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MongoDB Casbah Journal

Eventsourced applications can create a mongoDB Casbah backed journal.


A mongoDB backed journal has the following properties when running on a real mongoDB cluster:

  • Highly available.
  • Horizontal scalability of writes via sharding.
  • Horizontal scalability of reads (replay) via sharding.
  • Writes evenly distributed via sharding.
  • Efficient per-processor recovery.
  • Efficient per-channel recovery (applies to reliable channels).


Experimental. The Casbah based MongoDB journal is fully functional.

Casbah Driver Version: 2.6.2


This section shows how to initialize a journal that connects to a local, standalone mongoDB instance.

First, download, install and start a standalone mongoDB instance by following the instructions in the mongoDB Installing MongoDB. Then add the required dependencies to your project's build.sbt file:

resolvers += "Eligosource Snapshots" at ""

libraryDependencies += "org.eligosource" %% "eventsourced-core" % "0.7-SNAPSHOT"

libraryDependencies += "org.eligosource" %% "eventsourced-journal-mongodb-casbah" % "0.7-SNAPSHOT"

Mongodb Casbah Based Journal Initialization

import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import org.eligosource.eventsourced.core._
import org.eligosource.eventsourced.journal.mongodb.casbah.MongodbCasbahJournalProps

implicit val system = ActorSystem("example")

// create and start the Casbah based mongoDB journal
val journal: ActorRef = MongodbCasbahJournalProps(MongoClient(), "eventsourced", "event").createJournal

// create an event-sourcing extension that uses the Casbah based mongoDB journal
val extension = EventsourcingExtension(system, journal)

// ...