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271 lines (204 loc) · 8.09 KB

EVERX Smart Contracts ABI 2.1 Specification

NOTE: This is an older specification version.

For the current ABI specification refer to the file.

All changes between versions are documented in the Changelog.


This section describes schema of the smart contracts ABI represented in JSON format.

Full ABI schema in TypeScript notation:

type Abi = {
    version: string,
    setTime?: boolean,
    header?: Param[],
    functions: Function[],
    events?: Event[],
    data?: Data[],
    fields?: Param[],

type Function = {
    name: string,
    inputs?: Param[],
    outputs?: Param[],
    id?: number,

type Event = {
    name: string,
    inputs?: Param[],
    id?: number,

type Data = Param & {
    key: number,

type Param = {
    name: string,
    type: string,
    components?: Param[],


  • version contains string and uses semver semantics. Current version is "2.1".
  • functions describes all functions the smart contract can handle.
  • events describes all external outbound messages (events) produces by smart contract.
  • data describes Hashmap with public data of the smart contract.
  • fields describes internal structure of the smart contracts data.


This section stays the same as in ABI 2.0


This section stays the same as in ABI 2.0


This section stays the same as in ABI 2.0


This is a new section introduced in ABI 2.1. It describes internal structure of the smart contracts data. This section helps to decode contract data with EVERX-SDK function decode_account_data

Structure of the smart contract data is described as a list of variables names with corresponding data types. It includes contract state variables and some internal contract specific hidden variables. They are listed in the order in which they are stored in the data field of the contract. Example for a Solidity contract BankClient:

Contract state variables:

contract BankClient {
	uint public creditLimit = 0;    // allowed credit limit;
	uint public totalDebt = 0;      // contract total debt;
	uint public balance = 0;        // contract balance;
	uint public value = 0;          // inbound message value.

Fields section of the abi file:

"fields": [



Boolean type.

Usage Value Examples
Cell 1 bit, 0 or 1
JSON true, false
JSON (accepts) true, false, 0, 1, "true", "false" 0, true, "false"


Struct type, consists of fields of different types. All fields should be specified as an array in the components section of the type. For example, for structure S:

struct S {
    uint32 a;
    uint128 b;
    uint64 c;

parameter s of type S would be described like: {"components":[{"name":"a","type":"uint32"},{"name":"b","type":"uint128"},{"name":"c","type":"uint64"}],"name":"s","type":"tuple"}

Usage Value Examples
Cell chain of cells with tuple data types encoded consistently
(without splitting value between cells)
JSON dictionary of struct field names with their values {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
JSON (accepts) mapping of struct field names with their values {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}


Fixed-sized signed integer, where N is a decimal bit length. Examples: int8, int32, int256.

Usage Value Examples
Cell N bit, big endian
JSON string with hex representation 0x12
JSON (accepts) number or string with decimal or hexadecimal representation 12, 0x10, "100"


Fixed-sized unsigned integer, where N is a decimal bit length e.g., uint8, uint32, uint256. Processed like int<N>.


New type introduced in 2.1 version.

Variable-length signed integer. Bit length is between log2(N) and 8 * (N-1), where N is equal to 16 or 32, e.g. varint16, varint32.

Usage Value Examples
Cell 4 (N=16) of 5 (N=32) bits that encode byte length of the number len
followed by len * 8 bit number in big endian
JSON string with hex representation 0x12
JSON (accepts) number or string with decimal or hexadecimal representation 12, 0x10, "100"


New type introduced in 2.1 version.

Variable-length unsigned integer with bit length equal to 8 * N, where Nis equal to 16 or 32 e.g., varint16, varint32. Processed like varint<N>.


Hashtable mapping keys of keyType to values of the valueType, e.g., map(int32, address).

Usage Value Examples
Cell 1 bit (0 - for empty mapping, otherwise 1) and ref to the cell with dictionary
JSON dictionary of keys and values {"0x1":"0x2"}
JSON (accepts) dictionary of keys and values {"0x1":"0x2"}, {"2":"3","3":"55"}


TVM Cell type.

Usage Value Examples
Cell stored in a ref
JSON binary data in base64 "te6ccgEBAQEAEgAAH/////////////////////g="
JSON (accepts) binary data in base64 "te6ccgEBAQEAAgAAAA=="


Contract address type address, consists of two parts: workchain id (wid) and address value.

Usage Value Examples
Cell 2 bits of address type, 1 bit of anycast, wid - 8 bit signed integer and address
value - 256 bit unsigned integer
JSON decimal signed integer and unsigned hexadecimal integer with leading zeros
separated by :
JSON (accepts) decimal signed integer and unsigned hexadecimal integer with leading zeros
separated by :


Byte string of data.

Usage Value Examples
Cell cell with data stored in a ref
JSON binary hex data "313233"
JSON (accepts) binary hex data "323334"


Where N is a decimal byte length from 1 to 32. It is denoted in abi as uint<M>, where M is a bit length and M = 8 * N. Processed like int<N>.


New type introduced in 2.1 version.

String data.

Usage Value Examples
Cell cell with data stored in a ref
JSON string data "hello"
JSON (accepts) string data "hello"


New type introduced in 2.1 version.

Value of optional type optional(innerType) can store a value of innerType of be empty. Example: optional(string).

Usage Value Examples
Cell 1 bit flag (1 - value is stored, otherwise 0)
and the value itself (according to innerType) if it presents
JSON according to innerType or null if it is empty "hello"
JSON (accepts) according to innerType or null if it is empty "hello"


Array of the itemType values. Example: uint256[]

Usage Value Examples
Cell 32 unsigned bit length of the array, 1 bit flag
(0 if array is empty, otherwise 1) and dictionary of keys and values
where key is 32 unsigned bit index and value is itemType
JSON list of itemType values in [] [1, 2, 3], ["hello", "world"]
JSON (accepts) list of itemType values in [] [1, 2, 3], ["hello", "world"]