context.functionVersion e.g. 2019/06/07/[$LATEST]e6f... The log stream name uniquely identifying a function instance. AWS_LAMBDA_LOG_STREAM_NAME or context.logStreamName
cloud.provider aws Constant value for the cloud provider.
cloud.origin.provider aws Constant value for the origin cloud provider.
cloud.region e.g. us-east-1 The cloud region. AWS_REGION lambda Constant value for the AWS service.
transaction.type request - -
faas.trigger.type other The trigger type. Use other if trigger type is unknown / cannot be specified. More concrete triggers are http, pubsub, datasource, timer (see specific triggers below).
faas.execution af9aa4-a6... The AWS request ID of the function invocation context.awsRequestId
faas.coldstart true / false Boolean value indicating whether a Lambda function invocation was a cold start or not. see section below e.g. MyFunctionName Use function name if trigger type is other. context.functionName
faas.trigger.request_id - Do not set this field if trigger type is other. Trigger specific.
service.origin.* - Do not set these fields if trigger type is other. Trigger specific.
cloud.origin.* - Do not set these fields if trigger type is other. Trigger specific.

Overwriting Metadata

Automatically capturing cloud metadata doesn't work reliably from a Lambda environment. Moreover, retrieving cloud metadata through an additional HTTP request may slowdown the lambda function / increase cold start behaviour. Therefore, the generic cloud metadata fetching should be disabled when the agent is running in a lambda context (for instance through checking for the existance of the AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME environment variable). Where possible, metadata should be overwritten at Lambda runtime startup corresponding to the field specifications in this spec. Some metadata fields are not available at startup (e.g. invokedFunctionArn). In this case corresponding fields need to be set either as metadata with the first invocation of the lambda function or set for every lambda invocation as transaction fields.

Deriving cold starts

A cold start occurs if AWS needs first to initialize the Lambda runtime (including the Lambda process, such as JVM, Node.js process, etc.) in order to handle a request. This happens for the first request and after long function idle times. A Lambda function instance only executes one event at a time (there is no concurrency). Thus, detecting a cold start is as simple as detecting whether the invocation of a handler method is the first since process startup or not. This can be achieved with a global / process-scoped flag that is flipped at the first execution of the handler method.

Trigger-specific Instrumentation

Lambda functions can be triggered in many different ways. A generic transaction for a Lambda invocation can be created independently of the actual trigger. However, depending on the trigger type, different information might be available that can be used to capture additional transaction data or that allows additional, valuable spans to be derived. The most common triggers that we want dedicated instrumentation support for are the following:

  • API Gateway V1
  • API Gateway V2
  • SQS
  • SNS
  • S3

If none of the above apply, the fallback should be a generic instrumentation (as described above) that can deal with any type of trigger (thus capturing only the minimal available information).

API Gateway (V1 & V2)

There are two different API Gateway versions (V1 & V2) that differ slightly in the information (event object) that is passed to the Lambda handler function.

With both versions, the event object contains information about the http request. Usually API Gateway-based Lambda functions return an object that contains the HTTP response information. The agent should use the information in the request and response objects to fill the HTTP context (context.request and context.response) fields in the same way it is done for HTTP transactions.

In particular, agents must use the event.headers to retrieve the traceparent and the tracestate and use them to start the transaction for the lambda function execution.

In addition the following fields should be set for API Gateway-based Lambda functions:

Field Value Description Source
faas.trigger.type http Constant value for API gateway. - e.g. GET MyFunction Http method followed by a whitespace and the function name. -
faas.trigger.request_id e.g. afa4-a6... ID of the API gateway request. event.requestContext.requestId e.g. POST /{proxy+}/Prod Readable API gateway endpoint. Format: ${event.requestContext.httpMethod} ${event.requestContext.resourcePath}/${event.requestContext.stage} e.g. gy415nu... event.requestContext.apiId
service.origin.version e.g. 1.0 1.0 for API Gateway V1, 2.0 for API Gateway V2. - api gateway Fix value for API gateway. - e.g. 12345678912 Account ID of the API gateway. event.requestContext.accountId


Lambda functions that are triggered by SQS (or SNS) accept an event input that may contain one or more SQS / SNS messages in the event.records array. All message-related context information (including the traceparent) is encoded in the individual message attributes (if at all). We cannot (automatically) wrap the processing of the individual messages that are sent as a batch of messages with a single event.

Thus, in case that an SQS / SNS event contains exactly one SQS / SNS message, the agents must apply the following, messaging-specific retrieval of information. Otherwise, the agents should apply the Generic Lambda Instrumentation as described above.

