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Prelude.ts user guide

emmanueltouzery edited this page Oct 21, 2018 · 31 revisions

Core FP principles

Prelude.ts aims to provide the basic functional programming (FP) constructs for a typescript or javascript environment. Let's first review the core FP principles and why they're useful.


We've all seen hard-to-follow javascript code like that:

let list = getList();
let value1 = function1(list); // function1 modifies list
let value2 = function2(list); // function2 only reads list. or maybe it modifies it too?

With code like that it becomes very difficult very quickly to follow who 'owns' that value if everyone modifies it. Immutability makes modification explicit and solves that issue.

Mutability also forces the developer to enforce code boundaries by cloning values, to make sure external code won't mess with internal state from a component. Also for instance we could have a list which would be empty when the data is loading, but later will contain the data you need to display.

With immutability, these problems go away, as when you for instance append a new element to a list, you get a new list; the existing list is unchanged. That means if you pass a list to a function, you can be sure that that list is unchanged when the function completes.

vec1 = Vector.of("red", "green", "blue");
vec2 = vec1.append("orange");
// now vec1 contains ["red","green","blue"] and
// vec2 contains ["red","green","blue","orange"]

With this in mind, most functions operate on values (take values and return new values), and not on global state that would be modified. We say of a 'void' returning function (not operating on values but modifying some global state) that it's only side-effecting.

Mutability increases complexity by adding the dimension of time to all objects.

Paraphrasing @josevalim @_bikeshed

— Mike Piccolo (@mfpiccolo) March 30, 2016

Composition, expressions vs statements

Most builtin control-flow constructs in javascript are statements, which means that they don't collect results or return a value; you can't say for instance..

const x = for (item of list) { ... }
const y = switch (value) { ... }
const z = if (a) { ... } else { ... }

As these constructs are statements they do not compose. FP strives for expressions which can compose.

Does not compose:

for (item of items) {
    if (item.isValid) {

Does compose:

const value = items
    .filter(item => item.isValid)
    .map() or .forEach() or ...


Explicit handling of state is an important aspect of FP. It's seen for instance in the fold functions in prelude.ts.


The library can be divided in three main parts:

  1. Control
  2. Collection
  3. Core

That is also the way that the apidoc is organized.

Let's start with the most basic Control component: Option.


Option expresses the fact that a value may or may not be present. If the value is present, we have a Some, otherwise we have a None. We typically use undefined for that in javascript; so what's the advantage of Option compared to that? The answer is composition and explicitness. If we have a value which is number | undefined (number or undefined), and we have a function which takes a number, we need an if or maybe the elvis operator (?:). If we want to chain a couple of calls like that, the code quickly becomes unwieldy. But with Option it scales. The main Option methods are:

  • Option.of => build an Option from a value or undefined
  • Option.none => build an Option containing no value (same as Option.of(undefined))
  • Option.getOrUndefined, getOrElse, getOrThrow, Some.get => get the value from the option
  • => applied on an Option, takes a function which transforms the value contained in the option. If the option is empty, it won't get invoked. Otherwise it'll return a new Option containing the value returned by the function.

Here's an example:

// we may not have the address for the customer Customer.getAddress() => Option<Address>
const representative = customer.getAddress()
    // city is always present in the address Address.getCity() => City. => use map
   .map(addr => addr.getCity())
   // may not have a representative in that city City.getLocalRep() => Option<Rep> => use flatMap
   .flatMap(city => city.getLocalRepresentative());
   // now representative which we declared at the top contains Option<Representative>

map makes otherwise Option technically a Functor, but Scott Wlaschin came up with an interesting (but limited, as all analogies) of railway-oriented programming.

If you have a function which may return a Some or a None: railway #1

Then map helps us chain such functions: railway #2

And we get from a two-track input to a two-track output after the map.

Most of the methods on Option exist on both Some and None. However, there is a method available only on Some: Some.get. There is no equivalent None.get. The reason is that when we have Some, then we know for sure that there is a value. So it's better to use Some.get as opposed to Option.getOrThrow for instance. Both assert that there is a value, but with get, since you have a Some, you have explicitely checked beforehand.

If you use javascript, you can simply call get() and you'll get a runtime failure if the object you had was a None. If you use typescript though, the language can help you. isSome and isNone are typescript type guards:

const opt = Option.of(5); // opt is Option<number>
opt.get(); // <--- compile error: Option.get() does not exist
opt.getOrThrow(); // <--- works fine
if (opt.isSome()) {
    console.log(opt.get()); // <--- works fine, we checked with isSome() so TS knows opt is a Some

Thanks to this, you can consider uses of getOrThrow to be dangerous, and if you use only get and typescript, you have one more guarantee that your code is crash-safe.

