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👩‍🏫 Step By Step

What follows is an example scenario on which we can reason about: we've built a service that handle some requests by retrieving some data from a database, that's it.

The hypothetical infrastructure involved is somewhat bad on purpose, and is used just to illustrate some points like why a cache is useful in general, what FusionCache in particular can do, and also to have some nice round numbers to play with.

The scenario

Imagine we have our simple ASP.NET Core service receiving requests to get product informations by ID and to do that it connects to a database.

Easy peasy.

We observe it over a 10 min period, where the database will be sometimes fast to respond, sometimes slow and sometimes would just be totally down, maybe with eccessive timeouts due to overloading, network congestion issues towards the database or anything else.

So, something like this:


In the 10 min period suppose we have a nice, uniform usage pattern where every 10 sec this happens:

  • 1,000 different products get requested to our service (so 1,000 different product ids)
  • 100 concurrent requests per each single product
  • 100 ms of average response time from the database, with sometimes peaks of 1 sec
  • our service is deployed on 3 nodes to better handle the traffic
It's important to say upfront that this is both overly simplified and (hopefully) more disastrous than a typical real world scenario. On one side not everything would be so beautifully synchronized and so perfectly periodical about requests pattern, while on the other I hope you don't have to deal with a database that, on a 10 minutes range, is slow for 2 minutes and completely down for 3 😅

Initial Code

In our code we have a method that goes to the database to fetch what is needed:

public Product GetProductFromDb(int id) {

For this example we'll use the classic sync programming model, but it would be even better with the async one and would most probably give you better performance: just sprinkle some await usage here and there and call the async version of each method, and everything would be fine.

Then we have a controller with an action like this:

public ActionResult<Product> GetProduct(int id)
    var product = GetProductFromDb(id);

    if (product is null)
        return NotFound();

    return product;

I know, I know, nobody would be such a mad lad not to use any form of caching at all, but this serves just a starting point.

🏆 Results

Without any form of caching, this would give us 1,000 products requested X 100 concurrent requests per each product X 3 nodes = 300,000 req every 10 sec so 1,800,000 req/min.

TOTAL REQUESTS IN 10 MIN: 18,000,000 .

As we can see, every time the database is slow or down our service will be slow or down, too: this is because there's nothing between the database and our service.

No Cache Results

1) MemoryCache

To add a memory cache we go in the ConfigureServices method in the Startup.cs file and add this:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Then we go in our controller and add an IMemoryCache param to the constructor, saving it in a private field:

public class MyController : Controller
    private IMemoryCache _cache;

    public MyController(IMemoryCache cache)
        _cache = cache;

    // [...]

and, in the action, we simply use the GetOrCreate<T> with a 1 min cache duration:

public ActionResult<Product> GetProduct(int id)
    var product = _cache.GetOrCreate<Product>(
        entry => {
            return GetProductFromDb(id);

    if (product is null)
        return NotFound();

    return product;

🏆 Results

Just adding a simple memory cache and caching results from the database for 1 min means that for that whole minute we would not go to the database at all, giving us 1,000 products requested X 100 concurrent requests per each product X 3 nodes = 300,000 req/min, so 3,000,000 requests in 10 min.

Plus, for the 3 minutes when the database is down, nothing will be cached since the factory would throw an exception so in those 3 minutes, all of the 1,000 X 100 X 3 = 300,000 requests will keep being executed every 10 seconds, for an additional 9,000,000 requests.

TOTAL REQUESTS IN 10 MIN: 12,000,000 (before was 18,000,000)

Also, since we are reducing a little bit the number of requests to the database, it will respond a little bit quicker than before, reducing the response time of our own service as well, making it slightly faster.

Memory Cache Results

2) FusionCache

In the previous step we would still have one big problem: multiple concurrent executions of the same factory for the same product id.

You see, the moment something is not in the cache (or is expired) every request will go to the database: in our example we have 100 concurrent requests per each product arriving at the same time, so every single one of them would go to the database whereas it would be sufficient for just one of them to go to the database - per product id - and as soon as having the result from the database every other request for the same product id should be satisfied with the same result.

