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Editor's drafts for main branch of pre-ietf-120-cutoff

+ + + + + + +
Use of HPKE in JOSEplain textdiff with main
+ + diff --git a/pre-ietf-120-cutoff/draft-ietf-jose-hpke-encrypt.txt b/pre-ietf-120-cutoff/draft-ietf-jose-hpke-encrypt.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aa1244 --- /dev/null +++ b/pre-ietf-120-cutoff/draft-ietf-jose-hpke-encrypt.txt @@ -0,0 +1,896 @@ + + + + +JOSE T. Reddy +Internet-Draft Nokia +Intended status: Standards Track H. Tschofenig +Expires: 8 January 2025 + A. Banerjee + Nokia + O. Steele + Transmute + M. Jones + Self-Issued Consulting + 7 July 2024 + + +Use of Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) with JSON Object Signing and + Encryption (JOSE) + draft-ietf-jose-hpke-encrypt-latest + +Abstract + + This specification defines Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) for + use with JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE). HPKE offers a + variant of public key encryption of arbitrary-sized plaintexts for a + recipient public key. + + HPKE works for any combination of an asymmetric key encapsulation + mechanism (KEM), key derivation function (KDF), and authenticated + encryption with additional data (AEAD) function. Authentication for + HPKE in JOSE is provided by JOSE-native security mechanisms or by one + of the authenticated variants of HPKE. + + This document defines the use of the HPKE with JOSE. + +About This Document + + This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC. + + Status information for this document may be found at + https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-jose-hpke-encrypt/. + + Discussion of this document takes place on the jose Working Group + mailing list (mailto:jose@ietf.org), which is archived at + https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/jose/. Subscribe at + https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/jose/. + +Status of This Memo + + This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the + provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. + + Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering + Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute + working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet- + Drafts is at https://datatracker.ietf.org/drafts/current/. + + Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months + and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any + time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference + material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." + + This Internet-Draft will expire on 8 January 2025. + +Copyright Notice + + Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the + document authors. All rights reserved. + + This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal + Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/ + license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. + Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights + and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components + extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as + described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are + provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License. + +Table of Contents + + 1. Introduction + 2. Conventions and Definitions + 3. Conventions and Terminology + 4. HPKE for JOSE + 4.1. Overview + 4.2. HPKE Encryption + 4.3. HPKE Decryption + 4.4. Encapsulated JSON Web Keys + 4.4.1. HPKE Direct Encryption + 4.4.2. HPKE Key Encryption + 5. Ciphersuite Registration + 6. Security Considerations + 6.1. Plaintext Compression + 6.2. Header Parameters + 6.3. Ensure Cryptographic Keys Have Sufficient Entropy + 6.4. Validate Cryptographic Inputs + 6.5. Use Appropriate Algorithms + 7. IANA Considerations + 7.1. JSON Web Key Types + 7.2. JSON Web Key Parameters + 7.3. JSON Web Signature and Encryption Algorithms + 7.4. JSON Web Signature and Encryption Header Parameters + 8. References + 8.1. Normative References + 8.2. Informative References + Acknowledgments + Document History + Authors' Addresses + +1. Introduction + + Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) [RFC9180] is