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Sub-projects in this repository:

  • A presentation on octasphere triangulations (source, slides)
  • The "lab" project for experimenting with the triangulations (source, web app)

(Two former sub-projects that were not specifically about octaspheres but rather about sphere texturing have been moved to their own repository.)

Now for an explanation what this octasphere stuff is all about:

Triangulations of the Octasphere

Sphere Triangulation

In computer graphics triangle meshes for spheres are frequently constructed as longitude/latitude grids with added diagonals in each of the resulting quadrangles. See for example here.

This approach has the advantage that it is easy to understand, but it also has its disadvantages coming from the fact that the meridians are much denser near the poles than near the equator:

  • Textures are strongly distorted.
  • Processing power is wasted for the many small triangles near the poles.
  • Degenerate triangles around the poles can cause problems for geometric algorithms.

An alternative approach is to take a polyhedron (usually a regular one), subdivide its faces into triangles, and then project the mesh to the sphere.

A popular choice is to start with a regular icosahedron, which has various advantages:

  • Each face is a regular triangle, which is easy to subdivide regularly into smaller triangles.
  • A regular icosahedron already comes quite close to its circumscribed sphere (at least when compared to the other Platonic solids). Therefore a straight-forward central projection leads to a relatively small distortion.
  • The vertices of an icosahedron have a degree of 5 and are thus close to the degree 6 of the auxiliary vertices introduced by the sub-triangulation. This is helpful for some geometric algorithms.

Spheres triangulated this way are sometimes called "icospheres".

Sphere triangulations based on a cube are also popular because the square faces of a cube are easy to work with.

The Octasphere

Another possible choice is the "octasphere", a sphere triangulation based on a regular octahedron, which has these advantages:

  • As with the icosahedron, the faces are already triangles, making a subdivision easy.
  • If we only map one of the octahedron faces to the circumscribing sphere, we get an eighth of that sphere. These eighths of spheres are useful because they occur as the corners of rounded boxes.

An "octasphere" is created like this:

  • Start with a regular octahedron.
  • Subdivide the 8 triangular faces into smaller triangles.
  • Somehow map the vertices introduced by this sub-triangulation from the faces to a sphere.

We will discuss various such mappings and their properties.

In the demo and in the following considerations we deal with only one of the faces and the corresponding spherical triangle covering an eighth of the sphere. The other faces are to be treated in an analogous way.

For simplicity we also assume that the sphere is the unit sphere around the origin and that our octahedron face has vertices at positions ex = (1, 0, 0), ey = (0, 1, 0), and ez = (0, 0, 1). We generate triangulations of the corresponding eighth of the sphere.

Assume we want to subdivide each edge in n segments. Then each vertex (x, y, z) of the triangulation has these properties:

  • x, y, z are nonnegative integral multiples of 1/n.
  • x + y + z = 1.

The sub-triangulation of a face has various symmetries corresponding to the permutations of the three corners of the face or, equivalently, of the coordinate axes. Some of these symmetries are shown in the demo. The mappings from the face to the sphere discussed below preserve more or less of these symmetries.

We can procedurally create the vertices like this:

for (let j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
  for (let k = 0; k <= n - j; k++) {
    let i = n - j - k;
    const x = i/n;
    const y = j/n;
    const z = k/n;
    const position = (x, y, z);

Due to the symmetries the loops can also be organized in various other ways.

Using the unit vectors

const ex = (1, 0, 0);
const ey = (0, 1, 0);
const ez = (0, 0, 1);

and the lerp function for linear interpolation we can also define position equivalently like this:

    const position = lerp(lerp(ex, ey, y), lerp(ez, ey, y), z/(1-y));

or like this:

    const position = lerp(lerp(ex, ez, z/(1-y)), ey, y);

Why would one do this? Probably one wouldn't since the simple expression (x, y, z) is more readable and more efficient.

I have just introduced these lerp-based expressions for comparison with similar expressions below.

Geodesic Polyhedron

The simplest mapping from the face to the sphere is a central projection. That is, we just normalize the position vector of each vertex on the face, giving a point on the sphere. So we can calculate position as

    const position = normalize((x, y, z));

or, equivalently, as

    const position = normalize(lerp(lerp(ex, ey, y), lerp(ez, ey, y), z/(1-y)));

or, equivalently, as

    const position = normalize(lerp(lerp(ex, ez, z/(1-y)), ey, y));

where normalize(...) returns a unit vector in the direction of its argument vector.


