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Gangsters Organized Crime

Elisha Riedlinger edited this page Feb 13, 2018 · 9 revisions

Gangsters Organized Crime


Playable on Windows 10

I am using the version of Gangsters Organized Crime from GOG.


The problem with Gangsters Organized Crime is that when the game starts on Windows 10 all the buttons are blank.

Gangsters  blank buttons


After some troubleshooting I was able to figure out that DDrawCompat was able to partially fix this issue. It was able to restore the text to the buttons however there were still a few problems. First of all 'gangsters.exe' only loaded the system 'ddraw.dll' and I was unable to get it to load the local 'ddraw.dll'. After running Process Monitor I found out that 'dsound.dll' could be used for this if I hooked the 'ddraw.dll' API's. However, a second problem was that DDrawCompat only hooked the DirectDrawCreate and DirectDrawCreateEx API's but for Gangsters Organized Crime the DllGetClassObject API needed to be hooked also (see this thread for more details).

The third problem was that all the other the text on the game (besides the button text) was black, which meant that it blended into the background and was almost undecipherable. For this I had to make some changes in the Fullscreen option of DxWrapper to refreash the screen each time a new page was loaded (see this code change here).

After applying these fixes the game works pretty good on Windows 10. There are a couple of minor issues, such as the screen will flash briefly after switching pages and during the configuration of the game the scroll bars remain fixed in place and don't refresh after their value changes. I may look into fixing these issues later.


In order to install the Windows 10 patch for Gangsters Organized Crime you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the fix below.
  2. Unzip the files to your Gangsters Organized Crime installation folder (where the 'gangsters.exe' file exists).
  3. If you are using Nvidia disable G-Sync/Vsync for this game (see here).
  4. Start the game and enjoy!

If you run into issues also check the compatibility settings. I am running with the following:


Here is the Download for the patch to fix Gangsters Organized Crime on Windows 10.

This download contains 2 files:

  • dsound.dll
  • dsound.ini