a scheme that + provides public key encryption of arbitrary-sized plaintexts given a + recipient's public key. + + This specification enables JSON Web Encryption (JWE) to leverage + HPKE, bringing support for KEMs and the possibility of Post Quantum + or Hybrid KEMs to JWE. + +2. Conventions and Definitions + + The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", + "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and + "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in + BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all + capitals, as shown here. + +3. Conventions and Terminology + + This specification uses the following abbreviations and terms: + + * Key Type (kty), see [RFC7517]. + + * Content Encryption Key (CEK), is defined in [RFC7517]. + + * Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) is defined in [RFC9180]. + + * pkR is the public key of the recipient, as defined in [RFC9180]. + + * skR is the private key of the recipient, as defined in [RFC9180]. + + * Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM), see [RFC9180]. + + * Key Derivation Function (KDF), see [RFC9180]. + + * Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD), see + [RFC9180]. + + * Additional Authenticated Data (AAD), see [RFC9180]. + +4. HPKE for JOSE + +4.1. Overview + + JSON Web Encryption (JWE) [RFC7516] defines several serializations + for expressing encrypted content with JSON: + + * Compact JWE Serialization + + * General JWE JSON Serialization + + * Flattened JWE JSON Serialization + + JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) Section 4.6 of [RFC7518] defines two ways + to use public key cryptography with JWE: + + * Direct Key Agreement + + * Key Agreement with Key Wrapping + + The specification enables Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) + [RFC9180] to be used with the serializations defined in JWE. + + Unless otherwise stated, no changes to the processes described in + [RFC7516] have been made. + + This specification describes two modes of use for HPKE in JWE: + + * HPKE Direct Encryption mode, where HPKE is used to encrypt the + plaintext. This mode can only be used with a single recipient. + This setup is conceptually similar to Direct Key Agreement. + + * HPKE Key Encryption mode, where HPKE is used to encrypt a content + encryption key (CEK) and the CEK is subsequently used to encrypt + the plaintext. This mode supports multiple recipients. This + setup is conceptually similar to Key Agreement with Key Wrapping. + + When the alg value or enc value is set to any of algorithms + registered by this specification then the 'epk' header parameter MUST + be present, and it MUST be a JSON Web Key as defined in Section 4.4 + of this document. + + The "ek" member of an 'epk' will contain the base64url encoded "enc" + value produced by the encapsulate operation of the HPKE KEM. + + In all serializations, "ct" will be base64url encoded. + + If the 'alg' header parameter is set to the "dir" value (as defined + in Section 7), HPKE is used in Direct Encryption mode; otherwise, it + is in Key Encryption mode. + + Interested readers will observe this is due to all recipients using + the same JWE Protected Header when JSON Serializations are used, as + described in Section 7.2.1 of [RFC7516]. + + We provide the following table for additional clarity: + + +============+============+================+============+=========+ + | Name | Recipients | Serializations | Content |Similar | + | | | | Encryption |to | + | | | | Key | | + +============+============+================+============+=========+ + | Direct | 1 | Compact, JSON | Derived |Direct | + | Encryption | | | from HPKE |Key | + | | | | |Agreement| + +------------+------------+----------------+------------+---------+ + | Key | 1 or More | Compact, JSON | Encrypted |Key | + | Encryption | | | by HPKE |Agreement| + | | | | |with Key | + | | | | |Wrapping | + +------------+------------+----------------+------------+---------+ + + Table 1: JOSE HPKE Serializations and Modes + +4.2. HPKE Encryption + + The message encryption process is as follows. + + 1. The sending HPKE context is created by invoking invoking + SetupBaseS() (Section 