This is a problem of factory execution coordination, and FusionCache will solve that for us, automatically.

To use FusionCache we simply install the package via the nuget UI (search for the ZiggyCreatures.FusionCache package) or via the nuget package manager console:

PM> Install-Package ZiggyCreatures.FusionCache

Then we go in the Startup.cs file and register it after the MemoryCache registration we already added before:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Finally, we go in our controller and change the constructor param from an IMemoryCache to an IFusionCache :

public class MyController : Controller
    private IFusionCache _cache;

    public MyController(IFusionCache cache)
        _cache = cache;

    // [...]

and slightly change the call in the action, like this:

public ActionResult<Product> GetProduct(int id)
    var product = _cache.GetOrSet<Product>(
        _ => GetProductFromDb(id),
        options => options.SetDuration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))

    if (product is null)
        return NotFound();

    return product;

One last thing: if we like 1 min to be our default cache duration, we can specify that in the registration, like this:

    .WithDefaultEntryOptions(new FusionCacheEntryOptions {
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)

and then we can avoid to specify the duration in each call, leaving us with this:

var product = _cache.GetOrSet<Product>(
    _ => GetProductFromDb(id)

🏆 Results

Just adding FusionCache without doing any extra activity will solve the factory coordination problem we described above so that only 1 factory will be executed concurrently per each product id.

This will give us 1,000 products requested X 1 factory executed per each product (instead of 100) X 3 nodes = 3,000 req/min, for a total of 30,000requests.

Plus, we still have the problem related to those 3 minutes when the database is down, but this time only 1 factory will be called per product instead of 100, for an additional 1,000 X 3 = 3,000 requests that will keep being executed every 10 seconds, for an additional 90,000 requests.

TOTAL REQUESTS IN 10 MIN: 120,000 (before was 12,000,000)

And again, reducing the number of requests to the database (this time by a lot) will have a cascading effect of making the database and our own service a lot faster.

Fusion Cache Results

3) Fail-Safe (more)

Looking at the colors in the graph above we can see we still have a big problem: when the database is down our service is also down (the red parts).

To solve this issue we can enable one of the main features of FusionCache: Fail-Safe.

Fail-Safe is a mechanism that allows the re-use of expired entries in the cache when calling the factory (in our case calling the database) goes wrong. To do that we simply set 3 things:

  • IsFailSafeEnabled: we set this flag to true
  • FailSafeMaxDuration: we specify for how long a value should be usable, even after its logical expiration (say 2 hours)
  • FailSafeThrottleDuration: we also specify for how long an expired value used because of a fail-safe activation should be considered temporarily non-expired, to avoid going to check the database for every consecutive request of an expired value (let's say 30 seconds)

We can do this very easily, either by specifying it per-call, maybe using the available fluent api, like this:

var product = _cache.GetOrSet<Product>(
    _ => GetProductFromDb(id),
    options => options.SetFailSafe(true, TimeSpan.FromHours(2), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))

or, as before, by setting the DefaultEntryOptions object during the registration:

    .WithDefaultEntryOptions(new FusionCacheEntryOptions {
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        IsFailSafeEnabled = true,
        FailSafeMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2),
        FailSafeThrottleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)

🏆 Results

Settings these 3 options will automatically dissolve any downtime in our service: look at graph, no more red 🎉

This is because any problem that may happen while calling the factory - in our case calling the database - to refresh an expired value in the cache will be handled transparently by giving us the expired value, temporarily.

Also, during those 3 minutes of database downtime we will still have a cached value to use (expired, but better than nothing) so only 2 call per minute, since we set FailSafeThrottleDuration to 30 sec.

This will give us 1,000 products requested X 1 factory executed X 3 nodes = 3,000 req/min, for a total of 30,000requests in 10 min.

Plus 1 extra req for each product & node for each of the 3 min where the database is down, so another 9,000 requests.

TOTAL REQUESTS IN 10 MIN: 39,000 (before was 120,000)

Fail-Safe Results

4) Factory Timeouts (more)

The situation is now way better than how it was initially, but here and there we are still a little slow becuase of some latency spikes when we go to the database.

