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Google Cloud Platform demo

Demo using Google Cloud Storage to host a static site! :octocat:

Presented at Greer Programmers Group at Aug 10, 2020 in conjunction with these slides.


For more, see the Hosting a static website tutorial.


  1. Sign up for Google Cloud Platform if you haven't already.
  2. Install the gcloud CLI. This should also install gsutil.

Setup steps

Log into the CLI and create a new project, linking it to your billing account:

  • gcloud auth login and select the Google account you linked to GCP.
  • gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID to create a new project with a given PROJECT_ID
  • gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
  • gcloud beta billing accounts list to find your billing account ID
  • gcloud beta billing projects link PROJECT_ID --billing-account BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID

Create an app-specific, rights-restricted service account:

  • gcloud iam service-accounts create SA_NAME
  • gcloud iam service-accounts list to retrieve the email of the service account just created.
  • gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account=SA_EMAIL to create a JSON keyfile you can authenticate with in the next step.
  • gcloud auth activate-service-account SA_EMAIL --key-file=key.json to act as the service account in the following CLI commands.
  • gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:SA_EMAIL --role=roles/storage.admin to add a role to the service account and add it to the project
  • gsutil mb -b on gs://BUCKET_NAME to create a new GCS bucket with BUCKET_NAME


Automatic deploys using GitHub Actions (optional)

  • cat key.json | base64 and set it as a GCP_SA_KEY secret.
  • Set PROJECT_ID to a secret called GCP_PROJECT_ID.
  • Upon every push to index.html on the main branch, the upload.yml GitHub Actions workflow will upload index.html to gs://BUCKET_NAME.