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A42: xDS Ring Hash LB Policy


We are adding support for hash-based load balancing configured via xDS.


There are two features that xDS supports that, in concert, allow hash-based load balancing: setting a hash policy in the route that determines the hash to be used for each request, and configuring a load balancing policy that uses that hash.

xDS supports many different types of hash policies. gRPC will support only a subset of these, but it will do so in a forward-compatible manner that will allow us to support additional hash policies in the future if needed.

xDS supports two hash-based LB policies, RING_HASH and MAGLEV. For now, gRPC will support only RING_HASH, although we could add support for MAGLEV in the future.

Related Proposals:

This proposal builds on earlier work described in the following gRFCs:


As mentioned above, gRPC will support two xDS features: setting a hash policy in the route, and configuring the RING_HASH LB policy.

Hash Policy

This section explains how gRPC will support xDS-configured hash policies.

xDS API Fields

In xDS, the RouteAction message has a hash_policy field that specifies the policy used to compute the hash for each request that uses the route. This is a repeated field, so it specifies a list of hash policies. Each hash policy is evaluated individually, and the combined result is used to determine the request's hash. The method of combination is deterministic, such that identical lists of hash policies will produce the same hash. Any deterministic method of combination can be used here; the algorithm Envoy uses looks like this in pseudocode:

hash = Null
for each policy:
  policy_hash = calculate_hash(policy)
  if policy_hash is not Null:
    if hash is Null:
      hash = policy_hash
      hash = rotate_left_shift(hash, 1) ^ policy_hash

Since a hash policy examines specific parts of a request, it can fail to produce a hash (e.g., if the hashed header is not present). If (and only if) all configured hash policies fail to generate a hash, a random hash will be used for the request, which (assuming a hash-based LB policy is used) will result in picking a random endpoint for the request. If a hash policy has the terminal attribute set to true, and there is already a hash generated, then all subsequent hash policies are skipped.

These semantics allow gRPC to support only a subset of xDS hash policy types in a forward-compatible way. For any hash policy type that gRPC does not support, that hash policy is treated as simply not returning any result for the request. (Note that this differs from Envoy's behavior, which is to reject a config with an unsupported hash policy.)

Here is how gRPC will handle each type of hash policy:

  • header: gRPC will support this type of hash policy. This allows hashing on a request header. The header matching logic will behave the same way as specified for route matching, as per gRFC A28 (i.e., it will ignore headers with a -bin suffix and may need special handling for content-type).
  • cookie: gRPC does not support HTTP cookies, so we will not support this hash policy. If specified, this policy will not return any result.
  • connection_properties: In Envoy, this allows hashing based on the source IP address, which ensures that all requests from a given client are sent to the same endpoint. However, gRPC cannot support this, because it is a client and not a proxy, so it does not know what source address will be used for the request until after it has finished load balancing. If specified, this policy will not return any result. (However, see filter_state below for an alternative.)
  • query_parameter: gRPC does not support query parameters, so we will not support this hash policy. If specified, this policy will not return any result.
  • filter_state: gRPC does not currently support the general-purpose concept of filter state the way that Envoy does. However, we will support one special filter state key called io.grpc.channel_id, which will hash to the same value for all requests on a given gRPC channel. In order to facilitate an even selection of backends across different channels (which may or may not be in the same process or machine), the value of io.grpc.channel_id should be initialized with a random number from a uniform distribution. This can be used in similar situations to where Envoy uses connection_properties to hash on the source IP address. (Note that we do not recommend that applications create multiple gRPC channels to the same virtual host, but if you do that, then the behavior here will not be exactly the same as using connection_properties, because each channel may use a different endpoint.)

XdsClient Changes

In gRPC, the xds resolver registers a watcher with the XdsClient object to get the RouteConfiguration resource. The struct returned by that watcher will be extended to include the following fields in each route (C++ syntax):

struct HashPolicy {
  enum Type { HEADER, CHANNEL_ID };
  Type type;
  bool terminal = false;
  // Fields used for type HEADER.
  std::string header_name;
  std::unique_ptr<RE2> regex;
  std::string regex_substitution;
std::vector<HashPolicy> hash_policies;

The XdsClient will populate these fields from the fields of the RouteAction message described above.

