From e2d42e273c93dab015add03de65a52196670637c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tristan Sloughter Date: Mon, 7 May 2018 12:17:28 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] version bump to 3.1.0 and additions to docs --- .gitignore | 2 + doc/Makefile | 21 +++ doc/ | 21 +++ doc/github-pandoc.css | 424 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ doc/ | 305 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ doc/tpl.html | 86 +++++++++ rebar.config | 1 + src/ | 2 +- 8 files changed, 861 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 doc/Makefile create mode 100755 doc/ create mode 100644 doc/github-pandoc.css create mode 100644 doc/ create mode 100644 doc/tpl.html diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index ac732da..2013848 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +doc/*.html +!doc/tpl.html _build deps/** ebin/** diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d72b03 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +SOURCE_DOCS := $(wildcard *.md) + +EXPORTED_DOCS=\ + $( + +RM=/bin/rm + 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Elli is a aimed exclusively at building +high-throughput, low-latency HTTP APIs. If robustness and performance +is more important than general purpose features, then `elli` might be +for you. If you find yourself digging into the implementation of a +webserver, `elli` might be for you. If you're building web services, +not web sites, then `elli` might be for you. + +Elli is used in production at Wooga and Game Analytics. Elli requires +OTP 18.0 or newer. + + +## Installation + +To use `elli` you will need a working installation of Erlang 18.0 (or later). + +Add `elli` to your application by adding it as a dependency to your +[`rebar.config`]( + +```erlang +{deps, [elli]}. +``` + +Afterwards you can run: + +```sh +$ rebar3 compile +``` + + +## Usage +```sh +$ rebar3 shell +``` + +```erlang +%% starting elli +1> {ok, Pid} = elli:start_link([{callback, elli_example_callback}, {port, 3000}]). +``` + +## Examples + +### Callback Module + +The best source to learn how to write a callback module +is [src/elli_example_callback.erl](src/elli_example_callback.erl) and +its [generated documentation](doc/ There are a bunch +of examples used in the tests as well as descriptions of all the events. + +A minimal callback module could look like this: + +```erlang +-module(elli_minimal_callback). +-export([handle/2, handle_event/3]). + +-include_lib("elli/include/elli.hrl"). +-behaviour(elli_handler). + +handle(Req, _Args) -> + %% Delegate to our handler function + handle(Req#req.method, elli_request:path(Req), Req). + +handle('GET',[<<"hello">>, <<"world">>], _Req) -> + %% Reply with a normal response. `ok' can be used instead of `200' + %% to signal success. + {ok, [], <<"Hello World!">>}; + +handle(_, _, _Req) -> + {404, [], <<"Not Found">>}. + +%% @doc Handle request events, like request completed, exception +%% thrown, client timeout, etc. Must return `ok'. +handle_event(_Event, _Data, _Args) -> + ok. +``` + + +### Supervisor Childspec + +To add `elli` to a supervisor you can use the following example and adapt it to +your needs. + +```erlang +-module(fancyapi_sup). +-behaviour(supervisor). +-export([start_link/0]). +-export([init/1]). + +start_link() -> + supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []). + +init([]) -> + ElliOpts = [{callback, fancyapi_callback}, {port, 3000}], + ElliSpec = { + fancy_http, + {elli, start_link, [ElliOpts]}, + permanent, + 5000, + worker, + [elli]}, + + {ok, { {one_for_one, 5, 10}, [ElliSpec]} }. +``` + + +## Features + +Here's the features Elli _does_ have: + +* [Rack][]-style request-response. Your handler function gets a + complete request and returns a complete response. There's no + messaging, no receiving data directly from the socket, no writing + responses directly to the socket. It's a very simple and + straightforward API. Have a look at [`elli_example_callback`]( +for examples. + +* Middlewares allow you to add useful features like compression, +encoding, stats, but only have it used when needed. No features you +don't use on the critical path. + +* Short-circuiting of responses using exceptions, allows you to use + "assertions" that return for example 403 permission + denied. `is_allowed(Req) orelse throw({403, [], <<"Permission + denied">>})`. + +* Every client connection gets its own process, isolating the failure +of a request from another. For the duration of the connection, only +one process is involved, resulting in very robust and efficient +code. + +* Binaries everywhere for strings. + +* Instrumentation inside the core of the webserver, triggering user + callbacks. For example when a request completes, the user callback + gets the `request_complete` event which contains timings of all the +different parts of handling a request. There's also events for +clients unexpectedly closing a connection, crashes in the user +callback, etc. + +* Keep alive, using one Erlang process per connection only active +when there is a request from the client. Number of connections is +only limited by RAM and CPU. + +* Chunked transfer in responses for real-time push to clients + +* Basic pipelining. HTTP verbs that does not have side-effects(`GET` + and `HEAD`) can be pipelined, ie. a client supporting