With only one message in event.records, the agents can use the single SQS / SNS record to retrieve the traceparent and tracestate from record.messageAttributes and use it for starting the lambda transaction.

In addition the following fields should be set for Lambda functions triggered by SQS or SNS:


Field Value Description Source
faas.trigger.type pubsub Constant value for message based triggers - e.g. RECEIVE SomeQueue Follow the messaging spec for transaction naming. Simple queue name can be derived from the 6th segment of record.eventSourceArn.
faas.trigger.reuqest_id e.g. someMessageId SQS message ID. record.messageId e.g. my-queue SQS queue name Simple queue name can be derived from the 6th segment of record.eventSourceArn. e.g. arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:my-queue SQS queue ARN.  record.eventSourceArn sqs Fix value for SQS. -
cloud.origin.region e.g. us-east-1 SQS queue region. record.awsRegion e.g. 12345678912 Account ID of the SQS queue. Parse account segment (5th) from record.eventSourceArn.
message.queue e.g. arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:my-queue SQS queue ARN.  record.eventSourceArn
message.age e.g. 3298 Age of the message in milliseconds. current_time - SentTimestamp, if SentTimestamp is available. Message attribute with key SentTimestamp.
message.body - The message body. Should only be captured if body capturing is enabled in the configuration. record.body
message.headers - The message attributes. Should only be captured, if capturing headers is enabled in the configuration. record.messageAttributes


Field Value Description Source
faas.trigger.type pubsub Constant value for message based triggers - e.g. RECEIVE SomeTopic Follow the messaging spec for transaction naming. Simple topic name can be derived from the 6th segment of record.sns.topicArn.
faas.trigger.reuqest_id e.g. someMessageId SNS message ID. record.sns.messageId e.g. my-topic SNS topic name Simple topic name can be derived from the 6th segment of record.sns.topicArn. e.g. arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:123456789012:my-topic SNS topic ARN.  record.sns.topicArn
service.origin.version e.g. 2.1 SNS event version record.eventVersion sns Fix value for SNS. -
cloud.origin.region e.g. us-east-1 SNS topic region. Parse region segment (4th) from record.sns.topicArn. e.g. 12345678912 Account ID of the SNS topic. Parse account segment (5th) from record.sns.topicArn.
message.queue e.g. arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:123456789012:my-topic SNS topic ARN.  record.sns.topicArn
message.age e.g. 3298 Age of the message in milliseconds. current_time - snsTimestamp. record.sns.timestamp
message.body - The message body. Should only be captured if body capturing is enabled in the configuration. record.sns.message
message.headers - The message attributes. Should only be captured, if capturing headers is enabled in the configuration. record.sns.messageAttributes


Lambda functions that are triggered by S3 accept an event input that may contain one ore more S3 event notification records in the event.records array. We cannot (automatically) wrap the processing of the individual records that are sent as a batch of S3 event notification records with a single event.

Thus, in case that an S3 event contains exactly one S3 event notification record, the agents must apply the following, S3-specific retrieval of information. Otherwise, the agents should apply the Generic Lambda Instrumentation as desribed above.

In addition the following fields should be set for Lambda functions triggered by S3:

Field Value Description Source
faas.trigger.type datasource Constant value. - e.g. ObjectCreated:Put mybucket Use event name and bucket name. ${record.eventName} ${}
faas.trigger.reuqest_id e.g. C3D13FE58DE4C810 S3 event request ID. record.responseElements.xAmzRequestId e.g. mybucket S3 bucket name. e.g. arn:aws:s3:::mybucket S3 bucket ARN.  record.s3.bucket.arn s3 Fix value for S3. -
cloud.origin.region e.g. us-east-1 S3 bucket region. record.awsRegion
service.origin.version e.g. 2.1 S3 event version. record.eventVersion

Data Flushing

Lambda functions are immediately frozen as soon as the handler method ends. In case APM data is sent in an asyncronous way (as most of the agents do by default) data can get lost if not sent before the lambda function ends.

Therefore, the Lambda instrumentation has to ensure that data is flushed in a blocking way before the execution of the handler function ends. Where possible, agents may optimize the flushing behaviour by avoiding a dedicated HTTP request for each Lambda invocation but instead flushing the buffer on the HTTP connection:

  • Waits until all pending events have been processed
  • Performs a synced_flush on the gzip buffer and flushes all buffers to the network
  • Keeps the HTTP request alive
  • Returns immediately if the connection to APM Server is unhealthy (when there's a backoff)