XdsConfigSelector Changes

The XdsConfigSelector is created by the xds resolver and is responsible for performing routing for each request. The XdsConfigSelector will therefore be responsible for using the hash policies in the chosen route to compute the hash for the request. The hash will be computed using XX_HASH, as defined in in the XXH64() function with seed 0. The computed hash will be communicated from the XdsConfigSelector to the LB policy using the same mechanism described in gRFC A31 for passing the cluster name to the LB policy.

Ring Hash LB Policy

xDS API Fields

The xDS Cluster resource specifies the load balancing policy to use when choosing the endpoint to which each request is sent. The policy to use is specified in the lb_policy field. Prior to this proposal, gRPC supported only one value for this field, which was ROUND_ROBIN. With this proposal, we will add support for an additional policy, RING_HASH.

The configuration for the Ring Hash LB policy is in the ring_hash_lb_config field. The field is optional; if not present, defaults will be assumed for all of its values. gRPC will support the minimum_ring_size and maximum_ring_size fields. As in Envoy, values above 8M will be NACKed. Note that gRPC has different restrictions on ring size than Envoy does and a different default for the max ring size (see below for details), so to ensure correct xDS defaults, the xDS code must explicitly set this field in the gRPC LB policy config even if the field is unset in the xDS resource (and therefore the default xDS value of 8388608 is used). The hash_function field will be required to be set to XX_HASH; if it is set to any other value (at present, the only other value is MURMUR_HASH_2), gRPC will NACK the Cluster resource.

Background: Envoy vs. gRPC LB Policies

Envoy's LB policies are expected to handle both locality-picking and endpoint-picking in a single layer. It does not currently have a clean way to independently select the locality-picking and endpoint-picking policies the way that we do in gRPC. For example, with the ROUND_ROBIN LB policy, Envoy has a single policy that handles both picking the locality and the endpoint within that locality as a single step. In contrast, in gRPC, we implement the xDS ROUND_ROBIN policy by having a weighted_target LB policy that chooses the locality and then delegates to a nested round_robin policy for that locality to choose the endpoint within the locality.

Unfortunately, we cannot do the same thing with the RING_HASH policy. The RING_HASH LB policy in Envoy handles both locality-picking and endpoint-picking in a single layer. It basically puts all endpoints in all localities into a single ring and then chooses an endpoint for a request from the ring based on the request's hash. We cannot split this up into two different policies, because the two policies would pick independently, which means that the failover behavior would cause unnecessary thrashing in the choice of endpoint when the originally chosen endpoint is down. For example, consider the case where the endpoint nearest to the request's hash is in locality A and the next-nearest is in locality B. If the client sees that the endpoint in locality A is unreachable before it sees an EDS update that removes that endpoint, the endpoint-picking policy for locality A would switch to the next-closest endpoint in the same locality. Then, when the EDS update removes that endpoint from the list, the locality-picking endpoint would choose locality B instead. This would result in switching backends twice instead of just once, which is too much churn. As a result, gRPC will need to route to both the locality and endpoint in a single layer, just like Envoy does.

This has a couple of implications:

  • We need to change the way that we handle child policy configuration in the xds_cluster_resolver LB policy.
  • We can no longer insert the LRS policy in between the locality-picking and endpoint-picking policies, so we need a different way to handle load reporting.

These two changes are described in the next two sections.

Change Child Policy Config Generation in xds_cluster_resolver Policy

As per gRFC A37, the config for the xds_cluster_resolver LB policy has the following fields:

  // Locality-picking policy.
  // This policy's config is expected to be in the format used
  // by the weighted_target policy.  Note that the config should include
  // an empty value for the "targets" field; that empty value will be
  // replaced by one that is dynamically generated based on the EDS data.
  // Optional; defaults to "weighted_target".
  repeated LoadBalancingConfig locality_picking_policy = 2;

  // Endpoint-picking policy.
  // This will be configured as the policy for each child in the
  // locality-policy's config.
  // Optional; defaults to "round_robin".
  repeated LoadBalancingConfig endpoint_picking_policy = 3;

The xds_cluster_resolver policy used these fields to generate its child policy config. In essence, the split between locality-picking and endpoint-picking is baked into our design.

