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CPU or memory consumption testing with gperftools and pprof

To use pprof to analyze performance and memory consumption in Envoy, you can use the built-in statically linked profiler provided by gperftools, or dynamically link it in to a specific place yourself.

Collecting CPU or heap profile for a full execution of envoy

Static linking is already available (because of a HeapProfilerDump() call inside Envoy::Profiler::Heap::stopProfiler())).

Compiling a statically-linked Envoy

Build the static binary using bazel:

$ bazel build --define tcmalloc=gperftools //source/exe:envoy-static

Collecting the profile

To collect a heap profile, run a statically-linked Envoy with pprof

and run the binary with a CPUPROFILE or HEAPPROFILE environment variable, like so:

$ CPUPROFILE=/tmp/mybin.cpuprof bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy-static <args>
$ HEAPPROFILE=/tmp/mybin.heapprof bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy-static <args>

CPUPROFILE or HEAPPROFILE sets a location for the profiler output. (See Methodology.)

There are several other environment variables that can be set to tweak the behavior of gperftools. See for more details.

Analyzing the profile

pprof can be used to symbolize CPU and heap profiles. For example:

$ pprof -text bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy-static /tmp/mybin.cpuprof

Collecting CPU or heap profile for the full execution of a test target

The profiler library is automatically linked into envoy_cc_test targets.

Run a test with heap profiling enabled, like so:

$ bazel test --test_env=HEAPPROFILE=/tmp/heapprof --define tcmalloc=gperftools <test target>

Run a test with CPU profiling enabled, like so:

$ bazel test --test_env=CPUPROFILE=/tmp/cpuprof --define tcmalloc=gperftools <test target>

Note that heap checks and heap profile collection in tests have noticiable performance implications. Use the following command to collect a CPU profile from a test target with heap check and heap profile collection disabled:

$ bazel test --test_env=CPUPROFILE=/tmp/cpuprof --test_env=HEAPPROFILE= --test_env=HEAPCHECK= --define tcmalloc=gperftools <test target>

Starting and stopping profile programmatically

Add tcmalloc_dep dependency to envoy_cc_library rules

It is possible to start/stop the CPU or heap profiler programmatically. The Gperftools CPU Profiler is controlled by ProfilerStart()/ProfilerStop(), and the Gperftools Heap Profiler is controlled by HeapProfilerStart(), HeapProfilerStop() and HeapProfilerDump().

These functions are wrapped by Envoy objects defined in source/common/profiler/profiler.h).

To enable profiling programmatically:

  1. Add a library dependency on "//source/common/profiler:profiler_lib" to your envoy_cc_library build rule.
  2. Use the startProfiler/stopProfiler methods of Envoy::Profiler::Cpu or Envoy::Profiler::Heap to collect a profile.

Note that startProfiler should only be called if no other profile of that type is currently active (e.i. profilerEnabled() returns false).


    // includes
    #include "source/common/profiler/profiler.h"
    Function(...) {
        if (!Profiler::Cpu::startProfiler(profile_path)) {
           // Error handling
        Do expensive stuff in one or more threads.

        // Stop the profiler and dump output to the `profile_path` specified when profile was started.

Memory Profiling in Tests

To support memory leaks detection, tests are built with gperftools dependencies enabled by default.

Enabling Memory Profiling in Tests

Use HeapProfilerStart(), HeapProfilerStop(), and HeapProfilerDump() to start, stop, and persist memory dumps, respectively. Please see above for more details.

Bazel Configuration

By default, bazel executes tests in a sandbox, which will be deleted together with memory dumps after the test run. To preserve memory dumps, bazel can be forced to run tests without sandboxing, by setting the TestRunner parameter to local:

bazel test --strategy=TestRunner=local ...

An alternative is to set HEAPPROFILE environment variable for the test runner:

bazel test --test_env=HEAPPROFILE=/tmp/testprofile ...