Wouldn't it be nice if FusionCache would simply give us back the expired value (if any) when a factory takes too long? Also the timed out factory should keep running in the background so that - if and when the factory successfully completes - it can immediately update the cache so that the new value would be available right away without waiting for the next expiration time to occur?

Luckily, just setting the factory timeouts does exactly that, so let's do it in the registration:

    .WithDefaultEntryOptions(new FusionCacheEntryOptions {
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        IsFailSafeEnabled = true,
        FailSafeMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2),
        FailSafeThrottleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),

        FactorySoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
        FactoryHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500)

From now on if a factory gets called and there's a fallback value to use, it will never take more than 100 ms, ever.

One small note: the fact that a timed-out factory will keep running in the background and update the cache is driven by an additional option, AllowTimedOutFactoryBackgroundCompletion. We did not set this option because is true by default.

⚠️ As an additional example, we also set FactoryHardTimeout to 1.5 sec so that - even without a fallback value - a factory cannot last more than 1.5 sec, ever: of course this means that when a hard timeout kicks in an exception will be thrown (of type SyntheticTimeoutException), and we'll have to handle it ourself, so we should keep this in mind.

🏆 Results

Now all latency spikes are gone, and every request will not take more than 100 ms: look at that, only green 🎉

The number of database requests in this case remains the same.

TOTAL REQUESTS IN 10 MIN: 39,000 (same as before, but no more spikes!)

Factory Timeouts Results

5) Distributed cache (more)

Now everything is great on every node, but each node goes to the database for the same data, without sharing it with the other nodes that probably already did the same, and that is a waste.

We can do better: we can add a distributed cache.

On premise or in the cloud, you can choose whichever you want (Redis, Memcached, MongoDB, etc) as long as an implementation of the standard IDistributedCache interface exists, and there are a lot of them.

But distributed caches do not work with object instances like memory caches, they work with binary data where the value you get/set is of type byte[] so FusionCache also needs a serializer to be able to integrate with them.

To do that we just pick one of the existing implementations (eg: based on Newtonsoft Json.NET or System.Text.Json, available in various packages on nuget) or we can roll our own: we just need to implement an interface with 4 methods (Serialize + Deserialize + SerializeAsync + DeserializeAsync).

Let's say we want to use Redis as a distributed cache and a serializer based on Newtonsoft Json.NET, so what should we do?

We install the specific packages:

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis
PM> Install-Package ZiggyCreatures.FusionCache.Serialization.NewtonsoftJson

and add the registration during startup:

    .WithDefaultEntryOptions(new FusionCacheEntryOptions {
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        IsFailSafeEnabled = true,
        FailSafeMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2),
        FailSafeThrottleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),

        FactorySoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
        FactoryHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500)
        new FusionCacheNewtonsoftJsonSerializer()
        new RedisCache(new RedisCacheOptions() { Configuration = "CONNECTION STRING" })

That's all we need to do.

🏆 Results

Since it's typically unlikely that all 3 nodes are perfectly synchronized, even a 100 ms difference in the timing at which the requests come in at each node means that probably another node already got the data from the database and updated the distributed cache: in this case the other nodes will use the value from there and not go to the database.

Let's say this happens 30% of the time, this means 30% less requests than before.

TOTAL REQUESTS IN 10 MIN: around 27,000 (before was 39,000)

We can also observe that, even though when the distributed cache is down it does not take down the service (since it is considered a secondary layer) we can see that our latency got impacted by it and some parts of our nice graph became yellow again.

Keep reading to find out how to easily solve that.