However, now that we need to support a policy that cannot be split up this way, we need to switch to a more xDS-style model. We will replace the two fields above with the following:

  // xds LB policy.
  repeated LoadBalancingConfig xds_lb_policy = 4;

This new field is intended to represent the xDS LB policy, which does not map exactly to a gRPC LB policy. (In effect, you can think of this field as being the equivalent of the new xDS LB policy config field added in envoyproxy/envoy#7744 but not yet supported by Envoy.) It will be a direct translation of the existing enum and hard-coded LB policy config fields in the CDS response:

  • For ROUND_ROBIN, the policy name will be "ROUND_ROBIN". The config will be empty.
  • For RING_HASH, the policy name will be "RING_HASH", and the config will be the one for the ring_hash_experimental LB Policy described below.

As mentioned in gRFC A37, if the xds_cluster_resolver config is generated from an aggregate cluster tree, the value of this field will be determined from the CDS update for the aggregate cluster, not the underlying clusters.

Despite this new config field being structured as a LoadBalancingConfig message, it will not actually indicate a child policy; instead, the functionality to understand the differences between ROUND_ROBIN and RING_HASH will be baked directly into the xds_cluster_resolver policy. In effect, the xds_cluster_resolver policy will contain the logic to convert from an xDS LB policy config to a gRPC LB policy config.

When the xds_cluster_resolver policy sees "ROUND_ROBIN", it will continue to do what it does today, assuming that the locality-picking policy is weighted_target and the endpoint-picking policy is round_robin. The LB policy tree will look like this (see also "Move Load Reporting into xds_cluster_impl Policy" below):

gRPC Client Architecture Diagram (Round Robin)

Link to SVG file

However, when the xds_cluster_resolver policy sees "RING_HASH", it will create a priority policy where the child for each priority is a ring_hash_experimental LB Policy. The config for the ring_hash policy will be passed along verbatim from the xds_cluster_resolver policy's config. The LB policy tree will then look like this:

gRPC Client Architecture Diagram (Ring Hash)

Link to SVG file

In the RING_HASH case, the endpoint weights will need to be adjusted by the locality weight. We will add a per-address attribute for endpoint weight, and the xds_cluster_resolver policy can multiply any pre-existing weight by the locality weight. For example, consider the following EDS data:

  • locality 1: weight=3:
    • endpoint A: weight 2
    • endpoint B: weight 1
  • locality 2: weight=2:
    • endpoint C: weight 3
    • endpoint D: weight 1

The xds_cluster_resolver policy will need to pass down the following list of addresses to the ring_hash_experimental policy:

  • A: weight 2x3 = 6
  • B: weight 1x3 = 3
  • C: weight 3x2 = 6
  • D: weight 1x2 = 2

Move Load Reporting into xds_cluster_impl Policy

Because the ring_hash policy is going to handle both locality picking and endpoint picking in a single policy, we will no longer be able to insert the LRS policy in between those two layers as we are doing today. So we need an alternative approach for handling load reporting.

Initially, we considered simply building the LRS functionality directly into the ring_hash LB policy. However, this approach has a number of down-sides:

  • It duplicates the LRS code in two places. This is suboptimal but is not really a huge problem; the amount of code that would need to be duplicated is not large.
  • It means that LRS will work a little differently in the ROUND_ROBIN and RING_HASH cases, which is confusing when we're trying to debug things. It makes the system harder to understand.
  • It makes the ring_hash policy xDS-specific. This is undesirable, since we'd ultimately like to also use the same policy to provide affinity in non-xDS use-cases. (This will be the subject of future work in which we will add fields to service config to control setting the hash for a request.)

So instead, we're going to completely eliminate the LRS policy and move all load reporting up into the xds_cluster_impl policy. The approach will be:

  • The xds_cluster_resolver policy will attach an attribute to each address indicating what locality the endpoint is in.
  • The xds_cluster_impl policy's helper will see the attribute in the CreateSubchannel() call. It will look up the appropriate stats object and attach it to a wrapped subchannel. If the attribute is not present (e.g., because the address is from a LOGICAL_DNS cluster instead of an EDS cluster), the stats will be reported under an empty locality name.
  • When the xds_cluster_impl policy's picker sees the result of the pick from its child, it will use the stats object in the subchannel wrapper for load reporting.

ring_hash_experimental LB policy

We will implement a ring_hash_experimental LB policy that uses the same algorithm as Envoy's implementation. However, this policy will be implemented in a non-xDS-specific way, so that it can also be used without xDS in the future.

