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File metadata and controls

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Pipeline Model Definition Syntax spec


  • Description: Top level step, containing a closure with the model configuration inside it.
  • Parameters: none
  • Takes a Closure: Yes.
  • Closure Contents: See below.

Within pipeline

These are sections that are specified directly within the pipeline argument closure.


  • Description: Specifies where the build or stage will run.
  • Required: Yes for the top-level pipeline closure, optional for individual stage closures.
  • Allowed In: Top-level pipeline closure and individual stage closures.
  • Parameters: Either a Map of one or more arguments or one of two constants - none or any.
    • Map Keys:
      • Note that this will be an ExtensionPoint, so plugins will be able to add to the available image providers.
      • docker
        • Type: String
        • Description: If given, uses this Docker image for the container the build will run in. If no label is given, the container will be run within a simple node { ... } block.
        • Example: docker:'ubuntu'
      • label
        • Type: String
        • Description: If given, uses this label for the node the build will run on - if docker is also specified, the container will run on that node.
        • Example: label:'hi-speed'
    • none
      • Type: bareword
      • Description: If given, node/image management will need to be specified explicitly in stages and no automatic checkout scm call will occur.
  • Takes a Closure: No
  • Examples:
    • agent label:'has-docker', docker:'ubuntu:lts'
    • agent docker:'ubuntu:lts'
    • agent label:'hi-speed'
    • agent none
    • agent any


  • Description: A sequence of key = value pairs, which will be passed to the withEnv step the build will be executed within.
  • Required: No
  • Allowed In: Top-level pipeline or stage closures only.
  • Parameters: None
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents: One or more lines with foo = 'bar' variable name/value pairs.
    • The name doesn't need to be quoted.
    • Bind credentials using the credentials('<id>') function. NOTE: credentials binding requires that the pipeline or stage is running within an agent. In the example below the credentials gets bound in slightly different ways depending of the type of the key;
      • If it is a Secret Text the variable SAUCE_ACCESS will contain that text.
      • If it is a Secret File the variable SAUCE_ACCESS will contain a path to the file on the build agent.
      • If it is a Standard username and password credential, three variables will be added to the environment:
        • SAUCE_ACCESS containing <username>:<password>
        • SAUCE_ACCESS_USR containing the username
        • SAUCE_ACCESS_PSW containing the password
  • Examples:
environment {
   CXX          = 'g++-4.8'
   SAUCE_ACCESS = credentials('sauce-lab-dev')
   someVar      = 'someValue'


  • Description: A sequence of one or more Pipeline stages, each of which consists of a sequence of steps.
  • Required: Yes
  • Allowed In: Top-level pipeline closure only.
  • Parameters: None
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents: one or more stage blocks, as described below.


  • Description: A block for a single stage, containing a sequence of steps. Note that this syntax matches up with the to-be-released block-scoped stage syntax in base Pipeline.
  • Required: At least one is required.
  • Parameters: A single String, the name for the stage.
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents:
    • A steps block containing one or more Pipeline steps, including block-scoped steps and the special script block described below, and optionally, certain configuration sections that allow being set on a per-stage basis.
      • NOTE: Only the "declarative subset" of Groovy is allowed by default. See below for details on that subset.
      • NOTE: The parallel step is a special case - it can only be used if it's the sole step in the stage.
    • An agent section can be configured per-stage, see above.
    • An optional when block specifying if the stage should run or not. It can contain arbitrary Groovy code, but needs to return true if the stage should run or false if not.
    • An optional post block that runs after the steps in the stage. See post below.
  • Examples:
stages {
    stage('foo') {
        steps {
            echo 'bar'

stages {
    stage('first') {
        steps {
            timeout(time:5, unit:'MINUTES') {
                sh "mvn clean install -DskipTests"
    stage('second') {
        agent label:'some-node'
        when {
            env.BRANCH == 'master'
        steps {
            checkout scm
            sh "mvn clean install"
        post {
            always {
                email recipient: ['',''], subject: "Master Build complete", body: "Your build has completed"
            failure {
                sh "bash ./"

stages {
    stage('parallel-stage') {
        steps {
                firstBlock: {
                    echo "First block of the parallel"
                secondBlock: {
                    echo "Second block of the parallel"


  • Description: A block within a stage's steps that can contain Pipeline code not subject to the "declarative" subset described below.
  • Required: No
  • Parameters: None
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents: Any valid Pipeline code.
  • Examples:
image docker:'java:7'
stages {
    stage 'build' {
        steps {
            sh 'mvn install'
            script {
                // any valid Pipeline Script goes here
                def browsers = ["ie", "chrome", "safari"]
                for (int i = 0; i < browsers.size(); i++) {
                    def browser = browsers.get(i)
                    sh "./ ${browser}"