  • The vertices on a straight line on the face are mapped to vertices on a geodesic of the sphere. (Hence the name.)
  • All the symmetries corresponding to axis permutations are kept.
  • Triangles near the center of the face are mapped to large triangles on the sphere whereas triangles near the 3 corners of the face are mapped to smaller triangles on the sphere.
  • Also the segments along the face's edges are mapped non-uniformly: Segments near the center of an edge become longer on the sphere than segments near the ends of the edge.

We often want a more uniform mapping. In particular we want the edge segments to be mapped uniformly so that in a rounded box the edge segments of the rounded corners fit with the equispaced edge segments of the quarter cylinders implementing the edges of the rounded box.

See this Wikipedia article for more on geodesic polyhedra.

Equispaced Geodesics

Instead of applying a linear interpolation followed by normalization we can use spherical linear interpolation to define the vertices on the sphere in a way similar to one of the formulas above:

    const position = slerp(slerp(ex, ey, y), slerp(ez, ey, y), z/(1-y));

Here the expressions slerp(ex, ey, y) and slerp(ez, ey, y) for y = 0, 1/n, 2/n, ..., 1 generate equispaced vertices along the arcs from ex to ey and from ez to ey. (We will consider ey as a "pole" of the sphere and accordingly call the two adjacent arcs the "meridians". The third arc from ex to ez will be called the "equator".)

The outer slerp connects pairs of corresponding vertices on the two meridians with geodesics and puts equispaced vertices on these geodesics. In particular the vertices ex and ez are connected in this way along the equator.


  • All three arcs delimiting our eighth of the sphere (the two meridians and the equator) are divided into n segments of equal size.
  • The symmetry between the x axis and the z axis is kept, but the other symmetries, especially the ±120° rotations of the triangle, are broken. That is, vertices inside the spherical triangle are generally not mapped to vertices by such rotations. (But vertices on the arcs delimiting our spherical triangle are mapped to vertices by the ±120° rotations.)
  • Intuitively, the vertices inside the spherical triangle are "too close to the pole ey". For example, the face center (1/3, 1/3, 1/3) is not mapped to the center (sqrt(1/3), sqrt(1/3), sqrt(1/3)) ~ (0.577, 0.577, 0.577) of the spherical triangle, but to ~ (0.548, 0.632, 0.548), which is closer to the "pole" ey.

See this blog post and this tutorial for more on using equispaced geodesic octaspheres.


We can also use spherical linear interpolation in a way similar to the other "lerp" formula above:

    const position = slerp(slerp(ex, ez, z/(1-y)), ey, y);

The vertices for a given value of y are mapped to "parallels" of the equator, that is, to lines of constant latitude. Notice, however, that this is not the usual longitude/latitude construction of a sphere, where all parallels are divided into the same number of segments. In our current construction parallels closer to the equator are divided in more segments and parallels closer to the pole are divided in fewer segments.


  • All three arcs delimiting our eighth of the sphere (the two meridians and the equator) are divided into n segments of equal size.
  • The symmetry between the x axis and the z axis is kept, but the other symmetries, especially the ±120° rotations of the triangle, are broken. That is, vertices inside the spherical triangle are generally not mapped to vertices by such rotations. (But vertices on the arcs delimiting our spherical triangle are mapped to vertices by the ±120° rotations.)
  • Intuitively, the vertices inside the spherical triangle are "too close to the equator". For example, the face center (1/3, 1/3, 1/3) is not mapped to the center (sqrt(1/3), sqrt(1/3), sqrt(1/3)) ~ (0.577, 0.577, 0.577) of the spherical triangle, but to ~ (0.612, 1/2, 0.612), which is closer to the equator.

So the current construction breaks the same symmetries as the equispaced geodesics above, but "in the opposite direction".

Sine-Based Mapping

While the two preceding constructions provide equispaced vertices along the edges of the spherical triangle, their placement of inner vertices feels unbalanced. Mathematically this is reflected by the broken symmetries.

We now construct a mapping which

  • provides equispaced vertices along the edges of the spherical triangle and
  • places the vertices in a symmetric way.

Let us consider one edge of our octahedron face and the corresponding edge of the spherical triangle, say the ones connecting ex and ey. We want to map a uniform motion along the octahedron edge to a uniform motion along the meridian. Let the motion be from ex to ey driven by the parameter t ranging from 0 to 1.