The ring_hash policy will accept both multiple instances of the same address and the per-address weight attribute. This provides two different ways to indicate weighting when generating an address list.

Whenever the address list changes, a new ring will be generated. The ring will be stored within the picker, so any time a new ring is generated, a new picker will be returned.

The picker will contain not just the ring but also the current state of every subchannel in the ring. Implementations must generate a new picker every time a subchannel's state changes.

LB Policy Config

The ring_hash_experimental policy will have the following config:

message RingHashLoadBalancingConfig {
  // A client-side cap will limit these values.  If either of these values
  // are greater than the client-side cap, they will be treated as the
  // client-side cap.  The default cap is 4096.
  uint64 min_ring_size = 1;  // Optional, defaults to 1024.
  uint64 max_ring_size = 2;  // Optional, defaults to 4096, max is 8M.

These parameters are used to determine how the ring is constructed, just as they are in the Envoy implementation. However, in order to limit the possibility of a control plane causing a client to OOM by creating a lot of large rings, we want to limit the ring size to a much smaller value than Envoy does. The max_ring_size field will default to 4096 instead of 8M (8,388,608) as in Envoy, although it will still accept values up to 8M for compatibility with Envoy (values above 8M will be NACKed). In addition, the client will have a local option (either per-channel or global) to set a cap for the ring size, which will also default to 4096; if either the min_ring_size or max_ring_size values in the LB policy config are greater than the locally configured cap, they will be treated as the locally configured cap. The resulting behavior will be:

  • When used via xDS, max_ring_size will be set to 8M when envoy.extensions.load_balancing_policies.ring_hash.v3.RingHash.maximum_ring_size is unset, but will be capped by the locally configured cap of 4096. So if an xDS-enabled client needs a larger ring size, they can just change the locally configured cap without needing to modify the xDS config.
  • In the future, when we can use the ring_hash policy without xDS, the default for max_ring_size will be 4096, the same as the locally configured cap. So if a client needs a larger ring size, they will need to increase both the locally configured cap and the value of max_ring_size in the config.

The hash function will be XX_HASH, as defined in in the XXH64() function with seed 0.

When the picker is asked for a pick, it will receive the hash for the request via the same mechanism that we use to pass the cluster name to the xds_cluster_manager policy in the RouteAction design, as described above. The picker will use that hash to determine which endpoint to choose from the ring.

Ring Construction

The ring is a list of addresses associated with hashes, sorted by the hash. Subchannels will often appear more than once in the ring, and each appearance should have a different hash. For example, when populating the ring, this can be accomplished by combining the subchannel's address with the number of previous appearances of that subchannel in the hash algorithm's input. The number of entries in the ring is equal to the smallest number greater than min_ring_size such that the subchannel with the smallest weight has a whole number of entries, clamped to max_ring_size.

Subchannel State Handling

Subchannels will start in state IDLE, and the ring_hash policy will not proactively connect to them. When the picker chooses a subchannel for a call, if the subchannel is in state IDLE, the picker will trigger a connection attempt for that subchannel. The subchannel will then go into state CONNECTING.

If the connection attempt is successful, the subchannel will transition to state READY.

If the connection attempt is not successful, the subchannel will be considered to be in state TRANSIENT_FAILURE, but it will not automatically attempt to reconnect; those connection attempts will also be triggered from the picker.

Once a subchannel goes into state TRANSIENT_FAILURE, it will be considered to stay in that state until it has managed to successfully connect, at which point it transitions into state READY. In other words, even if the underlying subchannel reports state CONNECTING for subsequent connection attempts, the ring_hash policy will treat it as if it were still in state TRANSIENT_FAILURE, both in terms of the picker's behavior and in terms of the overall connectivity state that the ring_hash policy reports to its parent.

If a subchannel was in state READY but the connection fails, the ring_hash policy will treat it as if it has transitioned to state IDLE, both for the purposes of the picker's behavior and in terms of the overall connectivity state that the ring_hash policy reports to its parent.

Aggregated Connectivity State

Because the ring_hash policy does not proactively connect to subchannels but rather triggers connection attempts based on picks, it cannot use the aggregation rules used by most LB policies (e.g., those used by the weighted_target policy) as-is. Instead, it has two differences in how it handles TRANSIENT_FAILURE, both of which are motivated by ensuring that the ring_hash policy will report reasonable connectivity state transitions to its parent (which today is always the priority policy but might at some point in the future be the channel itself).

