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Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts

Summary: The artifacts and dependencies needed to build and deploy applications to Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 are hosted in public repositories. You must configure Maven to use these repositories before you build and deploy the quickstarts. How you do this depends on whether you plan to use JBoss Developer Studio or Maven command line to build and deploy your applications. Both methods are described below.

Some common profiles are defined and may be used in some quickstart POM files. These profiles are described here: Use of Maven Profiles in POM Files

For more information about Maven, see the Maven Guide chapter in the Development Guide for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

For more information about how to configure Maven for use with the quickstarts, see Configure Maven in the Getting Started Guide for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

Configure Maven - For Use With Command Line

Download and Install Maven

If you have not yet done so, you must download and install Maven.

  1. Go to Apache Maven Project - Download Maven and download the latest distribution for your operating system.
  2. See the Maven documentation for information on how to download and install Apache Maven for your operating system.

Note: Maven 3.2.2 introduced a bug that breaks resolution of the JBoss EAP BOM dependencies because it ignores additional repositories during artifact resolution. For more information about this bug, see Make sure to use Maven 3.2.3 or later.

Configure Maven to Use the JBoss EAP Repositories

The quickstarts use artifacts located in the JBoss GA and Early Access repositories. You must configure Maven to use these repositories before you build and deploy the quickstarts.

Note: These instructions assume you are working with a released version of the quickstarts. If you are working with the quickstarts located in the GitHub master branch, follow the instructions located in the Contributing Guide.

  1. Locate the Maven install directory for your operating system. It is usually installed in ${user.home}/.m2/.

         For Linux or Mac:   ~/.m2/
         For Windows: "\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\.m2\"  -or-  "\Users\USER_NAME\.m2\"
  2. Copy the settings.xml file from the root of the quickstarts directory to your Maven install directory.

         For Linux or Mac:  cp QUICKSTART_HOME/settings.xml  ~/.m2/settings.xml
         For Windows: copy QUICKSTART_HOME/settings.xml "\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\.m2\settings.xml"
                 -or- copy QUICKSTART_HOME/settings.xml "\Users\USER_NAME\.m2\settings.xml"

Note: If you do not wish to configure the Maven settings, you must pass the configuration setting on every Maven command as follows: -s QUICKSTART_HOME/settings.xml

Configure Maven - For Use with JBoss Developer Studio

Maven is distributed with JBoss Developer Studio, so it is not necessary to install it separately. However, you must configure Maven for use by the Java EE Web Project wizard for deployments to JBoss Enterprise Application Server 6.x.

  1. Start JBoss Developer Studio.

  2. Choose menu option Window --> Preferences.

  3. Expand JBoss Tools and select JBoss Maven Integration.

  4. Keep the default selections and click the Configure Maven Repositories... button.

  5. Click Add Repository to configure the JBoss GA Tech Preview Maven repository and complete the form as follows:

       Profile ID: jboss-ga-repository
       ID:     jboss-ga-repository
       Name:   jboss-ga-repository

    Also check the Active by default checkbox to enable the Maven repository. Then click OK.

  6. Click Add Repository to configure the JBoss Early Access Maven repository and complete the form as follows:

       Profile ID: jboss-earlyaccess-repository
       ID:     jboss-earlyaccess-repository
       Name:   jboss-earlyaccess-repository

    Also check the Active by default checkbox to enable the Maven repository. Then click OK.

  7. Review the newly added repositories and click Finish. You are prompted with the message "Are you sure you want to update the file 'MAVEN_HOME/settings.xml'?". Click Yes to update the settings. Click OK to close the dialog.

The JBoss EAP Maven repository is now configured for use with JBoss Developer Studio.JBoss Developer Studio configures the MAVEN_HOME/settings.xml file for you.

Use of Maven Profiles in POM Files

Profiles are used by Maven to customize the build environment. The pom.xml in the root of some quickstart directories may define some of the following profiles.

NOTE: Some profiles in this list may not be used by some product quickstart projects.

  • The default profile defines the list of modules or quickstarts that require nothing but JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.
  • The requires-postgres profile lists the quickstarts that require PostgreSQL to be running when the quickstart is deployed.
  • The complex-dependency profile lists quickstarts that require manual configuration that can not be automated.
  • The requires-full profile lists quickstarts the require you start the JBoss EAP server using the full profile.
  • The requires-xts profile lists quickstarts the require you start the JBoss EAP server using the xts profile.
  • The non-maven profile lists quickstarts that do not require Maven, for example, quickstarts that depend on deployment of other quickstarts or those that use other Frameworks such as Forge.
  • The functional-tests profile lists quickstarts that provide functional tests.

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