pipelining +can send multiple requests down the line and expect the responses +to appear in the same order as requests. Elli processes the +requests one at a time in order, future work could make it possible +to process them in parallel. + +* SSL using built-in Erlang/OTP ssl, nice for low volume admin +interfaces, etc. For high volume, you should probably go with +nginx, stunnel or ELB if you're on AWS. + +* Implement your own connection handling, for WebSockets, streaming + uploads, etc. See [`elli_example_callback_handover`]( + +## Extensions + +* [elli_access_log]( +Access log +* [elli_basicauth]( +Basic auth +* [elli_chatterbox]( +HTTP/2 support +* [elli_cloudfront]( +CloudFront signed URLs +* [elli_cookie]( +Cookies +* [elli_date]( +"Date" header +* [elli_fileserve]( +Static content +* [elli_prometheus]( +Prometheus +* [elli_stats]( +Real-time statistics dashboard +* [elli_websockets]( +WebSockets +* [elli_xpblfe]( +X-Powered-By LFE + +## About + +From operating and debugging high-volume, low-latency apps we have +gained some valuable insight into what we want from a webserver. We +want simplicity, robustness, performance, ease of debugging, +visibility into strange client behaviour, really good instrumentation +and good tests. We are willing to sacrifice almost everything, even +basic features to achieve this. + +With this in mind we looked at the big names in the Erlang +community: [Yaws][], [Mochiweb][], [Misultin][] and [Cowboy][]. We +found [Mochiweb][] to be the best match. However, we also wanted to +see if we could take the architecture of [Mochiweb][] and improve on +it. `elli` takes the acceptor-turns-into-request-handler idea found +in [Mochiweb][], the binaries-only idea from [Cowboy][] and the +request-response idea from [WSGI][]/[Rack][] (with chunked transfer +being an exception). + +On top of this we built a handler that allows us to write HTTP +middleware modules to add practical features, like compression of +responses, HTTP access log with timings, a real-time statistics +dashboard and chaining multiple request handlers. + +## Aren't there enough webservers in the Erlang community already? + +There are a few very mature and robust projects with steady +development, one recently ceased development and one new kid on the +block with lots of interest. As `elli` is not a general purpose +webserver, but more of a specialized tool, we believe it has a very +different target audience and would not attract effort or users away +from the big names. + +## Why another webserver? Isn't this just the NIH syndrome? + +[Yaws][], [Mochiweb][], [Misultin][], and [Cowboy][] are great +projects, hardened over time and full of very useful features for web +development. If you value developer productivity, [Yaws][] is an +excellent choice. If you want a fast and lightweight +server, [Mochiweb][] and [Cowboy][] are excellent choices. + +Having used and studied all of these projects, we believed that if we +merged some of the existing ideas and added some ideas from other +communities, we could create a core that was better for our use cases. + +It started out as an experiment to see if it is at all possible to +significantly improve and it turns out that for our particular use +cases, there is enough improvement to warrant a new project. + +## What makes Elli different? + +Elli has a very simple architecture. It avoids using more processes +and messages than absolutely necessary. It uses binaries for +strings. The request-response programming model allows middlewares to +do much heavy lifting, so the core can stay very simple. It has been +instrumented so as a user you can understand where time is spent. When +things go wrong, like the client closed the connection before you +could send a response, you are notified about these things so you can +better understand your client behaviour. + +## Performance + +"Hello World!" micro-benchmarks are really useful when measuring the +performance of the webserver itself, but the numbers usually do more +harm than good when released. I encourage you to run your own +benchmarks, on your own hardware. Mark Nottingham has some +[very good pointers]( +about benchmarking HTTP servers. + +[Yaws]: +[Mochiweb]: +[Misultin]: +[Cowboy]: +[WSGI]: +[Rack]: + + +## Modules ## + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +## License + +Elli is licensed under [The MIT License](LICENSE). + +Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Knut Nesheim, 2016-2018 elli-lib team diff --git a/doc/tpl.html b/doc/tpl.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..506b5f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/tpl.html @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ + + + + + + + index + + + + + + + $body$ + + diff --git a/rebar.config b/rebar.config index 94ac836..ad12c77 100644 --- a/rebar.config +++ b/rebar.config @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ {docs, [ {deps, [{edown, "0.8.1"}]}, {edoc_opts, [ + {preprocess, true}, {def, [ {'EXAMPLE_CONF',"[{callback,elli_example_callback},{callback_args,[]}]"} ]}, diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 5a160dc..9c1f243 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {application, elli, [ {description, "Erlang web server for HTTP APIs"}, - {vsn, "3.0.0"}, + {vsn, "3.1.0"}, {modules, [ elli, elli_example_callback,