The motion along the edge is given by the expression

  (x, y, z) = (1 - t, t, 0)

The uniform motion along the meridian is given by the expression

  (X, Y, Z) = (cos(t * 90°), sin(t * 90°), 0)

The coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the point on the meridian can be rewritten using the coordinates (x, y, z) of the point on the octahedron edge:

  X = cos(t * 90°) = sin(90° - t * 90°) = sin((1 - t) * 90°) = sin(x * 90°);
  Y = sin(t * 90°) = sin(y * 90°);
  Z = 0 = sin(0°) = sin(0 * 90°) = sin(z * 90°);

Taking this together, the meridian point has a very symmetric representation:

  (X, Y, Z) = (sin(x * 90°), sin(y * 90°), sin(z * 90°))

The same expression can be derived for the other meridian and the equator.

Now there is no need to use the same expression for the inner vertices of the face, but it feels natural to do so. Unfortunately this expression does not map inner vertices to the sphere but to points inside the sphere. For example the face center (1/3, 1/3, 1/3) is mapped to (sin(1/3 * 90°), sin(1/3 * 90°), sin(1/3 * 90°)) = (sin(30°), sin(30°), sin(30°)) = (1/2, 1/2, 1/2), which has a Euclidean norm of sqrt(3)/2 < 1.

As a "hack" we can simply apply a normalization as a second step after the sine-based expression from above:

  normalize((sin(x * 90°), sin(y * 90°), sin(z * 90°)))

This normalization does not affect the vertices on the edges because they are already normalized. So the equispacing along the edges is not broken.


  • All three arcs delimiting our eighth of the sphere (the two meridians and the equator) are divided into n segments of equal size.
  • The symmetries from the octahedron face and the geodesic polyhedron are kept.
  • The face center (1/3, 1/3, 1/3) is now mapped to the center (sqrt(1/3), sqrt(1/3), sqrt(1/3)) ~ (0.577, 0.577, 0.577) of the spherical triangle.
  • Still, intuitively, the vertices on the sphere appear a bit too close to the edges, making the sub-triangles close to the center too large and the sub-triangles near the corners too small. Nevertheless the placement is far more uniform than with the geodesic-polyhedron approach described above.

Finally notice that we only need sine values for the n+1 angles , 1/n * 90°, 2/n * 90°, ..., 90°. We can pre-compute and tabulate these values so that no transcendental functions need to be applied in the rest of the calculation.

Spherical Barycentric Coordinates

We will now construct a mapping that is

  • equispaced along the edges,
  • symmetric with respect to all permutations of the three axes,
  • therefore also mapping the face center to the center of the spherical triangle,
  • and intuitively even more uniform than the "sine-based mapping" described above.

As a first step we will generalize the concept of barycentric coordinates from the plane triangle constituting our octahedron face to our spherical triangle. (Note that various concepts of "spherical barycentric coordinates" have already been introduced earlier in the literature. How are those concepts related to the one introduced here? And could we use those concepts as well?)

A point (X, Y, Z) in our spherical triangle can be identified by the three angles between the point and each of the three coordinate planes:

(ξ, υ, ζ) = (asin(X), asin(Y), asin(Z))

As we have only two degrees of freedom on the sphere, giving three angles is actually redundant. This is analogous to the usual flat barycentric coordinates. Notice, however, that in contrast to the flat case, the sum of the three angles is not constant.

We normalize the triplet of angles so that their sum becomes 1:

(x, y, z) = (ξ / s, υ / s, ζ / s)   where   s = ξ + υ + ζ

By construction we now have x + y + z = 1. Furthermore for our initial point we had X, Y, Z > 0, which implies ξ, υ, ζ > 0, then s > 0, and finally x, y, z > 0. Therefore the point (x, y, z) is on our octahedron face. x, y, and z are actually the (flat) barycentric coordinates of that point in the face.

So we have defined a mapping from point (X, Y, Z) on the spherical triangle to point (x, y, z) on the octahedron face. This mapping is apparently very well-behaved. So there is an inverse mapping from the face to the spherical triangle.

