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Port of the neco-look plugin for NCM2

look is a BSD binary that comes default with many Linux and macOS installations that allows you to lookup words. look.vim uses this binary to provide word completion, useful for writing prose.

look.vim may also use your custom spellfile (See :h spellfile) to provide custom words


  • ncm2
  • nvim-yarp (required by ncm2)
  • look binary. run which look on your terminal to see if it's available;


Use your favorite plugin manager. I recommend vim-plug:

" NCM  and it's requirements
Plug 'ncm2/ncm2'
Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
" Look.vim completion plugin
Plug 'filipekiss/ncm2-look.vim'

" enable ncm2 for all buffer
autocmd BufEnter * call ncm2#enable_for_buffer()

" note that must keep noinsert in completeopt, the others is optional
set completeopt=noinsert,menuone,noselect


By default, look.vim will be disabled. After all, if you're writing code you don't want the completion popup jumping at you everytime you type something that remotely looks like a word.

To enable it globally

Put this in your .vimrc

let g:ncm2_look_enabled = 1

To enable it on a per-buffer basis

:let b:ncm2_look_enabled = 1

To enable it on a per-filetype basis

Let's say you want to enable it for markdown files.

  • Create a file in ~/.vim/ftplugin/markdown.vim
  • Put let b:ncm2_look_enabled = 1 on the file
  • Save and open a markdown file



Possible values: 0 (default), 1

Scopes: global (g:ncm2_look_enabled), buffer (b:ncm2_look_enabled)

This option enables the look completion either globally or for the current buffer.


Possible values: 0 (default), 1

Scopes: global (g:ncm2_look_use_spell)

If this option is enabled, use &spellfile as complimentary sources for word completion. See :h spellfile for more details on how that works


Possible values: Any valid string (default: look)

Scopes: global (g:ncm2_look_mark)

Change the mark used in the completion menu. Default is look, as you can see on the first gif, but any UTF-8 string is valid. For example:

let g:ncm2_look_mark = '👀'

Will result in this:


look.vim © 2018+, Filipe Kiss Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Filipe Kiss.

GitHub @filipekiss  ·  Twitter @filipekiss