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Introducing try..except* syntax


  • We use the ExceptionGroup name, even though there are other alternatives, e.g. AggregateException and MultiError. Naming of the "exception group" object is out of scope of this proposal.

  • We use the term "naked" exception for regular Python exceptions not wrapped in an ExceptionGroup. E.g. a regular ValueError propagating through the stack is "naked".

  • ExceptionGroup is an iterable object. E.g. list(ExceptionGroup(ValueError('a'), TypeError('b'))) is equal to [ValueError('a'), TypeError('b')]

  • ExceptionGroup is not an indexable object; essentially it's similar to Python set. The motivation for this is that exceptions can occur in random order, and letting users write group[0] to access the "first" error is error prone. Although the actual implementation of ExceptionGroup will likely use an ordered list of errors to preserve the actual occurrence order for rendering.

  • ExceptionGroup is a subclass of BaseException, is assignable to Exception.__context__, and can be directly handled with try: ... except ExceptionGroup: ....

  • The behavior of the regular try..except statement will not be modified.


We're proposing to introduce a new variant of the try..except syntax to simplify working with exception groups:

except *SpamError:
except *BazError as e:
except *(BarError, FooError) as e:

The new syntax can be viewed as a variant of the tuple unpacking syntax. The * symbol indicates that zero or more exceptions can be "caught" and processed by one except * clause.



The except *SpamError block will be run if the try code raised an ExceptionGroup with one or more instances of SpamError. It would also be triggered if a naked instance of SpamError was raised.

The except *BazError as e block would aggregate all instances of BazError into a list, wrap that list into an ExceptionGroup instance, and assign the resultant object to e. The type of e would be ExceptionGroup[BazError]. If there was just one naked instance of BazError, it would be wrapped into an ExceptionGroup and assigned to e.

The except *(BarError, FooError) as e would aggregate all instances of BarError or FooError into a list and assign that wrapped list to e. The type of e would be ExceptionGroup[Union[BarError, FooError]].

Even though every except* clause can be executed only once, any number of them can be run during handling of an ExceptionGroup. E.g. in the above example, both except *SpamError: and except *(BarError, FooError) as e: could get executed during handling of one ExceptionGroup object, or all of the except* clauses, or just one of them. However, each exception in the exception group is only handled by one except* clause -- the first one that matches its type.

It is not allowed to use both regular except blocks and the new except* clauses in the same try block. E.g. the following example would raise a SyntaxErorr:

except ValueError:
except *CancelledError:

Exceptions are matched using a subclass check. For example:

except *OSerror as errors:
  for e in errors:

could output:


Unmatched Exceptions


  raise ExceptionGroup(
    ValueError('a'), TypeError('b'), TypeError('c'), KeyError('e')
except *ValueError as e:
  print(f'got some ValueErrors: {e}')
except *TypeError as e:
  print(f'got some TypeErrors: {e}')

The above code would print:

got some ValueErrors: ExceptionGroup(ValueError('a'))
got some TypeErrors: ExceptionGroup(TypeError('b'), TypeError('c'))

and then terminate with an unhandled ExceptionGroup:


Basically, before interpreting except * clauses, the interpreter will have an "incoming" ExceptionGroup object with a list of exceptions in it to handle, and then:

  • A new empty "result" ExceptionGroup would be created by the interpreter.

  • Every except * clause, run from top to bottom, can match a subset of the exceptions out of the group forming a "working set" of errors for the current clause. If the except block raises an exception, that exception is added to the "result" ExceptionGroup (with its "working set" of errors linked to that exception via the __context__ attribute.)

  • After there are no more except* clauses to evaluate, there are the following possibilities:

    • Both "incoming" and "result" ExceptionGroups are empty. This means that all exceptions were processed and silenced.

    • Both "incoming" and "result" ExceptionGroups are not empty. This means that not all of the exceptions were matched, and some were matched but either triggered new errors, or were re-raised. The interpreter would merge both groups into one group and raise it.

