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Purescript Tailwind

Type-safe Tailwind CSS with zero runtime performance!

This package provides typed functions as Tailwind CSS classes/modifers and generate the final combined CSS classnames at compile time for tailwindcss to detect and generate the CSS code.


TODO Change this to halogen example

module Example where

import Tailwind

import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Prelude (Unit, show, ($))
import Tailwind.Class.MapPrefix (class MapPrefix)

-- Create a record to hold all your styles
  :: {
       -- Compiler can infer the correct combined CSS classes at compile time
       -- Tw "my-4 -mt-4 px-0.5 w-4/5 sm:mt-4 sm:bg-red-100 hover:mt-4 hover:bg-red-500 hover:p-[5px] [&:nth-child(3)]:mt-8 2xl:mt-10"
       container :: _
style =
  { container: tw -- Optional empty classname for nicer code formatting

      ~ my_4
      ~ _mt_4 -- "-mt-4" negative mt-4
      ~ px_0_dot_5 -- "px-0.5"
      ~ w_4_over_5 -- "w-4/5"
      ~ sm -- Easily add breakpoint
          ( tw
              ~ mt_4
              ~ bg_red_100
      ~ hover -- Easily add pseduo-classes
          ( tw
              ~ mt_4
              ~ bg_red_500
              ~ arbitraryPadding -- Define and use your own arbitrary class
      ~ arbitraryVariants -- Define and use your own arbitrary variant
          ( tw
              ~ mt_8
      ~ _2xl -- names starting with number is prefixed with an underscore
          ( tw
              ~ mt_10

arbitraryPadding :: Tw "p-[5px]"
arbitraryPadding = Tw

arbitraryVariants :: ∀ a b. MapPrefix "[&:nth-child(3)]:" a b => Tw a -> Tw b
arbitraryVariants _ = Tw

example :: Effect Unit
example = do
  -- In the compiled-JS, it will only have a single string of "my-4 mb-2 sm:mt-4 sm:bg-red" which is easy for tailwindcss to scan for
  log $ show $ style.container

Whenever your Purescript code is compiled, tailwindcss will scan the compiled-JS files in the output folder and automatically generate a CSS file based on the classes that are in the files. See class-detection-in-depth for more information.

Installation Guide

spago install tailwind-css
npm install --save-dev tailwindcss purescript-tailwind-css

You can choose any way to integrate Tailwind into your development pipeline as per Tailwind Installation.

Add Purescript compiled-JS folder (usually ./output/**/*.js) in tailwind.config.js's content

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = { 
  content: ["./output/**/*.js"],
  // … rest of your tailwind.config.js

Generate your Tailwind CSS Functions



purs-tailwind-css --output ./generated-src --target halogen
purs-tailwind-css --output ./generated-src [--config ./tailwind.config.js] [--input ./input.css] [--module-name Tailwind] [--target halogen]

--config,-c              Path to tailwind.config.js
                         Default: ./tailwind.config.js
--help,-h                Show this help message.
--input,-i               [optional] Path to input css file
--module-name,-n         Module name for the generated CSS function
                         Default: Tailwind
--output,-o              Directory for the generated CSS function
--target,-t [halogen]    Target HTML Framework.
                         Default: No target

Based on your tailwind.config.js, this will generate all the following files:

  • generated-src/Tailwind.purs (Re-exports all functions in Tailwind/*.purs)
  • generated-src/Tailwind/Base.purs
  • generated-src/Tailwind/Screen.purs
  • generated-src/Tailwind/Modifer.purs

Happy coding!


  • Use make run-cli-local to generate a copy of Tailwind locally at ./gen-local folder which is git-ignored Be sure to edit your spago.dhall's sources to exclude ./gen-test folder else you will have compiler error Eg. sources = [ "src/**/*.purs", "cli/**/*.purs", "test/**/*.purs", "gen-local/**/*.purs" ]
  • Use make run-cli-test to generate a copy of Tailwind locally at ./gen-test folder which is used by test cases
  • See Makefile for all available commands to be used for development


  • (Feature) Allow input css with custom CSS classes + test cases
  • Add integration to Halogen
  • Add CI to generate gen-test and it should not have any diff


Type-safe CSS with TailwindCSS






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