diff --git a/ERCS/erc-2612.md b/ERCS/erc-2612.md index 90e47d67bf..a70cf591af 100644 --- a/ERCS/erc-2612.md +++ b/ERCS/erc-2612.md @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ The semantics of which are as follows: For all addresses `owner`, `spender`, uint256s `value`, `deadline` and `nonce`, uint8 `v`, bytes32 `r` and `s`, a call to `permit(owner, spender, value, deadline, v, r, s)` will set -`approval[owner][spender]` to `value`, +`allowance[owner][spender]` to `value`, increment `nonces[owner]` by 1, and emit a corresponding `Approval` event, if and only if the following conditions are met: