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CosmosDB Accounts and Databases

Account Database Notes
ngsa-asb-dev-cosmos LodeRunnerDB
ngsa-asb-dev-cosmos LodeRunnerTestDB Used for GitHub workflow
ngsa-asb-pre-cosmos LodeRunnerDB
ngsa-asb-pre-cosmos LodeRunnerTestDB

Configuing CosmosDB Secrets for Local Use

Using Cosmos DB Emulator

If running in codespaces, the emulator should be running in devcontainer on default port 9090. To run loderunner applications against the emaulator in a self contained development environment:

  • Update LodeRunner and LodeRunner.API secrets to use Cosmos Emulator running in codespaces:

    Note: Upon restart of an existing codespaces, you will be required to run this script again to make sure host files and certs are up to date.

        cd ../..
  • Access Cosmos Emulator UI by appending /_explorer/index.html to CosmosDB Emulator port address:

    • For Codespaces in broswer: https://<local-address-for-port-9090>/_explorer/index.html

    • For Codespaces in VSCode: https://localhost:9090/_explorer/index.html

Using shared Cosmos DB

Certain loderunner applications (i.e. LodeRunner, LodeRunner.API) require a Read-Write key from CosmosDB.

The rest of the required files in the /secrets folder are already included (i.e. CosmosCollection, CosmosDatabase, CosmosTestDatabase, CosmosUrl). You may set them up manually by:

  1. In the loderunner application's directory, create secrets/CosmosKey
  2. Save the Read-Write key from CosmosDB in the CosmosKey file

Alternatively, you can use the following shell commands:

Step Description Command
1 Log Into Azure az login --use-device-code
2 Set subscription az account set -s COSMOSDB_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME_OR_ID
3 Set CosmosDB environment variables
CosmosDB_RG export CosmosDB_RG=rg-ngsa-asb-dev-cosmos
CosmosDB_ACCT export CosmosDB_ACCT=ngsa-asb-dev-cosmos
LR_DB export LR_DB=LodeRunnerDB
TEST_DB export Test_DB=LodeRunnerTestDB
LR_COL export LR_COL=LodeRunner
CosmosDB_URL export CosmosDB_URL=
COSMOS_RW_KEY export COSMOS_RW_KEY=$(eval az cosmosdb keys list -n $CosmosDB_ACCT -g $CosmosDB_RG --query primaryMasterKey -o tsv)
4 Create secret file echo $COSMOS_RW_KEY > ./src/LodeRunner.API/secrets/CosmosKey

The following block has all of the environment variable assignments in one place to copy and paste:

export CosmosDB_RG=rg-ngsa-asb-dev-cosmos
export CosmosDB_ACCT=ngsa-asb-dev-cosmos
export LR_DB=LodeRunnerDB
export TEST_DB=LodeRunnerTestDB
export LR_COL=LodeRunner
export CosmosDB_URL=
export COSMOS_RW_KEY=$(eval az cosmosdb keys list -n $CosmosDB_ACCT -g $CosmosDB_RG --query primaryMasterKey -o tsv)
echo $COSMOS_RW_KEY > ./src/LodeRunner.API/secrets/CosmosKey

CosmosDB Firewall IP Ranges

Certain loderunner applications (i.e. LodeRunner, LodeRunner.API) add your IP address to allow access to CosmosDB. If you run the app and cannot access the CosmosDB due to firewall you may see the error output:

`"ExceptionMessage": "Repository test for LodeRunnerDB:LodeRunner failed."

To solve this we need allow your IP through the firewall.

Allowing IP Access via the Portal

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal
  2. Go to the associated Azure Cosmos DB account
  3. Under Settings, go to Firewall and virtual networks
  4. Add your IP address under Firewall > IP
  5. Save
  6. A notification with "Updating Firewall configuration" should appear at the top
  7. It will take a little time to update. Once the firewall is updated you will be able to run the app.

Allowing IP Access via CLI

You will need to have set the environment variables from the previous section CosmosDB Secrets. The following table has the values that you are setting and the command.

Step Description Command
1 YOUR_IP export YOUR_IP=$(eval dig +short
2 IPS_FOR_FIREWALL `export IPS_FOR_FIREWALL=az cosmosdb show -g $CosmosDB_RG -n $CosmosDB_ACCT
3 Check if your IP already allowed.
Skip to step 6 if your IP is in the list highlighted in red by default. If you do not see your address then you will need to add it by proceeding to step 5.
4 Create ALL_IPS list `export IPS_FOR_FIREWALL=$(eval az cosmosdb show -g $CosmosDB_RG -n $CosmosDB_ACCT
5 Update the allowed IPs for CosmosDB az cosmosdb update -n $CosmosDB_ACCT -g $CosmosDB_RG --ip-range-filter $ALL_IPS

The following block is all of the shell commands pulled together with a conditional to check if you're IP is already allowed. If not it will add it.

export YOUR_IP=$(eval dig +short
export IPS_FOR_FIREWALL=$(eval az cosmosdb show -g $CosmosDB_RG -n $CosmosDB_ACCT | jq -r '.ipRules | map(.ipAddressOrRange) | @csv' | tr -d '"')
if [[ $IPS_FOR_FIREWALL != *$YOUR_IP* ]]; then
   echo "Your IP was not found. Adding to CosmosDB firewall..."
   az cosmosdb update -n $CosmosDB_ACCT -g $CosmosDB_RG --ip-range-filter $ALL_IPS

CosmosDB Collection: LodeRunner

partitionKey uses the entityType

Item: clientStatus

Conveys the current status, time of that status, and the associated LoadClient's initial start-up configuration.

  • TTL for container is set to no default (-1)
  • TTL for clientStatus items is set to 60 seconds
    "id": "5",
    "partitionKey": "ClientStatus",
    "entityType": "ClientStatus",
    "lastUpdated": "2021-08-17T14:36:37.0897032Z", // in UTC
    "statusDuration": 20, // seconds since last status change
    "status": "Ready", // Starting | Ready | Testing | Terminating
    "message": "Additional status update notes",
    "loadClient": {
        "id": "2",
        "entityType": "LoadClient",
        "version": "0.3.0-717-1030",
        "name": "Central-az-central-us-2",
        "region": "Central",
        "zone": "az-central-us",
        "prometheus": false,
        "startupArgs": "--delay-start -1 --secrets-volume secrets",
        "startTime": "2021-08-17T14:36:37.0897032Z" // in UTC