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Esteban edited this page Aug 18, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the esp8266-Plants-Watering wiki!

This project started on december 2017. I wanted to implemented a simple system to water my plants and started with an Arduino UNO and a relay. Then discovered the ESP8266 and I have started to develop an open source code for that board that could be used to water plants and accessible from the Internet.

The first version is under folder "Smart Plant Watering" and it implemented a web server in the ESP8266 used to check weather information (temperature, humidity) and some logic to water my plants on a daily basis.

Then I wanted to power this project using a solar panel so I changed the code to save more energy and used ThingSpeak to publish some data instead of having a web server running on the ESP8266. This version of the code is located on "Smart Plant Watering Solar" folder.

Next step would be to combine both and add functionalities so we can customize if we want to use it plugged (running a web server on it) or running on batteries (saving energy mode, using ThingSpeaks to publish information)....

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