We use this inverse mapping to map the vertices of the face sub-triangulation to the sphere. The resulting triangulation has has some favorable properties:

  • It has equispaced vertices along the meridians and the equator.
  • It is symmetric with respect to axis permutations. (In particular it maps the center of the face to the center of the spherical triangle.)
  • While any mapping from a plane to a sphere necessarily introduces some distortion, the distribution of vertices is quite uniform.

We have not given a constructive definition of the mapping from (x, y, z) to (X, Y, Z) and I am afraid that this is not possible in a straight-forward way. But it is possible to give an iterative approximation algorithm, which happens to converge very quickly:

// barycentric normalization
function normalize1((x, y, z)) {
  const s = x + y + z;
  return (x / s, y / s, z / s);

// Euclidean normalization:
function normalize2((x, y, z)) {
  const len = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2);
  return (x / len, y / len, z / len);

function sphereToFace((X, Y, Z)) {
  return normalize1((asin(X), asin(Y), asin(Z)));

function faceToSphere((x, y, z)) {
  // Use the sine-based mapping as the initial guess:
  let guess = normalize2((sin(x * 90°), sin(y * 90°), sin(z * 90°)));
  while (true) {
    const f = sphereToFace(guess);
    const offset = f - (x, y, z);
    if (/* offset is small enough */) {
      return guess;
    guess = normalize2(normalize1(guess) - offset);

Balanced Placement

We can also place the vertices in the spherical triangle in such a way that

  • the boundary vertices are equispaced along the delimiting arcs and
  • each inner vertex is "centered" between its six neighbor vertices.

Let us call this placement "balanced". It can be approximated iteratively like this:

  • Start with any vertex placement P0 that evenly subdivides the three sides of our spherical triangle.
  • For i = 0, 1, ...
    • Compute a new placement Pi+1 from Pi such that
      • each inner vertex of Pi+1 is at the "center" of the six neighbors of the corresponding vertex in Pi and
      • each boundary vertex of Pi+1 is at the same position as the corresponding vertex in Pi.
    • Terminate when Pi+1 does not differ "significantly" from Pi.


  • The word "center" has been put in quotes above because the 3D mean of several points on the unit sphere will generally not be on the unit sphere but inside it. An ad-hoc solution is to perform a central projection, that is, to simply normalize the mean value of the neighbors. Alternatively, we could use some sphere-based definition of "center".
  • The sequence of placements converges to the balanced placement and does not depend on the initial placement of the inner vertices in P0.
  • Each iteration step preserves symmetries of the previous placement. The balanced placement is symmetric with respect to axis permutations.
  • The balanced placement (or a good approximation) looks even more uniform than the placement based on spherical barycentric coordinates.

Octasphere: Summary

Of the vertex placements investigated above I think one could use

  • the geodesic-polyhedron mapping if simplicity is most important,
  • the balanced placement if performance is not an issue (for example because the vertices are pre-computed for one or a few values of n and re-used in many sphere instances), and
  • the sine-based approach as a good quality/performance compromise.

The equispaced-geodesics approach and the parallels approach require more computation effort than the sine-based approach and produce a less uniform and less symmetric vertex placement. So these approaches would be recommended only if there is an application-specific reason to use them.

Tetrasphere and Icosphere

It is mostly straight-forward to adapt the constructions given above to a regular tetrahedron or a regular icosahedron, whose faces are also equilateral triangles.

Computations are a bit simpler for the octahedron case because

  • the octahedron vertices can be aligned with the coordinate axes and
  • the angle between neighboring vertices is 90°.

This made the derivation of the sine-based mapping particularly easy. Transferring this to icospheres and tetraspheres would mean to extend the slerp formula from 2 to 3 base vertices.

One could argue

  • that it does not make much sense to start with a tetrahedron, which is the least sphere-like among the Platonic solids, or
  • that there is no need to use sophisticated mappings for icospheres because an icosahedron is already quite sphere-like.

It might, however, make sense to use tetraspheres if the modelled objects (for example carbon atoms in chemistry) have the respective symmetry.

Literature and Open Questions

Geodesic polyhedra are well-known and even have their own Wikipedia article. Equispaced geodesics are also known and I have provided two links above.

Have the other mappings already been suggested and investigated? Some of them feel so natural that I could imagine that someone else has already thought of them. Or are there other approaches for triangulating an octasphere? If you know of previous work, please let me know here.

Finally, I am not too happy with the names I am using for the sine-based mapping and the mapping based on spherical barycentric coordinates. Any ideas for better names? Please give your suggestions here.