  • Description: A section defining tools to auto-install and put on the PATH. This is ignored if image none is specified.
  • Required: No
  • Allowed In: Top-level pipeline or stage closures only.
  • Parameters: None
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents: Names and versions of tools configured in Jenkins to install.
    • Tool names are aliases to the ToolDescriptor class for that tool, and must be one of a list of pre-configured possible tools. Currently that's hardwired to just maven, java, and gradle, but this will be changed to be an extensible system. The tool (and its version) must already be configured on the Jenkins master in use.
    • Tool versions are the names for specific tool installations configured in Jenkins.
  • Examples:
tools {
    maven "apache-maven-3.0.1"
    java "JDK 1.8"


  • Description: Defines post-build actions to be run after build completion, assuming build status conditions are met.
  • Required: No
  • Allowed In: Top-level pipeline closure only.
  • Parameters: None
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents: A sequence of one or more build conditions containing Pipeline steps to run. See below for definition of build conditions and their contents.

Build Conditions

  • Description: Closures named for a particular build condition, containing Pipeline steps to run if that condition is met.
  • Required: One or more required in post if it exists.
  • Parameters: None
  • Possible Condition Names:
    • Currently hardcoded, but will be changed to be extensible.
    • always: Run regardless of build status.
    • aborted: Run if build is aborted - note that this may not actually work.
    • success: Run if the build is successful (or more accurately, if the build result hasn't been set to anything else).
    • unstable: Run if the build result is unstable.
    • failure: Run if the build failed.
    • changed: Run if the build's result is different from the previous build's result.
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents: A sequence of Pipeline steps, such as could be included in a stage. Runs in an unspecified node { ... } block if image none was specified.
  • Examples:
post {
    always {
        email recipient: ['',''], subject: "Build complete", body: "Your build has completed"
    failure {
        sh "bash ./"
    success {
        sh "git push origin master"


  • Description: Triggers for this job, as used in other Jenkins jobs.
  • Required: No
  • Allowed In: Top-level pipeline closure only.
  • Parameters: None
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents: A sequence of one or more trigger configurations, using @Symbol names for constructors.
    • Note that [$class: 'Foo', arg1: 'something', ...] syntax can not be used, only cron('@daily') and the like.
    • Also note that the SCMTrigger won't work with the scm @Symbol - with Jenkins 2.22 or later, the pollScm symbol does work.
  • Examples:
triggers {

Build Parameters

  • Description: Build parameters that will be prompted for at build time.
  • Required: No
  • Allowed In: Top-level pipeline closure only.
  • Parameters: None
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents: A sequence of one or more parameter definition configurations, using @Symbol names for constructors.
    • Note that [$class: 'Foo', arg1: 'something', ...] syntax can not be used, only booleanParam(...) and the like.
  • Examples:
parameters {
    booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'flag')
    string(defaultValue: '', description: '', name: 'SOME_STRING')


  • Description: Other options exclusive to Declarative, such as skipDefaultCheckout, and traditional JobPropertys, such as build discarding, limiting concurrent builds, and more.
  • Required: No
  • Allowed In: Top-level pipeline closure only.
  • Parameters: None
  • Takes a Closure: Yes
  • Closure Contents: A sequence of one or more Declarative option or job property configurations, using @Symbol names for constructors.
    • Note that [$class: 'Foo', arg1: 'something', ...] syntax can not be used, only booleanParam(...) and the like.
    • Note that the parameters and pipelineTriggers @Symbols cannot be used here directly.
  • Examples:
options {

Declarative Subset of Groovy

  • Top-level has to be a block
  • No semicolons as statement separators. Each statement has to be on its own line
  • Block must only consists of method call statements, assignment statements, or property reference statement
    • A property reference statement is treated as no-arg method invocation. So for example, input is treated as input()
  • Expression has to be one of the following:
    • Literals (except class literals)
    • Numbers: 1, 3
    • Booleans: true, false
    • String literals regardless of their quotations: "foo", 'bar'
    • Multi-line string literals
    • Variable references: x
    • Sequence of property references: x.y.z
    • GString: "hello ${exp}"
    • Literal list: [exp,exp,...]
    • Literal map where keys are all constants: [a:exp, b:exp, ... ]
    • Method calls where the left hand side is a variable reference or a sequence of property references: x.y.z(...)
    • Method calls (including @Symbol constructors like used above in options, triggers and build parameters) where there is no left hand side.
    • Closure without parameters: { ... }