Distributed Cache Results

6) Distributed cache options

Since the distributed cache is a secondary system and we want it to impact our service as little as possible in case it has problems (if it's slow or completely down) we set:

  • DefaultEntryOptions.DistributedCacheSoftTimeout and DefaultEntryOptions.DistributedCacheHardTimeout are like the ones for the factory, but for distributed cache operations

  • DefaultEntryOptions.AllowBackgroundDistributedCacheOperations set to true will not wait for most distributed cache operations to complete, since they typically have no effect locally (but be aware of some edge side effects, like values in the distributed cache not being immediately updated after a method call returns)

  • DistributedCacheCircuitBreakerDuration to temporarily disable the distributed cache in case of hard errors so that, if the distributed cache is having issues, it will have less requests to handle and maybe it will be able to get back on its feet

Again, we set these options at registration time:

    .WithOptions(options => {
        options.DistributedCacheCircuitBreakerDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
    .WithDefaultEntryOptions(new FusionCacheEntryOptions {
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        IsFailSafeEnabled = true,
        FailSafeMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2),
        FailSafeThrottleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),

        FactorySoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
        FactoryHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500),

        DistributedCacheSoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        DistributedCacheHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
        AllowBackgroundDistributedCacheOperations = true
        new FusionCacheNewtonsoftJsonSerializer()
        new RedisCache(new RedisCacheOptions() { Configuration = "CONNECTION STRING" })

🏆 Results

No more latency spikes, again 🎉

TOTAL REQUESTS IN 10 MIN: still 27,000 (but no more spikes)

Distributed Cache Options Results

7) Jittering

To reduce even more the probabilty of cache entries expiring at the same time on different nodes we can add a little random variation to each entry's expiration.

To do that we simply set the DefaultEntryOptions.JitterMaxDuration to a maximum value: each time an entry will be saved in the memory cache a random duration between 0 and JitterMaxDuration will be added to the normal duration.

    .WithOptions(options => {
        options.DistributedCacheCircuitBreakerDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
    .WithDefaultEntryOptions(new FusionCacheEntryOptions {
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        IsFailSafeEnabled = true,
        FailSafeMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2),
        FailSafeThrottleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),

        FactorySoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
        FactoryHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500),

        DistributedCacheSoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        DistributedCacheHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
        AllowBackgroundDistributedCacheOperations = true,

        // JITTERING
        JitterMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)
        new FusionCacheNewtonsoftJsonSerializer()
        new RedisCache(new RedisCacheOptions() { Configuration = "CONNECTION STRING" })

🏆 Results

As said this should increase the probabilty that when something expires in the memory cache, the new value will be already available in the distributed cache.

Let's say this gives us another 20% of the original 39,000 so that (30% + 20%) = 50% of the times the data needed will be already fresh in the distributed cache, put there by one of the 3 nodes.

TOTAL REQUESTS IN 10 MIN: around 19,000 (before was 27,000)

Fail-Safe Results

8) Backplane (more)

Now that we are using a distributed cache we basically have a single version of each piece of data in a central place, right?

Well yes, but we also have a copy of that data in each node's memory cache, and what happens when one of those pieces of data changes? The result is that after the change, each cache entry would not be synchronized with the most updated version, at least until each entry expires and gets the new version from the distributed cache or the database.

One way to try to avoid this would be to have a very low cache Duration, but that would also mean having more requests to the distributed cache and to the database.

A similar approach can be to have different durations for the 1st layer (memory) and the 2nd layer (distributed cache), by setting a very low Duration (say, 1 min) and a higher DistributedCacheDuration (say, 10 min) so that, at most, each node would have their own memory cache not synched for a 1 min at most, and then any change would be taken from the distributed cache.

Both of these solutions can be a fine mitigation and work in some situations, but they are not a real solution to the problem that would work in every scenario.

So how to to solve this issue completely? Use a backplane.

Let's say we want to use Redis as a backplane infrastructure, since we are already using it as a distributed cache.

We simply install the specific package:

PM> Install-Package ZiggyCreatures.FusionCache.Backplane.StackExchangeRedis

and add the registration during startup:

    .WithOptions(options => {
        options.DistributedCacheCircuitBreakerDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
    .WithDefaultEntryOptions(new FusionCacheEntryOptions {
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        IsFailSafeEnabled = true,
        FailSafeMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2),
        FailSafeThrottleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),

        FactorySoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
        FactoryHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500),

        DistributedCacheSoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        DistributedCacheHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
        AllowBackgroundDistributedCacheOperations = true,

        JitterMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)
        new FusionCacheNewtonsoftJsonSerializer()
        new RedisCache(new RedisCacheOptions() { Configuration = "CONNECTION STRING" })
        new RedisBackplane(new RedisBackplaneOptions() { Configuration = "CONNECTION STRING" })

That's all we need to do: FusionCache will automatically start using it, sending eviction notifications to all other nodes as soon as something is set (via either the Set or GetOrSet methods) or removed (via the Remove method).