The priority policy essentially has an ordered list of child policies and will send picks to the highest priority child that is currently reporting READY or IDLE. This means that for ring_hash to function as a child of the priority policy, it needs to report TRANSIENT_FAILURE when its subchannels are not reachable. However, ring_hash attempts to connect only to those subchannels that pick requests hash to, and if the first subchannel fails to connect, it then sequentially attempts to connecto to subsequent subchannels in ring order, so it may take a very long time for all of the subchannels to report TRANSIENT_FAILURE instead of IDLE. Under the normal aggregation rules, that means that the ring_hash policy would take far too long to report TRANSIENT_FAILURE. And more generally, if ring_hash has only attempted to connect to a small subset of its subchannels, it cannot truly know the overall reachability of all of the subchannels. To address these problems, the ring_hash policy will use a heuristic that if there are two or more subchannels reporting TRANSIENT_FAILURE and none in state READY, it will report an aggregated connectivity state of TRANSIENT_FAILURE. This heuristic is an attempt to balance the need to allow the priority policy to quickly failover to the next priority and the desire to avoid reporting the entire ring_hash policy as having failed when the problem is just one individual subchannel that happens to be unreachable.

In addition, once the ring_hash policy reports TRANSIENT_FAILURE, it needs some way to recover from that state. The ring_hash policy normally requires pick requests to trigger subchannel connection attempts, but if it is being used as a child of the priority policy, it will not be getting any picks once it reports TRANSIENT_FAILURE. To work around this, it will make sure that it is attempting to connect (after applicable backoff period) to at least one subchannel at any given time. After a given subchannel fails a connection attempt, it will move on to the next subchannel in the ring. It will keep doing this until one of the subchannels successfully connects, at which point it will report READY and stop proactively trying to connect.

Another issue is the way that the priority policy handles its failover timer. The failover timer is used to apply an upper bound to the amount of time that priority policy waits for a child policy to become connected before it gives up and creates the child policy for the next priority. The failover timer is started when a child is first created and is cancelled when the child reports any state other than CONNECTING. To allow this timer to work properly, the ring_hash policy should remain in state CONNECTING until it transitions to either TRANSIENT_FAILURE or READY. Specifically, after the first subchannel reports TRANSIENT_FAILURE and all other subchannels are in IDLE, it should continue to report CONNECTING instead of IDLE. In this case, just as in the TRANSIENT_FAILURE case above, it will proactively attempt to connect to at least one subchannel at all times while it is reporting CONNECTING, so that it does not stay in state CONNECTING indefinitely if it is not receiving picks (e.g., if the application is only occassionally starting RPCs and giving them very short deadlines).

Note that when the ring_hash policy first starts up with a completely new set of subchannels that are all in state IDLE, it will report IDLE as a consequence of the aggregation rules shown below. This is different from most policies, which start in state CONNECTING, and it will prevent the failover timer in the priority policy from working correctly, because the timer will be started when the child is created but then immediately cancelled when it reports IDLE. To address this, we will change the priority policy to restart the failover timer when a child reports CONNECTING, if that child has not reported TRANSIENT_FAILURE more recently than it reported READY or IDLE.

Taking all of the above into account, the aggregation rules for the ring_hash policy are as follows:

  1. If there is at least one subchannel in READY state, report READY.
  2. If there are 2 or more subchannels in TRANSIENT_FAILURE state, report TRANSIENT_FAILURE.
  3. If there is at least one subchannel in CONNECTING state, report CONNECTING.
  4. If there is one subchannel in TRANSIENT_FAILURE and there is more than one subchannel, report state CONNECTING.
  5. If there is at least one subchannel in IDLE state, report IDLE.
  6. Otherwise, report TRANSIENT_FAILURE.
Picker Behavior

The picker will start by finding the subchannel on the ring that is closest to the request's hash. The next behavior depends on the state of that subchannel.