Some more advanced Option combinators:


The vector is an array-like general purpose data structure. It is meant however to contain a single type of data (only numbers, only strings, only customers,..).

We can build vectors from individual values: Vector.of(1,2,3), from a JS iterable (like an array): Vector.ofIterable([1,2,3]). And we can get back a JS array from a vector using toArray(). In addition a vector is already by itself a JS iterable, so you can use for .. of on prelude.ts vectors.

Vectors are immutable, but they still have reasonable performance because they are persistent (new instances share data with old instances) and rely on a data structure meant for that purpose ( bit-mapped vector tries).

Compared to javascript arrays, vectors offer considerably more methods. Compared to libraries like lo-dash, they offer immutability and a fluent API (member methods, not static functions). And compared to immutablejs they are integrated with Option. So for instance Vector.get(i) returns an Option, since there may or may not be a value at the index you give (depending on the length of the vector). The fact you get an Option allows you to keep composing functions instead of having to perform checks with if or other constructs before continuing to process data.

Here's an example of a series of calls performed on a vector in a script related to prelude's documentation:

const liRows = indexContent
    .map(l => l.contents)
    .filter(t => t.indexOf("<li") >= 0)
    .arrangeBy(row => requireNotNull(row.match(/>([\w<>]+)<\//))[1].replace(/<wbr>/g,""))


LinkedList is a simpler data structure than Vector. It is important to understand how it works to use it efficiently. Appending in a loop at the end of a linked list is a worst-case in terms of performance. Vector is a better default if you're unsure which to use.

In general, Vector has a better performance than linkedlist, but there is one advantage that linkedlist has: it's possible to express that a linked list is not empty, that it contains at least one element. A LinkedList is either a EmptyLinkedList or a ConsLinkedList. If you have a ConsLinkedList then you know the list contains at least one element.

That also means that several ConsLinkedList methods return a Some instead of an Option, for instance head and last. That enables you to use Some.get instead of Option.getOrThrow for instance.

In addition, LinkedList.isEmpty is a type guard.


const list = <LinkedList<number>>LinkedList.of(1,2,3); // since we casted to linkedlist, we don't know if the list is empty or not
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
    console.log(list.head().get()); // since we checked for emptiness, we know it's safe to call Some.get()


Javascript doesn't have structural equality, except for primitive types. So, 1 === 1 is true. But [1] === [1] is not, and neither {a:1} === {a:1}. This poses problems for collections, because if you have a Set, you don't want duplicate elements because of this limited definition of equality.

For that reason, prelude.ts encourages you to define for your non-primitive types methods equals(other: any): boolean and hashCode(): number (the same methods that immutable.js uses). With these methods, structural equality is achievable, and indeed Vector.of(1,2,3).equals(Vector.of(1,2,3)) is true. However this can only work if the values you put in collections have themselves properly defined equality (see how prelude.ts can help). If these values don't have structural equality, then we can get no better than === behavior.

prelude.ts attempts to assist the programmer with this; it tries to encourage the developer to do the right thing. First, it'll refuse types without obviously properly defined equality in Sets and in Maps keys, so HashSet.of([1]), or Vector.of([1]).equals(Vector.of([2])) will not compile. For both of these, you get (a longer version of) this message:

Type 'number[]' is not assignable to type 'HasEquals'.
  Property 'equals' is missing in type 'number[]'.

But in some less obvious cases, we can't detect the issue at compile-time, so prelude.ts will reject the code at runtime; for instance if you call HashSet.of(Vector.of([1])) you'll get an exception at runtime:

Error building a HashSet: element doesn't support true equality: Vector([1])

(this behavior is customizable).


With properly defined equality, we can talk about Sets. Sets are like lists which can only hold a single value once (eg Set(1,2,3) is possible, but Set(1,1) is not valid), are unordered and indexed by the elements themselves. Prelude.ts offers HashSet for that purpose. It is also immutable, and the HAMT algorithm and the fact it's persistent ensures its performance is still adequate. Sets can only contain elements which have properly defined equality (see previous section).

Sets have a fast contains method to find out whether the Set does contain a certain value.