5.1.1 of [RFC9180]) with the recipient's + public key "pkR" and "info". The HPKE specification defines the + "info" parameter as a context information structure that is used + to ensure that the derived keying material is bound to the + context of the transaction. The SetupBaseS function will be + called with the default value of an empty string for the 'info' + parameter. This yields the context "sctxt" and an encapsulation + key "enc". + + There exist two cases of HPKE plaintext which need to be + distinguished: + + * In HPKE Direct Encryption mode, the plaintext "pt" passed into + Seal is the content to be encrypted. Hence, there is no + intermediate layer utilizing a CEK. + + * In HPKE Key Encryption mode, the plaintext "pt" passed into Seal + is the CEK. The CEK is a random byte sequence of length + appropriate for the encryption algorithm. For example, AES- + 128-GCM requires a 16 byte key and the CEK would therefore be 16 + bytes long. + +4.3. HPKE Decryption + + The recipient will create the receiving HPKE context by invoking + SetupBaseR() (Section 5.1.1 of [RFC9180]) with "skR", "enc" (output + of base64url decoded 'ek'), and "info" (empty string). This yields + the context "rctxt". The receiver then decrypts "ct" by invoking the + Open() method on "rctxt" (Section 5.2 of [RFC9180]) with "aad", + yielding "pt" or an error on failure. + + The Open function will, if successful, decrypts "ct". When + decrypted, the result will be either the CEK (when Key Encryption + mode is used), or the content (if Direct Encryption mode is used). + The CEK is the symmetric key used to decrypt the ciphertext. + +4.4. Encapsulated JSON Web Keys + + An encapsulated key is represented as JSON Web Key as described in { + Section 4 of RFC7515 }. + + The "kty" parameter MUST be "EK". + + The "ek" parameter MUST be present, and MUST be the base64url encoded + output of the encap operation defined for the HPKE KEM. + + As described in { Section 4 of RFC7515 }, additional members can be + present in the JWK; if not understood by implementations encountering + them, they MUST be ignored. + + This example demonstrates the representaton of an encapsulated key as + a JWK. + + { + "kty": "EK", + "ek": "BHpP-u5JKziyUpqxNQqb0apHx1ecH2UzcRlhHR4ngJVS__gNu21DqqgPweu + PpjglnXDnOuQ4kt9tHCs3PUzPxQs" + } + +4.4.1. HPKE Direct Encryption + + This mode only supports a single recipient. + + HPKE is employed to directly encrypt the plaintext, and the resulting + ciphertext is included in the JWE ciphertext. + + In HPKE Direct Encryption mode: + + * The "epk" Header Parameter MUST be present, it MUST contain an + Encapsulated JSON Web Key and it MUST occur only within the JWE + Protected Header. + + * The "alg" Header Parameter MUST be "dir", "enc" MUST be an HPKE + algorithm from JSON Web Signature and Encryption Algorithms in + [JOSE-IANA] and they MUST occur only within the JWE Protected + Header. + + * The JWE Ciphertext MUST be the resulting HPKE ciphertext ('ct' + value) encoded using base64url. + + * The JWE Initialization Vector value MUST be absent. + + * The JWE Authentication Tag MUST be absent. + + * The JWE Encrypted Key MUST be absent. + + * The HPKE "aad" parameter MUST be set to the JWE Additional + Authenticated Data encryption parameter defined in Step 14 of + Section 5.1 of [RFC7516] as input. + + The following example demonstrates the use of Direct Encryption with + Compact Serialization: + + Note that newlines are for readability. + + eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJIUEtFLUJhc2UtUDI1Ni1TSEEyNTYtQUVTMTI4R0NNIi + wiZXBrIjp7Imt0eSI6IkVLIiwiZWsiOiJCR05ranp0MDc2YnNSR2o3OGFYNUF6VF9IRU9K + QmJZOXEyWm9fNWU3dGJLMGFQcXU0ZVQxV0kxNmp2UmxacXBNeXFaZlAtUndSNEp3dGF6Xz + hVOXRoWEEifX0...DG3qygxcMHw3iACy5mX_T4N4EqWc03W0nkTHjMJsC4nb6JS6vVj6wT + Gdlr5TOSr0ykaoyzpePXEvEyHhvpUwCyQQr6kbGlGuZsrJdUbZ728vmA. + + Figure 1: Direct Encryption with Compact Serialization + + In the above example, the JWE Protected Header value is: + + { + "alg": "dir", + "enc": "HPKE-P256-SHA256-A128GCM", + "epk": { + "kty": "EK", + "ek": + "BGNkjzt076bsRGj78aX5AzT_HEOJBbY9q2Zo_5e7tbK0aPqu4eT1WI16jvRlZqpM + yqZfP-RwR4Jwtaz_8U9thXA" + } + } + + { + "protected": "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJIUEtFLUJhc2UtUDI1Ni1TSEE + yNTYtQUVTMTI4R0NNIiwiZXBrIjp7Imt0eSI6IkVLIiwiZWsiOiJCTzRFbGZXd0xK + RDZWcERza3c5LWxWMm9OMDJ2U1FKTW55ZHk3enhvSVlKZ1kydk9taE44Q1BqSHdRM + 1NONkhTcnNHNElacVpHVUR3dExKZjBoeHFTWGsifX0", + "ciphertext": "1ATsw0jshqPrv8CFcm9Rem9Wfi1Ygv30sozlRTtNNzcaaZ828G + qP0AXtqQ1Msv8YXI9XZqh81MK3QnlZ7pOBC1BP7j00J1rrHujdb3zvnOpmJg" + } + + Figure 2: Direct Encryption with JSON Serialization + + In the above example, the JWE Protected Header value is: + + { + "alg": "dir", + "enc": "HPKE-P256-SHA256-A128GCM", + "epk": { + "kty": "EK", + "ek": "BGNkjzt076bsRGj78aX5AzT_HEOJBbY9q2Zo_5e7tbK0aPqu4eT1WI16jv + RlZqpMyqZfP-RwR4Jwtaz_8U9thXA" + } + } + +4.4.2. HPKE Key Encryption + + This mode supports more than one recipient. + + HPKE is used to encrypt the Content Encryption Key (CEK), and the + resulting ciphertext is included in the JWE Encrypted Key. The + plaintext will be encrypted using the CEK as explained in Step 15 of + Section 5.1 of [RFC7516]. + + When there are multiple recipients, the sender MUST place the 'epk' + parameter in the per-recipient unprotected header to indicate the use + of HPKE. In this case, the 'enc' (Encryption Algorithm) Header + Parameter MUST be a content encryption algorithm from JSON Web + Signature and Encryption Algorithms in [JOSE-IANA], and it MUST be + present in the JWE Protected Header. The integrity-protected 'enc' + parameter provides protection against an attacker who manipulates the + encryption algorithm in the 'enc' parameter. This attack is + discussed in [I-D.draft-ietf-lamps-cms-cek-hkdf-sha256]. + + In HPKE Key Encryption mode: + + * The JWE Encrypted Key MUST be the resulting HPKE ciphertext ('ct' + value) encoded using base64url. + + The following example demonstrates the use of Key Encryption with + General JSON Serialization: + + { + "protected": "eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIn0", + "ciphertext": "S0qqrM3xXPUavbmL9LQkgUKRBu8BZ7DQWoT-mdNIZVU-ip_V-fbM + okiGwp2aPM57DX3cXCK3TKHqdhZ8rSNduUja", + "iv": "AzaXpooLg3ZxEASQ", + "aad": "8J-SgCBhYWQ", + "tag": "S0omWw35S0H7tyEHsmGLDw", + "recipients": [ + { + "encrypted_key": "yDVZLsO7-ecy_GCgEluwn9U723TCHNAzeYRRQPOfpHM", + "header": { + "kid": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:jwk-thumbprint:sha-256:adjwW6fy + yZ94ZBjGjx_OpDEKHLGfd1ELkug_YmRAjCk", + "alg": "HPKE-P256-SHA256-A128GCM", + "epk": { + "kty": "EK", + "ek": "BHpP-u5JKziyUpqxNQqb0apHx1ecH2UzcRlhHR4ngJVS__gNu21D + qqgPweuPpjglnXDnOuQ4kt9tHCs3PUzPxQs" + } + } + }, + { + "encrypted_key": "iS73TFqJ61gkmh4DHAXADx4wyftA7pnY", + "header": { + "kid": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:jwk-thumbprint:sha-256:D2FKlj9M + TIQma5bwdOVXk5Zh3_d60knzlbmD-SyMNAI", + "alg": "ECDH-ES+A128KW", + "epk": { + "kty": "EC", + "crv": "P-256", + "x": "nX6Y3DWC0olVe5H7-NkCzVDghsYSa_L9da3jzkHYkV8", + "y": "wDshQdcaY0J08wx25V3ystQSNe_qjsCaaFeeRWJqcE0" + } + } + } + ] + } + + Figure 3: Key Encryption (multiple recipient) General JSON + Serialization + + In the above example, the JWE Protected Header value is: + + { + "enc": "A128GCM" + } + + { + "protected": "eyJhbGciOiAiSFBLRS1CYXNlLVAyNTYtU0hBMjU2LUFFUzEyOEdDT + SIsImVuYyI6IkExMjhHQ00iLCJlcGsiOnsia3R5IjoiRUsiLCJlayI6IkJQUlRLbjht + UUw0aE4xYXlva1I4Z2twVHk1SFFsZDROMEhYWEI5Y1h0alVJUTM3enNKREw3VHVnVmt + tRDFhRllUeC0wYk0wdGZ4emVqTGN0U0RLak1RcyJ9fQ", + "encrypted_key": "zR0ArfrVVRQ9-X_heDU2riwx36QxLBffRrKAWU-tLC4", + "iv": "o3v11Hw6gUxUN-pY", + "ciphertext": "Ny-2IDGHMI3MzVsUAVMGNoKAZfoewTZ1dkAIBikPy4eZUfHW_LPh + hKpD6Mf4zYGkhAeLwGgJKjyDoFIj0EuDsEtJ", + "tag": "0sfzHJvxVoWt02EPxMTh8w" + } + + Figure 4: Key Encryption (single recipient) Flattened JSON + Serialization + + In the above example, the JWE Protected Header value is: + + { + + "alg": "HPKE-P256-SHA256-A128GCM", + "enc": "A128GCM", + "epk": { + "kty": "EK", + "ek": "BPRTKn8mQL4hN1ayokR8gkpTy5HQld4N0HXXB9cXtjUIQ37zsJDL7TugVk + mD1aFYTx-0bM0tfxzejLctSDKjMQs" + } + } + + eyJhbGciOiAiSFBLRS1CYXNlLVAyNTYtU0hBMjU2LUFFUzEyOEdDTSIsImVuYyI6IkExM + jhHQ00iLCJlcGsiOnsia3R5IjoiRUsiLCJlayI6IkJKN3JkTmJrdnd1bnNzZGp1NVdEa0 + FhekxhQlgzSWRjTFJqeTFSRFNBOXNpajAwamR5YmFIdVFQVHQ2UDMxQmkwbkUya1lXXzd + MX3RhQXFBRks3NURlayJ9fQ.xaAa0nFxNJxsQQ5J6EFdzUYROd2aV517o2kZnfwhO7s.A + gBYEWTj-EMji17I.Ejwu2iEP4xs3FfGO_zTZYu35glQmUvd_qpHpvB1hNqg6Yz5ek3NsZ + RGMzd--HYWvABNslxBkRwrkZDXnv_BTgOTj.u0ac86ipoAwUZuYwkaKwNw + + Figure 5: Key Encryption (single recipient) Compact + + In the above example, the JWE Protected Header value is: + + { + "alg": "HPKE-P256-SHA256-A128GCM", + "enc": "A128GCM", + "epk": { + "kty": "EK", + "ek": "BJ7rdNbkvwunssdju5WDkAazLaBX3IdcLRjy1RDSA9sij00jdybaHuQPTt + 6P31Bi0nE2kYW_7L_taAqAFK75Dek" + } + } + +5. Ciphersuite Registration + + This specification registers a number of ciphersuites for use with + HPKE. A ciphersuite is a group of algorithms, often sharing + component algorithms such as hash functions, targeting a security + level. An HPKE ciphersuite, is composed of the following choices: + + * HPKE Mode + + * KEM Algorithm + + * KDF Algorithm + + * AEAD Algorithm + + The "KEM", "KDF", and "AEAD" values are chosen from the HPKE IANA + registry [HPKE-IANA]. + + For readability the algorithm ciphersuites labels are built according + to the following scheme: + + HPKE--- + + The "HPKE Mode" is described in Table 1 of [RFC9180]: + + * "Base" refers to "mode_base" described in Section 5.1.1 of + [RFC9180], which only enables encryption to the holder of a given + KEM private key. + + * "PSK" refers to "mode_psk", described in Section 5.1.2 of + [RFC9180], which authenticates using a pre-shared key. + + * "Auth" refers to "mode_auth", described in Section 5.1.3 of + [RFC9180], which authenticates using an asymmetric key. + + * "Auth_Psk" refers to "mode_auth_psk", described in Section 5.1.4 + of [RFC9180], which authenticates using both a PSK and an + asymmetric key. + + Implementations detect the use of modes by inspecting header + parameters. + + For a list of ciphersuite registrations, please see Section 7. + +6. Security Considerations + + This specification is based on HPKE and the security considerations + of [RFC9180] are therefore applicable also to this specification. + + HPKE assumes the sender is in possession of the public key of the + recipient and HPKE JOSE makes the same assumptions. Hence, some form + of public key distribution mechanism is assumed to exist but outside + the scope of this document. + + HPKE in Base mode does not offer authentication as part of the HPKE + KEM. In this case JOSE constructs like JWS and JSON Web Tokens + (JWTs) can be used to add authentication. HPKE also offers modes + that offer authentication. + + HPKE relies on a source of randomness to be available on the device. + In Key Agreement with Key Wrapping mode, CEK has to be randomly + generated and it MUST be ensured that the guidelines in [RFC8937] for + random number generations are followed. + +6.1. Plaintext Compression + + Implementers are advised to review Section 3.6 of [RFC8725], which + states: Compression of data SHOULD NOT be done before encryption, + because such compressed data often reveals information about the + plaintext. + +6.2. Header Parameters + + Implementers are advised to review Section 3.10 of [RFC8725], which + comments on application processing of JWE Protected Headers. + Additionally, Unprotected Headers can contain similar information + which an attacker could leverage to mount denial of service, forgery + or injection attacks. + +6.3. Ensure Cryptographic Keys Have Sufficient Entropy + + Implementers are advised to review Section 3.5 of [RFC8725], which + provides comments on entropy requirements for keys. This guidance is + relevant to both public and private keys used in both Key Encryption + and Direct Encryption. Additionally, this guidance is applicable to + content encryption keys used in Key Encryption mode. + +6.4. Validate Cryptographic Inputs + + Implementers are advised to review Section 3.4 of [RFC8725], which + provides comments on the validation of cryptographic inputs. This + guidance is relevant to both public and private keys used in both Key + Encryption and Direct Encryption, specifically focusing on the + structure of the public and private keys, as well as the 'ek' value. + These inputs are crucial for the HPKE KEM operations. + +6.5. Use Appropriate Algorithms + + Implementers are advised to review Section 3.2 of [RFC8725], which + comments on the selection of appropriate algorithms. This is + guidance is relevant to both Key Encryption and Direct Encryption. + When using Key Encryption, the strength of the content encryption + algorithm should not be significantly different from the strengh of + the Key Encryption algorithms used. + +7. IANA Considerations + + This document adds entries to [JOSE-IANA]. + +7.1. JSON Web Key Types + + The following entry is added to the "JSON Web Key Types" registry: + + * "kty" Parameter Value: "EK" + + * Key Type Description: HPKE Encapsulated Key Type (See issue #18) + + * JOSE Implementation Requirements: Optional + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + +7.2. JSON Web Key Parameters + + The following entry is added to the "JSON Web Key Parameters" + registry: + + * Parameter Name: "ek" + + * Parameter Description: Encapsulated Key + + * Parameter Information Class: Public + + * Used with "kty" Value(s): "EK" + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + +7.3. JSON Web Signature and Encryption Algorithms + + The following entries are added to the "JSON Web Signature and + Encryption Algorithms" registry: + + * Algorithm Name: HPKE-P256-SHA256-A128GCM + + * Algorithm Description: Cipher suite for JOSE-HPKE in Base Mode + that uses the DHKEM(P-256, HKDF-SHA256) KEM, the HKDF-SHA256 KDF + and the AES-128-GCM AEAD. + + * Algorithm Usage Location(s): "alg, enc" + + * JOSE Implementation Requirements: Optional + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + + * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): TODO + + * Algorithm Name: HPKE-P384-SHA384-A256GCM + + * Algorithm Description: Cipher suite for JOSE-HPKE in Base Mode + that uses the DHKEM(P-384, HKDF-SHA384) KEM, the HKDF-SHA384 KDF, + and the AES-256-GCM AEAD. + + * Algorithm Usage Location(s): "alg, enc" + + * JOSE Implementation Requirements: Optional + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + + * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): TODO + + * Algorithm Name: HPKE-P521-SHA512-A256GCM + + * Algorithm Description: Cipher suite for JOSE-HPKE in Base Mode + that uses the DHKEM(P-521, HKDF-SHA512) KEM, the HKDF-SHA512 KDF, + and the AES-256-GCM AEAD. + + * Algorithm Usage Location(s): "alg, enc" + + * JOSE Implementation Requirements: Optional + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + + * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): TODO + + * Algorithm Name: HPKE-X25519-SHA256-A128GCM + + * Algorithm Description: Cipher suite for JOSE-HPKE in Base Mode + that uses the DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256) KEM, the HKDF-SHA256 KDF, + and the AES-128-GCM AEAD. + + * Algorithm Usage Location(s): "alg, enc" + + * JOSE Implementation Requirements: Optional + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + + * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): TODO + + * Algorithm Name: HPKE-X25519-SHA256-ChaCha20Poly1305 + + * Algorithm Description: Cipher suite for JOSE-HPKE in Base Mode + that uses the DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256) KEM, the HKDF-SHA256 KDF, + and the ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD. + + * Algorithm Usage Location(s): "alg, enc" + + * JOSE Implementation Requirements: Optional + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + + * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): TODO + + * Algorithm Name: HPKE-X448-SHA512-A256GCM + + * Algorithm Description: Cipher suite for JOSE-HPKE in Base Mode + that uses the DHKEM(X448, HKDF-SHA512) KEM, the HKDF-SHA512 KDF, + and the AES-256-GCM AEAD. + + * Algorithm Usage Location(s): "alg, enc" + + * JOSE Implementation Requirements: Optional + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + + * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): TODO + + * Algorithm Name: HPKE-X448-SHA512-ChaCha20Poly1305 + + * Algorithm Description: Cipher suite for JOSE-HPKE in Base Mode + that uses the DHKEM(X448, HKDF-SHA512) KEM, the HKDF-SHA512 KDF, + and the ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD. + + * Algorithm Usage Location(s): "alg, enc" + + * JOSE Implementation Requirements: Optional + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + + * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): TODO + +7.4. JSON Web Signature and Encryption Header Parameters + + The following entries are added to the "JSON Web Key Parameters" + registry: + + * Parameter Name: "psk_id" + + * Parameter Description: A key identifier (kid) for the pre-shared + key as defined in { Section 5.1.1 of RFC9180 } + + * Parameter Information Class: Public + + * Used with "kty" Value(s): * + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + + * Parameter Name: "auth_kid" + + * Parameter Description: A key identifier (kid) for the asymmetric + key as defined in { Section 5.1.4 of RFC9180 } + + * Parameter Information Class: Public + + * Used with "kty" Value(s): * + + * Change Controller: IETF + + * Specification Document(s): RFCXXXX + +8. References + +8.1. Normative References + + [JOSE-IANA] + IANA, "JSON Web Signature and Encryption Algorithms", + n.d., . + + [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate + Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, + DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, + . + + [RFC7516] Jones, M. and J. Hildebrand, "JSON Web Encryption (JWE)", + RFC 7516, DOI 10.17487/RFC7516, May 2015, + . + + [RFC7517] Jones, M., "JSON Web Key (JWK)", RFC 7517, + DOI 10.17487/RFC7517, May 2015, + . + + [RFC7518] Jones, M., "JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)", RFC 7518, + DOI 10.17487/RFC7518, May 2015, + . + + [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC + 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, + May 2017, . + + [RFC8725] Sheffer, Y., Hardt, D., and M. Jones, "JSON Web Token Best + Current Practices", BCP 225, RFC 8725, + DOI 10.17487/RFC8725, February 2020, + . + + [RFC9180] Barnes, R., Bhargavan, K., Lipp, B., and C. Wood, "Hybrid + Public Key Encryption", RFC 9180, DOI 10.17487/RFC9180, + February 2022, . + +8.2. Informative References + + [HPKE-IANA] + IANA, "Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) IANA Registry", + October 2023, + . + + [I-D.draft-ietf-lamps-cms-cek-hkdf-sha256] + Housley, R., "Encryption Key Derivation in the + Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) using HKDF with SHA- + 256", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lamps- + cms-cek-hkdf-sha256-01, 18 March 2024, + . + + [I-D.ietf-cose-hpke] + Tschofenig, H., Steele, O., Daisuke, A., and L. Lundblade, + "Use of Hybrid Public-Key Encryption (HPKE) with CBOR + Object Signing and Encryption (COSE)", Work in Progress, + Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-cose-hpke-07, 22 October 2023, + . + + [RFC8937] Cremers, C., Garratt, L., Smyshlyaev, S., Sullivan, N., + and C. Wood, "Randomness Improvements for Security + Protocols", RFC 8937, DOI 10.17487/RFC8937, October 2020, + . + +Acknowledgments + + This specification leverages text from [I-D.ietf-cose-hpke]. We + would like to thank Matt Chanda, Ilari Liusvaara, Aaron Parecki and + Filip Skokan for their feedback. + +Document History + + -01 + + * Remove HPKE Mode from named algorithms + + * Fix AEAD named algorithms + + -00 + + * Created initial working group version from draft-rha-jose-hpke- + encrypt-07 + +Authors' Addresses + + Tirumaleswar Reddy + Nokia + Bangalore + Karnataka + India + Email: kondtir@gmail.com + + + Hannes Tschofenig + Austria + Email: hannes.tschofenig@gmx.net + + + Aritra Banerjee + Nokia + Munich + Germany + Email: aritra.banerjee@nokia.com + + + Orie Steele + Transmute + United States + Email: orie@transmute.industries + + + Michael B. Jones + Self-Issued Consulting + United States + Email: michael_b_jones@hotmail.com + URI: https://self-issued.info/ diff --git a/pre-ietf-120-cutoff/index.html b/pre-ietf-120-cutoff/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13565ea --- /dev/null +++ b/pre-ietf-120-cutoff/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ + + + + OR13/draft-ietf-jose-hpke-encrypt pre-ietf-120-cutoff preview + + + + +

Editor's drafts for pre-ietf-120-cutoff branch of OR13/draft-ietf-jose-hpke-encrypt

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Use of HPKE in JOSEplain textsame as main
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