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v3.5 data inconsistency postmortem

Authors serathius@
Date 2022-04-20
Status published


Summary Code refactor in v3.5.0 resulted in consistent index not being saved atomically. Independent crash could lead to committed transactions are not reflected on all the members.
Impact No user reported problems in production as triggering the issue required frequent crashes, however issue was critical enough to motivate a public statement. Main impact comes from loosing user trust into etcd reliability.


etcd v3 state is preserved on disk in two forms write ahead log (WAL) and database state (DB). etcd v3.5 also still maintains v2 state, however it's deprecated and not relevant to the issue in this postmortem.

WAL stores history of changes for etcd state and database represents state at one point. To know which point of history database is representing, it stores consistent index (CI). It's a special metadata field that points to last entry in WAL that it has seen.

When etcd is updating database state, it replays entries from WAL and updates the consistent index to point to new entry. This operation is required to be atomic. A partial fail would mean that database and WAL would no longer match, so some entries would be either skipped (if only CI is updated) or executed twice (if only changes are applied). This is especially important for distributed system like etcd, where there are multiple cluster members, each applying the WAL entries to their database. Correctness of the system depends on assumption that every member of the cluster, while replying WAL entries, will reach the same state.

Root cause

To simplify managing consistency index, etcd has introduced backend hooks in #12855. Goal was to ensure that consistency index is always updated, by automatically triggering update during commit. Implementation was as follows, before applying the WAL entries, etcd updated in memory value of consistent index. As part of transaction commit process, a database hook would read the value of consistent index and store it to database.

Problem is that in memory value of consistent index is shared, and there might be other in flight transactions apart from serial WAL apply flow. So if we imagine scenario:

  1. etcd server starts an apply workflow, and it just sets a new consistent index value.
  2. The periodic commit is triggered, and it executes the backend hook and saves consistent index from apply workflow.
  3. etcd server finished an apply workflow, saves new changes and saves same value of consistent index again.

Between second and third point there is a very small window where consistent index is increased without applying entry from WAL.


If etcd crashed after consistency index is saved, but before to apply workflow finished it would lead to data inconsistency. When recovering the data etcd would skip executing changes from failed apply workflow, assuming they have been already executed.

This follows the issue reports and code used to reproduce the issue where trigger was etcd crashing under high request load. Etcd v3.5.0 was released with bug (#13505) that could cause etcd to crash that was fixed in v3.5.1. Apart from that all reports described etcd running under high memory pressure, causing it to go out of memory from time to time. Reproduction run etcd under high stress and randomly killed one of the members using SIGKILL signal (not recoverable immediate process death).


For single member cluster it is totally undetectable. There is no mechanism or tool for verifying that state database matches WAL.

In cluster with multiple members it would mean that one of the members that crashed, will missing changes from failed apply workflow. This means that it will have different state of database and will return different hash via HashKV grpc call.

There is an automatic mechanism to detect data inconsistency. It can be executed during etcd start via --experimental-initial-corrupt-check and periodically via --experimental-corrupt-check-time. Both checks however have a flaw, they depend on HashKV grpc method, which might fail causing the check to pass.

In multi member etcd cluster, each member can run with different performance and be at different stage of applying the WAL log. Comparing database hashes between multiple etcd members requires all hashes to be calculated at the same change. This is done by requesting hash for the same revision (version of key value store). However, it will not work if the provided revision is not available on the members. This can happen on very slow members, or in cases where corruption has lead revision numbers to diverge.

This means that for this issue, the corrupt check is only reliable during etcd start just after etcd crashes.


We are not aware any cases of users reporting a data corruption in production environment.

However, issue was critical enough to motivate a public statement. Main impact comes from loosing user trust into etcd reliability.

Lessons learned

What went well

  • Multiple maintainers were able to work effectively on reproducing and fixing the issue. As they are in different timezones, there was always someone working on the issue.
  • When fixing the main data inconsistency we have found multiple other edge cases that could lead to data corruption (#13514, #13922, #13937).

What went wrong

  • No users enable data corruption detection as it is still an experimental feature introduced in v3.3. All reported cases where detected manually making it almost impossible to reproduce.
  • etcd has functional tests designed to detect such problems, however they are unmaintained, flaky and are missing crucial scenarios.
  • etcd v3.5 release was not qualified as comprehensive as previous ones. Older maintainers run manual qualification process that is no longer known or executed.
  • etcd apply code is so complicated that fixing the data inconsistency took almost 2 weeks and multiple tries. Fix needed to be so complicated that we needed to develop automatic validation for it (#13885).
  • etcd v3.5 was recommended for production without enough insight on the production adoption. Production ready recommendations based on after some internal feedback... to get diverse usage, but the user's hold on till someone else will discover issues.

Where we got lucky

  • We reproduced the issue using etcd functional only because weird partition setup on workstation. Functional tests store etcd data under /tmp usually mounted to in memory filesystem. Problem was reproduced only because one of the maintainers has /tmp mounted to standard disk.

Action items

Action items should directly address items listed in lessons learned. We should double down on things that went well, fix things that went wrong, and stop depending on luck.

Action fall under three types, and we should have at least one item per type. Types:

  • Prevent - Prevent similar issues from occurring. In this case, what testing we should introduce to find data inconsistency issues before release, preventing publishing broken release.
  • Detect - Be more effective in detecting when similar issues occur. In this case, improve mechanism to detect data inconsistency issue so users will be automatically informed.
  • Mitigate - Reduce time to recovery for users. In this case, how we ensure that users are able to quickly fix data inconsistency.

Actions should not be restricted to fixing the immediate issues and also propose long term strategic improvements. To reflect this action items should have assigned priority:

  • P0 - Critical for reliability of the v3.5 release. Should be prioritized this over all other work and backported to v3.5.
  • P1 - Important for long term success of the project. Blocks v3.6 release.
  • P2 - Stretch goals that would be nice to have for v3.6, however should not be blocking.
Action Item Type Priority Bug Status
etcd testing can reproduce historical data inconsistency issues Prevent P0 #14045 DONE
etcd detects data corruption by default Detect P0 #14039 DONE
etcd testing is high quality, easy to maintain and expand Prevent P1 #13637
etcd apply code should be easy to understand and validate correctness Prevent P1
Critical etcd features are not abandoned when contributors move on Prevent P1 #13775 DONE
etcd is continuously qualified with failure injection Prevent P1 #14911 DONE
etcd can reliably detect data corruption (hash is linearizable) Detect P1
etcd checks consistency of snapshots sent between leader and followers Detect P1 #13973 DONE
etcd recovery from data inconsistency procedures are documented and tested Mitigate P1
etcd can imminently detect and recover from data corruption (implement Merkle root) Mitigate P2 #13839


Date Event
2021-05-08 Pull request that caused data corruption was merged - #12855
2021-06-16 Release v3.5.0 with data corruption was published -
2021-12-01 Report of data corruption - #13514
2021-01-28 Report of data corruption - #13654
2022-03-08 Report of data corruption - #13766
2022-03-25 Corruption confirmed by one of the maintainers - #13766 (comment)
2022-03-29 Statement about the corruption was sent to and
2022-04-24 Release v3.5.3 with fix was published -