Important methods:

  • Set.of, Set.ofIterable to build a set
  • Set.contains finds out whether the set contains a certain value
  • Set.merge, Set.diff combine sets
  • Set.filter, filters the contents of a Set.


A map, sometimes called a dictionary, contains key-value pairs, indexed by the keys (so a key may be present at most once).

It's possible to get keys from a Vector for instance, like that:

Vector.of(1,2,3,4).groupBy(x => x%2)
// => HashMap.of([0, Vector.of(2,4)],[1, Vector.of(1,3)])

And it's also possible to build HashMaps directly, for instance HashMap.of(["a",1],["b",2]).

Important methods:

  • HashMap.of
  • HashMap.get to get the value associated to a key. We get an Option back, since there may not be any value associated to a certain key.


Working with functions and combining functions is bread and butter of functional programming, so naturally prelude.ts has some helpers related to that.


It's possible to 'lift' functions into Function1, Function2 up to Function5, which gives us some extra helpers. For instance:

const combined = Function1.of(x=>x+2).andThen(x=>x*3)
combined(6); // => 24

The name Function1 says we want to encapsulate a function taking one parameter.

There are more helpers for functions taking more than one parameter, for instance:

const plus5 = Function2.of((x,y)=>x+y).apply1(5);
plus5(1); // => 6

Partial application allows you to apply part of the parameters of a function, getting back a new function which will accept the remaining ones. It can be especially helpful when using map, andThen, or other higher-order functions which operate on functions of one parameter.


Predicates are functions taking a single parameter and returning a boolean.

Let's check some helpers offered by prelude.ts:

const check = Predicate.of(x => x > 10).and(x => x < 20);
check(12); // => true
check(21); // => false

we also have or and negate.

Finally we also have higher-level functions to build and combine predicates. A few examples:

Vector.of(1,2,3,4,5).filter(Predicate.isIn([2,3]).negate()) // Vector(1, 4, 5)

Vector.of(1,2,3,4,5).filter(Predicate.anyOf(Predicate.equals(5), x=>x<3)) // Vector(1, 2, 5)

Integration with other systems

undefined and Option

It is common to have to deal with systems returning conceptually optional values, but not wrapping them in an optional type. Typically these will return undefined if the value is missing. We can wrap each call with Option.of, for instance:

const value = Option.of(_.find(list, 3));

But it quickly gets burdensome. An alternative is to 'lift' the function so it is Option-aware:

const myFind = Option.lift(_.find);
const value = myFind(list, 3); // value is Option<T>

Note that Option.lift will also catch exceptions and return Option.none if one is thrown.

Working with exceptions

Besides Option.lift, which we covered earlier, we also have Either.lift, which lets us get hold of the contents of the exception that was thrown.

But if you're mostly interested in exceptions, it's probably more intuitive to use Option.try_, Option.tryNullable, or Either.try_.

Here is a sample of the code we'd like to rewrite in a better way:

import * as fs from "fs";

let contents = "";
try {
 contents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8').toString();
} catch (err) {
 console.error("error reading " + file);

Using Either.try_, we can write:

import * as fs from "fs";

// contents is Either<Error,string>
const contents = 
    Either.try_(() => fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8').toString(), {} as Error)
    .ifLeft(err => console.error("error reading " + file));

You can use contents.getOrElse("") to get a string as in the try example.

Don't use Either.lift or Either.try_ for side-effecting functions which return undefined on success. These functions will throw if the function returns undefined. Rather use the usual javascript try control structure for that purpose.

Also note: the {} as Error is there to assist the typescript type inference. You can skip it if you're using javascript, or also when using typescript if you instead give the type using try_<L,R>.

Infinite streams

The Stream class allows to work with possibly infinite lists, which helps produce some data which would have to be obtained through messy loops without it.

// the infinite list [0,1,2,3,4,...]

// Stream.of(0,1,2)

=> [0.49884723907769635, 0.3226548779864311, ...]

Real-world example: get the list of days between two dates:

const dates = Stream.iterate(startDate, d => d.addDays(1))
    .takeWhile(d => d.isBefore(endDate));

We can also combine streams with Vector zipping, and take advantage of the fact that zipping stops when the first list stops. Zipping combines two lists to return a list of pairs. For instance:

// => Vector.of([1,"a"],[2,"b"],[3,"c"])

// => Vector.of(["a",0],["b",1],["c",2])

Note that this way to get indexes in a list also has a shortcut in prelude.ts: Vector.zipWithIndex.

And more...

Review the apidocs for more, for instance Either, Future and more...

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