    • The "incoming" ExceptionGroup is non-empty: not all exceptions were processed. The interpreter would raise the "incoming" group.

    • The "result" ExceptionGroup is non-empty: all exceptions were processed, but some were re-raised or caused new errors. The interpreter would raise the "result" group.

The order of except* clauses is significant just like with the regular try..except, e.g.:

  raise BlockingIOError
except *OSError as e:
  # Would catch the error
except *BlockingIOError:
  # Would never run

# would print:
#   ExceptionGroup(BlockingIOError())

Raising ExceptionGroups manually

Exception groups can be raised manually:

except *OSerror as errors:
  new_errors = []
  for e in errors:
    if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
  raise ExceptionGroup(*new_errors)

The above code ignores all EPIPE OS errors, while letting all other exceptions propagate.

Raising an ExceptionGroup introduces nesting:

  raise ExceptionGroup(ValueError('a'), TypeError('b'))
except *ValueError:
  raise ExceptionGroup(KeyError('x'), KeyError('y'))

# would result in:
#   ExceptionGroup(
#     ExceptionGroup(
#       KeyError('x'),
#       KeyError('y'),
#     ),
#     TypeError('b'),
#   )

Although a regular raise Exception would not wrap Exception in a group:

  raise ExceptionGroup(ValueError('a'), TypeError('b'))
except *ValueError:
  raise KeyError('x')

# would result in:
#   ExceptionGroup(
#     KeyError('x'),
#     TypeError('b')
#   )

Exception Chaining

If an error occurs during processing a set of exceptions in a except * block, all matched errors would be put in a new ExceptionGroup which would be referenced from the just occurred exception via its __context__ attribute:

  raise ExceptionGroup(ValueError('a'), ValueError('b'), TypeError('z'))
except *ValueError:
  1 / 0

# would result in:
#   ExceptionGroup(
#     TypeError('z'),
#     ZeroDivisionError()
#   )
# where the `ZeroDivisionError()` instance would have
# its __context__ attribute set to
#   ExceptionGroup(
#     ValueError('a'),
#     ValueError('b')
#   )

It's also possible to explicitly chain exceptions:

  raise ExceptionGroup(ValueError('a'), ValueError('b'), TypeError('z'))
except *ValueError as errors:
  raise RuntimeError('unexpected values') from errors

# would result in:
#   ExceptionGroup(
#     TypeError('z'),
#     RuntimeError('unexpected values')
#   )
# where the `RuntimeError()` instance would have
# its __cause__ attribute set to
#   ExceptionGroup(
#     ValueError('a'),
#     ValueError('b')
#   )

Recursive Matching

The matching of except * clauses against an ExceptionGroup is performed recursively. E.g.:

  raise ExceptionGroup(
except *TypeError as e:
  print(f'got some TypeErrors: {list(e)}')
except *Exception:

# would print:
#  got some TypeErrors: [TypeError('b'), TypeError('c')]

Iteration over an ExceptionGroup that has nested ExceptionGroup objects in it effectively flattens the entire tree. E.g.


# would output:
#   [ValueError('a'), TypeError('b'), TypeError('c'), KeyError('d')]

Re-raising ExceptionGroups

It is important to point out that the ExceptionGroup bound to e is an ephemeral object. Raising it via raise or raise e will not cause changes to the overall shape of the ExceptionGroup. Any modifications to it will likely get lost:

  raise ExceptionGroup(
except *TypeError as e: = 'bar'
  # ^----------- `e` is an ephemeral object that might get
  #              destroyed after the `except*` clause.

