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Colin Decker edited this page Jun 12, 2015 · 3 revisions

Guava Release 10.0.1: Release Notes

Release 10.0 was released on September 28, 2011. Release 10.0.1 was released on October 10, 2011. (See ReleaseHistory.)

Full API Documentation

Using Guava in your project

This release will be identified in the Maven Central repository as and

See UseGuavaInYourBuild for help integrating Guava into your build environment.

If you don't use managed dependencies, you can also just manually download JARs of the classes, sources and documentation from:

API Changes

Full JDiff Report of changes since release 9.0

To build a combined report of the API changes between release 10.0.1 and any older release, check out our docs tree and run jdiff/ with the previous release number as argument (example: 5.0).

Changes between 10.0 and 10.0.1

  • Fixed serialization of MapMaker eviction listeners (issue 712 (on Google Code))
  • Allow write operations on Cache.asMap view of CacheBuilder-generated Caches
  • Don't deprecate FinalizableReferenceQueue and associated classes

Issues resolved

Issues fixed


Runnable tests!

New packages

New classes


Forwarding Helpers

Other Collections


Other Concurrency


New members

  • Futures.addCallback

  • Futures.allAsList

  • Futures.get

  • Futures.getUnchecked

  • Futures.successfulAsList

  • Predicates.assignableFrom

  • Multisets.containsOccurrences

  • Multisets.removeOccurrences

  • Multisets.retainOccurrences

  • ByteStreams.copy(InputStream, OutputSupplier)

  • Maps.difference using an Equivalence

  • Maps.uniqueIndex for an Iterator

  • Multimaps.index for an Iterator

  • MapJoiner.join for an Iterable<Entry>

  • Functions.forSupplier

  • AbstractExecutionThreadService.getServiceName

  • InetAddresses.increment

  • InetAddresses.isMappedIPv4Address

  • InetAddresses.isMaximum

  • InetAddresses.toAddrString

  • AbstractFuture.interruptTask

  • Doubles.isFinite

  • Floats.isFinite

  • MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator

  • Tables.newCustomTable

  • Tables.transformValues

  • Ticker.systemTicker

  • Splitter.withKeyValueSeparator

  • BYTES (Doubles, Floats)

  • MAX_POWER_OF_TWO (Int, Longs, Shorts, SignedBytes, UnsignedBytes)

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