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Eon S. Jeon edited this page Feb 8, 2020 · 1 revision

Default Shortcuts

Krohnkite binds following shortcuts by default:

NOTE: Shorcuts in BOLD require manual rebinding, because they are already bound to KDE features by default.

Key Action Alternate Action
Meta + J Focus Next Focus Down
Meta + K Focus Previous Focus Up
Meta + H Adjust Layout (Left) Focus Left
Meta + L Adjust Layout (Right) Focus Right
Meta + Shift + J Move Window Next Move Window Down
Meta + Shift + K Move Window Previous Move Window Up
Meta + Shift + H Move Window Left
Meta + Shift + L Move Window Right
Meta + Ctrl + J Expand Window (South)
Meta + Ctrl + K Shrink Window (South)
Meta + Ctrl + H Shrink Window (East)
Meta + Ctrl + L Expand Window (East)
Meta + I Increase (# of Masters)
Meta + D Decrease (# of Masters)
Meta + F Toggle Float
Meta + Shift + F Toggle Float All
Meta + \ Cycle Layout
Meta + Return Set as Master
Meta + T Use Tile Layout
Meta + M Use Monocle Layout
unbound Use Quater Layout
unbound Use Three Column Layout
unbound Use Spread Layout
unbound Use Stair Layout
unbound Use Floating Layout

Navigating through Windows

Like other tiling window managers, Krohnkite uses HJKL-style binding, and supports two different set of behaviors:

  • In DWM mode, focus can be moved back and forth within the list of windows. H and L are used to adjust the layout. This behavior particularly works well with Tile layout.

  • In Focus mode, focus switching is based on window position, and all of HJKL keys move focus relative to the currently focused window. Layout still can be adjusted using "Expand/Shrink Window" shortcuts.

Swapping Windows

Windows can be swapped in position using both mouse and keyboard shortcuts.

  • With Mouse: Simply drag windows over another window using mouse to swap the positions of the two windows. Using KWin modifier(Alt) + Left-click also works.

    NOTE: KWin modifier can be changed in System Settings. (Window Management -> Window Behavior -> Window Actions tab)

  • With Keyboard: Use the corresponding shortcuts. Actual behavior might differ based on settings.

Master Area

Some layouts have Master, which is usually the biggest and the most important region in a layout. There's usually only one master window (the first window in the list), but pressing "Increase/Decrease" shortcut changes the number of master windows, if layout supports the feature.

Master Size

Some layouts support changing the size of master area. For more details, see the next section.

Layout Adjustment

Some layouts in Krohnkite are "adjust"-able (Tile, Quarter, Three Column). While using those layouts, windows can be resized with Mouse or with keyboard shortcuts, and layout will adapt to the size changes.

  • With Mouse: Drag borders of windows just as usual, or KWin modifier(Alt) + Right-click to resize windows.

    NOTE: KWin modifier can be changed in System Settings. (Window Management -> Window Behavior -> Window Actions tab)

  • With Shortcut: Pressing "Expand/Shrink" shortcuts will resize southern and eastern borders of the current window, and layout will automatically adjust itself.

Window Weights

The size of each window in a stack (a column or a row) is decided by the weights of windows. This allows windows to have consistent sizes across various operations.

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