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Package Format

mafried edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 18 revisions


The package format uses JSON syntax and contains the following elements:


  • name: The package name (type: String).
  • version: The package version (type: String, format: semantic versioning).
  • crates: The crates defined in this package. Crates reflect the structure of corresponding Rust crates (type: Dictionary of Crate objects (key: crate name, value: Crate object)).


  • types: Types defined in this crate (type: Dictionary of Type objects (key: type name, value: Type object)).
  • modules: Modules defined in this crate. Modules reflect the structure of corresponding module crates (type: Dictionary of Module objects (key: module name, value: Module object)).


  • types: Types defined in this module (type: Dictionary of Type objects (key: type name, value: Type object)).
  • modules: Modules defined in this module (type: Dictionary of Module objects (key: module name, value: Module object)).


  • inputs: Optional list of input edges. If the type implements the Node trait, this needs to be set (type: List of Strings).
  • outputs: Optional list of output edges. If the type implements the Node trait, this needs to be set (type: List of Strings).
  • type_parameters: Optional list of type parameters in case the type is generic (type: List of Strings).
  • constructors: Constructors that can be used to create an instance of this type (type: Dictionary (key: constructor name, value: Constructor object)).


Reflects the flowrs_build::package::Constructor enumeration. Describes in detail how code for constructor function should be created. The necessary fields depend on the enumeration type. Currently, the following types exist:


A simple constructor function without any parameters.

  • function_name: The optional name of the constructor function. Default: "new" (type: String).


A simple constructor function with a single parameter being the globally available ChangeObserver object.

  • function_name: The optional name of the constructor function. Default: "new" (type: String).




A simple constructor function with two parameters: The globally available ChangeObserver and Context objects.

  • function_name: The optional name of the constructor function. Default: "new" (type: String).


A constructor with arbitrary arguments.

  • function_name: The optional name of the constructor function. Default: "new" (type: String).
  • arguments: The arguments of the constructor function (type: List of Argument objects).


  • name: The name of the argument (type: String).
  • type: The argument type (type: ArgumentType)
  • passing: Describes how the argument is passed to the constructor function (type: ArgumentPassing)
  • construction: Describes how the argument is constructed (type: ArgumentConstruction)

ArgumentPassing: Enumeration

  • Move
  • Clone
  • MutableReference
  • Reference

ArgumentConstruction: Enumeration

  • ExistingObject: One of the global objects (change_observer, context).
  • Constructor: Name of the constructor to use for argument construction (type: String).

ArgumentType: Enumeration

  • Type: A specific type (that can have additional type parameters).
    • name: Name of the type (type: String).
    • type_parameters: Optional list of type parameters (type: List of ArgumentType objects).
  • Generic: A generic type (that can have additional type parameters).
    • name: Name of the type (type: String).
    • type_parameters: Optional list of type parameters (type: List of ArgumentType objects).




A constructor that reads its arguments from JSON. The JSON is part of the flow project JSON.




A constructor that reads its arguments from JSON. The JSON is part of the flow project JSON.




A constructor that is directly written in Rust code.

  • code_template: The code that should be emitted for this constructor. The code can contain placeholders (marked with {{placeholder}}) that are replaced during code generation (type: String).

Possible placeholders:

  • fully_qualified_name: The fully qualified name of the object that should be created.
  • type_name: The name of the type.
  • type_parameter_part: The type parameter part of generic types.
  • type_parameter_NAME: The chosen type for type parameter NAME.
  • mutable: If the object to be created should be mutable, this field contains "mut". If not, it contains "".


            "code_template":"let {{fully_qualified_name}}:{{type_parameter_U}} = 5;"


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