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File metadata and controls

56 lines (38 loc) · 1.33 KB

If you wish to contribute to enhancing vim-one, please feel free to do so. Open a pull request and I'll be happy to review it.

Adding support for a new language

  • Crack open colors/one.vim
  • Create a new "section" for your language, the languages are alphabetically sorted

Sample section

  " C/C++ highlighting ------------------------------------------------------{{{
  " }}}

  • Start hacking

There is one function you should call:

call <sid>X('cInclude',           s:hue_3,  '', '')

The arguments are:

  • The highlight
  • Foreground color
  • Background color
  • Decoration (bold, italic, underline or any combination), for example 'bold,italic'


Highlights are defined in vim syntax files, there is no real standard, but some of them are really "mainstream", for instance elixir-lang/vim-elixir for Elixir.

I have these two following mapping in my vimrc

" Display highlight information
nnoremap <leader>ii :echo synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')<CR>

" Display highlighting groups
nnoremap <leader>hi :so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim<cr>

The first one <leader>ii displays the name of the hightlight the cursor is on. The second one <leader>hi lists all the highlights that are defined, bear in mind that syntaxes are loaded dynamically by Vim.

Happy colorscheming...