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Setting Up a Server

Jason Kiesling edited this page Nov 1, 2018 · 14 revisions

Yes. I know formatting is horrible. I don't care right now.

-Get a server with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS -Create an account in your name --sudo adduser [username] --sudo usermod -aG sudo [username] -Log in with your user account -Delete the previous temporary account -Create an app user --sudo adduser app --sudo usermod -aG sudo app ---Sudo is only on the app account to setup the system

-Install NVM -- ---Follow prompts ----nvm install 10.9.0 ----nvm use 10.9.0

-Install yarn --

-in /home/app --git clone --git clone --git clone

-Follow install guides for MYR, the MYR backend, and the MYR admin portal.

-Install nginx -- --Add SSL certs --redirect port 80 to 443 ---Use server config from (copy source)

-Check UFW rules

-Install PM2 -- --pm2 start npm --name "MYR-dev-backend" -- run start ---Change name to whatever name you want