If the user wants to "flatten" the tree, they can explicitly create a new ExceptionGroup and raise it:

  raise ExceptionGroup(
except *TypeError as e:
  raise ExceptionGroup(*e)

# would terminate with:
#  ExceptionGroup(
#    ValueError('a'),
#    ExceptionGroup(
#      TypeError('b'),
#      TypeError('c'),
#    ),
#    ExceptionGroup(
#      KeyError('d')
#    )
#  )

With the regular exceptions, there's a subtle difference between bare raise and a more specific raise e:

def foo():                           | def foo():
  try:                               | try:
    1 / 0                            |   1 / 0
  except ZeroDivisionError as e:     | except ZeroDivisionError:
    raise e                          |   raise
foo()                                | foo()
Traceback (most recent call last):   | Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/guido/", line 7   |   File "/Users/guido/", line 7
    foo()                            |     foo()
  File "/Users/guido/", line 5   |   File "/Users/guido/", line 3
    raise e                          |     1/0
  File "/Users/guido/", line 3   | ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
    1/0                              |
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero  |

This difference is preserved with exception groups:

  • The raise form re-raises all exceptions from the group without recording the current frame in their tracebacks.

  • The raise e form re-raises all exceptions from the group with tracebacks updated to point out to the current frame, effectively resulting in user seeing the raise e line in their tracebacks.

That said, both forms would not affect the overall shape of the exception group:

  raise ExceptionGroup(
except *TypeError as e:
  raise  # or "raise e"

# would both terminate with:
#  ExceptionGroup(
#    ValueError('a'),
#    TypeError('b'),
#    ExceptionGroup(
#      TypeError('c'),
#      KeyError('d')
#    )
#  )

"continue", "break", and "return" in "except*"

continue, break, and return are disallowed in except* clauses, causing a SyntaxError.

Consider if they were allowed:

def foo():
    raise ExceptionGroup(A(), B())
  except *A:
    return 1
  except *B:
    return 2


In the above example the user could guess that most likely the program would print "1". But if instead of a simple raise ExceptionGroup(A(), B()) there's scheduling of a few concurrent tasks the answer is no longer obvious.

Ultimately though, due to the fact that a try..except* block allows multiple except* clauses to run while handling one ExceptionGroup with multiple different exceptions in it, allowing one innocent break, continue, or return in one except* to effectively silence the entire group of errors is error prone.

We can consider allowing some of them in future versions of Python.

The Traceback of an Exception Group

For regular exceptions, the traceback represents a simple path of frames, from the frame in which the exception was raised to the frame in which it was was caught or, if it hasn't been caught yet, the frame that the program's execution is currently in. The list is constructed by the interpreter which, appends any frame it exits to the traceback of the 'current exception' if one exists (the exception returned by sys.exc_info()). To support efficient appends, the links in a traceback's list of frames are from the oldest to the newest frame. Appending a new frame is then simply a matter of inserting a new head to the linked list referenced from the exception's __traceback__ field. Crucially, the traceback's frame list is immutable in the sense that frames only need to be added at the head, and never need to be removed.

We will not need to make any changes to this data structure. The __traceback__ field of the ExceptionGroup object represents that path that the exceptions travelled through together after being joined into the ExceptionGroup, and the same field on each of the nested exceptions represents that path through which each exception arrived to the frame of the merge.

What we do need to change is any code that interprets and displays tracebacks, because it will now need to continue into tracebacks of nested exceptions once the traceback of an ExceptionGroup has been processed.

Design Considerations

Why try..except* syntax

Fundamentally there are two kinds of exceptions: control flow exceptions (e.g. KeyboardInterrupt or asyncio.CancelledError) and operation exceptions (e.g. TypeError or KeyError).

When writing async/await code that uses a concept of TaskGroups (or Trio's nurseries) to schedule different code concurrently, the users should approach these two kinds in a fundamentally different way.

Operation exceptions such as KeyError should be handled within the async Task that runs the code. E.g. this is what users should do:

except KeyError:
  # handle the exception

and this is what they shouldn't do:

  async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as g:
    g.create_task(task1); g.create_task(task2)
except *KeyError:
  # handling KeyError here is meaningless, there's
  # no context to do anything with it but to log it.