🏆 Results

The first result is that everything is beautifully synchronized.

The second is that, since at every change all the other nodes will evict their local copy and get a new one only if and when needed from the distributed cache, it is possible this would consume slightly less memory on each node and also add more variation to the related cache entries expiration, making it less frequent that multiple requests to the database would be needed at the same time on different nodes.

Let's say this gives us another 20% of the original 39,000 so that (50% + 20%) = 70% of the times the data needed will be already fresh in the distributed cache, put there by one of the 3 nodes.

TOTAL REQUESTS IN 10 MIN: around 12,000 (before was 19,000 + everything is now synchronized)

Backplane Results

9) Logging (more)

Robustness, performance and data synchronization are now in a very good shape, but there's one more thing we can do to do well in a production environment: logging.

FusionCache supports the standard .NET ILogger<T> interface, so that any compatible implementation works out of the box (think Serilog, NLog, Application Insights, etc): this may help us investigate complicated situations with ease, since it can log a lot of details otherwise unavailable.

Like, really a lot, and it has been designed this way.

When we enable logging in a well oiled infrastructure everything will probably be fine, but if the infrastructure is frequently overloaded and your factories and/or distributed cache operations do timeout a lot or encounter various problems, logs can grow quite fast.

To avoid this we can:

  • customize some of the logging levels used per each type of activity
  • set the logger's minimum level to something high, for example LogLevel.Warning, so that everything lower than that will not be logged

Here is an example where we set (somewhere else, depending of the specific logger used) the minimum log level to LogLevel.Warning and we don't care to log every time a factory or a distributed cache operation does a timeout (since the infrastructure is not in perfect shape) but we want a LogLevel.Error for every other kind of problem and also an LogLevel.Warning every time the serialization from/to the distributed cache fails:

    .WithOptions(options => {
        options.DistributedCacheCircuitBreakerDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);

        options.FailSafeActivationLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug;
        options.SerializationErrorsLogLevel = LogLevel.Warning;
        options.DistributedCacheSyntheticTimeoutsLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug;
        options.DistributedCacheErrorsLogLevel = LogLevel.Error;
        options.FactorySyntheticTimeoutsLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug;
        options.FactoryErrorsLogLevel = LogLevel.Error;
    .WithDefaultEntryOptions(new FusionCacheEntryOptions {
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        IsFailSafeEnabled = true,
        FailSafeMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2),
        FailSafeThrottleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),

        FactorySoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
        FactoryHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500),

        DistributedCacheSoftTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        DistributedCacheHardTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
        AllowBackgroundDistributedCacheOperations = true,

        JitterMaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)
        new FusionCacheNewtonsoftJsonSerializer()
        new RedisCache(new RedisCacheOptions() { Configuration = "CONNECTION STRING" })
        new RedisBackplane(new RedisBackplaneOptions() { Configuration = "CONNECTION STRING" })

🏆 Results

This will reduce the amount of logged data a lot, consuming less bandwidth and storage (and spending less money) while giving us less background noise when troubleshooting a production issue.

10) OpenTelemetry (more)

Logging is great, but nowadays we can do even more to have a clearer view of our production systems, and maybe react to what is happening to prevent problems: full observability with traces and metrics.

FusionCache has native support for OpenTelemetry: Jaeger, Prometheus, and any other compatible tool/service out there are supported.

We just add it during setup:

  .WithTracing(tracing => tracing
    .AddConsoleExporter() // OR ANY ANOTHER EXPORTER
  .WithMetrics(metrics => metrics
    .AddConsoleExporter() // OR ANY ANOTHER EXPORTER

With this, we'll be able to get a clear picture of what is going on in production, right away:

An example of the visibility obtainable by using OpenTelemetry, in this case thanks to the Honeycomb SAAS

That's all, it just works 🥳