For consistent testing, it makes sense to run Envoy for a constant amount of time across trials:

$ timeout <num_seconds> bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy <options>

Envoy will print to stdout something like:

Starting tracking the heap

And then a series of stdouts like:

Dumping heap profile to <heap file 0001> (100 MB currently in use)
Dumping heap profile to <heap file 0002> (200 MB currently in use)

This will generate a series of files; if you statically-linked, these are wherever HEAPPROFILE points to. Otherwise, they are in the current directory by default. They'll be named something like main_common_base.0001.heap, main_common_base.0002.heap, etc.

NB: There is no reason this needs to be titled main_common_base. Whatever flag you supply HeapProfilerStart / HeapProfilerDump will become the filename. Multiple sections of code could be profiled simultaneously by setting multiple HeapProfilerStart() / HeapProfilerStop() breakpoints with unique identifiers.

Analyzing with pprof

pprof can read these heap files in a number of ways. Most convenient for first-order inspection might be pprof -top or pprof -text:

$ pprof -text bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy main_common_base* | head -n5
File: envoy
Build ID: ...
Type: inuse_space
Showing nodes accounting for 6402800.62kB, 98.59% of 6494044.58kB total
Dropped ... nodes (cum <= ...kB)

More complex flame/graph charts can be generated and viewed in a browser, which is often more helpful than text-based output:

$ pprof -http=localhost:9999 bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy main_common_base*

Alternatives to gperftools

On-CPU analysis

By default Envoy is built without gperftools. In this case the same results can be achieved for On-CPU analysis with the perf tool. For this there is no need to tweak Envoy's environment, you can even do measurements for an instance running in production (beware of possible performance hit though). Simply run:

$ perf record -g -F 99 -p `pgrep envoy`
^C[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.694 MB (1532 samples) ]

The program will store the collected sampling data in the file After installing perf_to_profile this format is also understood by recent enough versions of pprof:

$ pprof -http=localhost:9999 /path/to/envoy

Note that to see correct function names you need to pass an Envoy binary with debug symbols retained. Its version must be the same as the version of the profiled Envoy binary. You can get it from envoyproxy/envoy:debug.

Alternatively, you can use allegro/envoy-perf-pprof which wraps the pprof setup mentioned above (installing perf_to_profile, pprof and getting the proper Envoy debug version) in a Dockerfile.

Memory analysis

Unfortunately perf doesn't support heap profiling analogous to gperftools, but still we can get some insight into memory allocations with Brendan Gregg's tools. You'll need to have bcc installed in your system and a copy of FlameGraph:

$ git clone
$ sudo /usr/share/bcc/tools/stackcount -p `pgrep envoy` \
    -U "/full/path/to/envoy/bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy-static:_Znwm" > out.stack
$ ./FlameGraph/ < out.stacks | ./FlameGraph/ --color=mem \
    --title="operator new(std::size_t) Flame Graph" --countname="calls" > out.svg

The stackcount utility counts function calls and their stack traces using eBPF probes. Since Envoy by default links statically to tcmalloc which provides its own implementation of memory management functions the used uprobe looks like /full/path/to/envoy/bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy-static:_Znwm. The part before the colon is a library name (a path to Envoy's binary in our case). The part after the colon is a function name as it looks like in the output of objdump -tT /path/to/lib, that is mangled in our case. To get an idea how your compiler mangles the name you can use this one-liner:

$ echo -e "#include <new>\n void* operator new(std::size_t) {} " | g++ -x c++ -S - -o- 2> /dev/null
        .file   ""
        .globl  _Znwm
        .type   _Znwm, @function
        pushq   %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        .cfi_offset 6, -16
        movq    %rsp, %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
        movq    %rdi, -8(%rbp)
        popq    %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
        .size   _Znwm, .-_Znwm
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 10.2.1 20201016 (Red Hat 10.2.1-6)"
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

WARNING: The name is going to be different on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms due to different sizes of size_t. Also void* operator new[](std::size_t) is a separate function as well as malloc(). The latter is a C function and hence not mangled by the way.

stackcount doesn't count how much memory is allocated, but how often. To answer the "how much" question you could use Brendan's mallocstacks tool, but it works only for malloc() calls. You need to modify it to take into account other memory allocating functions.