Control flow exceptions are different. If, for example, we want to cancel an asyncio Task that spawned other multiple concurrent Tasks in it with a an asyncio.TaskGroup, the following will happen:

  • CancelledErrors will be propagated to all still running tasks within the group;

  • CancelledErrors will be propagated to the Task that scheduled the group and bubble up from async with TaskGroup();

  • CancelledErrors will be propagated to the outer Task until either the entire program shuts down with a CancelledError, or the cancellation is handled and silenced (e.g. by asyncio.wait_for()).

Control flow exceptions alter the execution flow of a program. Therefore it is sometimes desirable for the user to react to them and run code, for example, to free resources.

Suppose we have the except *ExceptionType syntax that only matches ExceptionGroup[ExceptionType] exceptions (a naked ExceptionType wouldn't be matched). This means that we'd see a lot of code duplication:

  async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as g:
    g.create_task(task1); g.create_task(task2)
except *CancelledError:
  log('cancelling server bootstrap')
  await server.stop()
except CancelledError:
  # Same code, really.
  log('cancelling server bootstrap')
  await server.stop()

Which leads to the conclusion that except *CancelledError as e should both:

  • catch a naked CancelledError, wrap it in an ExceptionGroup and bind it to e. The type of e would always be ExceptionGroup[CancelledError].

  • if an exception group is propagating through the try, except *CancelledError should split the group and handle all exceptions at once with one run of the code in except *CancelledError (and not run the code for every matched individual exception.)

Why "handle all exceptions at once"? Why not run the code in the except clause for every matched exception that we have in the group? Basically because there's no need to. As we mentioned above, catching operation exceptions should be done with the regular except KeyError within the Task boundary, where there's context to handle a KeyError. Catching control flow exceptions is needed to react to a global signal, do cleanup or logging, but ultimately to either stop the signal or propagate it up the caller chain.

Separating exception kinds to two distinct groups (operation & control flow) leads to another conclusion: an individual try..except block usually handles either the former or the latter, but not a mix of both. Which leads to the conclusion that except *CancelledError should switch the behavior of the entire try block to make it run several of its except * clauses if necessary. Therefore:

  # code
except KeyError:
  # handle
except ValueError:
  # handle

is a regular try..except block to be used for reacting to operation exceptions. And:

  # code
except *TimeoutError:
  # handle
except *CancelledError:
  # handle

is an entirely different construct meant to make it easier to react to control flow signals. When specified that way, it is expected from the user standpoint that both except clauses can be potentially run.

Lastly, code that combines handling of both operation and control flow exceptions is unrealistic and impractical, e.g.:

  async with TaskGroup() as g:
except ValueError:
  # handle ValueError
except *CancelledError:
  # handle cancellation

In the above snippet it is impossible to attribute which task raised a ValueError -- task1 or task2. So it really should be handled directly in those tasks. Whereas handling *CancelledError makes sense -- it means that the current task is being canceled and this might be a good opportunity to do a cleanup.

Adoption of try..except* syntax

Application code typically can dictate what version of Python it requires. Which makes introducing TaskGroups and the new except * clause somewhat straightforward. Upon switching to Python 3.10, the application developer can grep their application code for every control flow exception they handle (search for except CancelledError) and mechanically change it to except *CancelledError.

Library developers, on the other hand, will need to maintain backwards compatibility with older Python versions, and therefore they wouldn't be able to start using the new except * syntax right away. They will have to use the new ExceptionGroup low-level APIs along with try..except ExceptionGroup to support running user code that can raise exception groups.

Traceback Representation

We considered options for adapting the traceback data structure to represent trees, but it became apparent that a traceback tree is not meaningful once separated from the exceptions it refers to. While a simple-path traceback can be attached to any exception by a with_traceback() call, it is hard to imagine a case where it makes sense to assign a traceback tree to an exception group. Furthermore, a useful display of the traceback includes information about the nested exceptions. For this reason we decided it is best to leave the traceback mechanism as it is and modify the traceback display code.

See Also

  • An analysis of how exception groups will likely be used in asyncio programs: python#3 (comment)

  • A WIP implementation of the ExceptionGroup type by @iritkatriel tracked here.

  • The issue where this concept was first formalized: python#4