The basic rules are:

  • If the subchannel is in state READY, the pick will be sent to that subchannel.
  • If the subchannel is in state IDLE, the picker will tell the LB policy to attempt to connect that subchannel, and it will queue the pick. (Note that the call's hash will be the same when it is re-attempted with a new picker, so it will always hash to the same subchannel.)
  • If the subchannel is in state CONNECTING, the picker will queue the pick.
  • If the subchannel is in state TRANSIENT_FAILURE, the picker will do the following:
    • Ensure that another connection attempt of the subchannel will occur, after appropriate connection backoff behavior for the individual subchannel.
    • Look at the next unique subchannel in the ring (i.e., the one it would have chosen based on the request's hash if the subchannel that is in state TRANSIENT_FAILURE had not been present in the ring), skipping duplicates of the first subchannel.
      • If this second unique subchannel is in state READY, IDLE, or CONNECTING, handle as we would have handled the original subchannel in those states.
      • If this second unique subchannel is in state TRANSIENT_FAILURE:
        • Ensure that another connection attempt of this second subchannel will occur, after appropriate connection backoff behavior for the individual subchannel.
        • Loop over all remaining entries in the ring.
          • As soon as we hit the first subchannel in state READY, return it.
          • If we have not yet seen a subchannel in a state other than TRANSIENT_FAILURE, then:
            • If this subchannel is in TRANSIENT_FAILURE, ensure that another connection attempt of this subchannel will occur, after appropriate connection backoff behavior for the individual subchannel.
            • Otherwise, if the first subchannel that is not TRANSIENT_FAILURE is IDLE, then trigger another connection attempt of this subchannel.
          • If we get to the end of the ring and have not found a subchannel in state READY, then fail the pick.

This behavior ensures that the policy delays an individual RPC for no longer than the time it takes to attempt connection on two subchannels. It also avoids unnecessarily delaying RPCs immediately after recovering from TRANSIENT_FAILURE state, when there may be only one subchannel connected.

Here is some pseudo-code showing the picker's behavior:

first_index = ring.FindIndexForHash(request.hash);
if (ring[first_index].state == READY) {
  return PICK_COMPLETE using ring[first_index].subchannel;
if (ring[first_index].state == IDLE) {
  return PICK_QUEUE;
if (ring[first_index].state == CONNECTING) {
  return PICK_QUEUE;
if (ring[first_index].state == TRANSIENT_FAILURE) {
  first_subchannel = ring[first_index].subchannel;
  found_second_subchannel = false;
  found_first_non_failed = false;
  for (i = 1; i < ring.size(); ++i) {
    index = (first_index + i) % ring_size();
    if (ring[index].subchannel == first_subchannel) continue;
    if (ring[index].state == READY) {
      return PICK_COMPLETE using ring[index].subchannel;
    if (!found_second_subchannel) {
      if (ring[index].state == CONNECTING) {
        return PICK_QUEUE;
      if (ring[index].state == IDLE) {
        return PICK_QUEUE;
      found_second_subchannel = true;
    if (!found_first_non_failed) {
      if (ring[index].state == TRANSIENT_FAILURE) {
      } else {
        if (ring[index].state == IDLE) {
        found_first_non_failed = true;
  return PICK_FAILED;

XdsClient Changes

In the data structure returned by a watch on a CDS resource, new fields will be added to represent the LB policy configuration, as follows (C++ syntax):

  // The LB policy to use (e.g., "ROUND_ROBIN" or "RING_HASH").
  std::string lb_policy;
  // Used for RING_HASH LB policy only.
  uint64_t min_ring_size;
  uint64_t max_ring_size;

CDS LB Policy Changes

The CDS LB policy will use the new fields described in the previous section when generating its child policy config. Specifically, it will populate the new xds_lb_policy field in the xds_cluster_resolver policy's config.

Temporary environment variable protection

During initial development, this feature will be enabled via the GRPC_XDS_EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLE_RING_HASH environment variable. This environment variable protection will be removed once the feature has proven stable.


As mentioned above, we considered splitting the ring_hash policy into two layers, one for locality picking and another for endpoint picking, but we ruled out that approach because it would have caused unnecessary churn in choosing endpoints when an endpoint becomes unreachable and the client notices before the control plane does.

Also as mentioned above, we considered duplicating the load reporting functionality in the ring_hash policy, but we instead elected to move it to the xds_cluster_impl policy to avoid this duplication.


Implementation is already mostly complete in C++ and Java, and will soon start in Go.