Performance annotations

In case there is a need to measure how long a code path takes time to execute in Envoy you may resort to instrumenting the code with the performance annotations.

There are two types of the annotations. The first one is used to measure operations limited by a common lexical scope. For example:

void doHeavyLifting() {
  bool success = doSomething();
  if (success) {
    PERF_RECORD(op, "successful", "heavy lifting");
  } else {
    PERF_RECORD(op, "failed", "heavy lifting")

The recorded performance data can be dumped to stdout with a call to PERF_DUMP():

Duration(us)  # Calls  Mean(ns)  StdDev(ns)  Min(ns)  Max(ns)  Category    Description
        2837       22    128965     37035.5   109731   241957  successful  heavy lifting
         204       13     15745      2449.4    13323    20446  failed      heavy lifting

The second type is performance annotations owned by a class instance. They can measure operations spanned across the instance's methods:

class CustomFilter : public Http::StreamEncoderFilter {

  // Http::StreamEncoderFilter
  Http::FilterHeadersStatus encodeHeaders(Http::ResponseHeaderMap& headers,
                                          bool end_stream) override {
    return Http::FilterHeadersStatus::Continue;

  Http::FilterDataStatus encodeData(Buffer::Instance& buffer, bool end_stream) override {
    if (end_stream) {
      PERF_OWNED_RECORD(perf_operation_, "without trailers", "stream encoding")
    return Http::FilterDataStatus::Continue;

  Http::FilterTrailersStatus encodeTrailers(Http::ResponseTrailerMap&) override {
    PERF_OWNED_RECORD(perf_operation_, "with trailers", "stream encoding");
    return Http::FilterTrailersStatus::Continue;



Performance analysis with Perfetto

Similar results can be achieved with Perfetto tracing macros enabled with

bazel --define=perf_tracing=enabled ...

Perfetto is a production-grade open-source stack for performance instrumentation and trace analysis. It offers services and libraries for recording system-level and app-level traces, a library for analyzing traces using SQL and a web-based UI to visualize and explore multi-GB traces.

Currently when the Perfetto support is enabled the tracing data in binary Protobuf format is dumped into envoy.pftrace upon process termination. The file can be analyzed online at or with a custom tool.

To generate a scoped trace event which uses C++ RAII under the hood add the TRACE_EVENT macro to the block of your interest:

#include "source/common/common/perf_tracing.h"

RequestDecoder& ConnectionManagerImpl::newStream(ResponseEncoder& response_encoder,
                                                 bool is_internally_created) {
  TRACE_EVENT("core", "ConnectionManagerImpl::newStream"); // Begin "ConnectionManagerImpl::newStream" slice.

  // End "ConnectionManagerImpl::newStream" slice.

For events that don't follow function scoping, use TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN and TRACE_EVENT_END. Please be careful with these events as all events on a given thread share the same stack. This means that it's not recommended to have a matching pair of TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN and TRACE_EVENT_END markers in separate functions, since an unrelated event might terminate the original event unexpectedly; for events that cross function boundaries it's usually best to emit them on a separate track. Below is an example for a trace event covering an object's life span:

#include "source/common/common/perf_tracing.h"

Http::Request::Request(int request_id)
 : request_id_(request_id) {
  TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("core", "Http::Request",
                    perfetto::Track(request_id_, perfetto::ThreadTrack::Current()));

Http::Request::~Request() {

  TRACE_EVENT_END("core", perfetto::Track(request_id_, perfetto::ThreadTrack::Current()));

Unfortunately this may lead to excessive number of tracks if they are unique for every pair of emitted events. The existing visualization tools may not work well if the number of tracks is too big. In this case the resulting trace data needs to be processed differently. Alternatively, if you are interested in benchmarking only and don't need any tracing capabilities, then you can resort to the Performance Annotation system mentioned above which supports cross-scoped events too, but doesn't require any post-processing to get a benchmark's final report.

Time-varying numeric data can be recorded with the TRACE_COUNTER macro:

TRACE_COUNTER("extensions", "MemoryAllocated",

For more details please refer